
.... you have to deceive your allies first.

"So he has decided to teach you how to fight?" My father asked looking Kastro up and down, before he gave him a deep bow.

"Please take care of my son!"

I turned to Kastro as well, in keeping with the act and bowed.

"I'll be in your care!"

My little brother, standing on the bed also bowed in an attempt to mirror us, only to tumble off the bed. As the tears pooled in his eyes, I ran over to him and rubbed his head.

"Boo boo go away! Boo boo go away!" I said gently as he settled down and gave me a smile.

It would've been a very wholesome scene if not for the fact that I was pulling a huge bamboozle right around the corner.

The next day my father handed me a debit card for my spending account and picked up his bags. Sabal was tuckered out and half asleep from yesterday's birthday celebration he had.

"Big brodur, why are you not coming?" He asked.

I ruffled his hair as I crouched down to his eye level.

"Big bro has stuff to learn here. I can't go back with you yet. But I promise, when I return I'll being you a souvenir. Okay?"

"Sovinir?" He said.

"Present. A souvenir is a present. From me to you!"

"But my birthday was yesterday?"

"Yes. And on your next birthday I'll get you a biiiig gift!" I said gesturing with spread arms.

"But I want big brodur to come home with me?!" He exclaimed, tearing up as he slowly awoke to realize what was going on.

"Hush...hush... it's okay. I'll be back soon. You won't even notice I'm gone. Okay? You're tired right?"

He nodded in agreement.

"Then go rest in the ship cabin. And maybe they even have candy in there. What if someone else takes that candy? You need to go and take it first right?"

"Candy? Candy!" He said.

"Yes. Lot of candy. Now go. I'll be right along soon." I said hugging him and then pushing him along.

My father saw him run qnd made to follow. But as he turned he gave me one last glance.

"Take care, alright? And if you ever feel like it's too much, you can always come back home. Understood?" He said, his hands on my shoulder.

"Yes. I know. Now go, before he gets lost in there." I said smiling.

Once the 'tearful' farewell was done with I turned around and took my bags from an attendant at the reception and handed him a packet of notes.

"If my father calls you'll take care of it, yes?" I said.

He nodded.

"Thanks!" I said and boarded another airship out of the tower.

Time for my real training to begin.

And first stop - split mountain.

As the we stopped over at the mountain, I alighted from the ship and walked over to the edge of the cliffs, looking down.

Man were these cliffs steep! Just looking down gave me the heebie jeebies. Fucking terrifying. And yet somehow I had the urge to just jump off and find out what happens!

I shook my head at the thought and refocused.

The sharp, steep cliffs! Yes.

I looked down again.

Yeah, no way am I climbing down there if I can afford it.

I activated my Ren and took hold of one bolt of spider eagle silk, pulling with all my force.

I pulled and I pulled to no avail. This stuff was goddamn strong.

I suppose I had no choice then huh ?

I gave a long sigh and prepared to climb down the cliffs to where the eggs were suspended.

Inch by inch I descended the cliff face, the biting wind hitting my face.

About ten minutes of careful climbing, crawling and web slinging later, I had three cocooned eggs in my shirt as I made my way back up the cliff and to the airship. Spider eagle silk acquired. A shame the baby birds would have to die. But at least I'll be able to get a good bunch of omelettes out of it.

And of course the spider eagle silk cloak. Stronger than steel, lighter than cotton. The perfect all climate protective gear for a hunter.

Maybe I'd even be able to get a pair of gloves alongside it!

Next chapter