

"A'Song, Do you think if Lingyu investigate the case, will he trace it to us, Feng Chu hua asked coquettishly.

"After all, if we should be exposed, not only will my reputation and image as an actress be damaged. Also your plan to be the Cheng Group Chairman will ultimately fail, Chuhua added trying to hide the threat in her tone.

"Don't worry, I have it all planned, Cheng Song reassured looking at the worried lady on his lap.

Feng Chao Xing who was supposed to be sent to the hospital was lying lifeless on the floor watching the two publicly display their affection in front of her.

Chao Xing mustered the last bit of strength in her and spoke softly.

"You two have been seeing each other behind my back?

"Chao Xing, you can't talk like that. The Cheng Family is engaged to the Feng Family. It has not been publicly announced who is the bride and as the second daughter of the Feng, I also have the right to pursue the marriage. Afterall, your marriage with A'Song from the beginning to now was forced by you. Chu hua almost could not concealed her hatred but continuing, But you as the first daughter of the Feng, you not only shamelessly seduce the two sons of the Cheng, smear the name of your fellow actress, have a bad reputation which also harmed the Feng family interest. It was only right you encountered this accident and leave us all in peace.

"Chao Xing,do you really think I loved your inner beauty and did not care about your facial beauty.You are really scary to me and if not because you are useful to me in instigating my brother, you are not worth my glance,also,have I ever for once confessed to you? Did I promise to be with you forever or let you have my kids, Cheng Song asked and Chao Xing fell silent.

He was right, he has never promised anything but always made her had the illusion that he liked her.

Chao Xing suddenly laughed out like a crazy woman and she felt the pain on her head worsen. Right, any one falling from that high place would have definitely die and she was just on the verge of it. Her lips were pale and she watched the couple in front of her with disguist.

"I agreed I made a mistake, for thinking you, Cheng Song, my legally married husband is better than Lingyu and for taking you, Chuhua as my real sister. Afterall, birds of a feather flock together, what should I have expected from you both? Your character are well matched, even your mothers coveted married men and am glad you are following their footsteps, Chao Xing provoked and heard a loud bang on her head. Cheng Song had hit a chair on her head and was stepping on her stomach while she curled up in pain.

How dare you compare me with Lingyu, Cheng Song felt he was going to explode anytime soon.

"I must delay the time, Lingyu will definitely come to save me, he promised me. Chao Xing thought but her eyes were closing slowly. She heard Chuhua voice again.

"No need to kill her yourself, I fed her poison while she was on set so don't dirty your hands. Also we should gracefully welcome our son together, Chuhua was rubbing her stomach shyly.

"That drink, Chao Xing mind was screaming when she heard and totally gave in to despair. She did not fail to miss the smug look on Chuhua face. Cheng Song had never touched her since marriage but Chuhua was already pregnant. She felt like her entire lifetime was a waste and she had graciously lived like a fool.

"Lingyu, she whispered looking desperately at the door with one thought in mind she must not die!

"Lingyu, Chuhua laughed on top of her lungs.

"That guy is lovestruck and since you are about to die, let me tell you what happened to him.

He rushed out of the important board meeting on hearing you had an accident while on set which angered Mr Cheng. He directly removed him from the Chairman position in a fit of rage.

Lingyu is also accused of embezzlement of company funds and that sly guy is still trying to frantically look for you on set instead of trying to clear his name. By the time he found you, the police will apprehend him and even if he gets released later, Mr Cheng will definitely not appoint him as the Chairman to save Cheng Family face. This will benefit A'Song greatly.

"No, how did I manage to implicate him as well, Chao Xing finally closed her eyes but heard a loud bang at the door.

She saw a shadow gradually approaching her and when that shadow finally envelop her, she closed her eyes permanently and lost her last breath.

"Chao Xing, Chao Xing, wake up, Mo Zihuan, Chao Xing step mom screamed on top of her lungs.

Chao Xing opened her eyes in a flash.

"What happened, where am I? Could it be that the Heavens gave me a room because I am too pitiful. Where are the angels and God? I need to meet my mom as well, she is here, Chao Xing thought.

While Chao Xing was lost in thought, she felt a sharp pain in her hand, Zihuan has pinched her when she refused to hear her.

Chao Xing shook off her hand and sat upright with her face cold.

"Why are you here, she asked in disbelief.

Did Zihuan die with her, Chao Xing thought again.

"We are going to visit the Cheng Family today and we need to have a brief family meeting, Zihuan reminded her and Chao Xing pupils dilated.

This was two years ago! Could it been that the Heavens really blessed her and gave her another chance.

"Chao Xing, this time, you must live, Chao Xing thought before standing up to dress. Whether she was a ghost or she was dreaming, she wanted to embrace that moment.