
Reborn Ice Princess

She was brutally murdered by her fiance and scheming step-sister....thus now she came back again to make them pay for what they did...

Renne01 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

How They Met and Concubine Jealousy

Next day In Pearl Pavilion..

Arohi opens her eyes...Morning sun rays touches her delicate white skin which enhances her perfect face feature.....she's malnourished and have thin weak body but still her beauty is on par with fairy....

Her maid Cui come inside... ready her bath water and Prepare clean clothes for her....though Manor didn't provide her with best food,clothes and also take things from her pearl courtyard....Arohi never said anything and or resist their bullying...what other said to her she never retaliates...After bathing Arohi get dressed...and have breakfast brought by Cui which was given by Old nanny...she could only give them buns...as she was provided with them so she shares with Cui and Arohi...

She wore white dress which showed her thin Figure and small waist....she look very pale due to not having meals properly and doing servant work assigned by concubine who held the house seal...

After Arohi mother got sick and her Cultivation started to decreased...Concubine Reena took this opportunity to please Arohi father in giving her manor responsibility....after taking over house she started cut off Pearl Courtyard allowances and treatment what legal daughter should have instead she gave everything to her daughter Lia Yang and her son Nie Yang.

At some point she was also gonna snatch the pearl courtyard but Arohi mother was still Main wife..so she didn't have that authority....Arohi Brother was beaten by someone and his meridians was broken so he can't cultivate now...and Arohi didn't have Cultivation Root Orb...so that's her dad was disappointed in them and didn't visit them again...but he didn't took away his wife title Cuz he loved her wife very much...but now in the midst of palace turmoil and war going on he didn't pay much attention to them and Concubine Reena took his most of the time and didn't let him visit Pearl courtyard....

Before marrying Arohi mother Neeta Yang....Arohi Father General Huan Yang was already welcomed Two Concubine in the manor and both of them were cousins but before he could consummate their marriage..he got Edict to go to West for War...and he immediately departed for the west...After war ends... he came home with Neeta...whole manor was happy and celebrating for his return but when they saw Neeta and belly ..which she was heavily pregnant and gonna give birth soon...Grandfather Yang and Grandmother Yang both see each other then See General Huan Yang and tell him to come to Meeting hall...

In the meeting Hall...At the main Seat was Grandfather Yang and Beside him Grandmother Yang...At right side of pillar was first Concubine Reena and Beside her Second Concubine Seema ....

Hall was silent for a moment then Grandfather Yang broke the silent and looked at General and ask him to explain what is going on..

General Huan Yang starts speaking...He tells his Father that when he was in war zone..he was heavily injured...lost in forest in cold and there was nothing to hide from enemy and he can't eat anything Cuz he thought if he eats something poisonous....

For Three days he hid in small cave without eating or drinking and body was full of wounds..and then he was fainted due to weakness...when he woke up he was in a hut...and started observing his surroundings as he was in Army and was a general in Gold Realm last stage...he was stuck at last stage for so long and can't find the right solution to break through to Platinum Realm...

Suddenly hut gate opens and he saw a girl in her early twenties...slender figure, small waist,long legs...her face was very smooth and delicate have red plump lips, straight thin small nose.long eyelashes, dark big blue eyes,..long black shiny hair...her features was out of this world...she was dressed in pure white dress with Light blue belt on waist which made he waist look smaller and highlight her body curves...she was like a goddess who came to bless him...

He was in daze and unconsciously he stared at her for very long...seeing this she smiled at him...her smile was very cute and innocent...General heart skip the beat...Neeta talks to him and says...that he is alright now..she already took care of his wounds and he had fever for 2 days..and he's in her hut for three days...how he got here??....was Cuz neeta was picking some herb when she saw him lying in cave his whole body was burning.. so she took him here...

But when he saw how thin she was and he's built was large and had a armor on..so how did she get him here ...then she tell him that she was Platinum Middle Realm Cultivator...she's didn't say anything else after that and cook food for him...his was with Neeta for one month Cuz he was recuperating. and his health was better then before...in one month Neeta was in Platinum last stage...when General Huan Yang saw this he was very curious and asked her..she didn't say anything and gave him a Pill.. he didn't recognized that pill and ate it.. after he ate the pill...he felt the surge of energy his Chest...he immediately understood that he's gonna break through so he sat on the ground and starts Cultivating next day he broke through and was in Platinum second level. he didn't broke through to Realm but also to second level...he was very shocked,and happy...Cuz he couldn't break through for almost 3 years...and very curious about the pill ...what was that pill and about Neeta...who is she...but she never tells him anything about herself fill this day....after seeing she didn't tell him anything. he understood that she must have some inconvenience with him and she'll tell him herself when she want...

Huan Yang already started to love Neeta but now he respects her more than anything...he confessed his love and Neeta accepted him...then they go to war zone and with the help of Neeta and her pills...they didn't suffer much casualties and win the war...and Neeta found that she's pregnant but she didn't tell Huan Yang as he was busy in war.. after war she told him and he was very happy with the news..and wants to take her home and marry her now...so now they reaches home and Neeta already due date....

After explaining everything...everyone was very shocked and some were happy and some were jealous ,with hatred in their heart...

Grandmother Yang was very happy seeing Neeta and her soon to be born child so was Grandfather Yang...Next day they Married Neeta as her main Wife...cuz in this world Cultivation is very respected....compared to Huan Yang Concubine who was still in Silver Realm.....Neeta was Platinum Realm...They were really happy having her as their Daughter-in-law...

Soon Neeta gave birth to Son Sam Yang...Huan Yang dosen't want visit his Concubine anymore...Both Concubine Reena and Concubine Seema has Hatred in their heart as they were trying to please Huan Yang but he didn't gave them any attention...Concubines Started taking measures and convinced Grandmother Yang to Tell Huan Yang to visit their places...

In front of Grandmother Yang...Huan Yang couldn't do anything but to go to them...but he didn't touch them and slept separately....but both Concubine scheme and Drugged him and slept with him...next year both of them gave birth...first Concubine Reena gave birth to Son Nie Yang and Second Concubine Seema gave birth to daughter Layla Yang

General Huan Yang was angry but he couldn't do anything as they were his children after all...but he took measures and not to go again...after that Arohi was born....after that Concubine second children...First Concubine Reena gave birth to daughter Lia Yang and Second Concubine gave birth to Son Sen Yang...

This happened Cuz of banquet party.. and someone got him heavily drunk..and Concubine Reena visited him...Then second Concubine take him to her maternal home and Drugged him...with scheming mind.. and after that Arohi little sister Sia Yang born...but Neeta health started to get worse and her Cultivation got decreased...


... TBC...