
Reborn In Marvel as Grant Ward

A boy Reborn in the Marvel world as Grant Ward after he cursed the guy for being stupid. How will he live the life different from the original Grant ward let's see. At first the power he gains isn't that good with regards to being in Marvel world but he will be gaining more power in the future so don't judge it based on that as my Grant Ward would become the strongest Human in the future.

shashank_bhatt · TV
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75 Chs

40. Words Of Creation

"What do you mean?" asked Hunter

"Exes sometimes have a way of coming back into your life even better than before. Maybe you should try it Hunter" Skye explained

"No, he has tried it and I have faced the consequences of it so don't try it not anymore," said Mack shaking his head.

"Yeah, exes are usually stones around your neck, they weigh you down" stated Hunter while taking a sip from his bottle of beer.

"That's what you think, I won't mind being weighed down by my exe," said Grant shrugging his shoulders making Skye smirk behind her glass.


While the Young Agents were having a heart to heart, in another place Raina books a flight to Florida, seeking the painting as well. She is caught by Daniel Whitehall, who says he wants the Obelisk returned to him in forty-eight hours, or he will torture her "cruelly and personally."

A few days later

At the wedding of a couple, the place is filled with their friends and colleagues from the Navy as a toast is given by the best man. The wait staff serves champagne and will not allow guests any other drink. After the toast, the guests who drank the champagne start reacting similarly to victims who have touched the obelisk. Some of the victims die, while others are hospitalized.

The wait staff was HYDRA agents working for Sunil Bakshi, attempting to replicate the effects of the Obelisk.

After the testing, Bakshi ordered Jemma and Kenneth Turgeon to attend a meeting Whitehall was having with his top scientists, including Dr. Lingenfelter. She explained that she had skin samples from a waitress who had been petrified, but she could not duplicate the powers completely. Whitehall asked for suggestions from Simmons, to Turgeon's jealousy.

After the meeting, Simmons then sent a message via Flex Screen to SHIELD.

Bobbi Morse, head of security, and Bakshi discover there is a mole in the facility. Morse interrogated Simmons as Turgeon is dragged off since a Flex Screen was found in his desk.

Meanwhile, as Coulson scribbled the Words of Creation into his desk, the field agents entered, wondering what to do about the wedding incident. When Skye saw the scribbling, she questioned Coulson's orders until he pressed her and she ran out.

As Skye was continuing her research on Words Of Creation, Hunter advised her to consult with Ward as he was there when John Garret started to carve these words.

Grant was in the kitchen stuffing himself with the food when Skye came to meet him.

"Skye! You don't look well is everything alright?" asked Grant

"No, it's not, I need answers to some questions Ward," Skye said

"Fire away then," Grant said

"What do you know about these words of creation?" Skye said as she showed them to Ward through her tablet.

"Nothing much just that Garret became mad and started carving them on anything he could after GH.325 was injected in him... Wait these are different from the ones Garret carved, Skye are you also" asked Grant acting scared and all.

"What? No, I haven't carved them, but did you say they were different from the ones Garret carved do you remember all that?" asked Skye in surprise

"Hell no, just the beginning as it was weird but nothing after that. Anyway if it's not you then it must be Coulson isn't it" asked Grant and from the expression, he sees on her face it looked like he hit the nail in the head.

"Since when" Grant asked

"Since the day he saw, Garrett's carvings" replied Skye

"Tch... that means the memory wiping didn't help much," said Grant

"What do you mean?" asked Skye

"Well, I have been and making some assumptions you see. After Fury brought Coulson back he removed all of his memories of it and not only that he also removed everything that he knew bout the project, I believe it was to save Coulson from going mad. The GH.325 may revive a person but it also makes them obsessed with these words of creation so much so that they can't stop carving it wherever they can to not forget it. Since it belongs to an Alien these words of creation most likely comes from him, before dying he must be obsessed with them, and even after his death, his obsession was passed onto the people who used his blood to survive. If you are trying to find the meaning behind those words while looking through everything earth has to offer then you won't get anywhere with it." Grant explained

"Then what can we do?" asked Skye

"Ask Coulson to find all the volunteers that participated in this project and see if they are still good" replied Grant

"Volunteers that participated in the project?" asked Skye

"Fury would have tested the Gh.325 before he decided to use it on Coulson and erase his memories. This method was likely what they used on the past volunteers if they let them live" Grant said

"What do you mean if they let them live? We are SHIELD, not Hydra" Skye said glaring at Grant.

"My mistake anyway if you really want to save Coulson then you need to find the meaning of those only then will the obsession that he has with them will dissolve," stated Grant

"Thanks, Grant I will tell Coulson about this information," Skye said as she started to walk out of the kitchen.

'I really can't tell you everything, Skye but this much should be enough for the time being' thought Grant as he once again started to swallow his food.

Raina begged Skye's father to let her borrow the Obelisk, but he refused. He told her to beg Whitehall for her life. Going to HYDRA Laboratories Raina saw Simmons and photographed her sending her message to SHIELD Raina then called Coulson for a meeting.

"Sir, are you really going to meet her," asked Tripp

"We need to know what she wants Tripp, and I will be taking May, Skye, and Ward with me. Since she stole the Obelisk we haven't been able to find her and now she wants to meet me means she need something from me" Coulson said as he followed by Melinda, Skye and Ward entered the Bus.

As they were on their way to meet Raina, Grant found Skye sitting alone in the lounge on the Bus going through the Words of Creation as if she was possessed or something.

"Skye, Is everything alright?"