
Reborn : I became the god of my own world

Matthew is fired from his job while he and his 2 friends they are celebrating John's engagement. When he gets call from his boss he almost gots a nervous breakdown, after he got fired from job, he was looking through his phone and found an application that he didn't remember having before. After using it, he was transported to the void, which turns out to be his new world, which he will create from scratch. Playing God, he creates his own world with his own religion and when he comes into the world he behaves like a psychopath, pretending to be one of the inhabitants of his own world. a lot of profanity and inappropriate scene descriptions. (still being written)/(Daily updates, if not sick)

xMimik · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

Chapter 1 Where am I?

'What am I doing here?'

'Where the fuck am I?'

'What is this place?'

These were my first thoughts since I woke up in some black void. Still thinking about it, I was slowly losing my mind, but when I was about to go crazy




3 days earlier:

Somewhere in Warsaw, at a night bar.

"It was fun, wasn't it?"

"Well, it's a pity I couldn't try her. She looked amazing."

"Dude, calm down. You just got engaged, and you're already thinking about other women. I'm really ashamed of you and your stupid behavior."

"Come on, both of you, get it together. I just managed to get you out of there. Next time, less alcohol for you; you still got drunk after a few drinks."

Matthew said, covering his forehead with his hand in embarrassment at his colleagues.

Matthew was an average guy working for a large company called T.E.I. Softwares. He had an average job with average pay and two crazy friends, John and Dominik. Dominik, in particular, was quite the character, deserving his own book to cover his whole story.

Today was a special day as the three of them celebrated John's engagement to a teacher he met during additional studies in programming and machine learning.

To Matthew, she was a solid 5/10, but for John, she was an 8/10, especially when he had his broken glasses on.

Matthew received a phone call from his boss, Artur Obuchowski, informing him he was fired for missing deadlines, not responding to emails, and not meeting his daily quota. To Matthew, these accusations were absurd. He suspected the real reason was that he knew about the affair between his boss and the secretary, which might have been true.

"Damn, I'm fed up with this. Not only do I have to pay for my apartment and other expenses, but they were also late with my pay, and now I'm fired. This day just couldn't get any better."

"Okay, Matthew, calm down. That job wasn't right for you anyway. They exploited you and didn't pay you enough. You shouldn't even bother with it," John reassured him, patting him on the shoulder.

"I really don't give a damn about this job. But now I have to start saving money since I don't have an income. If you could lend me 15 dollars, I'd be so happy. I still need to pay for a taxi to get home."

"If that's all you need, sure. Just don't break down. We'd be lost without you. You know how boring it would be," John said, transferring 15 dollars to Matthew's account before they went their separate ways.

When Matthew got home, he sat on the couch and stared at the ceiling for hours, losing track of time until the sky began to brighten.

Hungry, he decided, "There's nothing else to do. I might as well go to the local store." Checking his bank account, he saw he had only 3684.56 dollars left. He figured this amount could sustain him for another month but knew he should still save as much as possible.

At the store, he bought the cheapest products he could find—rice and canned vegetables totaling about 12 dollars. At the checkout, he recognized a familiar face, a female friend from high school he hadn't seen in 11 years. Avoiding eye contact, he quickly paid and left, despite her attempt to start a conversation.

Back at his apartment, he unpacked his groceries and went to bed, exhausted. He cursed himself for not talking to her, regretting his introverted nature that prevented him from reconnecting.

The next day, upon waking, he checked his phone. There were no new messages, only ads and reminders.

"Being unemployed is terribly boring. I have no job, no classes, nothing to do but sit around all day," he thought.

Browsing through his phone, he noticed an app called "New World Creator." Curious, he didn't remember installing it but was intrigued by the icon. He decided to click on it, unaware that this might be one of his biggest mistakes—or perhaps his greatest opportunity.

~If anyone liked this chapter, comment anything thanks

Sorry for my bad English spelling but it is not my main language

Second chapter done

xMimikcreators' thoughts