
Chapter 5 : The True Horror of a Supreme Saiyan

(Author Note - guys happy New year to all my viewers and thanks for all your support)

Kyle looked at the group of parademons that had survived his ki blast with intrest "you guys seem to be much stronger than those bugs i crushed before"

[Mutated parademons (with doomsday dna) ]

The gamer system showed their names above their heads it's quiet a useful ability if I say so myself

That being said those bugs can be fused with doomsday dna?....Intresting and the one leading the pack should be

[ Steppenwolf ]

As i thought it's Steppenwolf one of the darkseid's Elite force the one hailed as the 'end of worlds' and the powerful genral of Apokolips

"Hahaha Good finally a good opponent! " While Kyle was eager to fight them Steppenwolf eyes narrowed the fact that this unknown enemy was able to take down several of the mutated parademons in a single attack means he's Strong!

"I don't know who you're but anyone standing in darkseid's path shall be cut down by my axe!..... parademons spread out and attack!"

In this way his energy attacks won't be able to kill all of them at once "this dog seems to be Little component" well Kyle didn't want to accidently kill black canary with his wide range attack so he decided to crush them with his bare hands!


Kyle used his current full speed and rushed towards a mutated parademon.....


Before anyone there could react he blasted through the parademon

"What speed!" Even Steppenwolf was shocked

But Kyle was not happy due to his intense speed he couldn't instantly stop and turn his body he struggled a little before comming to a halt but in that instance three parademons attacked him from three sides he blocked the one on the right and twisted his body to barely avoid the attack from his left side but then he couldn't react to the one that grappled him from the back, in that instance the other two tried to slash him with their claws... Kyle immediately crossed his arms and released his ki attack on all direction....


All three of the mutated parademons got obliterated. Behind the smoke Kyle narrowed his eyes, as he suspected before he wasn't able to fully utilise this body....after all it's only been less than an hour he suddenly got this physique and went from a mortal to a casual star buster it would take some time to adopt to this body

It wasn't just Kyle who noticed this weakness "it seem you have yet to completely master your powers hahaha and you rushed here like an idiot! ....now your ignorance shall be your down fall!" Steppenwolf mocked " parademons 5 of you go and attack him in close combat while the rest spread out and use your long range attacks!"

Being an experienced commander he's well aware of how to use his enemies weaknesses, five of them rushed towards Kyle keeping him in bay while the rest spread out and used their energy projectiles to attack him from distance... although a single projectile didn't even scratch him when thousands of such attacks rained on him it might have some effect

And Steppenwolf wasn't finished he noticed Kyle being careful not to accidently kill this canary women so he decided to use her as a meat shield two of the parademons dragged her around so that Kyle doesn't use his long range ki attacks on them

"You disgusting cowards! " Black canary screamed she didn't know who this muscular man was but she certainly noticed him getting distracted because of her "Warrior please don't worry about me and attack them!" She shouted at Kyle she would be incredibly guilty if he died because of her...

' idiot if I wanted to kill you i would have already done so..... unfortunately that stupid god asked me to save as many heroes as possible!' Kyle thought besides 'the situation is no where nearly bad enough to even make him serious'

" Haha now this the price for your arrogance! Now get killed like a trapped mouse!"

" Your ignorance truly amuse me do you really think these measlely attack can even hurt me? Watch as i destroy them all!"


One of the mutated parademons near Kyle was cut in half, a long energy sword was condensed on kyle's hand shocking the other parademons but before they could move away all of them were cut into halfs even with doomsday's dna Kyle's ki sword early cut through them like butter

[ Skill ki sword is created ]

[ Ki sword lv1 ]

Steppenwolf eyes widened "is it energy manipulation? "

But Kyle continued his attack he condensed multiple dense ki balls several dozen of them created around him with Kyle as center before each rushing towards a targeted parademons

"Quickly dodge it! " Steppenwolf shouted some of the parademons got hit and destroyed while the others were able to dodge....but Kyle wasn't done yet he opened and closed his first making all the ki blasts turn around and hit them in the back

Boom* boom* boom*

Several dozen of the mutated parademons were immediately disintegrated

[ Skill multi-targeted ki blast is created ]

[ Multi-targeted ki blast lv1 ]

"Damn it! You useless fools! Continue Attacking him!" It seems loosing so many of the mutated parademons pissed him off

Steppenwolf clenched his axe handle and prepared to enter the battle himself while Kyle looked at the mutated parademons with a huge grin he speed blized one of the nearby parademons at full speed

"Don't flatter continue Attacking he can't control his body at such speeds aim for his back!" Steppenwolf commanded

"Haha are you sure about that?" Kyle put his hands forward in the open space and released his ki blast using the recoil of the blast he stabilized himself, he turned around and grabbed two of the parademons with their heads and


he blasted them off but Kyle didn't stop he opened his mouth and released a high intense ki beam destroying a row full of parademons

[ Skill ki breath has been created ]

[ Ki breath lv1 ]

"You! Dare!" Seeing the situation going worse Steppenwolf appeared behind him and swung his battle axe at his blind spot with all his force


The sheer pressure from his impact caused stromes with a roaring sound this attack was enough to destroy multiple continent with ease but...

"Is that all? You're weak!" His battle axe was stopped before it reached Kyle by an invisible barrier "

[ Skill Ki Barrier has been created ]

[ Ki Barrier lv1 ]

" You have such precise energy manipulation? " Steppenwolf asked in shock then he shook his head " No you can manipulate only one type of energy else i would have already been dead"

" Although you're weak atleast you're not an idiot it seems" he was right Kyle could only control ki type of energy "but it's more than enough to kill you"

Both of them started their high speed battle the shockwaves created from Kyle's bare first and Steppenwolf's battle axe hitting each other was enough to easily destroy mountains

Looking at the sonic booms created by their battle black canary's eyes widened it has been a long time since she had seen such intense battle.....after all most of their strongest superheroes are either dead or busy fending off darkside and trigon.....or worse betrayed them like superman

Deepdown she really wished the new warrior is on their side not only is he fighting on par with Steppenwolf he was actually overpowering him the only reason Steppenwolf is able to fight back is because of 2 reasons first the warrior is unable to fully utilise his powers due to lack of control and second Steppenwolf is using the mutated parademons to distract the warrior whenever possible without the numerical advantage he would have already been defeated

'but that warrior.....some thing doesn't feel right? His moments are becoming more and more beast like...as if he's loosing control?' black canary analysed

Badum* Badum* Badum*

Kyle's heart beat faster and faster blood was rushing towards his head as the battle intensified his consciousness slowly started to be overpowered by his beast instincts

"Yes! More show me more! Ahhhhhhhhhhh! " Kyle roared he caught the parademon that dared to interfere in their battle and ripped it's head off!

Then holding his hands together he jumped above Steppenwolf and smashed his head breaking off one of his horns the impact was strong enough to send him flying crashing trough several mountains

But Kyle wasn't satisfied... In his berserker state he looked around for his next prey any parademons that was unlucky enough to get into his sight got destroyed into pieces finally his eyes landed on the two parademons holding black canary and he rushed towards her

Black canary was terrified the same person she hoped to be humanity's new hope is now rushing towards to kill her... unfortunately she knew there's nothing she could do

'i tried everything i could to protect my people unfortunately this seems to be my end... atleast I won't be brainwashed and turned into darkseid's minion '

Thinking so she closed her eyes awaiting her demise but at that time

[ Gamer's mind is activated ]

[ Forcing the host's mind to calm down ]

Luckily his game's mind skill activated and forcefully suppressed his killing instincts

Looking at the scared black canary Kyle sighed he remembered how he once lost his reasoning and tried to even kill his own daughter...because of the sudden guilt he got distracted for a second

"Now! parademons lock him in place!" Steppenwolf didn't miss the opportunity, all the parademons quickly grabbed him firmly in his place not caring about their own life suddenly Kyle was locked in place by 30 or so parademons before he could release his ki attack Steppenwolf appeared behind him and swung his battle axe this time with everything he had

"Ahhhhhhh! This is the End!!!" The force was enough to bend space even the ki Barrier around kyle got destroyed then....

Infront of black canary's widened eyes Kyle's head was cut off from his body "Nooooo!" She screamed all of this happened so fast that she couldn't even see anything instead of feeling glad that she survived she was filled with guilt 'if he wasn't distracted by me and just killed me he could have won the fight ....and maybe even killed these bastards!'

Steppenwolf wolf caught Kyle's decapitated head and laughed like a mad man "hahahahaha! Finally he's dead! no one shall stand in darkseid's path! I shall suspend his head in Apokolips training grounds as a troph..ahhhhhhhhhh!"

Before he could finish his words a firm kick was landed on his abdomen by Kyle's decapitated body and send him flying while it caught his head that was falling to the ground

"don't you know it's disrespectful to play with dead body?" the decapitated head asked as they landed on theyl ground

Then his body reattached his head back to its neck a pink slime like substance soon glued them back together there was no longer even a scar

The entire scene look like straight out of horror movies that even black canary who was happy to see Kyle alive had a wierd look on her face while Steppenwolf was absolutely terrified

"W...What! How? Even superman can't survive getting his head decapitated! Why are you still alive!!!" Steppenwolf roared in frustration

Kyle ignored his screams and looked up at black canary he secretly sent her mind transition so far he never tried this but in canon Goku was able to do it so why not give it a try?

[Hey blonde....do you hear me?....nod your head of you do]

Black canary was initially surprised but soon nodded

[Good you're unable to use your ultrasonic cry because of the damper on your neck right? ]

Black canary nodded as soon as these guys captured her they put a damper on her neck that supress her meta powers on top of that she's also currently injured

[ I see....do you wish to be saved? ]

She frantically shook her head saying no, Kyle could easily detect she was panicking because she doesn't want to cause further trouble for him after all he almost died because of her just now.....'what a stupid thought' with buu's regeneration and 'Almighty' in his hands very few can actually kill him even superman and thor couldn't kill him much less Steppenwolf

[ You don't have to worry of me these insects aren't worthy of taking my life all you have to do is prove me.....prove me that you are worth saving ]

Black canary had a surprised expression but Kyle already shot a pink beam at her in a second her damper supressing her powers got destroyed, her wounds were healed and she even got a new metalic staff weapon in her hand

[ Skill 'create' has leveled up ]

[ Create lv2 ]

This is one of Majin buu's ability in canon he was able to turn people into chocolate bars, milk or candies, give life to a dead animal, cure a blind boy and Even create objects out of nothing he first tested this ability with Hawkgirl by regrowing her wings and the gamer system has identified this ability as 'create' and made a new skill for him

"What! He even has molucler manipulation ability!? This person is more dangerous than i thought!" Steppenwolf gritted his teath

He wasn't completely right majin buu's 'create' ability is slightly stronger than molucler manipulation but inferior to reality warping it's a skill inbetween

[ Now show me that you're a worthy hero ]

This is the extent of help Kyle is willing to give to this female hero the one thing he hates the most is people not trying to stand up for themselves despite given an opportunity.....if she didn't have that much determination Kyle will no longer care about her life and death

Seeing the changes black canary smiled "since you insist let me show you how a pro hero fights "

'well can't say I hate her confidence' Kyle looked with amusement

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Black canary used her canary scream creating ultrasonic vibration aimed at the two parademons that was Holding her mid air with chains



Being hit at point bank distance both of them screamed but ofcourse her cry is nowhere near enough to destroy them she only used it as a distraction while she grabbed the chain and did a back flip landing on the back of one of the parademons while the other parademon shot it's energy projectiles towards her she used her staff to grapple the parademon she was standing on and forced it to change direction slightly....she literally used the parademon as a shield

Because of that the energy projectiles hit it's own Ally and killing it then she throwed the chains she was tied too towards the other parademon's leg, once the chains wrapped around it's neck she lept off the dead parademon using the chains to avoid falling down she swung herself above she was currently in mid air without any way to move and all the parademons near by rushed towards her from all four sides

Next she did something even Kyle didn't expect she shot her cry towards the ground and used the recoil to push her body upwards dodging the parademons then she used her staff to fend off any parademon the closed upon her in mid air she continued to float or change direction using her ultrasonic cry

'oh did she copied my method and used it with her own super powers? Not bad..."

She continued using her sonic cry as a thruster to keep floating in air and continued fending off the parademons she some times used smokescreen and other strategies too but.... ultimately she reached her limits killing 2 mutated parademons was already her limits infact she was much weaker than even one of these parademons the only reason she managed to hold on was because of her high battle iq also Steppenwolf and most of the parademons wasn't participating as they were paying all their attention towards Kyle

But that's it she was already at her limits injuries appeared all over her body and she was about to be struck down by one of the parademons....at that time Kyle finally decided to make his move

"I was the one who asked her to show her worth but....." Kyle clenched his right first and pulled it back "But who said you bugs can resist? " And he released his punch standing from the ground towards the parademons who were floating in the air the punch didn't directly hit them but the sheer focused pressure was enough to creat an nuclear explosion level power upon them the entire world shook for a second the unlucky parademons that got hit from the pressure alone got disintegrated and a Literal hole in the atmosphere and worse the force of the punch continued across the world destroying several astroids in its path even the earth's orbit was slightly shifted

Several powerful beings across the world were able to sense the disturbance while both Steppenwolf and the parademons who saw this close enough were scared shitless

Black canary widened her eyes seeing the destruction caused but just his fist's shockwaves but became even more stunned when she realised she was in his arms being holded in princess carry 'when did he?...no more importantly this pose is embrassing!'

Kyle looked at her with a rare smile and said "you did well blonde....no black canary right? You deserve to be a true hero"

She didn't know why but she felt proud being praised by Kyle her face slightly blushed before getting off from his embrace

"What a monstrous physical power! Were you hiding your true powers till now?" Steppenwolf asked with a trembling voice Kyle didn't have this much strength when they fought! Else he would have been already destroyed

But Kyle shook his head " i wasn't holding back when I fought you at all "

"Then?...No..No way! Are you telling me you have grown this strong during our battle? I don't believe you! Not even darkseid has such ability!!" Steppenwolf refused to beleive it

" Haha that is my true ability! I continue to evolve during battle the longer i fight the stronger I'll become.....and just so you know I have infinite stamina I can do this all day" afterall he has the ability to grow infinitely from broly and all the gamer system benefits on top his already high adoptability talent there's no single creature with more potential than him!

as if to prove his words Kyle disappeared from his place and appeared infront of Steppenwolf so fast that the later couldn't even see and more importantly Kyle seems to have full control over his body a powerful hit was planted on his abdomen

[ Skill high speed flight has increased ]

[ High speed flight lv2 ]

"Bhhhhhh...!" Steppenwolf vomited blood almost all the bones in his body was broken he fell back and shouted "when did you learn to control your powers!?....NoNo I can't die here!! parademons buy me time!" He decided to escape he needs to warn darkseid about this monster!

"Who said you could run?" Multiple disk shaped ki weapon was created around kyle before moving on it's own and cutting down Almost all the parademons in an instant




[ Skill destructo disk is created ]

[ Destructo disk lv1 ]

In less than a second there wasn't a single parademon alive while Kyle appeared right infront of the Steppenwolf who was trying to run away

"Stop..... I am darkseid's uncle if you kill me.....he'll kill you! And everyone you know including your family!" In panic Steppenwolf tried to threaten Kyle..... unfortunately for him he touched his sour spot.

"You guys will touch my family huh? Hahaha now you have done it! Congrats you managed to truly piss me off!" Speaking Ill of his daughter is the worst way to intimidate Kyle

"Wai....!" Kyle grabbed his throat with one hand and his leg with other he the pulled his both hand in opposite directions

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Along with his screams Steppenwolf was ripped into two halfs as his blood and internal organs falling down Steppenwolf... finally died

With blood drenched all over his body and two halfs of Steppenwolf in each of his hands Kyle looked like a demon god for hell

But black canary who looked at it felt different the monster that killed her friends and her ex lover.....was finally dead and in her eyes Kyle was a hero even if he fought for his selfish reason she was still greatful to him

She learned from her experience that inorder to fight these monsters that are destroying her world another monster is needed luckily she found that monster.

Next chapter