
Chapter 19: Time Skip Again and Joining Matt in His Crusade Against Hand

Chapter 19: Time Skip Again and Joining Matt in His Crusade Against Hand

As the days went by, I am and I can feel I am not improving in the practice of my martial arts and the days matt could stay in my home is coming to an end and he is nearly ready to go back to his nightly duties as matt has decided to stay for the month he was supposed to rest in my house.

Most of the time he was just laying on the bed probably sleeping and I also leave him at home considering him as an added security to the various stuff I have at home when I am at work at stark industries and I don't really want to know what he is doing in my house all alone as I had offered him to stay at my house and he took me up on that.

Matt and I can be considered friends and we share some of our past events like how I was nearly killed when I was ten or how I killed a bunch of people who came to hunt me and matt also discussed many of his life's events like the incident that made him blind or how he got training from Stick how he met Elektra and how they fell in love etc.

And finally, the day matt would leave came though I can feel he has healed a lot earlier he just stayed to fulfil my request for him to stay at home for at least a month before he leaves to do his usual actions and now, he is fully ready and prepared.

I also did some improvements to his suit it is now like the one that he is mostly popular with and I also added a little something to his batons that he uses as I added a bit of a special mix of chemicals that will help him if he is in a pinch I added a little compartment to his batons that contain a special mix of hallucinatory pigments that most people know was used by a very special character in the neighboring multiverse known as the scarecrow though it is a very little amount it is still useful in many fatal situations considering if ever Matt is surrounded by enemies he can use it and escape.

As he was about to leave, I thought if Matt is going to fight crime why don't I do the same I can also get some more experience in the martial arts as it is commonly known that martial arts also needs real life combat experience and now, I thought of a way to get what I need without even people knowing what I look like and that is be a masked vigilante.

And thus, I painted my face with some non-toxic paint that is supposed to stay till 42 hours and it will become transparent once sunlight hits it, but the goons don't need to know that as well as those that are around me but all is well and I also put on a mask as well then, we moved out and went on different ways to patrol the city with a fixed point to meet at different intervals and so we went on.

As I was patrolling, I saw some black cloaked men sneaking into a certain house and they are obviously not good guys from the way they are behaving I am certain they are not going there for your regular job and I am sure it is something that is related to the various gangs that emerged their heads again after Matt went offline for a month, and lo and behold they are not just some gang members they are the various heads of some gangs but the most eye catching are the one sitting in the forefront.

 An old woman a very fat looking man and behind them stood some men in black ninja clothing as well as a man with a bullseye mark on his head.

In front of them are various other bosses that sat and as I was looking at the people in the room the old woman suddenly turned towards me and then she vanished and I can feel danger in front of me so I put my hands in front of me in an x formation and moved back at the same time what I was astonished about is that I didn't even clearly see her make a move and she has already hit me and I was flown back for a few meters or so after stabilizing myself.

I had a serious look as I recognized the old Lady as the madam Gao of the hand and I was even serious and I can feel my hand was slightly injured and I can feel if I hadn't retreated the injury would have been a lot worse and from what I can feel I am no match for the old Lady.

Though I feel shameful that a supposed future hero is getting beaten by an old lady in front of many people as I dozed the attacks thrown at me, I looked at where the kingpin was only to find that he is rushing towards me ready to fight and I don't believe I can take on both kingpin and madam Gao on my own so I rushed towards one of my meeting point with matt with Madam Gao and kingpin hot on my back.

I then shouted aren't you supposed to be an old lady why are you so fast. To which a fist hit my back and I flew to the store at the end of the road and crashed through the stores door and fell heavily on the floor I looked around and sweet it is an weapons shop and then I rushed around and found four desert eagles and put two in the back of my pant I also ensured that I picked up enough ammo to support me through some time.

Then I went out and looked around only to find the whole door of the store is surrounded by many goons of kingpin and there stood the old lady Gao with her back straight and then as I was looking at madam Gao, I feel a sudden danger in front of me and I just moved sideways I can feel a slight pain on my shoulder looking at it I saw a poker card stuck in my shoulder, I quickly went to a cover and found the assailant he was hiding a little far with a weapon looking like a kunai I was wondering if he had a kunai why did he used a poker card first is it to test my reflex so that he can accurately aim and that is exactly what he was thinking he took aim and threw the kunai which first struck on something and then it moved towards me to which I moved away as I moved away I suddenly saw another kunai moving to the exact spot I will be at in just a second at that instant I put force on my leg and suddenly changed direction then I took out the gun and short four shots each heading towards a certain goon with guns and they all fell.

Guess training with Deadpool taught me something good I went around another spot and hid behind a table then I jumped behind the counter and there found a shotgun and an automatic gun but there was no mag and the mag on the side was not filled at all but I candela with it I at least have a strong enough gun to fight the various goons standing outside with that I quickly found bullets for the submachine gun and then I popped the mag and then went out as I was out the various people outside started firing and I moved behind a boulder to save my ass as the sound of reloading came I stood up and started firing indiscreetly.

After the mag was empty, I found kingpin was just standing there with his shirt full of holes and a furious expression on his face as well as madam Gao who had a smirk on her face and she made her move first and punched me straight in the guts as I knelt down, I looked up at her then with a swift motion I took out the desert eagle and started firing at madam Gao who was close to me and I can see she is clearly injured and now she is furious she shouted "how dare a mortal like you dare injure me."

Then with a swift and fluid motion she came near me and punched me then put her hands towards me and I flew back towards her then she started pummeling me then kingpin also joined they took turns fighting and I can see the various movements where and how I can effectively use the martial arts the ancient one provided and I began fighting back though I can barely stand their joint attacks.

Then as I was fighting with them, I also suddenly took out another desert eagle and started firing at Madam Gao and I can get some breather then suddenly there was the familiar pull and I was forced towards an incoming fist of the old Lady then I flew back I can feel my cheek bones are broken then as madam Gao was about to punch me again a baton came and stopped her seeing that I was delighted as I am sure Matt is here and I looked at him and complained "you took your time didn't you now come here and fight this old Lady I can't stand fighting her."

Matt took his fight away from me and went on I can here he isn't faring any well than me then I heard kingpin say "why did you attack my place and who had ratted my schedule out to you?"

I then quipped "I was just wandering around when that old lady attacked me and then you guys started chasing me around shooting around like crazy" the conversation went on as we were engaged in fighting each other and I can say kingpin deserves his reputation of being on the same level or being above captain America as I can certainly feel the force behind each punch and I can also feel I am making great improvements in the martial arts moves I am making each move is getting more and more refined but I couldn't take the fight for any longer, then I took the fight towards matt and I shouted Daredevil use that thing and after shouting I prepared to run out of the range and just as matt changed the baton I made a run from it.

I know for a fact if I stay any longer, I might not get out of it anytime soon and I will become a liability towards Matt.

 After the gas was released both madam Gao and kingpin were affected and it gave us the chance to retreat.

After retreating we reached my house first as it was the closest though we made sure to hide our tracks properly and only after I reached home did I started feeling pain all over the body as I took of the shirt I found I was hit and along with the many kunai wounds though I don't see any fatal wound. Most of the wounds are not fatal though I might die of blood loss if not treated properly I looked at the various kunai wounds and frowned it looks like bullseye had hit me many times but none of them did any significant injuries I don't believe with bullseye's abilities he couldn't kill me in a single strike now that I look back at the fight I realized neither madam Gao nor kingpin not even bullseye attacked me with the intent to kill it was as though they were just playing around madam Gao didn't use chi except for bringing me closer to her fist and I believe as a chi user from the hand she is not worse than iron fist she might be better but she didn't use it on me well it is good considering I couldn't withstand her normal punches.

All in all, it was a glaring defeat for me and I am injured enough to lie on the bed for a month.

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