
Reborn Hearts: The Twisted Ties of Love, Destiny And Second Chances.

In a whirlwind of fate, Li Meiying finds herself transported back in time to a critical moment in her life. Just as she was about to marry the Nation's prince actor, Li Chenwei and live out her fairytale dreams, tragedy strikes when she drowns after falling off the yacht where her wedding was to take place. But instead of meeting her demise, Meiying is reborn and given a second chance. As Meiying comes to terms with her new reality, she discovers that she is now back in the time when she was contracted to marry the cold-hearted and nonchalant Wang Xuejian. Desperate to break free and pursue her true love, Li Chenwei, she approaches Wang Xuejian with a plea to dissolve the contract. However, to her shock and confusion, he refuses, going against the agreement he had made in her previous life. Now Meiying wonders why things aren't going according to plan, and why the once nonchalant Xuejian is suddenly meddling in her affairs. Xuejian begins to reveal a side of himself that Meiying had never seen before. As she navigates the complexities of her rebirth, her heart torn between Li Chenwei who she had initially chosen and the mysterious Wang Xuejian who now holds her fate in his hands, Meiying finds herself at a crossroads. With her once predictable world turned upside down, Meiying is faced with a choice. Will she continue to chase her previous dreams, or will the unexpected bond she forms with Xuejian open her heart to the possibility of a different kind of love? Can she trust Xuejian's motives? "Master Xuejian, Mistress was spotted in front of Master Chenwei's mansion" Xiaojin, Xuejian's assistant informed. "So ..." Xuejian said not looking up from the documents that he was reading. "She claimed to be his wife" "This is just another one of her dramas for attention" "She also said she loves him and also misses him" "What are standing there for, bring her back to me right now" Xuejian said as he bang his hand on his table. Note: It is not purely a love triangle story as there will also be other male characters that will pursue the female lead. Like it? Add to your library. Thanks for reading too.

CelesteVega · Urban
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31 Chs

Evil Scheme Gone Wrong.

Butler Yang approached Meiying, with Yang Mei by his side. There was something weighing heavily on his mind - he didn't want Xuejian to know about his family. But how could he ensure that Meiying wouldn't tell her husband?

Xuejian had always believed that he had no one in his life, not even a distant relative. And it had remained that way. Butler Yang knew that if Xuejian found out about his family, he would surely push him away, wanting him to stay with his own family. But Butler Yang didn't want that. He had left his family to take care of Xuejian, and his family had been understanding of his commitment as a butler.

"Grandpa, she helped us out at the police station. If not for her, I would still have been there," Yang Mei explained.

Butler Yang quickly bowed, his actions shocking everyone. "Thank you, Mistress."

"No problem, but can you please stand up now? You're making me uncomfortable," she said, to which he promptly obeyed. Mrs. Yang emerged from the kitchen, accompanied by Shi Lin, carrying a tray filled with a variety of dishes.

"Oh Father, you didn't tell me you were coming," Mrs. Yang exclaimed.

"Yang Mei called me when she was at the police station, asking for my help," he answered. Everyone laughed, except for Mrs. Yang, who cast a scolding look at her daughter.

"You shouldn't have done that, knowing how busy he is," she told Yang Mei.

"Let's eat," Yang Mei said, helping to arrange the dishes on the table. With everything set, everyone began enjoying their meal.

Afterward, Meiying spent some time with them before announcing that she should leave. Everyone bid her goodbye and expressed their gratitude.

Butler Yang had brought a car with him, so he offered to drive Meiying home instead of her taking a cab. During the ride back, Meiying noticed Butler Yang stealing glances at her through the mirror.

"Is there something wrong?" she asked.

"I... I don't want Master Xuejian to know I have a family," he confessed.

"Why?" she inquired.

"He might want me to retire," he sighed.

"I would have loved to do that too," she said, her voice filled with genuine regret, only to see a look of distress cross Butler Yang's face.

"But if it bothers you so much, I promise to keep your secret. It is only right for you to tell him yourself," she reassured him, causing a smile to finally appear on his face.

Butler Yang's eyes softened with relief. "Thank you, Mistress. I truly appreciate your understanding and kindness. It means the world to me."

Meiying offered him a warm smile. "You're like family to me too, Butler Yang. We're here to support each other."

"I promise I will tell Master Xuejian when I'm ready," he replied.

As they reached the mansion and strutted inside, Meiying made her way towards the staircase, when suddenly, Xuejian's booming voice echoed through the stairway.

"Where have you been, and you too, Butler Yang?" he questioned, his frustration apparent.

Meiying laughed nervously without answering so Xuejian informed her that he had gone to pick her up after work, only to be told by the police officers that she had left four hours ago.

Meiying wanted to explain where she had been during those four hours, but she remembered her promise to Butler Yang to keep his secret.

"The young girl I helped at the police station and her mother decided to thank me with a meal, so I went to their house. I told Butler Yang to come and pick me up, but they wanted me to stay longer. That's why we came back late. We're so sorry," she quickly explained, watching Xuejian closely, searching for any change in his expression. Eventually, he conceded and retreated to his study.

"Thank you," Butler Yang gratefully said, causing Meiying to smile in response before she made her way upstairs to freshen up.

After taking a relaxing bath, Meiying decided to pay a visit to Xuejian in his study. She found him seated in front of his desk, going through files, his suit draped over the chair next to him. With his white shirt sleeves rolled up to his elbows, he exuded a powerful and masculine presence that almost made Meiying's heart to skip a beat. She couldn't help but admire his physique, knowing that he was even more muscular than Chenwei.

As Meiying approached the table, Xuejian glanced up at her. "Will you just continue to stare at me or ask what you really want?" he said, a hint of amusement in his voice.

Meiying smiled and closed the distance between them. "After my shooting tomorrow, I'm planning to visit our high school," she revealed.

"Why?" Xuejian's question was immediate, and Meiying couldn't help but frown.

"The kids I met today also attend that school, and I want to offer them my support. The school's spring festival is coming up, and I thought it would be a great opportunity to show them that I care. What do you say?" she asked, eagerly awaiting his response.

Xuejian continued to stare at her without providing an answer. Meiying's annoyance grew. "What's wrong with you? You should either answer with a 'yes' or 'no'," she said, her irritation evident in her tone.

Xuejian stood up and walked towards her stopping in front of her, "And if I say no, what's going to happen?" he asked, a mischievous smirk playing on his lips. Meiying couldn't help but cringe at the unexpected turn in the conversation. This wasn't going as she had hoped.

Feeling determined, Meiying replied firmly, "I'm going to do it anyway." With that, she turned on her heel and stormed out of the study. She couldn't shake off the feeling that maybe Xuejian was trying to control her, and that was something she detested more than anything in the world.

As Meiying made her way towards her room, she heard the sound of the doorbell ringing. Curiosity got the better of her, and she decided to investigate. She headed towards the staircase, and as she descended, she noticed a maid opening the door to reveal Mrs. Feng.

Meiying abruptly halted her steps, her gaze steadfastly meeting Mrs. Feng's glaring eyes. A surge of determination coursed through Meiying's veins as she braced herself for what was to come. Without wasting a single breath, Mrs. Feng advanced towards her, her finger pointing accusingly at Meiying's nose.

"You have caused a lot of problems since this month began," Mrs. Feng declared, her voice laced with undeniable hostility. "First, my daughter was banished from the house, and now you have foolishly meddled in the affairs of those insufferable children, leading to my son's suspension from school for an entire month. What is your next vile intention? Are you bent on destroying my business, leaving me and my family with nothing?"

A sly smile crept across Meiying's face, a glimmer of mischief dancing in her eyes. "That's actually a rather intriguing idea," she responded, her voice dripping with subtle amusement.

Mrs. Feng stood dumbfounded, her gaze fixated on Meiying as if she no longer recognized the woman standing before her. "What has happened to you? Is it because Xuejian has started coming back home that you now possess the audacity to do as you please? Let me make this perfectly clear: He doesn't love you, so remove your head from the gutter. You will not get away with this."

Meiying wasn't daunted by Mrs. Feng; her reign had already come to an end when her daughter was banished from the house. Since Xuejian had barred Qingting's presence, it held significance—a warning. Now, Meiying was confident that Xuejian would stand by her side, no matter what happened, because he had expressed his desire to be a good husband.

"Where is Xuejian?" Mrs. Feng seethed in anger, her voice echoing through the hallway. Meiying calmly pointed towards the location of the study.

As Mrs. Feng began to ascend the stairs, she cast a malicious glance towards Meiying. Anticipating her ill intentions, Meiying swiftly moved out of her path, causing Mrs. Feng to lose her balance and tumble down the staircase, landing at the bottom with blood trickling down her forehead.

A victorious smirk adorned Meiying's face as she peered down at Mrs. Feng, who now lay on the ground, shock apparent in her eyes.

"You witch!" Mrs. Feng screamed, her voice filled with venom. The commotion attracted everyone in the house, and even Xuejian appeared at the top of the stairs.

Upon seeing the situation, Mrs. Feng swiftly shifted the blame, pointing an accusatory finger at Meiying. "Xuejian, your wife pushed me down the stairs!"

Meiying turned towards him, her expression devoid of emotion, while he gazed at her intently. Meiying knew for a fact that this is the time Xuejian will redeem himself for his ignorance in her past life.

If he chose to stand by her side, she would genuinely forgive him.

I wonder what's occupying Xuejian's thoughts right now? Like it? Add to your library!

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