
Ripper and Spiters

[10 day]

In front of me were 50 monsters about a meter high, 30 of which had ant like jaws that looked like sharpened bones and two arms sticking out of the back with bone blades and another pair of blades sticking out from the sides of the body looked like large mutated ants with a dangerous amount of blades .

Behind them stood 20 similar ones, but they were a little smaller, but they had a decidedly larger abdomen, huge eyes and lack of blades on the body.

'Each took 3 hours, if it wasn't for specialized buildings for them, where I can make 10 at a time instead of 3 in the Flesh pit I would spen 150 hours on this, at a time when I would have nothing to do with biomass and farms would stop growing when my warehouse would be full, so the loss in biomass.

That is unforgivable!

It's like spitting on hard work of these wonderful workers who work all day for this!

So i started creating unit while my warehouses started to fill up.

They are pretty cheap too

[Ripper, costs 10 🍖

Attack type : Close range attack

type: Sharp

Power attack: 8

Armor: 10

Vitality :4

Speed: 10

Skills: none

Passive Skill : Corrupt Regenration, Cannibalism]

[Spitter 15 🍖

Attack type: Medium Range

Attack type: Acid

Power: 15

Armor: 5

Vitality :4

Speed: 8

Skills: none

Passive SKill : Corrupt Regenration, Cannibalism]

[Watcher 20 🍖

Attack Range: None

Attack type: none

Power: 0

Armor: 1

Vitality :5

Speed: 5

skills: none

Passive Skill : Corrupt Regenration, Levitating, Image transmission]

[Corrupt Regenration - Wound regeneration and Slowly restore lost body parts on "Corrupt Tereain"]

[Cannibalism - Eating the fallen Unit from "Corruption" Faction gives regeneration and a small boost to the stat. The greater difference in tier between the eater and the fallen, the longer the boost will last]

I had to build buildings specific to Ripper and Spiter where i can make do 10 of them at a time, little overkill but that will come in handy later.

I had Rippers patrol at the edge of the corupt terrain.

They are much faster then Spiter plus shooting in the woods is pretty ineffective.

So most of them are in hatcheries.

One hatchery can accommodate up to 20, so it's perfect for the moment.

Well i took one as pet last days, despite their chitinous exoskeleton they like when scratching them, Especially around the neck.

Thanks to the link between us, they are able to send scraps of their emotions.

Thanks to this, I am able to locate their weak scratching spots!

After that i felt the eyes of patrolling Rippers on me and a weak emotion of jealousy.

'heh, don't worry my liitle ones, everyone will have their turn.' After that

Every hour they took turns coming to me for their dose of scratching.

'Sweet little angels.'

As for Watchers, i make 10 of them and they are more fun to use than I thought. They are like drones that I can control them withe thoughts and see what they see.

Their flight speed leaves much to be desired, but it's better than nothing.

I scanned about 10 km of forest around the Flesh pit in past three days, not counting the direction of the end of forest with the road. I didn't want to someone see, when Watcher flying around and alert them of my existence.

Even though I finds them quite cool, it's a rather scary for normal person. They look like a ball of black flesh with eyes the size of a bowling ball everywhere.

Lastly I've stopped seeing these easy clumps of biomass. Probably realized that sending out patrols here is a waste?

Well, I dont know what chempion they have, but if they don't have a good Champion like Ork Bereserk or Blade Master. Then I don't have much to fear.

Thanks to sending Watchers to Ork camps I noticed no High orks or Black orks, so they are only on tier 2.

So the Ork Berserker won't be there, which is a good thing otherwise this squad wouldn't even be close enough to take him to half HP. Putting aside the rest of the orcs.

Number of orcs and kobolds is also quite low, suspiciously low.

Even if they recently entered tier 2, there should be at least 2 times as many of them.

Is it a second base or a resource base?

if I think that way, then where is their main base?

and how advanced is it?

At the 3 tier at a minimum i bet.

I am sure that there is no in radius 10 km, so a great distance separates them.

So how do they communicate?

Do they communicate regularly at all?!

If they have no means of communication, it would be an easy tresure of bioimass, but if they have...

If I attacks them and an army comes from the main base.

Even if it's only 100 black ork with some early champion then i can say goodbye to this world.


Let's take it easy, they don't know exactly what they're dealing with right now, thanks to Lara who gets rid of them before they have a chance to set foot on Corrupt terrain.

But how long will they tolerate this stalmate?

They'll probably call in reinforcements from the main base at some point if they haven't done so now.

So the best plan would be to attack them first?

But I would have to twice as many units to make sure that none of them escaped.

if they run away and alert main base, That have been attacked, they will probably send most of their army which is game over too.

So let's wait for their first move, best case scenario is if they leave me until I reach tier 3


I hope you won't let me down my first enemy'

I relaxed in my chair and there was a big smile on my face which from the perspective of Lara who was watching from the tree looked like a cresent moon almost touching my eyes.

'What is he planning with that look on his face?'