
Chapter 6: I May Have Accidentally Started a World War III

While my father, Bryan, was too busy with work, I was accompanied by none other than my beautiful Emily. Since we were going on an outing, she wasn't wearing her maid dress, however, her sex appeal was higher than ever as I was finally able to see how she dresses outside of work.

Emily was rather young, being in her early twenties. In the maid dress, she always seemed a bit more mature, but that day, I saw the real her.

She was wearing a black tank top with a chocker around her neck to match. Her breasts were so distracting, practically spilling out from her top, I didn't even notice the cross necklace around her neck. Her legs were covered by fishnets, her thick thighs nearly spilling out of them as they pressed against her succulent, delicious thigh meat. Of course, above her thighs, she wore a black skirt, a very short one at that.

Honestly, the more time I spent with Emily, the more I found myself oddly falling in love with her. If I count my age before death, we were around the same age. Really, she was the only girl around my mental age I had the chance to interact with. It would only make sense that I'd start to develop feelings for her I guess.

'Man! I didn't know she was an alt-punk girl!' I thought as I looked her up and down, practically frothing from the mouth. "I love your outfit, Ms. Emily!" I told her with the innocent smile of a pure-of-heart four-year-old.

"You think? Thank you, Master Ky," she started to stroke my hair as she said this, smiling down at me sweetly as I pressed myself deeper into her cleavage pillow. If I had a tail during this exact moment, it would have been wagging like crazy. Hell, I wanted to start barking and panting.

"Ms. Emily is this how you dress every day?" I asked, leaning in even closer to feel her touch.

"Outside of working for your parents, yes. I'm thankful your parents allow me to dress normally on outings like this." I could tell by her expression that she truly did appreciate the fact that she had the chance to be herself finally.

"Does dressing this way make you happy, Ms. Emily?" I asked her. I knew the answer, but I wanted to seem as if I were an inquisitive child before making my move. 'This is literally just like Persona. Time to raise our social link!'

"Of course... it always has," she spoke with a sort of bittersweet tone. I guess because of her job, being a maid, and living inside our mansion, she didn't really get to truly express herself via fashion. Well, I was ready to change that. Honestly, now that I think about it, the whole uniform thing was pretty fucked up.

"Then... If you drop me off every day, then you can be happy, right?" I asked her, acting as if I was just now grasping the idea of happiness.

"Master Ky..." she smiled softly as she spoke my name, hugging me closer to her. 'Social Link level up!'

"Wouldn't you prefer if your parents took you to school?" she asked me.

"Nope." I shook my head. "I want you to drop me off so you can be happy Ms. Emily. I'll be happy too! I'll tell Mother and Father today."

"You're such a thoughtful young man, Master Ky," she told me, still hugging me against her.

"It's because you and my parents always taught me to always be nice." In saying this, I secured myself a sexy punk maid dropping me off at school for life. But also, it would allow me to spend more time with her.

Unfortunately, my time with her came to an end and I found myself inside my kindergarten classroom once more. However, oddly enough, there was a terrible racket inside the classroom. All of the boys were rowdy, staying as far away from the girls as possible, and not sitting in their assigned seats. 'The fuck going on in here?' I thought to myself as I walked over to my seat and sat next to Miles.

The teacher was still standing at the front of the class, trying to give instructions to everyone, telling them to sit in their assigned seats. It wasn't working very well.

"Hi, Miles. Why is everyone acting crazy?" I asked him.

Miles looked around before whispering to me, "I told everyone about the cooties." As soon as Miles said this to me, I only had one single thought.

'What have I done?'

Yeah, I guess I started a war. None of the boys wanted to be anywhere near the girls in fear that they were gonna catch the cooties or whatever. I just thought it was funny to mess with Miles, I didn't think I would start World War III.

"Fine! Sit wherever you want! As long as you guys stay seated so we can learn, I don't care anymore." My teacher told us, looking as hot as ever. Honestly, seeing her so stressed was kind of hot. I mean, she looked like she wanted to choke all of us boys to death, and I gotta say, I wouldn't be too opposed to it.

The class then resumed as normally as it could go, though the boys were restless the whole time. Of course, we had our snack and then we had our recess. However, recess was completely different.

The boys were all hiding in one corner while the girls were all looking at them as if they had completely lost their marbles. Apparently, the whole cooties thing transformed into something about a virus that spreads via touch. I gotta say, these kids are pretty smart for coming up with something like that, staying away from people who they thought had a virus...

The people of my old world could learn a thing or two about that.

I personally wasn't afraid of the cooties, obviously since they weren't real, so I was just shooting hoops as usual. However, as I was shooting a long one, Miles and a couple of other boys snatched me up from behind as if I were being kidnapped. "Get out of there soldier!" one of the boys, an Asian kid with glasses, said as they carried me to the corner with the other boys.

Once I was in the huddle, I stared at them all rather blankly. "Why did you do that?" I asked the Asian kid before he placed his hand on my shoulder and spoke to me in the most serious voice I've ever heard coming from a child. "The cooties are real, Ky. We have to defend ourselves from those she-devils."

"She-devils?" I said aloud, looking to Miles for answers.

"Matthew is absent. Yesterday, he was playing pretend with the girls! He died from the cooties!" a kid from the back confessed, which riled up the boys even more.

"He could just be sick," I told him. "Guys, I was joking. Cooties aren't real." I needed to end this here and now. Things were going a bit too far with rumors of a kid dying and all of that.

"Sick from the cooties! They are real!" another kid spoke up.

"Guys, I promise you-" Before I could even finish my sentence, almost all of the boys screamed and began running to the other side of the playground, wrapping around the jungle gym.

As I stood in place, they were all looking at me, pointing behind me and compelling me to turn around. In doing so, I saw there was a group of girls all standing looking at me with their arms crossed. "Why are they running away from us?" that same girl from the other day asked me.

"They all think you guys have cooties..." I told her plainly, holding my own forehead with my hand.

"Cooties?" another girl asked.

"Yeah, it's when if a girl touches a boy, the boy will die. It's not a real thing, but that's what they think." I hoped that explaining it to them in this way would kill it right there, but boy was I wrong.

"Ky, get out of there!"

"Run, Ky!"

"Get out of there, soldier!"

I could hear the boys behind me shouting at me. I turned my head to face them, shaking my head at them as if to tell them that I was fine. However, from afar, I could see their eyes widening.

I then turned back around to face the girls, only to find that the little girl from yesterday who wanted me to push her on the swings was going in for a hug. My body reacted on its own, reversing time a few seconds to buy myself enough time to dodge.

As I dodged, the entire playground went silent. "What're you doing!?" I asked her, standing in a defensive position a few feet from her. She and the girls then ran away and regrouped with the others, whispering to each other while looking back at us boys. The boy group ended up approaching me from behind, asking if I was okay or if I'd been touched by the girls.

Before I could catch my breath, however, I could hear the sounds of feet pittering and pattering from across the playground. To all of our dismay, the girls were all sprinting at us like zombies from The Last of Us.

"Run!" the boys all yelled, and as if my body acted on its own once again, I started to run away with them.

It was utter mayhem, a warzone I tell you.

The boys were faster than the girls, but there were about four or five more girls in the class, so they outnumbered us. One by one, the boys were being taken out, being hugged to death by all of the girls, and 'dying' on the ground. I guess they truly believed the cooties thing and decided to just die on the asphalt or grass.

The teacher didn't even intervene, she just smiled since she thought we were playing freeze tag or something.

The boys and girls spent almost the entirety of our recess at war, and I could tell by the clock outside that there were only a few minutes of recess left. I knew that once it was all over, I could explain to Ms. Martinez what was happening and all would be well. Until then, however, I needed to survive.

Miles, that other kid, and I worked together as a trio, running for our lives and using our speed, wardrobe, and strength to our advantage. Due to our speed advantage and the fact that the girls were wearing shoes that weren't meant for climbing, we used the jungle gym to our advantage.

Like free runners, three of us dodged and dove past the monkey bars, ladders, and slides. There were a few close calls, like the one time Miles was grabbed by the shirt by one of the girls. "NOOOOOO! KY!" Miles screamed out to me, grabbing my hand just before I was about to go down the slide. 'Damn it!' I thought to myself, taking this whole war oddly seriously. 'I won't let Miles die!'

And so, I reversed time a few seconds before grabbing Miles by the shoulder, pulling him forward just out of reach of one of the girls. He and I both went down the side-by-side slides before following the other kid to the other side of the playground, wrapping around a tree.

"You saved me, Ky!" Miles spoke with tears in his eyes as if I had just saved him from a live grenade, allowing him to see his family once more. "Yeah, you're welcome. We have to survive for one more minute!" I told him, looking at the clock outside as we still ran from the horde of girls.

As we looked back, we could see the girls catching the other boys, 'killing' them with their cooties before joining together to find us. "We're the only ones left, boys." I said to the two of them as the girls all formed up, becoming an army of about fifteen or twenty.

"It was an honor fighting with you, Ky, and Miles." The Asian boy said, placing his hands on our shoulders as the girls walked menacingly toward us.

"It was an honor. What's your name soldier?" I asked him, playing along with the whole war thing going on.

"I'm Ganke Lee, sir!" once he said this, my eyes widened. I didn't even realize it was Ganke, I just thought it was some random Asian kid.

I took one last look back at the girls who were still walking toward us like monsters before looking at Miles and Ganke and extending my hands out to them. The three of us clasped hands tightly, looking at each other with determination in our eyes.

"We're making it out of here, Ganke. One last run through the jungle gym and we're home free. You ready?" both boys nodded at me before I took the lead and the three of us started running through the jungle gym, dodging past all of the girls who were then sprinting at us.

First, we ran up the steps, losing a few of the girls while the others climbed the ladders on the sides. "This is just like boot camp, boys!" Miles said aloud as we jumped and skipped over their reach hands, making our way to the rope bridge.

I went across first, making it through with ease. "Careful, guys!" I told them, watching as Miles jumped across with two leaps. All that was left was Ganke, and since he was a bit heavier, he had to run across the whole thing.

However, to our horror, Ganke's leg fell through the rope. "Ganke!" we both shouted out loud as he fell. Quickly, I reversed time a few seconds, as far back as I could before yelling out to Ganke before he got stuck.

"Ganke! Watch your step!" I warned him, but it was far too late, once again, he fell and all I could do was watch him as he tried to get his leg out. 'I have to do it!' I thought to myself before once again reversing time.

'I HAVE TO SAVE HIM!' My inner voice screamed out as I tried with all of my might to take a step. 'Come on!' My thoughts screamed out. 'Go go go go!' and as I pushed myself mentally, I finally found myself able to take the next step in my training.

Though I was only able to take one step through reversed time, it was enough for me to get close enough to Ganke and push the ropes closer together, stopping his foot from slipping through.

Both of them looked at me funny for a second before the girls started to run toward us like monsters. Without any hesitation, the three of us ran to the slides and slid down, just in time for the teacher to ring the bell, signaling for us all to go back to class.

Running for our lives, the three of us ran inside the classroom, surviving the war together.

However, based on the way that the boys looked at me, I was almost certain that my powers must have been displayed in some way. 'Damn it!' I thought to myself as the three of us went to sit down at our seats. 'All over a stupid game of tag!'

I don't know what came over me at that moment, but I do have a theory.

When I was younger, back in my world, I was an outcast. I didn't really have friends, and the people I did think were friends would turn out to be nothing more than bullies. When I was running from those girls with Ganke and Miles... It was as if I experienced having friends for the first time. I found myself losing myself in this game, truly having the mind of a five-year-old boy as I ran for my life.

I know it was all fake, hell, I even knew it back then. But for some reason, I wanted to help Ganke. I wanted to help my friend.

At that point, I thought I had made a mistake, but honestly, it was one that I did not regret. Though I may have shown them something, I showed myself something as well. My powers must improve substantially during life-or-death situations.

When I was a toddler, I was nearly hit by boiling water and unlocked a new power.

At age five, I saved my friend from cooties and unlocked the ability to move through reversed time...

Now I just needed to see exactly what the two of them saw and what excuse I would have to explain it.

Some people are upset that the story is silly or takes place during his childhood at first. To that I say: Too bad? Idk you can just stop reading or come back later. I'm having fun with it. Don't ask me when he will be an adult because I obviously don't know.

LordOrpheuscreators' thoughts