
The Train and Sorting



AN: sorry for the break my computer broke and needed to be fixed.


Kai POV:

 'The months after my birthday leading up to the start of the school year were incredibly quick and uneventful. Currently I'm in the car headed to kings cross to begin my time at Hogwarts.'

 " Are you excited for the sorting ceremony?" my father asked.

"I wish you guys would tell me what the ceremony is." I say in disappointment. 

"It's tradition to not tell first years about the ceremony." says mother as we get out of the car.

We continue in silence until we make it to platform 9 3/4 where we had an emotional goodbye before I boarded the train with Malenka. After settling into an empty compartment, I opened my copy of the family grimoire and began going over some of the simpler acid spells, someone entered my compartment and when I looked up, I was greeted with a younger version of my favorite character. Before I could speak, she spoke, "Can I sit here there are no other empty compartments."

after confirming she could sit with me, she sat opposite of me and began, " My name's Nymphadora Tonks, but you can call me Tonks or Dora. What's your name?"

"Nice to meet you Dora my name's Kai Kennedy but you can call me Kai." I answered.

"It's nice to meet you Aswell Kai," she began before being interrupted by a voice,

"Anything off the trolly dears?"

to which I responded, " Yes, please ill take 3 boxes of every flavor beans and 2 chocolate frogs." before paying her and Tonks replied asking for," three chocolate frogs for me please."

after the trolley lady left, she continued, "What house are you hoping to be sorted into?"

"Ravenclaw but I guess Hufflepuff isn't so bad either. What about you?" I replied.

To which she answered, " I would like to be sorted into Hufflepuff however Ravenclaw might also be nice."

After that we ate the snacks while having a conversation about what each of us did and didn't like before changing when we got close to Hogwarts. We would then share a boat, and stand together while waiting for our names to be called.

"Kennedy Kai." called Professor McGonagall.

As I put on the sorting hat, I heard it shout, "RAVENCLAW." before taking off the hat and walking to the clapping table. I would then wait hoping that me being here might change Dora's house however it didn't. and after she put on the sorting hat it yelled, "HUFFLEPUFF." before she walked to her table and shot me a sad smile that I returned. the rest of dinner past quickly and i missed Dumbledore's speech while sadly wishing she had been sorted into Ravenclaw or I into Hufflepuff.

 after the prefects lead us to a portrait that asked us a riddle, "I'm so fast you can't see me, though everyone else can see straight through me. I don't stop until the day you die. What am I?" 

  " A blink." I blurted out.

The portrait would than open as everyone looked at me. Until one of the prefects spoke up and lead us to our dorms and luckily the Ravenclaws had their own rooms. While everyone else went to their rooms I decided to explore the common room and learned that we have our own small library. I then went to my room and after sorting my stuff I decided to go to sleep.


constructive criticism is welcome and wanted..

Creation is hard, cheer me up!Like it ? Add to library!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Obamapyramid_simpcreators' thoughts