
Humiliating my opponent

the next day, we are standing in front of the affiliated students for our sparing match, the sparring match was arranged rather quickly due to the interference of bakedu

i am the first one to go, while wooin is the second one and jiwoo is the third one, after jiwoo the other four unaffiliated awakned ones will go for the spar

when i decided to go first, sucheon also decided to go first so that he can humiliate me, or so he thinks, i asked wooin to go second and jiwoo to third, in the manhwa jiwoo did beat sucheon but the most of the unaffiliated awakned ones coudn't saw the fight as they were heavily injured

this time however i am going first and so everyone should see sucheon's humiliation, next will be wooin and jiwoo and i am sure that they would win their matches easily, this would also motivate the other four unaffiliated kids

well, i am going to disrespect sucheon during the fight so bady, if you ask what level of disrecption i am gonna show him then, disrespect level : gilgamesh

"first fight, kang sucheon of bakedu vs seo jinwoo" the voice sounded in the room

<third person POV>

sucheon and jinwoo stepped forward on the fighting arena while the others were watching from the stands

'this jinwoo kid is so dead' thought the representive of bakedu

'what's the point of having this fight, the unaffiliated ones are just gonna get beaten up' thought the other representatives except for seonga park and inhyuk

'show them what you have jinwoo' inhyuk thought

"START" the voice sounded

the voice signalled the start of the match but both of the contestents were just standing on their places

"huh, did you expected me to make the first move" sucheon said

"if you would have attacked me as soon as the fight begain then you could have created a silver lining from the humilation you are about to reseave from me" he added

"it's not too late, i will give you a chance to attack me"

'just how over confident he is' jinwoo thought

'unaffiliated kids are so stupid' the representive of bakedu thought

"c'mon, try to hit me" sucheon said

jinwoo then suddenly disappeared from the view of sucheon and appeared behind him, this greatly suprised sucheon

'what, so his ability is super speed' sucheon thought

'i coudn't follow his movments' thought the representatives

jinwoo lightly pushed sucheon's sholder and said

"i don't think i need to go all out in a fight with a mongrel like you" jinwoo said with his glowing golden eyes

"you bastard"

sucheon increased the gravity around jinwoo in hopes to pin him to one place but jinwoo just casually walked out of the gravational field and said

"nice party trick, it suits you since you are a clown either way"

"don't look down on me you bastard" sucheon shouted

'the gravity of sucheon didn't effect him' bakedu representative thought

'how can he be an unaffiliated till now' the other representatives thought

'was he hiding his true powers during his fight with jisuk or his growth speed is amazing' inhyuk thought

'he was this powerful all along' the four unaffiliated kids thought

sucheon released his power and the ground beneath him broke, the debris started floating and then he shot all of the debris towards jinwoo

jinwoo however just stood there doing nothing, everyone thought the debris is gonna hit him but before it could hit an invisible force released from jinwoo deflected all of the debris

that was jinwoo's soundwaves mixed with jisuk's wind which deflected the debris, at his display of power everyone was suprised, even seongik han who is watching all this happening from the camera

jinwoo looked at the suprised sucheon and said

"i should have broken your wrist at the cafeteria yesterday, mongrels like you need to know their place"


before sucheon could complete what he was going to say he felt an immence amount of pain in his right hand, jinwoo is now behind sucheon once again

"aaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" sucheon shouted

jinwoo had dashed towards sucheon and broke his right hand, his right hand is broken from three parts and all the fingers are dislocated with cut marks on all of the hand, all this happened in just a split second

"you bastard, do you even know who i am-"

once again before sucheon could complete his sentence a kick from jinwoo in his face sent him flying, he landed at a few meaters distance from jinwoo lying on the ground, jiwoo once again dashed towards him and put his leg on sucheon's face and said

"of course i know who you are, you're a filthy mongrel who bullies the weak and flaunt his status to the strong, but in real battle status dosen't matter, the only think that matters is power, and you're weak"


sucheon became even more more angry at this and used his full power to get up and remove jinwoo's leg from his face, but it was all for naught

'he is just playing with sucheon' is the thought of everyone present at the arena

jinwoo's leg remained unmoven while sucheon got more desperate, jinwoo removed his leg from sucheon's face and when sucheon tried to get up he slammed his leg on his face once again

cracks appeared at the place where his leg was slammed while blood started dripping from his forehead

"you are trying very hard, want me to praise you" jinwoo said


this time sucheon didn't said anything but his bloodlust is crearly visible in his eyes

'well, i have got enough info about your force control' jinwoo thought

then sucheon felt a huge amount of pressure on him, this was wooin's telekenisis used by jinwoo, pressure broke everypart of sucheon's body


the screams resounded in the hall while everyone is witnessing this with their jaws and mouths wide open

'i would like to torture him even more with my lightning but there is no need to reveal all of my abilities here' jinwoo thought

jinwoo then slammed sucheon's face once again into the ground knocking him out

"sucheon is unconcious, seo jinwoo wins" the voice sounded

'i need to bring him into our group at all costs' were the thought's of the other representatives

'i need to find about him even more' inhyuk thought

'was he hiding his true strength between our fight' jisuk thought

'what the hell, he had that much power but he still didn't abused it' thought the grey haired unaffiliated kid

'thank god i wasan't matched up to spar with him on our first day' thought the blond unaffiliated girl

'who the hell is he' thought the two kids that shinwa sent

<first person POV>

well that fight is refreshing, i got sucheon's force control, i walked back to where the other unaffiliated kids were standing and said

"give it your all guys"

"yeah" said the four

"yes hyung-nim" said jiwoo meanwhile wooin nooded

the next fight is between wooin and someone i don't know, i just stood back and activated my preception ability to copy the force control of others

wooin won his match without any scrach and jiwoo won as well, he is stronger then he was manhwa as well, all of the representatives were suprised at the victory of unaffiliated kids back to back

the other four unaffiliated kid lost, however they were still motivated beacuse me, jiwoo and wooin won the match, i was the most happy beacuse i had copied all of their force control, during jiwoo's match he had shown his lightning ability so i think seongik han would ask him to be his deciple

also during the first day, jiwoo wen't for a walk and also met isul, i stayed inside my room for that day beacuse i knew what is gonna happen and now isul reguraly stalk jiwoo

however jiwoo is a protagonist, meaning he is dense as hell, everyone can see through the feelings of isul, me, jisuk, subin, wooin, duri and even casein nitrate but not jiwoo

anyway, i know for a fact that sengik won't harm jiwoo and it will take some time for sucheon's grandfather to arrive here beacuse the fight between unaffiliated and affiliated students happened early, i got all the abilities of the students so it's time for my next evolution

that evening i wen't back to my room to merge all of the abilities i have into one force control while kayden and jiwoo are talking a walk outside the academy

please comment about which ability you want the MC to have after his evolution, the abilities he currently holds can be merged into one to mutate and create another stronger ability so please give me any new ability ideas and also tell me what other abilities should i give to him related to his eyes

Omega200creators' thoughts