

AN:- I am back from Hiatus, but the updates will not be consistent, sorry about that and if anyone has any idea related to my story then please comment.


<General POV>

Sengik and Jiwoo were taking a walk outside while Kayden was tailing them in his cat form. Meanwhile Jiwoo's brother, Jin-woo is sitting cross legged inside his room.

It looked like he is training his force control but it is more than that, he first started with the force control where at first his body released a green aura which then changed to red and then purple.

(AN:- The color is of different force controls like wooin has red while sucheon has purple)

His muscles swelled up and returned to normal almost immediately, for a third person it would be nothing but Jin-woo felt an immeasurable pain in that little time.

The multi-coloured aura around him rotated chaotically around his body forming something that resembled a whirlwind. The one sitting at the center of the whirlwind is Jin-woo, he somehow endured the pain that he is feeling.

After some time lightning sparks appeared around his body, soon he is enveloped by the lightning with a red and purple aura around it. giving the white lightning a shade of purple and red making it looks incredibly beautiful and incredibly dangerous at the same time.

The lightning then started vibrating violently releasing a thundering sound around the dorm. A normal person would think that this is nothing but a thunderstorm but a high-ranked awakened one could sense the source of the sound, the good thing is that there are no teachers in the student's dorm or more specifically unaffiliated one's dorm.

After few thundering sounds echoed throughout the dorm it finally stopped, then from beneath Jin-woo a swirl of energy appeared making all the hairs in his body float.

His skin hardened and then cracks appeared throughout his body like it's made of concrete. Surprisingly no blood flew from his skin but a white flash of lightning.

After some time the cracks started to heal and his body returned to normal but the swirl of energy beneath his feet got even more violent and rose up towards the roof of Jin-woo's room.

The blue swirl of energy passed through the room's roof and continued to move towards the sky, however, no one noticed this, or more specifically no one could see this, only ones with heightened senses like Kayden could sense this while those with the perception ability of Jin-woo could see this.

The swirl continued to move upward while Jin-woo is enveloped in a blue aura with purple shades.

Then suddenly Jin-woo opened his eyes, his eyes were glowing bright golden, the whole eye is glowing that it is hard to see the Iris. The moment he opened his eyes the energy became even more violent and the lightning started dancing around Jin-woo as his hair fluttered around.

Jin-woo stood up satisfied with the completion of his evolution as he smiled by seeing himself but then the glow in his eyes faded away and the lightning around him as well as the blue pillar of energy disappeared. Jin-woo fell to the floor of his room as his consciousness drifted away.

'I can't wait to see what kind of power I will get this time' Was the thoughts of Jin-woo before he became totally unconscious.

Jin-woo was satisfied with his evolution and was quite happy before passing out but the others around the academy were not the same.

When the pillar of energy first ascended in the sky some teachers who were nearby sense it, Sengik was one of them.

It was the time when Jiwoo refused him and got back to Kayden, Sengik was thinking about how lucky Jiwoo's teacher is when he sensed a huge spike of energy in the sky, to him it felt like a lethal attack aimed at the academy by a high ranked awakened one.

'What is this' Sengik thought in panic 'I don't know any awakened ones with this type of presence'

Sengik had fought many battles and he knew almost all of the high ranking awakened ones around the world but he didn't know this one if only he would have watched the Affiliated and Unaffiliated students match by being present there rather than on TV then he would have understood who this presence belongs to.

'I need to do something'

Sengik ran to where the presence came from while also calling others to come there, sengik didn't know about the presence so he took it as a threat but Kayden, who knew about it was different.

"What the heck is he doing" Kayden grumbled in his cat form

"What do you mean" Jiwoo asked

"I'm talking about Jin-woo"

"Huh, what did Hyung-nim do"

"Well, you can't feel it but I can, he is releasing a huge amount of presence"

"But why would he do that" Jiwoo asked

"He is probably out of control while practicing his evolution from before, but that's not the thing that we need to worry about" Kayden said

"Than what, is Hyung-nim okay" Jiwoo asked with worry in his voice

"Well, the amount of pressure he is releasing right now is equal to a high ranked awakened one but his total power is not equal to a high ranked awakened, so the amount of burden on his body right now should be beyond anything"

"WHAT!" Jiwoo exclaimed "Than we should hurry and save Hyung-nim"

"He is not in any danger, he is just in pain but if we were to interrupt then the pain will increase all we have to do is wait for this to end" Kayden said

Despite not showing it Kayden is worried about his student, he does want his students to get stronger but what he doesn't want is his students to suffer from extreme pain.

After a few minutes of waiting the energy spike stopped and black clouds started gathering in the sky.

Sengik, the teachers he called, Kayed and Jiwoo, all of them looked up at the sky where lightning crackled and soon rain started pouring down.

Kayden and Jiwoo were worried for Jin-woo's safety while Sengik and others were worried about an unknown awakened one attacking them, while the one responsible for all of this slept quietly in his room with a happy smile on his face thinking about his new abilities.

Hope you all liked this chapter.

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