
Reborn in merlin

jack_frost_9942 · TV
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17 Chs

meeting nimue

after I became a full outsuski I wanted to learn magic and what other way then the strongest magic user i looked at my truth seeking orbs and commanded it to a staff and started sensing for nimue until I found her inside a cave looking at the water I then started reviling my presence she then shot up and shot a fire ball at me I simply waved my staff and it dispersed i them said i have come to make a trade human nimue then said do not call me human what ever you are what do you want I want to learn magic so I have come here to learn it will you teach me nimue she then said what will you offer in exchange I then started walking towards her until we were face to face one favor I then held out my hand for her to shake she took my hand and immediately froze I had a seal on my hand I then touched her for head using the yamanaka clan justu but more powerful I then proceeded to skim through all of it storing it in my mindscape then time froze and I was back in front of morgan Freeman who was smiling he then said on to your next world