
Reborn in merlin

jack_frost_9942 · TV
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17 Chs

new world

it landed on dragon ball z I smiled knowing I could grow exponentially here I then woke up in the forest feeling some watching me I knew it was kami so I started flying towards him until I reached the look out kami was staring at me tense I smiled saying hello kami of this planet I have come to make a deal that will benefit your planet he then said what deal I then said I would protect the planet three times for three favors from you kami hesitated for a bit but sensing my strength he agreed I then said for my first wish is to train me in martial arts the reason I picked this wish because I knew chakra is different from ki ki is more destructive while chakra is more versatile he agreed and I then activated the chakra seal so I could learn to use ki completely and so I trained under kami and popo in martial arts and ki mastering both to the shock of kami and popo I then asked kami to teach me magic he did by touching my head to transfer the information when he touched me I send a pulse through his body locking for god ki until I found it and took some I then thanked kami for the knowledge and left to find the dragon ball it didnt take long to get them I then summond shenon and stated my send me to namek