
Reborn Hearts: The Twisted Ties of Love, Destiny And Second Chances.

In a whirlwind of fate, Li Meiying finds herself transported back in time to a critical moment in her life. Just as she was about to marry the Nation's prince actor, Li Chenwei and live out her fairytale dreams, tragedy strikes when she drowns after falling off the yacht where her wedding was to take place. But instead of meeting her demise, Meiying is reborn and given a second chance. As Meiying comes to terms with her new reality, she discovers that she is now back in the time when she was contracted to marry the cold-hearted and nonchalant Wang Xuejian. Desperate to break free and pursue her true love, Li Chenwei, she approaches Wang Xuejian with a plea to dissolve the contract. However, to her shock and confusion, he refuses, going against the agreement he had made in her previous life. Now Meiying wonders why things aren't going according to plan, and why the once nonchalant Xuejian is suddenly meddling in her affairs. Xuejian begins to reveal a side of himself that Meiying had never seen before. As she navigates the complexities of her rebirth, her heart torn between Li Chenwei who she had initially chosen and the mysterious Wang Xuejian who now holds her fate in his hands, Meiying finds herself at a crossroads. With her once predictable world turned upside down, Meiying is faced with a choice. Will she continue to chase her previous dreams, or will the unexpected bond she forms with Xuejian open her heart to the possibility of a different kind of love? Can she trust Xuejian's motives? "Master Xuejian, Mistress was spotted in front of Master Chenwei's mansion" Xiaojin, Xuejian's assistant informed. "So ..." Xuejian said not looking up from the documents that he was reading. "She claimed to be his wife" "This is just another one of her dramas for attention" "She also said she loves him and also misses him" "What are standing there for, bring her back to me right now" Xuejian said as he bang his hand on his table. Note: It is not purely a love triangle story as there will also be other male characters that will pursue the female lead. Like it? Add to your library. Thanks for reading too.

CelesteVega · Urban
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31 Chs

The Photoshoot.

The tranquil atmosphere in Meiying's house had persisted for several days as she focused on studying for her upcoming movie, and her husband would only return in the evenings. However, things took a dramatic turn when Meiying discovered that Xuejian had expelled Qingting from their home.

Qingting had been barred from entering the house for an entire month due to an incident that occurred during the cast gathering. Meiying felt a sense of relief and happiness wash over her, knowing that she would finally have some peace and not have to deal with someone constantly scheming and getting away with it.

During the week, Li Chenwei called her stating that he was glad that Xuejian cleared her name immediately, he apologized again to which she said he shouldn't. He also said that Meiying was lucky to have a good husband.

Yes, Xuejian was striving to be a good husband, but there was one issue that constantly led to arguments: his refusal to taste Meiying's home-cooked meals. This enraged Meiying, who had dedicated her time at home to learn and refine her cooking skills. Despite everyone in the house acknowledging her efforts, Xuejian preferred to go hungry rather than eat her food.

A week later, it was time for Meiying's photoshoot for the movie. Xuejian, wanting to make amends, accompanied her and acted as her personal chauffeur and escort. Meiying couldn't help but wonder if his behaviour was changing, but her hopes were dashed each time she saw him return home and immediately bury himself in his work in the study. The workaholic nature she had grown accustomed to had not changed at all. Every morning, Meiying would wake up to find him in bed, and they would argue before he left for work. She wouldn't see him again until the following morning; their relationship had become a repetitive cycle. When she confronted him about this, he simply told her to be content with what she had, claiming that he no longer slept in his office as proof of his supposed change. This only served to further irritate her - the man was on her last nerve.

At the photoshoot, the crew members rushed to greet Meiying, perhaps due to her husband's presence. It appeared that she had arrived earlier than expected, as none of the main cast had yet to arrive. Meiying approached the director, who inquired about her wellbeing since she had left early during the cast gathering. She reassured him that she was feeling better now.

Jingyi guided Meiying into a lavishly adorned room where a team of skilled makeup artists and stylists pampered her with utmost care. She marveled at their meticulous attention to detail as they worked diligently to enhance her natural beauty. Examining the outfit provided to her, Meiying couldn't help but notice its striking resemblance to the one she had worn during her audition, albeit with the addition of a holster and prop gun. Her hair, artfully curled and cascading down her shoulders, added a touch of sophistication to her appearance.

The woman in charge of wardrobe explained that the director had been captivated by the ensemble Meiying had worn during the audition, deeming it the epitome of a modern female detective's attire. Filled with a sense of gratification, Meiying felt her efforts had been not only recognized but appreciated.

Excitedly, Meiying walked out of the dressing room to show Xuejian, who had already positioned himself comfortably in a chair, his gaze fixated on his phone. He glanced up, meeting Meiying's expectant eyes, offering a nod of approval before returning to his digital endeavors.

"If you're busy, feel free to return to your office," Meiying suggested, trying not to sound too disappointed.

"No, I'm staying. Besides, this is your first ever photoshoot, and as your husband, I am obligated to show my unwavering support," Xuejian responded in his usual monotonous tone, prompting Meiying to roll her eyes playfully.

As Meiying surveyed the place, she noticed Huang Yifan and Zhang Hongzong had joined the gathering. Yifan greeted her enthusiastically while Hongzong seemed to ignore her completely. Meiying couldn't help but feel slighted by his dismissive conduct – it was rather uncouth.

Gradually, other cast members arrived, and after thorough preparations, the photo shoot finally commenced. Meiying found herself sitting beside Chen Meilin, engaged in lively conversation, while her husband remained nearby.

Chen Meilin, sporting a white t-shirt paired with a checkered jacket, donned blue jeans and trendy sneakers. Her hair, styled in a tousled bun adorned with a sweeping bang, lent an air of mystery, obscuring her eyes just enough to arouse curiosity.

Yifan and Hongzong were the first individuals to partake in the photoshoot, followed by Chen Meilin, Zhou Lumei, and Meiying.

Meiying's posing was rather simplistic as she positioned herself sideways, with both hands firmly gripping the gun beside my head, while gazing directly into the camera. She continued with a few more poses, such as bending down and feigning shooting with the gun.

During Meiying's subsequent shooting, she was paired with Hongzong. Many people were taken aback by this unexpected pairing, as it was a specific request from the director. Meiying, however, understood the reasoning.

In the movie, her character, Xiu Ying, had a hunch that Hongzong's character, Wei Long, could potentially be the serial killer. She decided to go undercover and befriend him, although Wei Long was already aware of her true identity. Despite this, he chose to maintain the pretense. As time passed, Xiu Ying's suspicions decreased, seeing no evidence or actions that convinced her Wei Long was the killer. She resolved to focus on her work and search for the real criminal. It was then that Wei Long unexpectedly appeared at her doorstep, confessing his feelings for her and expressing a desire to date. Xiu Ying agreed, initially for amusement and to distance herself from the serial killer case. However, over time, she found herself falling in love. As fate would have it, she eventually discovered his true identity, leaving her torn between her love for him and the reality of his situation.

Thankfully, there won't be any intimate scenes with him, but there is a kiss scene. For now,

she should focus on the present and concentrate on her work.

As Meiying and Hongzong stepped in front of the camera, they found themselves at a loss, the situation becoming increasingly awkward. Meiying had never been partnered with Hongzong in a film before, having only acted alongside him.

Since the photographer hadn't planned a pose for them, Meiying approached him with an idea. After a brief discussion, she returned to Hongzong's side, who looked at her with a suspicious expression.

"What did you tell him? I hope it's not–"

"Shhh, just pose for the camera," she interrupted, taking her place in front of him. Hongzong held a bloody knife, which Meiying carefully placed close to her neck, while from her peripheral vision, she observed Xuejian rising in panic. However, Chen Meilin stood up to calm him down, and Meiying couldn't help but think, 'So he was watching after all.'

Hongzong stood stiff as a board, his other hand delicately resting on her waist, while Meiying's hand held onto the hand clutching the knife. Her other hand hovered just inches away from the holster, where a gun was concealed.

"Now, all that's left is your expression. Aim for a cold yet compassionate gaze as you look at me," she whispered, intended for Hongzong's ears only. Meanwhile, Meiying displayed a hesitant expression as her hand was closed to the gun.

As the onlookers observed, captivated by the scene, Xuejian cleared his throat and approached the photographer, signaling that they should take the shot. The photographer swiftly collected himself and captured the moment. The shot turned out perfect, without the need for any retakes, as he enthusiastically gave them the okay sign.

Hongzong quickly retreated from Meiying's side and disappeared into the distance. Meiying walked over to Xuejian, who had returned to his seat, avoiding eye contact.

"Feeling jealous?" she playfully asked as she settled down next to him. Chen Meilin couldn't help but chuckle before excusing herself, leaving Meiying and Xuejian alone.

Xuejian raised his gaze, a smirk tugging at his lips. "What if I am?"

Meiying froze, her attempt at teasing him backfiring. She hadn't expected him to play along, but his next question rattled her.

"I told you I wanted to be your only acting partner, but then I saw you strike a romantic pose with someone else. Did you do it on purpose?"

"Excuse me?" surprise etched across Meiying's face, It was simply a pose, nothing more. They were just maintaining professionalism. Why was he making such a fuss about it?

"My only issue now is that it was you who suggested that pose. If it were someone else..." Xuejian's sentence trailed off as Meiying leaned in, her lips finding the side of his mouth, effectively quieting him mid-sentence. His astonishment reflected in his eyes as he looked at her.

Sneaking a kiss has become a habit for Meiying. Meiying just wait until Xuejian starts his own.

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