
Reborn in Jujutsu Kaisen World with THREE wishes

(Action / Romance) MC died an unfortunate death and a god offers her to reborn in Jujutsu kaisen world! And she had THREE WISHES! Innate technique? Cursed energy? She can have EVERYTHING !!! Follow MC's journey as she goes to Tokyo Jujutsu High, messes with people, toying with curses and getting stronger all the while facing strong, unexpected enemies. Will she overcome the obstacles and uncover the truth of her rebirth to get a happy ending for herself? Or will she get consumed in her own emotions and darkness? OC x Gojo Satoru Fluff/ Angst/ Smut/ Romance (Eventual Happy Ending) So, for the male ML, I decided to go with Gojo anyway so it'll technically be Student-Teacher relationship. MC is NOT UNDERAGE. However you have triggers, please do not read this. Warning - Violence, Death, Self-harm, Explicit Sex scenes, Extremely Possessive Behavior SPOILER ALERT IF YOU DON'T READ MANGA SOME EVENTS AND INFO FROM MANGA STARTING FROM VOL 2!! (Bookcover is an art I commissioned an artist san ^.^)

Chaotic_Clara · Anime & Comics
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70 Chs

Chapter 10 - At an amusement park

Gojo sat in front of Gakuganji Yoshinobu.

"I've been under your care, principal Gakuganji." He said.

"Let's see. What do you mean by that?" Gakuganji asked.

"Don't act dumb, old man. It's about Itadori. Well, it's such a shame that it didn't according to your plan because my student, Sachiko, ended up exorcising the special grade curse." Gojo said.

"Oh, is that so?"

"Last night, I was also attacked by two special grade curses. Don't get me wrong. Those spirits are nothing more than a late night interview to me." Gojo continued after a while , "Those cursed spirits can communicate and they must have some comrades of the same level planning something."

"That's unfortunate."

"But, the level of our students has also improved by leaps and bounds in the recent years. Hakari, Okkotsu, your Todo.. And now Sachiko. We also had Suguru incident last year and sukuna's vessel now." Gojo said.

"What're you implying here?" Gakuganji asked with a frown.

"Don't you get it. The power you suppressed it for lame status and tradition has begun to grow and surge. " Gojo said. "If you think I'm the onlyvone who will bare my fangs at you, then, you're in for a ride, old man.

With that, Gojo left.


"Seems like this is the place." Sachiko muttered when she was in front of an old park.

"The cursed spirit living inside this park was rather strange. No one had seen the cursed spirit but due to the cursed energy affecting the nearby residents and mysterious cases of people missing increasing in this area, its existence had been confirmed. Although two Grade 1 Jujutsu sorcers were sent to deal with this curse, both ended up vanishing into thin air."

Sachiko read the file Gojo had given her and frowned.

Missing people....

Two Grade 1 Jujutsu sorcerers missing..

Sachiko could feel a headache forming there. She thought it was a simple case of exorcism but by the looks of it, it wasn't going to be that easy.

"Did he really think I'm that capable or did he just want to dump his work onto me?" She sighed. Normally , these kind of cases would be given to someone like Gojo and the case was actually given to Gojo. But, he decided to dump this to her.

Anyway, Sachiko dropped her thoughts when she saw a familiar figure at the entrance.

"Ijichi san?"

"Isn't Gojo Satoru the one who issupposed to be here? Why're you here?" Ijichi asked.

"Ah, Gojo sensei sent me. Didn't he tell you?" Sachiko replied.

Ijichi shook his head and called Gojo. Gojo's voice could be heard over the phone.

"I was the one who sent her to deal with that. Why? It was an assignment for her."

"But, even the Grade 1 Jujutsu sorcers vanished into thin air. Sending a first year student is..." Ijichi said.

"It should be fine because she's going to be a special grade like me." Gojo simply said.

After that, the conversation ended and Sachiko walked into the park. When she checked the time, it was about 5 pm. Sachiko walked casually as she tried to find the trace of the curse. It was as the record said. She couldn't find the curse even after walking around the park for about an hour.

"Is there any specific path or sequence of actions you must take to find the curse?" Sachiko wondered. What would be that then?

What would be the same thing victims do? Or what would be the same sequence of actions victims take? This was an amusement park, an abandoned one at that. So, it probably wouldn't be buying tickets and going for rides. Then, what would be the same thing victims would've done in an abandoned amusement park? Ghosthunting, that is what civilian victims most likely have done for fun. At least, before things could go wrong. But, if that was the case, she would've found the curse by now as she had been wondering in the park for almost an hour.

"This is really troublesome. " She muttered. "Should I start thinking about how the curse would've formed in the first place? This is an amusement park so it should've been a place full of laughter and positive energy in the first place. Unless something bad happens which make the negative energy gather in this place,.....Oh, right , were there any accidents before the park is abandoned?" Sachiko took out her phone and searched.

"Roller coaster Ride Accident. The rollercoaster derailed while it was upside down. Two people died at the scene and three were injured heavily. The park was closed down after the incident",Sachiko frowned as she read the article. The incident itself happened ten years ago. But, the cases didn't start until last year. Something didn't add up. If it was the source of the curse , why waited nine years to appear? Moreover , the incident itself wouldn't have attracted so much negative energy, enough that a special grade curse would appear? However, if something else fueled the process itself?

Sachiko walked to the roller coaster ride. She didn't have enough information and there were so many things that didn't seem to add up but this was the only lead she got, for now.

When she got there, there was nothing out of ordinary. Just a few plants on the rides and rail which created a spooky look. Sachiko frowned but decided to inspect the area where the two people died. As she neared the area, she felt that there was something there. But, she couldn't see it.

"A barrier?" Sachiko thought as she went onto the railway area where the derailing happened. As expected, a barrier was there and she was wrapped into the barrier.

"So, we got another Jujutsu sorcerer who doesn't know what is good for them hahaha." The curse laughed in excitement.

"You must be the special grade curse responsible for people missing." Sachiko said.

"Isn't that obvious? But just so you know, I never let any of you leave after you got into the barrier." The curse said.

"We'll see about that. " Sachiko said as she made a cursed energy katana. The curse sent a blast of cursed energy that caused the railway crumble. Sachiko dodged swiftly and aimed for the curse. She put more cursed energy to the katana blade to increase the damage. She swiftly cut off the curse's arm and another in a few moves. The curse regenerated.

"Damn you Jujutsu sorcerer, if you were any later than this , I could make you vanish from this world!!" The curse shouted in irritation.

Sachiko continued cutting its arms off and slashing its body with the blade of cursed energy katana. Sachiko knew if she sent a huge blast of cursed energy, she could exorcise the curse in a move. But, she didn't because she knew something was off.

"So, we got another Jujutsu sorcerer who doesn't know what is good for them..."

"So, we..."

She remembered how the curse used the pronoun 'we'. At first , she thought it was most likely a mistake or just emphasizing something else. But, now, it was likely that the curse itself was buying some time and it has a company.

"This is getting interesting. Would Gojo sensei be upset that he missed an interesting case?" She smirked at the thought.