
Reborn in Dragon Ball as Son Goten: Start Bonus Ultra Instinct-Sign

Disclaimer?: The purpose of author in this AU was to make it similar to Future Trunks timeline, where in this timeline only Goten was a survivor and the world was without hope. Since it's Goten's story, it starts with few years after Cell saga. If it was Trunks story, it would start with few years after Android saga. ........................... Synopsis: .......................... It has been three years since Jiang Hui transmigrated to the world of Dragon Ball. His soul merged and took over the body of a four year old Goten . After transmigrating, he realized that the timeline he was in was f*cked up. All the Z-fighters died at the hands of Cell in the Cell Games and now were refusing to be resurrected for some reason. He was the only warrior left to protect the earth if one ignored the dead beat old man Roshi and little bald head Krillin. In desperation, not wanting to die, he trained desperately for three years and mastered the full power of Super Saiyan transformation, but still struggled to break through to Super Saiyan II. Just when Goten feels extremely frustrated about not being able to break through to Super Saiyan II, and is ready to accept his grim fate, a system notification rings in his mind. His golden finger, a god-level attribute picking system, finally appeared after three years of transmigration. The system activates and issues a novice gift package Ultra Instinct - Sign. This newfound power might be the key to defeating Cell and protecting the Earth. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi Guys, I have been working on this fanfic for a while and finally decided to share it with you guys. This is a translated work, but I have made sure to filter out all the kinks and unpleasant name mistakes and other errors from it. But since it's my first translation work, it might be a bit lacking. I will be uploading the whole work, at the moment of upload, I have around 50 chapters left which I need to work on, and then re-refine the previously done chapters before uploading. Basically I have to re-read 3 times before uploading to make sure there aren't some discrepancies. For the curious fellas out there wondering what's the chinese raws: Name: 我!孙悟天,开局奖励自在极意功 English translation would be: I! Son Goten, Starting With The Secret of the Self-centered Sign By author: 赛亚龙珠 English translation would be: Saiyan in Dragon Ball You don't have to worry about me dropping mid way. And once the final touches are done, I might speed up the upload rate to finish the work here. I am a student, so sometimes, my real life work might interfere with my upload rate. But dontchu worry :D I got you guys. Doing this work, I learned that translation was hard work. Took over an hour and half to refine a single chapter, that too when i was just refining the stuff, before uploading have to re-read it twice to make sure everything is in order... 0_0 Kudos to those kind strangers for giving us those gems. (GPT doesn't count, it fuc*s up the feel of the chapter that one would get by working on it himself.) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you plan on negatively reviewing this book, please do so after reading till 50 or 60 chapters (You can skim read it). Because I know that some readers might have nothing but negative reviews due to early plot development lol. Those unpleasant developments get a closure around chapter 63 or 68 (I think).

Clay_Champion · Anime & Comics
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99 Chs

God Of Destruction Beerus Awakens

"Videl, you've really splurged on this!" Chichi exclaimed, holding up a new dress. She turned to Goten, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "What do you think, Goten? Do I look good in these clothes?"

Goten, seeing his mother's joy, nodded enthusiastically. "Absolutely, Mom. Videl's right, these clothes suit you perfectly."

Knock Knock Knock!!

Just then, a knock echoed through the house. Goten rushed to open the door, revealing Bulma on the other side. "Bulma-san, welcome!" Goten greeted.

"Goten, you've grown so much taller! You're starting to look more and more like Goku," Bulma remarked warmly as she stepped inside.

The house soon filled with chatter as Chichi, Bulma, and Videl engaged in a lively conversation that lasted for nearly two hours. Goten, feeling somewhat left out, could only watch from the sidelines.

Eventually, Bulma revealed the reason for her visit. "Goten, Chichi, Videl, I'm celebrating my birthday in five days. I'm planning a grand party on a cruise ship in the West Sea. I hope you all can make it."

Chichi's eyes lit up at the news. "A birthday party on a luxury cruise ship? That sounds wonderful! We'll definitely be there!" She then asked Bulma about the rumored lucky draws at such parties.

Ever since she married Goku, she had basically been saving money every day. She basically never thought about things like luxury cruise ships.

She went on to ask: "By the way, Bulma, I saw on TV that when other rich people hold birthday parties on cruise ships, there are lucky draws, do you have any?

"Of course, there will be a lottery," Bulma confirmed. "The prize this time is something quite special."

Chichi immediately turned to Videl, excitement gleaming in her eyes. "That's great! Videl, if all three of us participate, our chances of winning must be very high!"

Videl blushed at Chichi's words and glanced at Goten, who was left speechless by his mother's enthusiasm.

"Okay, I'm going back first! After five days, all of you must come."

After emphasizing the importance of their attendance, Bulma took her leave.

Days passed quickly, especially for Goten, who spent most of his time training. On the day of the party, Videl arrived at Mount Paozu early. At Chichi's insistence, Goten dressed up in a suit, though he didn't particularly care for it.

In Chichi's words, 'To participate in this kind of formal event, you must dress more grandly! What would it be like to go to a party in a martial arts gi?'

Goten didn't want to disappoint his mother, so he reluctantly complied. Despite his strength, which could earn him a place among the top in the universe, in front of Chichi, he became a well-behaved child.

Perhaps this was influence of her authority as his mother.

Using Kai Kai, they soon arrived at the designated location. A massive cruise ship, akin to an aircraft carrier, awaited them. He had to admit, Bulma was really rich.

The cruise ship was no ordinary luxury liner; it was equipped with numerous energy attack systems and energy defense systems.

Because of the emergence of powerful enemies one after another on the earth, after transforming Krillin into an android, Bulma also began to develop offensive weapons.

Since she had talent, she didn't want to leave the protection of Earth to Goten and Krillin alone! She believed that everyone should do what they can.

"Wow!! Is this a luxury cruise ship? It's so impressive," Chichi couldn't help but marvel.

Underneath the cruise ship, a large circle of food stalls offered a variety of snacks, each prepared by a group of master chefs. The entire cruise ship exuded a festive atmosphere.

"Chichi, Goten, you are here!" Bulma also came out sensing their arrival.

Today she was wearing a sky-blue tight dress. This life dress perfectly outlined her stunning figure. Although Bulma had aged, but because of her good maintenance, she had impeccable looks and figure.

"Bulma-san, you look stunning today!" Goten complimented, genuinely impressed by Bulma's appearance. Bulma, pleased by the compliment, couldn't help but smile.

"Ma~~ Our Goten is really good at complimenting people, you are so sweet!" Bulma smiled happily. No woman disliked praise.

"Sigh… What a pity. If only Goku and Gohan were here, the party would have been perfect!"

Chichi sighed a little sadly.

Although having Goten's company made her feel very happy, but many times, she still missed Goku and Gohan.

She didn't know how they were faring in the Otherworld. Especially Gohan—did he study hard and train well?

[T/N: ☠️]

And that guy Goku was no good. It had been eight years since he last contacted them. Clearly, he had the means to contact them but refused to do so...


"Especially my Trunks..."

Bulma's initially joyful expression suddenly turned downcast. She didn't miss Vegeta much. But her son, Trunks, died at the age of one! She missed him every day, wondering how tall he'd be now. But after a sad moment, she pulled herself together.

Then she said: "Okay, okay, today's my birthday party. Let's keep it happy and not talk about sad stuff!!"

"Yes, yes, let's not talk about these unhappy things." Chichi quickly agreed.

She knew that Bulma was in more pain than herself. At least she had Goten by her side! But in Bulma's family, she was the only one now. Her mother, father, husband and son, were all killed during Cell games eight years ago.

After leaving the sad things behind, everyone immediately began to enjoy the happy party.

As the party progressed, Krillin arrived with Roshi, and even Satan was invited by Bulma. Despite their initial dislike for him, everyone knew that Videl, Satan's daughter, would soon be part of their family.


In the distant God Realm of the God of Destruction, within the sacred temple.


Beerus, the God of Destruction, suddenly sat up from his slumber. He yawned, stretching his limbs as he looked around in a daze.

He had just experienced a peculiar dream, one that featured an incredibly powerful adversary. The name of this opponent had been clear in his dream, but as he woke, it blurred and slipped from his grasp. Now, he couldn't recall it at all.

"Who was that?" Beerus muttered to himself, his eyes flashing with an icy light. He tried to remember, but the name remained elusive, leaving only a vague figure in his mind.

"Whis, Whis…" Beerus called out, his voice echoing through the temple.

In the next instant, with a whooshing sound, the Whis appeared before Beerus. "Beerus-sama, you're awake?" Whis asked, surprise evident in his voice. "It's quite unusual for you to sleep for such a short time."

Beerus had a habit of sleeping for at least 50 years at a stretch. Sometimes, he would even sleep for centuries. But this time, he had woken up after only 39 years, which was indeed strange.

"Whis, I just had a very strange prophetic dream," Beerus began, his voice serious. "In the dream, a very powerful opponent appeared, claiming to be my rival. The name was clear in the dream, but after I woke up, I completely forgot it."

Beerus scratched his ear with his paw, trying to jog his memory. But no matter how hard he thought, he couldn't remember the name. Not even a single letter.

"Beerus-sama, dreams can be like that," Whis explained patiently. "When you wake up, the dream is very clear, but once you're fully conscious, it becomes hard to remember. But a prophetic dream? A rival? Are you sure you're not joking? In the entire seventh universe, who could possibly be your rival?"

Whis was skeptical. After all, Beerus was the God of Destruction of the seventh universe. He was undoubtedly the most powerful being in this universe, unmatched by any other being or god, except for Angels like Whis.

"That dream was very real. It was definitely a prophetic dream," Beerus insisted, his brows furrowed in concentration. "The scene of me fighting that guy in the dream was so real, it makes me believe that he definitely exists in reality."

"Beerus-sama, I think you had such a strange dream because you haven't had an equal match for a long time," Whis suggested. "Dreams shouldn't be taken too seriously. Even your previous prophetic dreams didn't come true at all."

"Hah! Enough with the nonsense," Beerus snapped, cutting Whis off. "If said it was true, and it was true! Now, hurry up and find out who the guy in my dream is. Where is he now?"

Beerus ordered directly, without any explanation. He was determined to find out who the rival in his prophetic dream was. Otherwise, it would feel like a thorn in his side, or an itch he couldn't scratch, leaving him very uncomfortable.

"Then… what is the name of the rival in your dream?" Whis asked helplessly.

"Name? I forgot!" Beerus admitted, a hint of frustration in his voice. "But you're an Angel, with so many amazing abilities. You must be able to help me find that guy, right?"

"Beerus-sama, your joke is a bit too much," Whis replied, giving Beerus a scorned look. "Although I am an Angel, if you don't even remember the name of your rival in your dream, how could I possibly find him?"

This guy really thought of him as omnipotent! Even Grand Priest may not be able to do this kind of thing.

"Hah! Can't find him?" Beerus grumbled, scratching his head in annoyance. "It's awful. It's such an exasperating feeling!"

"Clean up, I'm going to vent my anger," Beerus declared coldly. "Maybe watching the beautiful fireworks of a star explosion can remind me of something about the prophetic dream." Beerus said to Whis coldly.

What Beerus enjoyed most was watching the spectacular fireworks produced by the explosion of a planet. It was a way for him to vent his anger.

"Yes, Beerus-sama," Whis nodded, preparing himself for what was to come. He had long grown used to this kind of thing. Every time Beerus was upset, he would destroy some planets. Although such behavior was unreasonable, as an Angel, Whis could only counsel the God of Destruction and had no right to interfere with any decisions made by the God of Destruction.

The spirit of Yamoshi really likes to create troubles for others. Beerus was just sleeping peacefully, it just had to enter his dreams and start a fight.


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