
Chapter 20: Meeting Tony for A Duel of Ai’s 1

Chapter 19: Meeting Tony for A Duel of Ai's 1

All in all, it was a glaring defeat for me and I am injured enough to lie on the bed for a month.


Another month passed and now I am fully healed and I was also able to complete the Ai's introduction to the internet now I have made it as an Ai for face book where it will provide assistance for any problem that you put forward as long as it can process the question properly it surely can answer the questions asked as long as the corresponding knowledge is in its knowledge library and if it can't understand it will mail the question to me and will only answer the sender after I upload the relevant knowledge or write the answer itself.

And it is the second day that it has been uploaded in face book but no one added it as a friend then I forgot not many people know about Ai and stuff and many people don't know about its usefulness then after thinking about it I created a new face book Page then instructed the Ai to handle it.

The name of the page is I.N.Q.U.I.R.E and the slogan below the page is "Inquisitive Notions Questions Understandings Inquires Requests and Exchanges.

You Can Ask Anything You Want as Long as It Is Possible You Will Get an Answer and As Long as It Is Not Illegal.

And we do exchanges in knowledge only." With that I left the Ai to its own work but not before uploading a whole set of law related books to its knowledge library and also made sure to add a set of privacy related programs and age restriction over certain contents and to get access to those contents you have to be over twenty and also have to pay a certain amount of money to access them. And overall, you can ask it anything to it as long as it is capable you will immediately get an answer.

Then I went a step further and added the page to the front of face book means once you login you will see the page there and then I left to do other things. I also have to start the training again I had to rest for a month to fully recover and now that I am all well and fit, I can start the training again but this time even more intensive.

Now months went by and I still cant fight against Matt though I can now easily avoid many of his attacks I also again started patrolling with Matt but I mostly stay away from bug name criminals that day when I was injured I found out that none of those that died were kingpins men well not most of them weren't at least but they were members of the various other gangs that attended that meeting with him and he was angry that time because those of his people who died actually hold significant positions under him.

I was scared after hearing that as shots from a submachine gun did nothing to him and shots from the desert eagle only made him bleed a little though they were not armor penetrating bullets they would still blow up a normal man's head or any other body part if hit but it only made him bleed a little and even after getting sot with that he can still fight with the same ferocity if not more honestly I was scared not mention madam Gao she just caught a bullet from the desert eagle with her bare hands that is why I leave immediately if I see them anywhere near by when I am fighting with enemies.

But now a days most of my escapades are successful most because I leave those that have any notable character present in the particular place, I met bullseye again in one such case as I was following a lead it led me to find a chemical factory where they were dealing in weapons and I can clearly see agent Sitwell and some other hydra members selling the weapons to kingpin's men as I was looking around I suddenly noticed bullseye hiding at a distance, and again following his site I found an archer very similar to Hawkeye but not quite right.

 I can see he is new but well trained from his posture and I can feel he is copying Hawkeye then it struck me, he might be jagged bow personally trained by Taskmaster to be like Hawkeye and I can already see the resemblance in the way he is vigilant and ready to shoot those weird looking arrows and if I know anything about Hawkeye he carries a variety of arrows that can do a whole lot of things so I am sure that those arrows are either explosive arrows Or it might be something else.

But for hydra to hire him means they are in contact with Taskmaster and this deal might be significant for hydra but what is it that they are exchanging so many weapons for and then I found my answer as bullseye suddenly moved and came near Sitwell to which the archer above suddenly drew his bow and at Sitwell's signal, he put it down.

As bullseye came close, he took out a wooden box and opened it in it lied a piece of a metallic ingot if I am not wrong what is in front of me is either Vibranium or iridium and I am sure Kingpin will not waste Vibranium if he wants these weapons but if it is iridium I believe there is more of it somewhere else because such a small piece of iridium is not worth a full crate of weapons and to be personally delivered by Sitwell.

As I was looking at the exchange I found that it is not even iridium but rather Adamantium and such a pure piece of Adamantium I believe is absolutely not worth the price hydra is paying but if I were in the shoes of kingpin I would also do the same as gaining something while loosing something useless but expensive is a worthwhile trade in my eyes as I was thinking this bullseye suddenly closed the wooden box and went back and said "you need to pay more for this piece you and I both know the real value of this piece of metal but I wont ask much just double what you have given us."

Sitwell smilingly said "we don't even have to take it from you we can just have the government do this job for us so I will just give one more crate for this take it or leave it we can get the metal anyways."

To which bullseye agreed and seeing him agree Sitwell's smile got brighter and he waved his hands and another bunch of agents brought a crate over and now I am wondering how on earth did Kingpin get his hands on adamantium almost all of it is in the hands of military no wonder hydra is interested in the metal after that I took out my phone dialed Matts number and told him my location in a hushed voice and told him to come quick otherwise the deal will already be over before he arrives to which he replied he will arrive pretty soon but how soon it is to be seen.

It is a pity that I only brought one fear gas grenade, just as the deal between the two was about to be completed I threw the gas grenade between them I can already see the ghastly look of bullseye as he retreated and just as he was a meter away from the grenade it exploded spreading fear gas among them then I quickly equipped a mask them entered in between the two and I started hunting the members of hydra first they have been a pain in the butt since I was a child and I can get revenge on these low level soldiers at best.

As I was in a killing spree, I felt danger and looking up an arrow was flying towards me and I hurriedly moved away as I know for a fact that it is lethal to stay in its range.

After evading the attack, I took aim and fired the desert at the archer but to find the place where the arrow came from empty, I have to say though not as efficient as Hawkeye he is way better than these trash special agents, they are just a waste of countries resources but they can't be blamed for that they have been induced with fear gas after all and even with hydra's brainwashing they can't completely counteract the strong effect of the gas.

And as I was fighting the archer many darts came to me which I also evaded then fired at bullseye one of the shots hit him in the shoulder and he took two steps back and as I was fighting bullseye, I saw an arrow flew past me I didn't feel any danger I can see it is a normal arrow with a spiral tip if it had hit me, it surely would have caused a lot of bleeding.

As I was fighting Matt came and he stared fighting bullseye then I followed behind the archer we had an intense fight it was like a game of cat and mouse.

After fighting for an hour or so the archer suddenly fired two arrows one towards Sitwell and other towards me, I dodged it but it was a smokescreen and as it faded both bullseye and the archer are gone as I looked at the place where Sitwell was hiding, I found it was also empty.

Apparently, he saved both bullseye as well as Sitwell now looking dejected, I went home and started treating my injuries as I was treating my injuries, I received a call from tony apparently, he has added a dark humor pack to Jarvis and now Jarvis can crack jokes. And then I suddenly remembered our bet a year or so back where tony confidently said no one can rival his Ai any time soon and I would very much like to give him a tight slap for that and now even I have a perfect Ai though still on the testing phase.

And so as soon as I reached Tony's place I was escorted by Jarvis to the basement where tony was fiddling with his computers I was envious of him he has an impressive collection of cars but they are just sitting by he doesn't even look at them properly and so I said hello to him and asked if he still remembered the bet between us. To which he asked "was there ever such a thing why don't I remember so what was the bet about anyways?"

I replied "it was a bet to see whose Ai is better so let us see if your Ai is as capable as you claim it to be "

"So how to you want to compete with me." Asked Stark

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