
Reborn in DxD; Lost in a poorly remembered anime world

Ronald Mallory reborn into DXD with a few cheats but poor knowledge of the world. Join him as he stumbles his way through his new life after painstakingly trying to stay out of the supernatural way... only for his family to move to Kuoh. Uploads will be iffy and inconsistant. Doing this to practice my writing, criticism welcome in that regard. Otherwise, it's just a story and I hope you enjoy. I don't own Highschool DxD.

BabbleWolf · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
27 Chs

Angelic negotiations

"Good morning Asia-san. The church has been cleared of baddies, so your mother will probably be coming down to talk to Serafall at some point. She'll probably visit you too." I said as Asia walked into the kitchen in a slightly bluer set of her nun clothing.

"S-She isn't my mother though." Asia said, regardless she was smiling.

"Are you sure? You both look pretty similar, and she seems to care for you a lot." my mother asked as she assaulted Asia with a hug from behind.

"I-I'm sure. It's a coincidence." Asia replied.

"Well, either way, she called just now and asked to come over after talking with Serafall and some of her colleagues. I'm cooking tonight, so you can bother Ronald to teach you more japanese if you like." Mum said.

"Since when did I agree to that?" I asked quizzically.

"Since right now. Anyway, You have to go to school, and Asia-chan needs a new wardrobe. Come along, you can't always wear nun garb, I also wanted to ask you something." Mum said, dragging a flailing Asia behind her despite the early morning.

"Well goodbye then mother mine, I hope you forget what you just said and remember to eat lunch for you did not eat breakfast." I talked to myself as I began making bentos.


<Serafall POV>

"So, you want permission to renew the church in Kuoh town?" I asked, usual childishness gone, and a small frown on my face.

"Yes, I believe if Asia, and some vetted individuals from the church come here then perhaps it could be a step towards peace if we can get some of our younger generations to interact with each other." Gabriel nodded.

"And you can promise us that the people you send will not undermine our people in Kuoh, their orders, their governing? That they will not 'take into their own hands to rid Kuoh of the blapshemors' was it? What will you do if it does happen?" Ajuka, the green haired mysterious Satan, asked from his seat at the table. Sirzechs was here too, and frowning the whole while.

"We can be sure it will not happen. We will only be sending three people. A former exorcist and two trainees." Michael said.

"And who are these three?" Sirzechs asked with a frown.

"Griselda Quarta, Irina Shidou, and Xenovia Quarta." Gabriel answered.

"What do we get out of this?" I asked. "Your church already sent Asia here, and intentionally or not could have put our sisters in danger had it not been for a fortunate coincidence. So, what do we get in turn? We won't let you into our territory for nothing."

"We are willing to shoulder the finances of any repairs required in Kuoh for the next five years." Michael offered.

"Ten years and you have a deal." Sirzechs said.

"Very well." Michael smiled.

"Fine, those four and only those four may stay in Kuoh. If there are to be visitors then they must get permission from the governors. Moreover, those selected must present themselves before the governors peacefully. Grayfia will oversee the meeting." Sirzechs stated.

"I also wanted to ask, if possible, could we have Ronald be a neutral intermediary between the two groups if issues arise?" Gabriel asked.

"Who is Ronald?" Sirzechs asked.

"A supernatural human who moved to Kuoh recently. He wants no trouble and keeps to himself. He has made friends with So-tan, but that's about the extent he's involved with the supernatural. I don't think he'd like the idea of being a mediator." I supplied.

"Why haven't I been told there's a loose supernatural in the city of my sister?" Sirzechs demanded of me.

"Sirzechs, you had better never use that tone on me ever again." I replied coldly, surprising him greatly, though Ajuka and Grayfia seemed to be unsurprised.

"Sirzechs-sama, there was mention of Ronald as a 'harmless human who is aware of the supernatural.'. had you read the report you would know." Grayfia frowned.

"I see. I apologise Serafall. I would like to meet him and convince him to join Rias-" Sirzechs started speaking.

"Denied. He is peaceful, has already denied both our sisters, and has shown no signs of hostility. As I said Sirzechs, he is Sona's friend. No strings attached. If I hear word of you interfering again I will resign from my post and let you deal with external affairs from now on." I crushed his soft-spoken schemes bluntly.

"Serafall, that is unreasonable." Sirzechs frowned.

"No, what is unreasonable, Sirzechs, is another devil intruding upon another's life after directly hearing they want as little to do with the supernatural world as possible. Hell, he didn't even know much about the supernatural before meeting Sona, and what she's told him has made him wary of it. Gabriel knows of this as well, and whilst I understand your intentions Gabriel, it is not right or fair to decide for him whether or not he will be a mediator between the church and the devils in Kuoh." Serafall said.

"Serafall, he is on good terms with both Sona and Asia. I would like to believe he would be willing to mediate between them, even if just this church for a small time, to help smooth the transition. Perhaps a mutual friend could help this more. We could at least ask him before finding another mediator." Gabriel persuaded.

"Very well Gabriel. Considering we have both met him before, only us two will go and ask. I need a word with the other Satans for a moment. Please wait for me outside the wards." I conceded, and waited for the two Seraphs to leave.

"Why are you defending this human so much Sera?" Ajuka asked, intrigued.

"I'm doing my job as the head of external affairs. He is not part of our pantheon, he wants to be left alone, moreover, he is a decent bloody person that I would like to think of as a friend. All he wants is for his family to be well and little else. He doesn't want to be a devil, and I support his decision." I replied a little tired.

"Grayfia, when the people from the church arrive, and if he agrees, you will likely meet with him. You will not probe him, or gather information and pass it to Sirzechs. Sirzechs, just don't. I'm still pissed at you for both your incompetence with the nekoshou issue and the stunt you pulled with Kiba. You'd better hope that Rias never finds out." I ranted, letting some of the complete irritation and anger out of my usually tightly controlled aura, I think it shocked them all a little. Imagine their shock if they realised I never stopped training and had reached superdevil. "Am I understood?"

"Yes Serafall-sama, you have my word." Grayfia answered with a slight bow.

"Grayfia-" Sirzechs was frowning.

"No, Sirzechs-sama. Serafall has the most and hardest work of you all, you in particular have made her job a living hell before multiple times on top of what all the other devils are doing already. You will not pursue this." Grayfia didn't flinch from his gaze, and he just grumbled while looking away. "I will inform the rest of the peerage."

"Thank you Fia-chan." I relaxed a bit, letting a smile form on my face before standing and bidding farewell. 'Sona, I'll let you stew in this 'engagement a little longer so you learn from it, I wonder how cute your face will be when I tell you you really should read contracts more thoroughly... I wonder if she'll think I'm amazing for getting those past the old faction.' I though as I left.


<Asia Pov>

Mrs Mallory had welcomed me rather warmly yesterday, and today she was dragging me around the mall and talking to me like I'd seen so many times with mothers of other girls back in Italy, bought me some clothes and right now we were sitting in a fancy cafe with strawberry sundaes. It was nice.

"So, Asia, there was something I was wanting to talk to you about. You're an orphan right? and Gabriel wants you to live at the church? Well, you see, I was wondering maybe if you wanted to join our family, as in, we could adopt you if you want. We won't stop you from going to church or anything, it's just I, and well Thomas as well, thought maybe you might want to be part of our family. Mave already loves you, she told me all about last night you see, came crying to me this morning and well, I just thought I'd offer." Mrs Mallory spoke so quickly, rambling as she spoke. I didn't stop listening after she offered to adopt me, but I was shocked, how couldn't I be. Noone had ever wanted me before. The Church more took me and tolerated me than wanted me. Though clearly Gabriel felt differently, she had come running at first mention of me even though it was a devil who told her. But she didn't have a lot of time, she was an Angel, she had many people to see to, she couldn't truly look after me. I didn't get it, why would the Mallory's care?

"W-why?" I asked, pretending not to get teary and snotty. I vaguely realised she'd stood up, scooted next to me, and wrapped my in a warm embrace.

"Why shouldn't we help you? you've been through a lot, and my husband and I think you need something like this, and we lose nothing by asking you to be our daughter. We only gain another adorable daughter. We may not be saints or churchgoers Asia, but we do know how to be a family. Plus, you might learn something from Ronald and his healing abilities. Oh don't be surprised, the fool boy probably knows that we know. I can melt into water and Mave has some control over snow, can even turn her body into snow. We don't advertise ourselves Asia, we just want to live happily. I've succeeded honestly, the two of them got a good childhood, and I hope their morals can see them through this world of ours when it's eyes finally take note of them. I want to give you at least a few years of family. So, do you want to join our family?" Mrs Mallory said, chuckling at my shock when she realised I had powers. She had asked to adopt me again.

"y-yes, I do. please." It almost felt like I was wondering. How often did I daydream of being part of a family? I thought I was over it, I wasn't. It might be selfish of me, but the thought made me so happy and for once I was going to be selfish.



"So you want me to mediate between the church and the devils while they're staying here?" I asked the two very powerful women sitting side by side while eating some chicken nuggets. Asia and Sona were sitting with Gabriel and Serafall and mimicking them.

"You don't have to, but I would be happy to know someone kind and with friends on both sides was mediating." Gabriel re-iterated.

"Please Ronald-san?" Asia asked.

"I would also be more at ease with this if you were mediating. The church hates most every supernatural races, you being human could help at least a little." Sona sighed.

"The church does not hate-" Gabriel began.

"Gabriel, don't start please. Your exorcists and priests have gone around the world killing and attacking and defiling other beings , religious sites and more. Almost as much as devils. Just look to what they did to the Jinn back during your crusades." Serafall said, making her wings droop in defeat.

"Fine, I'll mediate, but I won't stand for either side disrespecting the other and am stating now I will knock anyone unconscious until they learn that lesson. There will be talking, not provocation and sword swinging. I also want you to let both sides know that so they don't decide to attack me after. And if either side tries to bring any part of my family into it then their lives are forfeit in my eyes. Are we understood?"

"Crystal." Serafall nodded.

"I understand." Gabriel nodded.

"When will they get here, and who is in charge of fixing the church for them?" I asked.

"Well, the devils cannot. I was going to cleanse the area and with Asia's help make the place livable tomorrow. Sister Quarta and her charges will arrive next Monday morning. Also, tell your parents I'll bring along the paperwork tomorrow." Gabriel informed.

"Sure, I'll let them know. I'll meet the exorcists at the airport with Asia, escort them to the school for their presentation to the governors, then escort them to the church. Now, let's just finish eating." I said.

"Thanks Ron-kun." Sona's small smile force me to return a tired one.