
Reborn In Avatar LOK

I forgot the password of my other account, Avatar LOK so I'll be posting here. Gon gets reincarnated in the Avatar world and has to try and get stronger from there on out.

AvatarLOK2 · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs


"Arrgh!!!" Gon screamed from the very depths of his soul.

He had lost Roshi all because the Avatar, Korra rushed into a situation that she did not fully comprehend, blindly attacking based on a false belief. Korra, the girl he had saved, traveled with, and trained with had now betrayed him. Roshi might be lost forever because of her arrogance. That same god complex that he had told Tenzin about had come to bite him in the arse and it enraged him. He now wondered whether or not he should have saved her.

"Ha-ha," Gon laughed soullessly.

When Gon had taken her from the White Lotus group multiple years ago she did not seem to complain about whether or not it was in fact legal. It was funny really, the way she acted so stupid when it came to others but herself. She seemed to believe that by being the Avatar, she was exempt from the rules and that she needed to be the hero. She had done nothing for Republic City since she came and though that could be attributed to the fact that she was still learning, Gon had done something. In his past life, he had died young and in this one, he had suffered from the start having to fight for everything he gained even the girl he cared most for or at least used to, Korra. He had strived for equality the right way in opposition to the Equalists and had even fought to do what the police could not take down the triad and what had he gotten in return, a maybe dead friend and a betrayal from the girl he cared most for.

(Lin and Korra)

Lin looked around the area for any traces of the leader of the mysterious group Worthless. She had been looking for the group after they had helped take down some of the triad bases. She was unsure whether to congratulate them for their achievements or arrest them for the amount of bloodshed they caused. She was still unsure about what to do with that group, after all, a group of non-benders fighting on equal ground against benders was both an equally interesting and terrifying thought at the same time. Though one of their members seemed to be a bender with a mysterious smoke skill or was that technology. She would have to find out later.

"Ha," Lin sighed.

After looking for a bit more time, she found nothing, it seemed as if the person from back there had just up and disappear.

"He's must have either been very skillful or lucky to have caught me off guard, escaping in the process," Lin queried.

Lin looked over at Korra and saw a burdened look on her face as if the weight on her shoulder was heavier than the world. Lin guessed that it must be the whole avatar thing. She would not wish it upon anybody after having seen the issues that were brought into her uncle's (Aang) life. She just hoped that none of her future children if she had any would not be the avatar or close to one as problems always came when the name Avatar heard. That was one of the reasons that she did not want Korra in her city, she thought it would be problematic. And so far that sentiment was true.

"Korra!!!" Lin shouted, "Do you see anything that would give me any info on who that person was"

Korra looked at Lin and was unsure of whether or not to tell her about Gon. On the one hand, she believed in rules and regulations meaning that it would be right to turn him in but on the other, she cared about Gon. Although it seemed that he was going on a dark path, she believed that she could change him. She was the Avatar after all. If she could not even save the person she loved then who could she sav-

"Ehem!!" Lin coughed bringing Korra out of her thoughts.

"N-n-no," Korra lied awkwardly, "He was wearing a mask and so I could not see anything."

Lin gave Korra an unbelieving look. Noticing the stutter and Korra's heartbeat spiking through seismic sense she quickly saw through the lie.

"What happened to you Korra?" Lin thought

This was not the Korra she knew. Korra never lied as shown by the fact she stuttered and was sweating heavily. She looked at Korra again deciding to give her another chance.

"Korra!!! Are you a hundred percent certain that was what you saw?" Lin asked.

"Yes," Korra said with a bit more finesse than the last time.

"If you say so," Lin said nonchalantly continuing with, "I am going back to the station to see if I can dig up any more info about the masked man."

"Bye Lin," Korra said walking back to the air temple hoping to have a long talk with Gon.

(Back with Gon)

Gon looked at the place Roshi, his friend had once stood. He had looked around for him with the help of the other members of Worthless and Asami. After an hour of being unable to find him, they had stopped looking left with only the belief that Roshi was still out there alive. He could not help but wonder what he could have done if he was faster if the Avatar had not impeded his path and had allowed him to quickly save his friend. Tears dripped from his eyes as he looked at the scene. He heard footsteps and looked around only to see Asami rushing towards him at an alarming speed. He expected her to punch him, slap him do anything to him other than what she did. She hugged him. At that moment a soul-shattering shriek came out of his mouth in mourning for the loss of a dear friend, his right-hand man Roshi.

"I couldn't save him!!" Gon cried, "I was not fast enough if onl-"

"Shut up!!!" Asami shouted matching the tempo of Gon's own voice, "Would he have liked to see you this way? You are the man that helped even the playing field between benders and non-benders. You are the man he looked up to, stop wallowing in what-ifs and look to the future."

"Bu-" Gon tried to say before being cut off.

"No buts!! Roshi told me that if it was not for you, he would have died. He was that was constantly harassed by the multiple gangs of Republic City and if not for you giving him hope he would have given up. Be that man, the one who gives hope to everyone he meets, a true hero," Asami spoke exasperatedly, "Just cry for Avatar's sake!!!"

He just stood there and cried on Asami's shoulder.


Hey Guys, Its been a very long time since I have written anything. I am a bit rusty but I tried to portray the characters a bit better as shown with Lin's detective work. Hope that you like it.

Please give me power stones if you liked the story.

Please comment.

This was my first time writing in months and it was harder than before. I really had fun writing this chapter and hope the readers will like reading it. There is no fighting only talking as it was a calm down chapter.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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