
Reborn in DBZ as a human

A young man was slowly crossing the street. He made sure to look both ways before crossing the street, he had read too many novels where truck-Kun suddenly appeared. Just as it seemed safe he started crossing the street. That's when he heard a loud roaring sound as Mercedes sped around the corner and hit him full force. He flew back 3 feet and when he hit the ground he was already dead. I got out of the car as fast as I could, I was the one driving the Mercedes, and I had just killed this innocent man.

DaoistRo15uY · Anime & Comics
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Reborn in DBZ as a human

Raiden slowly levitated into the air and smirked when he saw Bulma's shocked face.

"Why so surprised? I told u I had a quick way of getting around," Raiden said with a laugh.

"B-but but how? You must have some new hover technology. There's no way you can just fly without any tech," Bulma said not convinced.

"Well believe what you want, I think a spiky-haired kid we're traveling with is getting ahead," Raiden said as he gestured to where Goku ran off.

Bulma nodded as he quickly pulled out a capsule and threw it on the floor revealing a motorcycle.

"Do you even know how to ride that?" Raiden asked.

"I'm the one who built it," Bulma said arrogantly and she revved her ride and shot off after Goku.

Raiden quickly followed after he in the air fly just a few meters above the ground.

They soon caught up to Goku who was running at a good pace even though he was carrying a giant turtle on his back.

"Heyy how are you flying. I thought only things with wings could fly," Goku asked when he saw Raiden.

"I can teach you later," Raiden said with a smile to which Goku eagerly nodded.

The trio plus turtle traveled on the road for a few minutes when Raiden noticed a rather weak ki signature sitting in place up ahead.

'Probably a thief, I'll let Goku take care of it,' he thought not wanting to waste his energy on someone so weak.

Just as he predicted after they had traveled for another few minutes the group was stopped in the middle of the road by a giant humanoid bear wielding a sword.

"Hey stop right there, how nice of you to have brought me my favorite snack. Now hand over the turtle," the giant bandit said.

"Y-yea cmon Goku give him the turtle already," said Bulma nervously.

"Nope," Goku said unfased.

"If you want to leave here with your lives intact you better give me the turtle, it's my favorite food, he'll taste delicious," the bandit said menacingly.

"Goku you idiot just hand over the damn turtle," Bulma yelled.

"No way I don't want to," said Goku putting the Turtle down on the floor.

"Well in that case you die first kid," said the bandit as he swung his giant sword down on Goku. 

Raiden noticed that Bulma had not so subtly had driven away while Goku was getting attacked. He wondered how she even collected the first two dragon balls with an attitude like that.

Raiden watched as Goku made quick work of the bandit eventually jumping onto his huge sword and decking him in the face.

"Well I guess we can keep going now," Goku said having taken care of the bandit. "Hey, do you really taste as good as he said?" Goku asked looking at the sea turtle.

"N-no I promise I don't taste good at all," The turtle said worried that Goku would actually try to eat him.

Goku was about to carry the turtle on his back again when Raiden spoke up.

"He Goku give him to me, we can get to the sea faster if I help carry him," he said gesturing the turtle to come towards him.

The turtle walked towards him and Raiden quickly flattened out one of his ki balls to make a platform for the turtle to stand on. He then levitated it in the air and added a little barrier to it with more ki so the turtle didn't fall off.

"Now we can go much faster," Raiden said with a smile as Goku broke off in a much faster run now that the turtle wasn't weighing him down anymore. Raiden and Bulma quickly flew and rode after him.

It took them a few hours but they eventually saw an endless expanse of blue meaning that they had reached their destination.

"Wow we actually reached the sea, you really saved me," said the turtle crying tears of joy. "Please wait here I want to thank you all for your help," said the turtle as he swam off into the sea.

Raiden watched as Goku and Bulma played in the water as they waited for the turtle to come back. Not really wanting to get wet he just relaxed in the shade of a few palm trees on the shore.

After a while of waiting Raiden finally felt the turtle's ki coming back towards them, along with an extra passenger on top of his large shell.

Raiden smiled, he had always wanted to meet the legendary martial arts master, no matter how perverted he was.

"Hey look turtle's coming back, and he's bringing someone with him," said Goku as Raiden flew down to the shore to stand by them.

"Yea it looks like an old man," Bulma said as the turtle came closer.

Slow the turtle walked on the shore and the old man jumped off his back onto the beach.

"Good afternoon. I was told that you helped out my turtle here," said the turtle hermit walking towards the group.

"So which ones helped you," master Roshi asked the turtle.

"The two boys," the turtle replied.

"I see let me, the legendary turtle hermit, reward you two," said master Roshi. He seemed to think about what to give them for a second before he pointed towards the sky with his staff and said, "Come to me Flying Nimbis!!"

A few moments after master Roshi had shouted towards the sky, a little yellow cloud zoomed towards them at a breakneck pace.

"This is the Flying Nimbus cloud kid, I'm giving it to you for helping my turtle," explained master Roshi.

"Hmm, so how do I eat it," asked Goku confused at the small cloud.

"Don't try and eat the Flying Nimbus you brat," shouted Master Roshi in anger. "Listen if you are pure of heart the Flying Nimbus can take you anywhere you want through the sky," Master Roshi said. He motioned the Flying Nimbus to come closer but as he tried to jump on the cloud he fell straight through and landed on the ground with a bang.

Bulma and Raiden broke out in laughter while turtle urgently went to see if the old man was ok.

"Hey let me try it now," Goku said jumping right on the cloud without hesitation. He easily landed on it to the surprise of turtle and Master Roshi. Goku quickly did a couple of flips and loops with the Flying Nimbus in the sky before he descended back down to the ground again.

"Look Raiden I can fly with you now; I don't need to run anymore," Goku said with a smile on his face.

"Fly with you?" Master Roshi questioned as Raiden slowly levitated off the ground ignoring the look of surprise on the master's face. The novelty had already worn off after witnessing multiple people react the same way.

"Well I don't have another could I could give you..." said master Roshi thinking about what to give to Raiden.

"If you don't mind I would like the ball your wearing on your neck please," asked Raiden hopefully.

"O this, I found it on the bottom of the sea a hundred years ago. I guess I could give it to you," murmured Master Roshi.

"Oh my god that's the Dragon Ball we saw on the radar, great job Raiden now that means we have four of them," Bulma said happily.

"Hey wait a minute now I didn't say that I would give it to you yet," argued Master Roshi.

"Well it was nice to meet you Master Roshi, and I hope you don't get lost again turtle," said Raiden as he quickly grabbed Bulma and flew off, and Goku quickly followed after not wanting to get left behind.

"What just happened," muttered Master Roshi. "Well I guess they did save you," said Master Roshi as he climbed on the back of the turtle and they swam back to his island.

* * *

Raiden shot through the air while holding Bulma in his arms as he tried to ignore her soft body against him. Scared of falling out of the air she had armed her arms around his neck and held on for dear life as they flew through the air.

After a few minutes they landed in a small clearing they found in the forest with Goku not that far behind them.

Raiden gently put Bulma down on her feet as he laughed and said," Wow master Roshi sure was nice, he gave us such good gifts."

"Oh my god, I can't believe we just did that," Bulma said as he tried to get her balance back on the ground.

"Huh did what," said Goku oblivious as flew around on his new cloud.

"We should probably start looking for the west dragon ball, it looks like it's to the west," said Raiden looking at his dragon Radar.

"Well it looks pretty far, it'll take us at least a few days to let to that location," said Bulma looking at his radar.

"Not if we fly," Raiden said with a smirk.

"NO WAY, I am not doing that again," protested Bulma. " We can just move a little slower. What if I fall while we're flying," she added.

"Fine," Raiden grunted even though he wasn't really happy with the slow pace they started moving at. Bulma could only go so fast on her bike.

* * *

After traveling for three days the trio finally made it near the location where the next dragon ball was.

"Is it just me or is the town eerily quiet," she said as he rode into town Raiden and Goku flying above her shoulders.

"No there are people here I can sense them," Goku said while Raiden gave him a curious glance. Looks like Goku was already starting to develop ki control.

"Yea I can feel them too," added Raiden as they drove through the deserted town.

"Well anyway, the dragon ball should be right around this place," Bulma said as she stepped off her bike and looked at her Radar.

"I call feel a lot of people here I wonder why they are hidden inside," Raiden muttered.

Goku walked up to the door of one of the houses and knocked," Hello are you there," He yelled, but no one responded.

"That's weird there should be a bunch of people in here," Goku muttered as he stared at the door.

"Yea and the door is locked," Bulma added.

Goku punched straight through the door handle letting himself in the house.

"Hello is anyone here," He yelled as he stepped inside.

Then suddenly Raiden and Bulam noticed a glint of steel and a blade headed straight towards Goku's head. The wielder shouting a warcry as he swung.

The ax struck Goku right on the head and then crumbled to pieces...

"Damn Sayian genetics what's his head made of," Raiden cursed in his head.

Goku spun around and focused on his attacker, a rather short and badly balding middle-aged old man wearing overalls.

"H-Hey that really hurt, what're you doing," Goku yelled.

"Please forgive me Lord Oolong. I will give you all the food and money that you want, just don't take my daughter," the man begged.

"Huh," said Goku and Bulma in surprise.

* * *

"Ahh so you are just travelers, please forgive me. I did think it was strange for Oolong to come early," the man, whose name was Grian, apologized.

"You know that ax would've killed me if it hit me instead," Bulma snapped. The old man just looked down in shame.

"It's alright let's just get Goku patched up first," Raiden intervened and the group went out to see the rest of the villagers. Quickly Goku got the bump on his head bandaged by the daughter Grian had mentioned.

Out of nowhere, Raiden watched Goku pat Grian's daughter on the ... privates with a smile on his face saying, " So you're a girl."

Before Raiden could react Bulma had already punched Goku on the head for his action and Raiden felt it was rather justified. Raiden decided he would have to teach the kid certain things in the future, probably when Bulma wasn't around.

"Hey by the way who is this Oolong you've been talking about," Bulma asked.

"Oolong is a monstrous shapeshifter that lives around this area, but no one knows what did true form really is. Just yesterday he came to the village in the form of a large demon and demanded that I give him my daughter as his bride, otherwise he would eat all of us. He has already kidnapped many of the village girls and I fear my daughter might be next," Grian explained.

'So all I have to do is beat him up," Goku said

"W-Well he's a huge monster I don't know how you're going to beat him," Grian replied.

"Hey wait a second do you happen to have a ball that looks a little like this. Maybe with a different number of stars on it," Bulma asked fishing a dragon ball out of the backpack she had on.

"Huh, I don't think I have anything like that," Grian said inspecting the ball.

"Hey wait a minute, I have something that looks just like that," said an elderly village woman stepping forward.

She looked at the ball for a second before going back to her home to see if she did indeed have a dragon ball. She was only gone for a minute before she came back outside holding onto what looked to be the seven-star ball.

"It was something my grandmother picked up long ago," she said showing Raiden and Bulma the dragon ball. Goku was more focused on also patting the old man in the privates which earning him another scolding from Bulma.

"Hey, so you really did have one. Tell you what, give us the ball and we'll get rid of oolong for you," Bulma offered.

"Well, we would love to get rid of the monster but don't you think that'll be a little hard for you to defeat him. You don't exactly look like the fighting type," the old woman asked

"It won't be me that fights him it'll be him," she said point to Goku who was nursing another bump on his head. This time from Raiden's fists instead of Bulma's.

"But what about the girls he kidnapped, if you get rid of Oolong how will we find them?" asked Grian.

"Don't worry it's not like we're going to kill Oolong, we're just going to beat him up. Also about the girls, I already know where they are," Raiden said with a smile.

"You do? But how?" The villagers asked confused.

"Uhh I can sense them, It's sort of an ability of mine. Kind of like how Oolong can shapeshift," Raiden said vaguely.

The villagers nodded in understanding, powers like that weren't that rare in the world of dragon ball.

"So all we have to do is wait for Goku to beat up Oolong then we can go find the girls after that," Raiden explained the plan and the villagers quickly went into hiding.

After a while, the clock struck 12, the time Oolong had said he would arrive and a giant demon wearing a suit walked into the village.

Raiden nodded at Goku who was early waiting for his signal to fight and watched as the kid jumped and ambushed Oolong.

Turns out Oolong wasn't as strong as the villagers thought he was and when he tried to trick Goku by switching back into his original form, a pig, he was quickly captured and tied up by Raiden.

"So this is Oolongs true form," one of the villagers muttered seeing the pig tied up.

Raiden quickly gave Oolong a kick to the behind and glared at the pig.

"I'm sorry for scaring and attacking your village," Oolong said, his head down in shame.

"I guess this means that the girls are fine?" asked one of the villagers.

"Extremely fine," muttered Oolong as he led them to where the village girls were.

They arrived in front of a large compound with a huge mansion in the middle.

"I made it using all the money I collected," Oolong bragged and Raiden kicked him again.

Oolong led them to where he kept all the girls and to everyone's shock they didn't look like they were in much trouble at all. Just the opposite, they were lazying around Oolong's giant mansion with not a care in the world.

"Please take them back, I wanted a kind simple bride not a bunch of spoiled ones," Oolong begged.

The villagers quickly brought their daughters back home and the old lady gave Bulma the dragon ball for taking care of Oolong.

"Hey you little pig," said Raiden dragging Oolong back to the village. "You're going to sell your mansion to pay back the villagers for what you stole from them got it?" Raiden said harshly.

"But where will I live then?" Oolong complained.

"I'm sure you can figure some way to earn money legit, you do have shapeshifting powers after all," Raiden said with a smirk. "Also don't cause any trouble, if you do I'll make Goku beat you up again," Raiden threatened him.

Oolong quickly nodded not wanting to meet the insanely strong child again.

Raiden let the pig go and went back to where Bulma and Goku were waiting for him. Bulma had wanted to bring Oolong with them but no way Raiden would bring that perverted pig along.

He quickly made his way back to his two friends as they continued on their journey, now just needing two more dragon balls.

"Can you tell me what we can't just fly to frypan mountain," said Raiden annoyed.

"Well you two can fly, but how would I get there. It would take me three days by myself on land," Bulma retorted.

"Well I could have just carried you over," Raiden replied.

"Hmmph, no way am I going to go through that again, it was scary as hell. Also what if you drop me?" Bulma asked.

"We both know that's not gonna happen, and we wouldn't be moving slowly through this lake if only you were pure-hearted. You would've been able to ride the Flying Nimbus with Goku," Raiden accused.

"Well, it's not like you can ride it either," Bulma snapped.

Raiden was about to respond when the scene of him walking into the bathroom when Bulma came to his head. He could feel Bulma staring at him and looked away to hide the fact that his face was going a bright shade of red.

Bulma smirked seeing Raiden's reaction. She didn't know what he was thinking about but knew she was right when she said wouldn't be able to fly on the cloud either.

"How much longer," Goku interrupted saving Raiden from the awkward situation.

"Soon Goku, we should be past the water in a few hours," Raiden said.

* * *

The trio speed across the desert, Bulma riding on a motorcycle and Goku and Raiden flying next to her.

Bulma had dropped her capsules in the lake as they were boating across but luckily Raiden still had his, so they didn't have to slow down by walking.

Unknown to Bulma and Goku the three were secretly being watched from afar by a cat with a telescope hidden in a rocky outcrop.

"Come on Yamcha I see three sitting ducks crossing the desert," Puar informed.

"Is that so," Yamcha said as he took the telescope from Puar. "Great a kid and a blond who seems to be using some type of new hover tech, could be a problem," Yamcha said observing the trio.

Unfortunately for him, that was the exact time Bulma had decided that she needed a break and was resting under a giant rock.

"Cmon let's go get 'em," Yamcha said climbing onto his quad bike.

Yamcha and Puar sped towards the trio on their quadbike ready to rob them blind.

* * *

"Raiden do you hear something? It kinda sounds like a rumbling noise," Goku asked Raiden as they waited for Bulma to finish her little nap.

"Yea it kinda sounds like uselessness," Raiden replied with a smile on his face as if he was remembering something funny.

Goku finally noticed something speeding towards them, but innocent as it was just started at the quadbike and the person and cat on it with curiosity.

"Hehe Nice to meet you," Yamcha said jumping off his bike.

"Huh, who are you?" asked Goku, as Raiden quickly analyzed Yamcha and decided he wasn't at all a threat.

"I'm the hyena who's citadel is this vast desert, Yamcha the bandit!" said Yamcha arrogantly. "Now hand over all your money and capsules kid," he threatened Goku. "And don't try to fly away either, if you want the kid to live," he added to Raiden.

"Go ahead Goku, take care of him. He's trying to kill us and take our stuff," Raiden said to Goku.

"Huh kill us! Why would you do that?" he said angrily to Yamcha.

Yamcha just ignored him and started to draw his blade from its sheath. He swung his sword in a wide arc as if trying to behead Goku with one swing. Goku reacted quickly and jumped over the blade and countered with his power pole. Yamcha was forced to block with his sword which Goku quickly took advantage of by stretching out his power pole and slamming the bandit right on the chest with it.

Yamcha groaned in pain and clutched his chest where a bruise was no doubt forming.

"You how did you get that pole, only one man should possess the power pole," Yamcha suddenly asked.

"I got it from my grandpa," Goku replied.

"Hm, so that means your grandpa must have been," Yamcha started.

"Yep Son Gohan," Goku said with a grin on his face.

Yamcha had a look of awe on his face but quickly snapped out of it and charged Goku again. Raiden thought Goku would continue to beat Yamcha to a pulp when he suddenly felt Goku's ki drop.

"Uhh I'm hungry I don't have any more energy," Goku murmured distracted by his growling stomach.

Raiden was bout to step in and send Yamcha flying when Bulma walked right next to where Goku was standing. Apparently, she had woken up due to all the noise they had been making.

Suddenly Yamcha stopped his charge and started at Bulma who was still groggy from her nap. He quickly went a bright shade of red and fell back.

"P-Puar I think we should make a tactical retreat for now," he said as he grabbed Puar and rocketed away on his quad bike.

Raiden just stood there looking at the sand trail the bandit had left in shock wondering what had just happened.

"W-What just happened," Raiden said hesitantly. He was just about to step in and send Yamcha back to his hideout with a ki blast when the bandit suddenly just ran away.

"I don't know but I'm hungry," said Goku his stomach letting out a growl of agreement.

"Hey who was that, he was kinda hot!," Bulma exclaimed finally fully awake.

"O nothing just some weakling that tired to rob and kill us," Raiden snapped slightly annoyed at her description of Yamcha.

"O-o well, I guess he wasn't that hot then," Bulma stammered.

"Just forget about him let's eat, I'm way better looking than him anyway," Raiden said as he pulled out some food and a mat from a capsule.

Bulma raised a quick eyebrow at him but still sat down and started to eat with him and Goku.

"Can we just fly to frypan mountain? It'll be a much faster journey and we won't have to deal with thieves on the way," Raiden asked Bulma as they ate.

"No way I already said I didn't want to fly again, it's way too scary," Bulma said angrily.

"Who said I was giving you a choice? Either you agree and I carry you gently and fly there slowly, or you disagree and I grab you and we fly there," Raiden said with a smirk on his face.

"Y-you wouldn't"

"Are you sure you want to see what happens? Just wait till we finish eating and you'll be in the air whether you want to or not"

"Goku will protect me!" Bulma said looking at the little saying expectantly.

"Nope I wanna fly on the nimbus," Goku responded not looking up from his food.

Bulma just hung her head down in acceptance and continued to eat her food slowly as if to delay the inevitable.

Finally, the trio finished their meal and Raiden put everything back inside his capsule.

"Ready?" he asked Bulma and she nodded and glared at him at the same time. She held her arms out and he quickly scooped her up in a princess carry and levitated into the air.

This time Raiden flew a lot slower than he had when they were running away from Master Roshi, but still, it was 100s of times faster than walking.

Raiden felt Bulma's grip on his become tighter as they flew through the sky and quickly tried to get rid of the thoughts that were appearing in his head.

luckily or unluckily, Raiden wasn't even sure anymore, his thoughts were interrupted by the rather overwhelming sight of frypan mountain. From above the whole mountain looked to be on fire with a giant castle in middle.

The group flew down in front of the mountain and Raiden put Bulma down on the floor, although a little reluctantly he had to admit. It did feel good holding her in his arms.

Raiden also sensed a rather high ki close by and guessed that it must be the famous Ox King of Frypan mountain.

Raiden turned to Bulma and asked, "Well any ideas where the Dragonball is?"

Bulma quickly took out her Radar and checked the location of the ball," It looks like it's in the castle in the middle of the fire," giving Goku the radar she asked, " You think you can go and get it?"

"I'll be back in a sec," Goku said as he zoomed towards the top of the mountain and tried to get inside the inferno.

"It's no good, it's way too hot," Goku shouted down.

Raiden nodded as he felt out the ki of the Ox king that coming close to them.

He turned and saw that the giant of a man had thrown a huge ax towards them, but it was just a warning shot, he didn't really try to hit them.

"Who are you and what are you doing here," the giant grunted. "You aren't here to steal my treasure are you?" he added suspiciously.

"N-No of course not, we wouldn't dare," Bulma stuttered in fear.

Just then Goku flew down from his failed attempt to fly through the inferno of frypan mountain and looked at the Ox king curiously.

"You are who?" He asked.

"W-what where did you get that cloud kid. Only one person should process it?" The Ox king asked in shock.

"Huh, o I got it from this really old man who called himself the turtle hermit," Goku replied.

"YOU ACTUALLY KNOW MUTEN ROSHI SAMA?? Do you know where he is living right now?

"We know where he lives right?" Goku asked looking towards Bulma and Raiden.

"Yea he should live just off the coast of where we dropped turtle off, it didn't take turtle that long to bring him to us," Raiden answered with a nod.

"THAT'S AMAZING! I can finally return to my home! My castle," The Ox king roared happily grabbing Goku in a massive hug. "Hmm what's this, how did you get this staff," asked the Ox king looking at the pole on Goku's back.

"O this I got it from my grandpa, Son Gohan," Goku answered.

"O your Gohan's grandson," The Ox king exclaimed in surprise.

"You knew my grandpa?" Goku asked in surprise.

"Of course I do! I was master Roshi's second disciple, Gohan was number one! We trained together," He said happily. "But this isn't the time to mess around. Now that I know where master Roshi lives I have a request for you. I heard that Master Roshi has a magical fan that can quell the flames on frypan mountain. With the flying nimbus you can get it in no time!" asked the Ox king.

"Sure! But in exchange can you give us the dragon ball you have?" requested Goku showing him one of the dragon balls.

"Of course if that's all you want! Also if you see my daughter along the way can you please pick her up for me. I also sent her to search for master Roshi. She looks like this," said the Ox king taking out a picture of Chi-Chi.

"Sure I'll pick her up along the way," said Goku as he flew off on the Flying Nimbus.

Raiden watched him fly away and got the feeling a massive misunderstanding was about to occur, but he wasn't sure what.

Raiden chatted with Bulma as they waited for Goku to come back with Master Roshi and the magical fan. The Ox king just paced back and forth nervously, occasionally looking sadly at his castle.

"So what was your original wish with the dragon balls, you said it wasn't that important?" Raiden said thinking back to his first conversation with Bulma.

Bulma blushed slightly," Why're you so interested now? You didn't really care before," she said trying to dodge the question.

"Why so defensive. It wasn't something naughty, was it," Raiden said with a smirk.

"I'M naughty? Who is the one who peeked at me the first time we met," Bulma teased.

Raiden remembering the memory couldn't help but drop his gaze to Bulma's nicely developing rack.

"My eyes are up here buddy," Bulma said with a smirk on her face.

Raiden not where he got the confidence said, "Sorry but your eyes weren't really the first thing I noticed when we met."

"O yea and what was the first thing you noticed," Bulma said with a frown on her face.

Raiden smiled, "Your Hair."

Bulma quickly broke into a smile, but before she could respond a gust of wind interrupted them.

Goku zoomed towards the three on his Nimbus and Raiden noticed that he had an extra passenger on board with him.

"Did you find the fan," the Ox king asked impatiently.

"Nope master Roshi said that he lost it," Goku replied jumping down from the cloud.

"O no, now I'll never get to see my castle again," the Ox king wailed as his daughter went to comfort him.

"Don't worry master Roshi said he would come and put out the fire himself. Look he's almost here," Goku said pointing to a turtle spinning through the sky and coming straight towards them.

The turtle landed surprisingly easily on the ground considering how fast it was spinning. But the couldn't be said for Master Roshi. He hobbled off the turtle holding his head in his hands but fortunately, he recovered quickly, taking a few deep breaths.

"So that's the inferno of frypan mountain, it's quite a sight," Roshi mused looking at the mountain. He turned to face his old disciple, " Come here you brat. I haven't been hearing good things about you recently. Apparently you have killed a number of people as you gathered your treasure," he scolded.

The Ox king quickly got down to his knees in front of Master Roshi and started Groveling. "Please forgive me, master. I swear I won't ever do it again. In fact, if you can put out the fire I promise to get rid of all the treasure."

"Well don't do that, it would be a waste of good treasure, you could just give it to me," Master Roshi said with a chuckle while the other people watching cursed the immoral old man. " Anyway you should be able to put out a fire this size by yourself, I thought I taught you better."

Master Roshi looked away from the fire and gestured towards Goku. Raiden watched as they spoke in hushed voices and wondered what they were talking about. They also called Bulma over and whatever Goku said made her mad enough to clobber him on the head, but eventually, it looked like they came to an agreement.

"Alright, I guess I could put out the fire for you," Master Roshi said with a disgusting grin on his face.

"Really that would be wonderful," the Ox king yelled out in happiness.

Raiden watched as Master Roshi faced towards the mountain and took off his top. His skinny frame ballooned to a giant muscular figure as he started gather ki in his hands for the Kamehameha.

Raiden sensed the amount of ki he was gathered and immediately know the old master was overdoing.

He had to act quickly before the old man took out the whole mountain, and possibly the Dragonball with his attack.

Just as Master Roshi was about to fire his attack Raiden flashed forward and took his legs out under him. Master Roshi fell onto his back from the unexpected attack and shot the blast into the air instead of the mountain.

"What're you doing you brat," The ox king roared as Raiden quickly dodged the giant fist that was coming towards him.

"Calm down, calm down. While the master's attack would have put out the fire, it would have taken your mountain and castle with it. Just ask master Roshi," he explained.

The Ox king looked at his master whose face had gone slightly red at being called out.

"Well I guess I did go a little overboard," Master Roshi said embarrassed.

"Well can't you just do it again but with enough energy to put out the fire but not harm the castle." The Ox king asked his master.

"I'm afraid not. If I use too little energy it wouldn't put out the fire and if I use too much then I'm afraid the castle would go with the fire," Master Roshi explained.

"So I'm never going to be able to go back inside my home," the Ox king muttered sadly.

Raiden stepped up next to the Ox-King with a smirk on his face, "Actually I think I could help you with that."

"You? How would you put it out," asked the Ox king still looking forlorn over master Roshi's failure to stop the fire.

"I think I can at least try. But is it okay if we take the dragon ball if I manage to put it out?" Raiden asked.

The Ox king thought about it for a second before quickly getting up and agreeing to Raiden's request, "Of course, you can even have all my treasure if you want, I just want to be able to go back home."

Raiden gave the ox king a small nod with his head as he began to float into the air. He ignored the gasps of surprise that came with him flying as he looked at the area around the mountain.

Frypan mountain was surrounded by a blazing fire that went miles into the sky. The only thing barely visible in the great inferno was the ox kinds castle on the top of the mountain, anything else on the mountain had most likely been burnt into ashes.

There was no way he would be able to go directly into the castle while the fire was still burning even if he did surround himself with ki. He was dozens of feet away and the residual heat of the fire was already getting too much to bear. No, he would have to try and put out the fire with ki, just like master Roshi had tried to do.

Raiden called his ki balled to him sat in the air focusing solely on his ki. He willed his ki balls, which were condensed to hold a large amount of ki, to expand and dilute. He kept diluting his ki further until they started to fall towards the fire like a rain of ki.

Raiden smiled as he watched his ki start to fall on top of the mountain and eventually start to smother the fire. Of course, the ki that he had just prepared in his ki balls wasn't enough to put out the whole burning mountain, but if there was something Raiden didn't lack it was ki.

He kept out letting a rain of ki as he watched the fire slowly start to ebb away. After about ten minutes of constantly supplying ki, Raiden finally stopped when he started feeling light-headed from focusing for too long. By now the fire had turned into a few smoldering flames scattered around the mountainside and the castle was once again visible in all its glory.

Raiden barely had time to float back down when he was grabbed in a bone-crushing hug by the giant ox king.

"Thank you, thank you so much! Is there anything else I can do to repay you?"

"L-Let go before I choke to death first," Raiden said struggling to free himself from the giant man's arms. The ox king let go in a hurry causing Raiden to fall on the floor with a dull thud. He quickly dusted himself off before turning back to the giant man.

"All we need is the Dragonball," he thought for a moment before adding, "but I guess you should also stop attacking the people that pass by here."

Before the ox king could respond Raiden quickly made his way to where Bulma was already making her way out of the castle, Dragonball in hand.

"You didn't waste any time did you," he said with a smile.

"Well it's the whole reason we're here," she shrugged.

"O yea where's Goku anyway?"

Bulma pointed just behind Raiden and he turned around just in time to see Goku fire a Kamehameha wave into one of the walls beside the castle.

"B-But how that move took me 50 years to learn," master Roshi muttered in disbelief.

"Well he is Gohan's grandson after all," the Ox king commented.

"Gohan? Do you mean Son Gohan? Hmm, I see it makes sense now. Gohan did mention that he started raising a little boy he found that had a tail," Master Roshi realized. He walked over next to Goku who was still looking at the damage from his energy blast.

"Hey, Goku! How's your grandpa Gohan doing now? I haven't seen him in years."

"O Grandpa Gohan's already died," Goku said bluntly.

"O I see... It seems that we've lost a great warrior," Master Roshi said sadly. He turned his attention back to Goku, "hey how about you come train with me, at my island. I did teach your grandpa after all," he offered.

"Really? Alright, then I'll come over right after I finish finding the dragon balls."

"Cmon Goku let's go we found the Dragonball," Bulma said as she and Raiden made their way back to the others.

She threw out her hoverbike capsule and got on her bike but was surprised when Raiden also got on with her. She looked back at him with a raised eyebrow but he just shrugged as he wrapped his hands around her waist.

"My head hurts from using too much from putting out the fire, I can't really fly right now," he said.

They thanked the Ox king and master Roshi before they rode off but noticed that Goku wasn't with them. They looked back and saw him flying at a furious pace on his nimbus trying to catch up.

"What's with the hold up," Raiden asked.

"O gramps was telling me where his island was and Chi-Chi promised to give me some food the next time I saw her," after thinking for a moment he added, "I think she called it a bride or something like that."

"Hmm I've never heard of a food called a bride must be a cultural recipe," Raiden said holding back a laugh. He finally remembered how Chi-Chi and Goku had gotten together, not that he would explain it to the little fighter. He probably wouldn't understand even if he tried to explain.

They continued on their trip having only one dragon ball left to find while Raiden tried not to laugh every time he looked at Goku with Bulma just giving him an exasperated glare.

"Woah I've never seen mushrooms this big before," Raiden said looking around the large forest completely made up of huge mushrooms.

"You think I can eat them," Goku asked jumping off the flying nimbus and taking a huge bite out of one of the mushrooms. He quickly made retching sounds as he hurriedly spits out the mushroom.

"Well, I guess we know why the forest is still here," Raiden said with a laugh.

"Goku how about instead of trying to eat everything you see, go fly ahead and see if there is a town nearby. My bike is nearly out of gas," Bulma ordered.

"Do I have to...," Goku grumbled but still flew on ahead when Bulma glared at him.

"You know we would have already found all the dragon balls by now if you just let me carry you as we flew," Raiden said as he flew beside Bulma's bike.

"Never again," Bulma said as goosebumps crawled up her arms as she remembered how terrified she was the last time they had flown. "Anyway the journey is supposed to be even better than the end goal, we might as well enjoy it."

"O yea, what's so enjoyable about a stupid forest full of mushrooms anyway," Raiden muttered.

Before Bulma could retort they were interrupted by Goku flying back to them towards them.

"Guys I found a place with people. It's just up ahead," Goku said flying down next to them.

Goku led them to a town that was about 5 minutes away and Raiden looked around in surprise. The people were dressed very modestly with the men wearing turbans and the women were completely covered up in black, wearing hijabs. It reminded Raiden of the middle east from his past life.

"Hey there nice to meet you!," Goku waved at the people in the town and some gave him a wave or a small smile back.

"It seemed they still all spoke the same language even though the culture seemed different, how interesting," Raiden pondered as he took in the buildings that were the colour of sandstone and were built in between the giant mushrooms that made up the forest.

As they were filling up Bulma's hoverbike she tapped him on the shoulder and broke him out of his daydreaming.

"Do you notice something strange about the town? Almost like there's a nervous tension as if they're waiting for something to go wrong," Bulma asked looking around.

Almost as if they heard her a pair of men dressed in black military outfits walked around the corner. The townsfolk seemed to instantly go back into their homes when they saw them. But the weirdest part was that with their formal military outfits they were both wearing a pair of bunny ears on their heads. Almost as if they were going to a cosplay festival.

"Goku," Raiden said getting the boy's attention away from a food stand he had been staring at. "Looks like we have trouble, you in the mood to fight a little bit?"

Goku nodded as the trio watched as the two men made their way towards them kicking and pushing the villagers out of their path as they did so.

They finally noticed the three of them and their eyes lit up when they saw Bulma.

"Hey girl you wanna come have fun with us instead of these kids," The shorter of the two men asked confidently.

"Hmmph no thanks, we were about to leave anyway we just stopped for gas," Bulma responded.

"Wow how rare, it's been a long time since someone rejected the famous rabbit gang before. You must not be from around here," The taller man said with an edge to his voice.

Bulma just turned away from him and gave him the middle finger which caused both the men to instantly draw their guns.

"You must not want to live a long life huh," the shorter man said threateningly.

Raiden gave Goku a nod and in a flash, he punched the closer man in the gut causing him to double over in pain. He then jumped over the other man and instead of quickly ending the fight he pulled out his power pole and caused it to extend right into the man's behind, a thousand years of death style.

Raiden doubled over in laughter while Goku just gave a victory grin as he walked back over to the two.

"Ahh it felt good fighting again," Goku said with a smile on his face as he stretched his muscles.

"Y-you guys are doomed," one of the villagers who had been watching the fight whispered in horror. Raiden noticed that even the villagers who had stayed outside when the soldiers walked by were now running into their houses.

"I think we may have accidentally started some trouble," he muttered when he saw a weird bunny-themed car pull up near them. Even stranger was when a giant rabbit walked out of the car and made his way towards them.

Raiden however didn't feel like dealing with some nameless villains today. He quickly used an energy blast to shoot at the anthropomorphic rabbit's feet causing him to go flying away and crash into the side of a nearby building.

Raiden winched as he saw the crash but hey, the rabbit was a gangster he deserved it. He walked over to one of the soldiers, that were still watching in shock from seeing their boss get blasted away, and picked them up by the collar.

"I'll be back in a week to check on you guys and if the villagers say you're still causing them trouble you know what'll happen right," Raiden threatened gesturing towards the boss rabbit who was now groaning in pain on the ground.

The lackey in just nodded dumbly and Raiden let him go, dropping him to the floor.

"Alright lets keep going," he said as he walked back to join Bulma and Goku who were waiting for him. Goku looked unfazed and Bulma just gave him an amused smile for his antics as they once again hit the road.

"This forest goes on forever...," Raiden groaned as they made their way towards the final dragon ball.

"O shut up, it's not like your doing any work. You're just sleeping in the backseat of the car," grumbled Bulma from behind the wheel. Raiden made her take out a car capsule when he got too lazy to fly after hours on the road.

"You know the option to fly is still there," Raiden muttered mostly to himself. He knew how stubborn Bulma was, once her mind was set changing it was almost impossible. "Damn spoiled brat," he cursed under his breath ironically.

Bulma pulled out the dragon radar to check "Hey look is the last dragon ball isn't that far away, it should take us less than-," BOOM!

A huge blast hit the side of the car launching Bulma and Raiden into the air. Raiden quickly spun in the air and caught Bulma in his arms before she had time to hit the ground. He dropped her back onto the ground before he used his ki to see what had attacked them. 

He caught a rather wear ki level that was quickly moving away from then in the sky. When he looked closer it seemed to be some sort of robot that was quickly flying away from them. The weak ki he sensed was probably the person who was piloting the robot.

"The dragon balls, they're gone!" Bulma yelled as she ran back to the now destroyed car.

Raiden took a breath to calm himself as he quickly thought of a plan. "Bulma it's alright we still have a dragon ball, the four-star one that Goku's holding. Without it whoever stole the others still won't be able to summon the dragon," Raiden reassured her.

"Yea but even if they don't have all the dragon balls we don't either. How are we going to summon the dragon if we're missing six balls," Bulma retorted.

"That's why Goku and I are gonna go and get them back. And I have a feeling that the last dragon ball that we were looking for is there with the thief also," Raiden explained as he started floating into the air.

"Then what about me!"

"Well we'll be back after we get the Dragonballs, or you know you could always," Raiden stopped talking and floated down next to Bulma. He opened up his arms telling her to grab on.

"I'm definitely gonna regret this," Bulma muttered as she wrapped her arms around Raiden's neck and he held her by the waist.

They flew at a decent pace as Raiden tracked the thief using his ki, he seemed to have ditched the robotic suit he had come to throw them off his trail but it didn't matter to Raiden.

After following the thief's trail for a while they finally reached what seemed to be a half built pyramid with a huge castle on top. On the bottom of the pyramid there was a large steel door that led into the pyramid.

Bulma opened the door and looked wearily at the dark passage that it led to, "I guess we have to go in if we want the dragonballs," she muttered.

"Uhh Bulma," Raiden said tapping her shoulder. " I can litterally fly in the castle and get the dragonballs in like a minute, just give me the radar real quick." He motioned Goku to come down from his nimbus cloud. "Goku you stay with Bulma incase they attack while I'm gone, I don't want her to get hurt."

Goku nodded and jumped off the flying nimbus and landed next to Bulma. "Don't worry I'll gaurd her," he said with a silly grin on his face.

Riaden nodded and quickly flew up and into the castle. He took out radar and noticed the that all six of the other dragonballs were in a room at the center of the castle. He blasted through the walls as he made his way to the three ki signatures that he sensed deep within the castle.

When he finally made his way to the last room he saw a 3 people huddeled around a screen watching Goku and Bulma who were outside the castle. There was a dogman who was dressed in some sort of ninja outfit, a young lady in a coat, and a ... smurf? 

Raiden had totatlly forgotten about emperor Pilaf, he was such a minor and weak villian in the series that he wasn't really that important at all.

Before the three could react he quickly hit them with a ki blast that sent them flying. He also destoryed all the technology that they had in the room with a few qi blasts. If they had been able to find him in the desert then the probably had a tracker.

He quickly grabbed the dragonballs including the last 1 star ball that they were missing and flew off before the unfortunate trio even had time to react.

"Well that was fast," Bulma said when she saw Raiden flying back out of the castle dragonballs in hand.

"Did you expect anything differrent?," Raiden responded arrogantly. "Anyway lets get away from this castle before we summon the dragon, it's giving off bad vibes."

"Does that mean we have to fly again," Bulma complained as she grabbed onto Raiden.

Raiden ignored her and quickly lifted her into the air as he flew back to where their destoryed car was, all their stuff was there and it would be a pretty good spot to summon the dragon.

"So when are you going to tell Goku he'll lose his dragonball when we summon the dragon," Raiden asked Bulma as they flew through the air.

She shrugged, " Well the wish we're making isn't for me anymore, it's for you. If anything you should be the one to tell."

A scowl appeared on Raiden's face when he realized she was right. If they were using the wish for his he should be the one to tell Goku.

The three stared at the 7 dragon balls in front of them with anticipation. They had traveled all across the continent for the balls and now finally they were all right there, on the ground in front of them.

Raiden had thought Goku would be a little more upset at having to wait to get his grandpa's dragon ball but he got over it in a moment, saying he would go find it after he finished his training with Master Roshi. Sometimes it surprised even Raiden at how carefree he was.

Raiden gave Bulma a small nod and she stepped forward throwing her arms into the air as she said the words to summon the Shenron.

"Eternal Dragon, by your name I summon you forth, Shenron."

A golden beam shot up from the dragon balls as the sky darkened. Shenron rose into the sky stretching miles high. He gazed down on the three with his golden eyes before speaking with a low rumble.

"What have you summoned me for. State your wish and it shall be granted."

Raiden organized his thoughts as he started to say his wish. He had read a lot of comments(cough)... had a lot of theories but took his time rejecting most of them. He first thought about getting a body like an android maybe android 17 or 18 because they seemed to have infinite ki so the body would be able to handle all of his ki, but after giving it some thought he rejected the idea.

He had no idea of how large his ki pool, which was still growing, would get. Of course, it seemed like androids could output an infinite amount of ki but was that really true? He vaguely remembered Vegeta defeating one of the androids by giving it too much ki, making it explode. Of course, he knew that android 17 and 18 were a lot better and superior models to android 19, but the thought that he might blow up one day from his own ki made his skin crawl, so he discarded the idea.

The most simple solution that he came up with was simply wishing that his body would be able to perfectly use and contain all of his ki now and in the future. With that, there would be no problems even if his ki pool kept expanding at the rapid rate it was now.

Having made his final decision Raiden looked towards Shenron while Bulma and Goku early waited.

"I wish for my body to be able to contain and efficiently use all my ki now and in the future,"

Shenron gazed down at him as his eyes turned golden, " Your wish has been-," 

Raiden didn't have a chance to hear the rest of Shenron's sentence as he felt his body grow weak and felt his vision start to dim as he collapsed onto the floor.


Raiden didn't know how much time had passed but as he tried to push himself off the ground he realized instead of his normal body there was a strange ghost-like one in its place, almost as if he was transparent. As he looked at the endless expanse of white around him Raiden felt a strange sense of Deja-Vu.

Just as Raiden started to recall a distant memory that had buried itself in his head a bright shining ball of light appeared in front of him.

"My my, look who's back. You didn't try to cheat your punishment did you," an almost childlike voice came from the orb.

Raiden felt as though he knew what the orb was talking about but even though he tried to reach the memory it lay beyond his grasp.

"O having a hard time remembering are we? Well, it was before you were even born so I guess you can't be blamed. He let me job your memory a little." Suddenly the squeaky childlike voice changed to a low deep boomed voice as the orb spoke again. "You have been judged and have been deemed to deserve punishment. With your foolishness, you cost another their life and you shall now pay by living one of struggle and misfortune."

Suddenly Raiden remembered: the white room, his transparent body, the shining orb, and his punishment... To live a life full of struggle. Was that why his ki was like this? Why he had so much power at his disposal so painstakingly close but still being unable to use it.

Before Raiden could do or say anything the orb exploded with a golden light as it spoke once more, "well off you go, and don't try to cheat again now you should know that it won't work," then after a pause, as he was swallowed by the golden light, Raiden could have sworn he heard the orb mutter, "mortals."


When Raiden opened his eyes again he felt someone holding him up and Shenron still looking that them expectantly.

'W-What happened," he croaking.

"I don't know, he was about to grant your wish but you suddenly collapsed. Then the dragon said it was out of his power," she said in a panic.

"I- I don't think I'm going to make any wishes today from the look of things. I guess you can use the dragon balls to make your wish."

"But what about your sickness, I thought it might kill you," Bulma asked worriedly.

"I guess I'm going to have to find another way to deal with it now that we know the dragon balls won't work," Raiden responded.

"What is it that you desire," Shenron's voice boomed again it seemed the dragon didn't like having to wait.

"Quickly tell him your wish, before he gets angry," Raiden urged Bulma. She quickly nodded and stepped forward.

"I wish I knew what my perfect boyfriend looked like," she yelled. The dragon's eyes glowed golden once again but surprisingly so did Bulma's.

"Your wish has been granted," Shenron roared before shooting off into the sky along with the dragon balls that turned into stone and flew off into seven different directions.

Bulma stood entranced her eyes shining with dim golden light, it seemed as she was gazing at something a great distance away.

After she finally snapped out of her daze a few minutes later she looked to be in shock as she murmured, "he has a tail."

"Goku? Goku is your perfect boyfriend," Raiden asked feigning shock. Of course, he already knew that the dragon had probably shown Bulma Vegeta but he wasn't supposed to know that.

"I- I'm not sure," Bulma said with hesitation. "The dragon just showed me vague images and I didn't get to see the person clearly, he said it wasn't within his power. He also said something about how the future wasn't set in stone and could change due to an anomaly in my path forward," Bulma explained.

"An anomaly huh," Raiden said lost in thought.

'So that's what I'm counted as, I guess it makes sense I'm not really a part of of the Dragonball universe, to begin with.'

"I guess this is it, we found the dragon balls huh," Bulma said retrospectively.

"Yea I guess it is, what are you guys going to do now," Raiden asked the two.

"I'm going to grandpa Roshi's place to train," Goku said with a grin on his face.

"Well, my summer vacation ends soon so I guess I'm going back to school," Bulma said sadly.

"I think I'm just going back home, at least until the next world martial arts tournament. I don't really have anything else to do," Raiden said

The three friends said their goodbyes as they all went off in different directions. Raiden couldn't help but feel that the past few weeks had all been a waste of time. They had spent all the time collecting the dragon balls just to use them on Bulma's love life. But the strange thing was the dragon didn't just tell her it was Vegeta, it should have been clearer than ever since she didn't really even interact with Yamcha in this timeline.

Raiden didn't really know what to think, it's not like he wasn't attracted to Bulma, she was hot that's for sure. But she was also stubborn, arrogant, being one of the smartest people on the planet did that to you. Not that he was any better, having no one as strong as he was had definitely made him feel a little narcissistic recently. He would probably see Bulma again during the world martial arts tournament so he should probably just wait and see how things go. Lost in his thoughts Raiden shot towards home in a blur across the sky.

***** - One Week Later

"Stop smirking at me, I'm doing this for my mom, not you," Raiden muttered as Bulma's smirk grew even larger.

"Stop trying to act all high and mighty when you barely even passed the entrance exam," Bulma teased.

"You know I could blow you up with a flick of my wrist," Raiden threatened.

"Yea yea, I'm sure you can," Bulma responded dismissing his threat. Of course, she knew no matter what he said he wouldn't really hurt her.

Raiden just put his hoodie over his head and groaned as he took his first steps inside the school thinking where it had all gone wrong.

After staying at home for a few weeks Bulma had somehow found out his address and invited him over for dinner along with his family. His mother who had never been to the city had been ecstatic so Raiden and his mom and dad traveled all the way to West city. (His sister had been busy with work.)

After the dinner, Raiden's mom had tried inviting Bulma and their family for dinner back at their place but Bulma declined, saying that school was starting again for her and that she wouldn't be able to travel all the way to his house and back in time. At that point, Raiden knew that it was over for him. To his embarrassment his mom made is take a mock test right there at Bulma's house for the 11th grade, which he spectacularly failed.

He had only been in the 9th grade in his previous life and had used his previous knowledge to get out of school so far, but now that his mom tested him again it was over for him. He had used his one argument that he wouldn't know anyone at the school and wouldn't have friends as an excuse but Bulma had spoiled his plans.

She said he could just go to school with her, and then started staring making his mom's eyes go bright by explaining how prestigious her school was and whatnot. And a week later he was in the 11th grade along with Bulma. His mom had agreed to let him stay at capsule corp until he finished high school so he wouldn't have to fly back and forth every day.

As a last-ditch effort, he had tried to ask his had to help him escape from his situation, but just a single glare from his mother shut down that idea.

"O don't be so down, school's not that bad. I even made sure we have to same classes so you won't be alone," Bulma said waking him up from his daydreaming.

"And how exactly did you do that," Raiden asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Well let's just say the school would have a few fewer pools and libraries without my family's help," Bulma gloated as they stepped into their first class. " Your not mad are you," she asked after some hesitation.

Raiden sighed as he sat down on his seat. Was he mad? No, not really. Even if he didn't really want to go to high school, he at least wanted to get a high school diploma so he could make his mom proud. He had run around the past few years doing whatever he wanted and his parents had supported him, this was the least he could do.

"No I'm not mad, I just didn't expect it. I mean I was fighting monsters and evil smurfs trying to steal the dragon balls not too long ago. School in comparison just seems a little... lackluster I guess," Raiden said getting rid of her guilt. It wasn't her fault anyway, if anything her made it possible for him to go to the best school possible. He had failed his mom's mock test so Raiden was pretty sure him getting into Senior High School had something to do with her, mainly her money.

Raiden hated school. With a passion.

He had never really noticed it before but he hated sitting still. He had spent the last few years of his life flying around and fighting random people he found in the woods so he never really noticed before. But now that he had to sit down and listen to a teacher ramble on about calculus, it was becoming apparent.

"Raiden pay attention," Bulma whispered next to him. Digging one of her elbows into his side.

"But it's so boring," he groaned as he forced his crumpled form of his desk and sat up straight in his chair.

"Well, it's not fun for me either when I have to tutor you at home just so you don't fail half the classes," Bulma said. "And it's for easy classes too, how are you failing Japanese? You speak Japanese!"

"Well speaking it isn't the same as having to analyze all those stupid texts," Raiden grumbled as he turned his attention back to the teacher.

Bulma just rolled her eyes and also turned her focus back to the teacher. The two had also been in enough detentions together for talking in class, and she'd rather avoid that today.

The day passed slowly and agonizingly as Raiden struggled to get through the classes. Months had passed since he had started school and summer vacation was right around the corner. That meant he had 2 whole months of training to just himself in preparation for the World Martial Arts tournament.

He wondered how Goku and Krillin's training with Master Roshi was going. Something he had noticed as time passed the last few months was that he could recall less and less of the details that happened in the dbz universe. It was perfectly natural of course, he didn't expect to remember the whole manga after a whole 16 years had passed since his death.

But it did worry him. He pretty much knew how everything progressed until the tournament of power, but after that, it was a mystery. Hell, he didn't even know how the tournament ended, his reckless driving had stopped him from finding out.

But after months of brainstorming, he did think of a way to keep up in power to all the aliens and incoming Saiyans. Ultra-instinct.

When he was initially thinking of ways to get stronger ultra-instinct didn't even cross his mind. Goku always used super Saiyan blue when he went into ultra-instinct so he subconsciously linked the state of thoughtless reaction to the Saiyan transformation. But that wasn't how it worked.

"C'mon Raiden let's go class is over," Bulma said snapping him out of his thoughts. Raiden nodded and they both made their way out of the school after saying goodbye to their friends. Well, Bulma's friends really.

Raiden hadn't really tried to get close to anyone else while he was at school, he knew people well enough that he could say hi and ask for homework but that was as far as the acquaintance went.

"Wanna grab some food before we go home? I've been hungry ever since 5th period." Bulma said as she left her group of friends behind.

"Yeah sure, but I'm picking the place this time. I swear if I have to deal with reporters at those high-end restaurant's one more time I'm gonna lose my mind."

"Well unfortunately that comes with having the world's richest and most beautiful teenager as your best friend," Bulma said cockily.

"Tch. You don't really have much competition do you, seeing as your my ONLY friend."

"Well, what about Goku? You can't say you're not his friend. We spent like a whole month traveling together."

"Goku's not exactly a friend. He's more like a little brother. Anyway, we're going to that ramen place by the corner. It's too small for any reporters to be hiding out there." Raiden said as he led Bulma through the busy streets of west city to a quieter part of town.

At the corner of one of the streets, there was a small ramen shop dwarfed by the surrounding stores. Raiden and Bulma walked in and were greeted by the tantalizing smell of freshly cooked ramen that they were familiar with.

They quickly sat down at one of the booths and waited for someone to take their order.

After they both got their orders Raiden brought up something he had been waiting all day for.

"Hey Bulma in a few day's I'm probably going to be leaving," Raiden started.

"WHAT! I thought you were going to finish high school. You can't just leave now, we still have a whole year left," Bulma said in shock.

"Wait, wait let me finish at least," Raiden said trying to calm her down. "I'm leaving just for the summer. With the world martial arts tournament coming up I can't stay in the city. It's just way too hard to focus on my training here."

Bulma raised an eyebrow. "What, are you saying I'm a distraction?"

"Uhh, Kinda. I mean it's not you, just that in the city I don't have the space and calm I need to be able to train all out."

"But for what? What do you even need to train for? You are already the strongest, aren't you? Why put in so much time and effort for something you've already perfected."

The question threw Raiden for a loop. Why was he training so hard? He was already the strongest on Earth. And even in the future when the threats that the Earth faced got stronger the other members of Earth guardian's would step up to fight them.

He already knew the future. Goku, Gohan, and eventually Vegeta would be on Earth to protect it from future threats. So what was the point of his training? The Dbz would keep on going without him interfering, he was free to just live a peaceful life on the side.

No, he couldn't think like that. It wasn't just the Dragon Ball Universe anymore. It was his home. He wouldn't let himself become a side note that just watched as his friends and family fought off dangers.

Anyway, he had already changed the present by just existing. Who was to say the future was also set in stone, just his presence might have caused a butterfly effect that would significantly impact the future.

"Thanks, Bulma, I needed that talk," Raiden said as he got his mindset to training for the upcoming dangers. " I'll meet you back home, I've got to pack my things for when I leave," he said as he ran out of the shop.

"Huh, what talk?" Bulma said as she watched Raiden run out of the ramen shop. "Wait don't leave me here you idiot," she yelled as she quickly paid for their food and ran after him.

The end