2 Chapter 1:- Realm of Nothingness

In this realm, there is a vast emptiness that stretches on for eternity. No colors, no shapes, no forms. Just an endless void, with no beginning or end. It is a place of nothingness, where even the gods themselves cannot manifest or create.

In this realm, there is no concept of color or light. Everything is shrouded in a blankness, as if all color and vibrancy had been drained from existence. There are no beings to be seen, no life or movement. Only an endless void that seems to go on forever.

The realm is a hazy void, with no discernible light source or shadows. It is an endless expanse of nothingness, with no distinguishable features or boundaries. It is a place of perfect balance, with no signs of good or evil, light or dark.

It was a place of pure potential, where the duality of existence was stripped away and only the raw essence of possibility remained. It was a realm both revered and feared, for it held the power to shape and destroy all that existed beyond its reach.

It was a place of contradictions and paradoxes, where the rules of existence did not apply and everything existed and didn't exist at the same time. It was a realm that challenged the very definition of reality and pushed the boundaries of imagination.

As a soul floats in this realm, there is no sensation of touch. It is as if the soul is weightless and insubstantial, just a mere entity in an intangible space.

There is no tangible surface to be felt, only an overwhelming sense of nothingness. The absence of any tactile sensation is disorienting, as if the very fabric of reality is intangible.

The *air* here is thick and weightless, like a humid fog but without any moisture. It feels almost suffocating, as if it can bend and mold to the touch but offers no resistance or solid form.

The realm is a blank canvas with no defined boundaries or objects, yet it seems to shimmer and shift with the memories of the soul floating within it. Colors and shapes blend and dance, creating a hazy and ever-changing landscape.

The soul appears as a faint, glowing light, suspended in the void of the realm. It seems to be surrounded by a shimmering energy, as if protected by an invisible shield.

The soul floated in a hazy void, surrounded by walls that seemed to shift and change with each passing moment. It was as if the very fabric of reality was bending and warping around it, creating a constantly evolving landscape.

It was a timeless and endless purgatory, where the soul was trapped in a cycle of remembrance and repetition, shielded from the emptiness of the void by a higher power.

The soul vividly recalled the moment it entered the world, taking its first breath and entering into a new existence. It remembered the sensation of being nourished for the first time, how its tiny body was sustained by a mother's love and care.

As it grew, it learned to crawl and then walk, stumbling and falling before finding its footing. The soul reminisced on days spent in the park as a child, running through fields of wildflowers and chasing butterflies with reckless abandon. But there were also memories of more challenging times, like trudging through the halls of school, navigating the complexities of social dynamics and academic expectations. Each experience shaped the soul, molding it into who it was today.

How at the tender age of 10 he discovered the world of adults,the body of women then men cherished and fighted of as he delved into the world of books,anime and through them- porn.

The soul recounted how a fire seemed to have lit inside him as he saw a man being blowjobbed by a women, he felt exhilarated at just imagining the feeling of some being at your feet.Oh How he wished that the world would bend and bow their heads at him.

At the tender age of 13, he discovered the world of online money-making and began his journey towards financial independence. As he grew older, he also experienced his first taste of young love - the thrill of having a girlfriend who adored him and showered him with attention. But as quickly as it began, their relationship fizzled out, leaving behind memories of youthful infatuation.

This fueled his desire for power and control, whether it be through physical strength, political influence, or honing a particular skill. Determined to achieve his goals, he started hitting the gym daily at just 14 years old, determined to sculpt his body into a symbol of strength and dominance.

He devoured knowledge like a ravenous beast, consuming every morsel of information on science, psychology, political knowledge, fighting skills and more in his quest for power and control. His mind was a battleground, filled with strategies and theories as he plotted his path towards greatness.

He even seduced his hot teacher even though she was quite reluctant to betray her husband for a 16 year old but some tricks with his maintained, hot and young body was enough to completely entrap her with me.Her thoughts only governed by my image and her desire only to satisfy me.

Without warning, a reckless drunk driver plows into him as he makes his way to the gym. The impact sends him flying through the air like a rag doll, limbs flailing uncontrollably before crashing down onto the unforgiving pavement. Pain shoots through his body like electric shocks as he lays there, helpless and broken from the senseless act of one careless individual.

He watched as people gathered around him as he lie helpless with no hope in mind since he knew how people react to death of others in this modern time and just as he thought instead of helping me they started to record me dying while some even saying out funny titles they would use in their new social media reels.

The soul was forced to relive every excruciating memory, the joyous moments tainted by the bitter taste of failure and defeat. As he watched his lifelong dream of ruling over the world crumble before him, his physical body crushed under the weight of unfeeling metal, his screams echoing unheard in a sea of indifferent onlookers.

As he lay on his deathbed, gasping for his final breaths, his mind was consumed with one regret: he had not been able to achieve his ultimate goal. He had dreamed of becoming genetically enhanced, surpassing all physical limitations and attracting the most stunning and desirable women in the world.

But now, as his life slipped away, he realized that these fantasies would remain just that - a dream unfulfilled.Despite his failure, he couldn't help but hold on to the hope that in another life, perhaps he could have achieved it all.

His soul was a malleable clay, shaped and reshaped by the hands of Death as he endured the agony of reliving his failures again and again, doomed to never find peace in the afterlife.

The Void was dark and silent, the endless cycle of a soul's journey broken by a sudden voice that echoed through the emptiness. The figure floated in the nothingness, an ethereal being with no discernible features, but radiating a sense of immense power. "Hello, Young One," the voice spoke, breaking the silence. "I can see your suffering." The soul could only reply with a single question in his mind, "What do you want?"

There were no words exchanged, for the being seemed to understand the soul's thoughts as if he was an open book. "Oh child, I am a higher dimensional being who will reincarnate you in a new world, granting you a special power. My hope is that you will be able to live a happy and fulfilling life."

The soul began to glow faintly, filled with both curiosity and suspicion at this sudden offer. "And why would you do this for me?" He asked.

"Ha ha ha~ Do not be suspicious, Child. I have nothing to gain from helping you. The reason I offer my assistance is simply because I could... That is all." A plot twist indeed.

But despite the surprise, did it really change anything? The being before Him was immensely powerful, causing even His soul to tremble instinctively. If not for the countless deaths He had experienced, He would surely be shaking in fear.

Powerful beings typically cared for nothing and no one, or so the soul thought based on their own experiences with power. And the reason suited the power and mind of such a being.

"Very well, I agree to your conditions," the soul finally replied.

"That is wonderful news!" the being exclaimed happily. "So now you must spin two wheels that will determine where you go and what power you will possess."

Two white wheels suddenly appeared in the void, where nothing else could exist. One wheel held countless worlds, some familiar to the soul such as "One Piece" and "Naruto," while others were completely unknown.

But how was the soul supposed to spin the wheels? He had no hands, only a formless energy floating in the void. Could He use His will to move the wheels? It was worth trying, for He had no other ideas.

After all the conversation that had taken place happened while he thought of the question and the being just answered as if reading his intent.

With determination, the soul focused all his energy on spinning the wheels, hoping for a favorable outcome as his formless energy flickering with determination.The soul's thoughts were like a raging storm, fueled by determination and desire. As the wheels remained motionless, time seemed to stretch on endlessly, until finally, with a sudden jolt, they began to move.

The being's smile grew wider, content to sit back and watch as the wheels, previously stationary, began to shake and tremble as the soul focused all his energy on trying to spin them. As time passed, the wheels remained still and the text on them remained clear, but hope began to dwindle. Suddenly, after one minute, then two, then five, and ten minutes, both wheels began to slowly rotate and as the wheels picked up speed, the words on the wheel blurring into a hypnotizing swirl. And then, with a final spin, the pin landed on a destination that was both unfamiliar and intriguing.

The wheels seemed to shimmer and blur as I stared at them, my eyes fixed on the spinning shapes.

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[The Ghost]

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