
reborn into a life of Adventure

Trace is a average high school student he is 16 years old and a huge fan of the Dragon Ball anime and manga one day when heading home from school he saves a fellow classmate from being killed by a moving truck the pain in traces body was intense as he could feel his life slowly slipping away his mind is then transferred to a blank empty void Trace looked around he saw nothing but white he was in a void of some kind he didn't know what to think he didn't know where he was and all of a sudden he heard a voice that spoke to him " Godly figure " hello there young one Such a Pity that you died it only 16 years of age truly a shame but because of your selfless act you have been chosen to be reincarnated so don't worry you'll be able to live out a long healthy life unfortunately I cannot return you to the world you had died in but I can let you choose from any other worlds similar or even fictional worlds as the Godly figure spoke a sheet of paper what's a list of worlds was fabricated from thin air and given to trace he immediately look down and began to think of which world he would like to be reincarnated into he kept looking down the list and his eyes stopped at a rather interesting world Dragon Ball he said I would like to be reincarnated into the world of Dragon Ball says Trace with a excited tone of voice The Godly figure just laughs and says that it's a fine choice she then brings up that he can I have three wishes no more no less now just to be clear I put point of view POV when I switch points of view" traces POV " 3 wishes what should I wish for Dragon Ball is a very very hard place to live but it's abilities make it worth it assuming I can use Ki in the next world it would probably be best if I had a battle power higher than most humans maybe a battle power newborn Saiyan Maybe yeah that'll be my first wish okay I breathe in and out and then continue to say my answer for my first wish I wish to be born what's a battle power of 400 and for my second I wish for a body that will learn from my battles and get stronger the more I fight and the more I train enter the Third I wish to keep all of my knowledge from my previous life The Godly figure then asks that is all and if I am sure I don't just want to become a Saiyan I say no even if I'm human I can still change my race do to the Dragon Balls The Godly figure then nods in agreement and send me on my way " Godly figures POV" goodbye young one I hope to see you again one day when you have had a full life as I say this I sent him along on his way to a journey all his own