
Prologe - Enter the New World

'One month left?

and my retirement plan just evaporated, great.

But a god created this game, what a plot twist.'

I lay back in the chair and stared at the ceiling.

'It's rather not a joke, after I saw this Shadow Amazon or whatever it was called. I wonder why I will die.


I have annual visits to check my health.

I'm not eating badly, I'm not obese or underweight.

maybe I don't exercise at all and only get up from the chair to go to the bathroom, but was that a problem?'


I still have a month left so I will take advantage of the time I have left and I will use this chance I got.

I wonder why he didn't come in person but sent a letter if he's so grateful to me.

Well at least he was a worthy rival, if it wasn't for him I probably wouldn't have spent so much time in this game.'

Let's get ready for the tournament and give it one more worthy match.

Don't let me down Mr Black'

I spent the next two weeks just like the rest of my life.


Some might say I should make the most of the rest of my time.

And that's what I do, I never understood partying and drinking non-stop.

Maybe one such party was cool but if I have to repeat it in a few days then fuck it.

Hangover is not worth it and the taste of alcohol is damn bitter, who normally drinks it for the pleasure of the taste?!

*crunch, crunch, crunch*


is it time to go?'

"Hey Alex!

I'm calling to remind you that tomorrow the tournament and transport is done so in a few hours someone will come to pick you up and take you to the airport."

"Yeah thanks, did you get me some clothes?"

'I'm not a fan of fashionable clothes, so I wear loose clothes all the time. I even came in flip flops and shorts along with a t-shert on turnament. The idiots laughed at me but when I destroyed the competition I gained quite a bit of fame but the sponsors weren't that understanding.

I got a little kicked for it. Ever since the manager gets me clothes when I go out.'

"Yeah, the clothes will be in the car so you don't have to worry."

"Okey bay, see you tomorrow"

"See tomorrow"

'time for the last game and time to go.'

I played one more game and went to the exit where a car was waiting for me to take me to the airport from which I flew to the stadium.

'Even bigger crowds than last year'

Planet Craft is one of the most popular games out there.

Is too advanced compared to the competition, but no one knew where your secret in this success was.

I wonder what face they would make if they found out it was made by a god?'

I laughed under my breath and went to my private room, I still have a few hours until the start of the tournament.

'What to do at this time?

the answer was simple


I had a computer in a private room with only PlanetCraft on the desktop.


"Mr. Alex"

The tournament is about to start, please get ready"

'Time flies when you play, too fast.'

I went to the stadium where a stage with computers on it was waiting for me, the eliminations will be done all at once and the most interesting ones will be shown.

'I'm unlikely to hit the Savior in the qualifiers, he had to somehow arrange for us to meet in the final, it would be a worthy goodbye. I hope'

After a few matches with "pros" who were destroyed and some who even gave up without a fight.


"Welcome In the final of the 20th PlanetCraft E-Sport Tournament in which two legendary players will face off for the number one spot and the title of the best player!

"Savior" VS "Sage"

'Let's see what you've prepared for this last fight, I can't wait!'

From the outside, "Savior" looked like a man with black hair, black eyes, and black clothes, only teeths they were pure white. and kis skin

We sat down in two opposite computers and started match.

PlanetCraft is a war strategy in which you control kingdom and army, in therory very simple, build you own kingdom and army to conquer enemy, but only simple in therory in late game the amount of unit you control can go pretty absurd. There are several dozen factions, each with something unique, but the most unique feature factions are "Corruption", "Magic" and "Abyss"

' I'm known for playing "Corruption" but Savior is known for playing "Abyss" even though everyone knows that I play one faction and come with conter faction, it's not that hard to eliminate your weakness with good tactics.


This match was one of the hardest matches I had, it lasted two hours, in comparison, the average match lasts max 40 minutes.

But I was ready for a long game, so I set it up. Savior did the same. He probably didn't want to end it too soon either.

But the two hours of the match were decided by one battle in which I won thanks to Uter "the One Who See" one of the champions from the late game. Recruiting them and leveling him to max level is absurd but if you manage to live until then and unlock his last ability then game is  practically over.

But Savior didn't go down without a fight, and he managed to recruit one too, but he did it too late, and he was little backward with level compared to mine. A quick move on beginning for new resources paid off on the game.

thought I'd hide in my own base and was waiting for late game?


I took a chance and set my secret base that was discovered too late!

It cost you too much to destroy it, which ruin your late game plan, but it gave me enough to keep me a step ahead.

After the match, instead of hearing the applause and screams of the fans, there was total silence and it was getting darker every second.


What's going on?'

"Congratulations on your another win Alex, I didn't think you'd want to play your laste game with great risk, but I was fooled and it cost me dearly."

In front of me where Savior should have sat was a figure in a black suit and top hat, and his face was a black hole with a Monocle flying where an eye should have been.

"seriously? monocol?"

"hmm what's wrong with a monocol?


"It Gives you a noble and intelligent aura."

"... maybe in the 19th century."

"You got a ticket from me, but I feel like I should give something more for this win, so what would you like?" a black hole that should be the face "look" at me with curiosity.

'So we ignore my comment?

"Let it be, you said it would be like game like, so I made a plan during those two weeks, and the one thing that would make my life easier would be an early champion, I wouldn't have to worry, about early game, that something would come along and sweep me away.

So give me Lara mercenary champion "The Abyss Huntress"

"ha ha ah!

I expected you to want some late champion or some infinity resource but you just want extra Early chempion to start?

you didn't disappoint me.

Let it be, in addition to the basic stuff you get at the beginning of the game, you'll get Lare and a slight bonus from me in the form of a good starting spot!" He clapped his hands and the ticket flew out of my pocket and ripped in front of me.

A great black hole opened in the air, pulsating as if it were alive.

"Unfortunately you have to leave the old body behind, not long this body has time left.

At location I have prepared for you a new body, one that will challenge even for me to destroy."

"I hope it handsome, plus I won't have to train to keep in shape."

"haha, not only, you'll see when you arrive, I don't want to spoil your fun.

I'll watch you, I'm curious how you'll do"

"Then you will be bored, I'm going to go for late game."

"Late game?

im curious how you do date withe so many enemies around.

hahaha, this is going to be more interesting than I thought."

"Well it's time to retire on an alien planet as a Corrupt lord."

Without much hesitation, I waved my hand to Black and entered the portal

End of prologe and Time FOR Story abaout new WROLD!

When you see some grammar error let me know. :>

Dawid_Pliszkacreators' thoughts