
Reborn in another world as crocodile

When an overworked otaku doctor dies, he regrets not being able to see how one piece ended now he gets to do it firsthand as Crocodile?

J0K3R_ · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 1

I opened my eyes and saw nothing but never-ending darkness my body was numb and unable to move. How did I end up here? I had no choice but to ask myself, just yesterday I was having a normal day working my ass off as a doctor just to come home and read manga and watch anime. The last thing I remember was sitting in my office working overtime to finish my reports and review my Intern's work, I hated working late like this but I never had a choice if I didn't my life would fall apart "Senpai I am heading out thank you for the hard work" my coworkers said as they left the building. The more I look back the more pissed off I got, I was always stuck overworking while all my coworkers got to go off and party with friends. I am angry that while I had to give up my hobbies and family to sit here as a doctor everyone else was falling in love and starting families. The thing that pissed me off most was that I regretted my life I regret becoming a doctor, I regret how lonely I was, I regret that I never got to see the end of my favorite anime series One Piece If there is one thing I could wish for it would be to see the end of One Piece, I wonder what happened to Crocodile after joining the cross guild.

Suddenly, a light appeared, and ever so slowly feeling began to return to my body. the light slowly got brighter and soon enough it was blinding and in one flash I was in a room laying in a bed staring at the ceiling " Where am I? " I held my face with my hand and sighed trying to reconcile my thoughts on what happened I was in darkness then I was in a bright-ass room and now I'm in a wooden room it looks more like the inside of a cabin. I got up off of the bed and looked around I was in a 2 bedroom 1 bathroom house I entered the restroom and looked into the mirror " WHAT THE FUCK! " instead of my normal 5'10 tired skin and bones self I was a short kid that awkwardly looked like Crocodile from One Piece I guess I was too busy panicking and looking around, I decided to go back to what I think is my room to maybe see if there are any clues.

In the room, I was looking through my dresser I didn't see anything but clothes when I got over to my nightstand I opened the drawer to see a letter and a box I opened the letter first without touching the box. The letter read { Dear, Otherworlder I would like to be the first and only one to welcome you to your new life in one piece. Your dedication to your job and your coworkers even though you hated it gained my respect so when you died I couldn't help but give you your wish what better way to witness the end of One Piece and what happened to Crocodile than to live in the world of One Piece as Crocodile yup that's right u are currently a 6-year-old crocodile in the box next to this letter is the Suna Suna no mi though I added a twist to it I also added in a Haki training method hope you have a nice trip P.S u won't be able to read the manual till you complete the requirements -Sincerely ROB }

I don't have the brain cells to process this information I thought to myself as I opened the box to check the validity of what was being said. Inside the box was a pineapple-sized fruit that was shaped like a cactus and was covered in swirls. Looking at the fruit was truly unappetizing it made me question Crocodile's mental health just a little more. I didn't know what to do whether or not I should wait to find a better fruit or if should I eat this now and take the quick power boost, then there was also the fact that this fruit has been altered a little bit and I don't know what has changed. After, contemplating it for a moment I decided who was Crocodile without his Iconic fruit, and even with it, I will be a top-of-the-line powerhouse. I picked up the fruit it was slightly prickly which was not comforting I closed my eyes as I took the bite of fate and BBLLEURRHHH!! the manga and anime did not do the disgusting taste of a devil fruit enough justice it tasted like a dog turd got dipped in ranch and a milkshake.

I didn't feel any different but as I tested things out I came to realize it worked like a muscle you have to flex it to make it move or in this case turn into sand. One thing I underestimated was the stamina drain I played around by turning my hand to sand for a couple of seconds and I felt like I ran a whole marathon, I felt my eyes get heavy and my vision get blurry next thing I was falling then it went dark.


Hello, this is the author speaking I am here to get your opinions on this book depending on how it's received I will continue it. I would also like to ask for your Ideas for relationships I think it would be funny/Ironic for him to get with Robin or ViVi (I have a couple of Ideas to solve the age issue). I like to include reader's Ideas in my Fanfics so please let me know.