
Reborn In Martial Peak World

I don't own martial peak but I do own this fanfic Mc will be a pseudo-villain type character and will help others if they are useful to him . . . . . . . . . . this fanfic was written just for fun so dont expect anything and take all the shit I write in it and consider it an AU.

Daoistguy8 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
8 Chs

4...cave of legacy


" Mc POV "

' Side character POV '


" I was currently sitting in my new quarter one comparable to that of elders . The matters regarding disciplinary hall were easily solved as no major damage was done . They also wanted to give me almost the same powers as that of elders which I accepted. I had also learned a little use of destruction energy which I got from the crystals in resource dimension. I could infuse a very low amount of it into my attacks and increase their lethality, but right now that was my max . Using higher amounts could cause damage to my body . I could one-shot kill a second order Transcendent if I used every ounce of my power and go inside the resource dimension , this was an attack only to be used in desperate situations. I had named it the Vanishing Blow , where I give the blow and then vanish . I was also able to sense space fluctuations due to my practice of space crystals ."

" Suddenly I felt tremendous amount of energy being released in the direction of sanguine society. Looks like the dragon and Phoenix legacy had opened. I immediately got up and rushed towards it . "



Sanguine society members along with Treasure Meng were standing infront of the Legacy hole . Soon three streaks of light appeared in the sky . Red one was Storm Manor and blue one was of the High Heaven Pavillion while the purple one faded to reveal a handsome young man wearing High Heaven Pavillion robe.

After some discussion elders began to assemble the disciples and after a few hours announcements began.

' This is a cave of legacy a long sought after myth . Not a single one of these have appeared in a thousand years.

There are miracle pills and medicines , cultivation and secret arts , Heavenly treasures of all sorts , but most importantly the legacy left behind by the original owner of this cave .

There is also an age limit of less than 30 years and cultivation limit of less than transcendent realm . These rules were set by owner of this cave and you may enter at your own risk , sect won't force you to enter the cave . '

Said the great elder of high heaven Pavillion.

" Disciples began to enter one by one and I too entered along with them . Soon with a bright light and fluctuations of space force I was teleported to a random location in the legacy cave. I looked around to see Yang kai and a few others already present. Looks like I was in the place where they encountered . "

soon a voice broke Dai out of his thoughts.

' Senior brother Dai you are also here , it's fortunate to meet you and once again thank you for your help .'

said Yang kai with a bit of surprise and happiness.

' Senior brother Dai ?!...you mean Dai Chen the current strongest disciple of our sect '

said another female disciple named Lan chudie with surprise in her voice.

" You are welcome Junior brother Yang . Pleasantries can be done later on , there are more important things to focus now , like this one ."

Said Dai while blasting a stone statue with wave of his hand which was rushing to attack him. And with another wave of his hand a meridian diagram flew into his hand.

Immediately other disciples also got alerted and began to defend themselves from the statues .

" Oh so this little thing contains the key to new Martial skill "

thought Dai but was soon interrupted as Yang Kai also got one and began to explain to others about it as well.

' Brother Dai you have such strong cultivation , it will be very easy for you take care of these statues , can you please help us .'

said Lan Chudie

" I was in a cave for just two years not my entire life , does this girl consider me the same fool as Yang Kai "

Thought Dai and just nodded

' Thanks you very much, Brother Dai . Everyone will get one meridian diagram , so stay alert and collect them '

said Lan chudie while others looked at her with stars in their eyes .

" Hehehe , I will indeed solve them but all the meridian diagram will also go to me "

This immediately caused others face to darken.

' But Brother Dai it is unfair , everyone is a member of sect and must help each other in time of need '

said Lan chuide trying to play with words

" Those who agree with her please step forward, this Chen would love to burry you along with these statues here "

Said Dai smiling while releasing murderous intent.

This caused everyone to immediately shut up

After a day almost all the statues were destroyed by Dai Chen and he had 4 meridian diagrams while Yang kai had one . After that Dai left while others being empty handed were reluctant to leave and decided to stay and search for more .

" After I left the stone statue array I began to look for the nine 6th tier beast which was in the area . I might not be able to use its core but it still had blood and body parts. I activated my divine sense and scanned the area ."

After flying for some time.....


I just started this fanfic for fun so don't expect too much .

do comment if you have any suggestions for this story