
Reborn As The Villain’s Son

After being killed by the Villain Zenon on a desolate abandoned battlefield, Jenn The final hero that was the last one alive, now named Jennh, is reborn back in time, but this time, he’s the son of Zenon. Waking up and seeing his face as a baby, he panics. But is determined to play the part of his son and get stronger to kill him, and everything he holds dear, bevause Zenon did the same to him, killing everything he loved, including the world of Kirvana itself. Jennh gains a system, a system that could make him level up infinitely, but here’s the catch: The system gives Him multiple choice questions, in which each answer gives a reward or a consequence or both, and which each question answer, it’s shaping the reality he’s in…

teneleventwo · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Devourer Of Chaos

Jenn, ensnared in chains that blazed with an eerie fusion of crimson and obsidian, stood as a fallen monument amidst the ravaged expanse of what once was a hallowed battlefield. His form, crowned with short, tousled waves of dark brunette hair, depicted the sullen silhouette of a warrior whose very essence was entwined with the fury of incandescent orange and red eyes. Below them, the etched scars were stark reminders of countless struggles borne. Those eyes now fixated upon the orchestrator of his captivity and the chaos that stretched as far as the horizon—Zenon.

Zenon loomed over Jenn like a specter of power incarnate, garbed in armor that whispered tales of countless souls vanquished by his hand. The suit gleamed a sinister amalgamation of jet and silver, reflecting the somber canopy riddled with streaks of dark red and grey. An elaborate helm, adorned with intricate etchings of a forgotten language, veiled his visage, save the chilling glint of his gaze. He had long red and black hair, glowing red eyes, and a long black beard with tattoos on his face.

The battlefield around them lay silent, save for the mournful cry of the wind as it wove through the remains of warriors who lay as pawns fallen in a game they could not comprehend. The air weighed heavy with the metallic scent of blood and rain imminent yet reluctant to cleanse the tainted land beneath the oppressive skies.

"There is a sanctity in the ebb and flow of existence," Zenon's voice, although devoid of warmth, brimmed with a deep-seated fervor. "Life, death, and the intricate dance of vengeance they perpetuate are threads within a loom wrought by forces greater than ourselves."

Jenn's breath caught, binding tighter as disbelief and sorrow mingled in his gaze toward the lifeless form of his wife, crumpled not far from where he knelt bound. Her armor, once a shining testament to valor, was now marred and dim, her stillness a stark contrast to the chaos that had swallowed this place whole.

"Kneel before the reality, Jenn," Zenon continued, his arms wide in a mocking testament to his hollow victory. "The control of the worlds, the very fibers of Kirvana's vast expanse of holding all of the worlds together, is mine to command. The elves, hell and its demons, the holy paladins, even the majestic dragons; none stood a chance against my might. You were the last line of defense remaining. Once my very own rival, a knight for King Alric, now kneels before me, weakened, on death's door."

Around them, more than a hundred shadows, warriors distorted beyond recognition, ethereal yet lethal, hovered at the edge of vision—echoes of the once living, twisted by Zenon's dark sorcery.

Jenn's form tensed under the weight of the ethereal bonds, a primal growl building within his chest. "Life is nothing to you, you monster!" he roared, the chains reacting to his burgeoning wrath, pulsing with a fevered intensity. "But I will not lay here while you desecrate everything we hold dear!"

"I already did. Shitty brat—."

In an explosion of pure, primal fury, Jenn's chains shattered into a thousand shards of malevolent light, the force of his will breaking the arcane binds. The shadow warriors surged, their forms blurring into a tapestry grim and ghastly, as they unleashed a barrage of shadow magic and spectral blades seeking his heart.

With a roar that tore through the desolation, Jenn summoned from the ether a broadsword ablaze with a vengeful scarlet hue. "You won't get away with this!" he bellowed, channeling his anguish into each deftly executed maneuver.

He waded into the oncoming tide, a storm of precision and rage. His sword, an extension of his unyielding spirit, carved a path through the encroaching mass — each strike, a powerful ode to the lives stolen. Shadows dissipated beneath the weight of his blows, their formless cries joining the cacophony.

It was a symphony of steel and sorcery, a dance macabre illuminated by the wavering light of souls unrested. Jenn spun, his movements a blend of instinct and the practiced discipline of one who had known the clash of battle since birth. Each motion was liquid vengeance, every parry a denial of the fate Zenon sought to impose.

Shadowy figures launched themselves, their ethereal weapons trailing tendrils of darkness, but they met only the emptiness as Jenn twisted aside, his counterstrikes leaving nothing but dissipating mist in their wake.

Beneath his feet, the earth groaned, scarred by the violence enacted upon it. As his blade sang the grievous song of retribution, blood seeped into the ground—some fell as midnight dew from the shadowy apparitions, some his own.

Amidst the frenetic display of martial prowess, a guttural battle cry tore from Jenn's throat, echoing the collective fury and pain of lives snuffed out prematurely—his wife's among them. An anguish too vast to be contained.

"AGHHHHHHH!" He screamed, dashing through the battlefield as a large wave of shadow beings hovered above him, screaming, "Kill him! Kill him! Kill him! Kill him!"

Jenn turned around fast, gripping his blade, he exclaimed, "AGGHHHHHHH!"

She slashed it forward, and it sliced half of the shadow beings in half, among the ground split in destruction. Shadows came from nowhere at light speed, stabbing Jenn multiple times with shadow weapons. Jenn walked away slowly as he was still getting impaled, he had given up; blood dripped from his body, coughing it up horrendously as he was walking. He looked up into the sky, saying, "…Fuck."

[System Notification]

[Open your eyes.]

The bitter clangor of battle faded into silence as Jenn's consciousness wavered on the precipice of awareness. His last memory was one of piercing cold, the lethal embrace of Zenon's silent void, yet now warmth seeped into his senses. With each step, his mind cleared, the hazy fog of near-death scattering before the unusual clarity of a new reality.

'Huh..? What the hell is going on? Where am I?'

Jenn's eyes snapped open to the resonance of his own footfalls echoing down an endless corridor. Its walls seemed to pulse with ethereal light, a prelude to the incandescent arena that sprawled beyond. Uncertain, he navigated the path before him as an ethereal window materialized in the air – a spectral herald of a surreal game he'd unwittingly become a piece of.

[You have two choices, pick them in less than 5 seconds]

'What is that? Some annoying window…? I have to get back, to kill him. That man..'

Confusion was a gnawing beast within his chest, each heartbeat a staccato against the lull of oblivion. His last moments – a desperate battle with Zenon – haunted his senses, yet now here he stood, straddled between realms unknown.

[Option 1: Refuse to fight. Punishment: Permanent Death. Option 2: Fight, gain the shadow technique, be reborn, 4 skill points earned]

'This thing is really urging me to choose..fuck it.'

The urgency of the timer ticked away at the edge of his consciousness. Jenn's instincts screamed, abandoning all hesitation, he reached towards the second choice. In that decisive moment, a visceral transformation ensued. Jenn's form bifurcated, half cloaked in a spectral shadow while the other remained flesh. His eyes transmuted into orbs of the most piercing white, imbued with an arcane omniscience.

"Whoa…whoa! What's wrong with my body…?!"

The corridor fell away, yielding to a sprawling coliseum that blazed with the radiance of an otherworldly sun. Its golden hue bathed everything in an aura of celestial purity, forged of elements far beyond the mundanity of mortal comprehension.

'I'm alive..? Or dead? I don't know what's going on, I could've sworn I was in battle..'

As Jenn strode out into the open, an audience of beings composed entirely of light floated above. They were resplendent entities, their bodies not bound by Earth's physics but constructed of luminescent fibers that wove together into forms akin to humanoids. Each wielded armaments that shone brighter than the most polished silver; light spears that hummed with divine frequency, blades that shimmered like the morning dew, and bows where strings vibrated with harmonies unheard by mortal ears.

Jenn was in awe, saying, "Oh!"

He was breathless at the sight, thinking, 'What is happening? I've heard about the Paladins, beings of light Zenon had somehow conquered with the help of the hellspawn and the Order..are these the Paladins..?'

The heavens above mirrored the opulence beneath. The sky was not a sky but a tapestry of blinding white interwoven with threads of gold, a firmament that defied day and night, for it was its own eternal dawn.

[Choice accepted. 4 skill points earned. Choose wisely, for some paths lead to ruin, Jenn of shadows.]

The decree from the system served as both reward and caution. Jenn felt the weight of his decision but also the power that now surged through him, a coursing force that tethered him to this bizarre existence.

'Skill points. I don't even know what those are.'

[Shadow Scythe equipped. Level: 7. Attack: Calamity's Edge. Durability: Eternal. Special Ability: Soul Rend. Bonus Effect: Chaos Wake.]

"A new weapon? Where's my beautiful sword?"

'This blade is flowing with power. What do these levels mean? I like the feel of it…is Zenon here? I can use it on him..'

He then remembered his wife, and his teeth gritted, saying, "No…no…"

'Something mentioned being reborn earlier…reborn as in how? Time reset? Wake up back to life? For some reason, I have hope..I can see my wife again..'

Stat information hovered before him, revealing the weapon in his grasp – a crimson scythe wreathed with smoking aura, its blade an everlasting conduit of destruction. Jenn tightened his grip, and the scythe pulsed with a life of its own, eager for the battle that beckoned.

The floating beings shifted, their forms radiating an intensity that marked the commencement of something monumental. Their light-based weapons began to pulse in sync, thrumming with energy as if waiting for a sign, a trigger to unleash their celestial might.

Below, the golden sands of the arena seemed to quiver in anticipation. The air thrummed with the prelude to combat, charged with the promise of clashing forces and the testing of mettle.

Jenn's newfound form, half-shadow, half-light, poised him as an enigma to these beings of unblemished luminescence. And yet, within this dichotomy, there was harmony – the dawning understanding that these entities too were warriors, each interconnected through the essence of battle shared across countless realities.

A silence befell the arena, a hush of sacrosanct devotion to the struggle that was to come. Jenn surveyed the gathering forces arrayed against him, their brilliance a stark contrast to the dark ether seeping from his own shadowed half.

System warnings lingered at the fringes of his mind. The omnipresent display flickered with unseen algorithms that calculated and gauged the infinite possibilities birthed from each choice. The air of the arena became a crucible, wherein the delicate balance of life and death was to be mercilessly struck.

Then it came – the celestial clarion call that resonated within the very essence of the realm itself. Light weapons raised, the beings descended, their forms streaking across the sky like falling stars eager to inscribe their legacy upon the very ground of the arena.

Jenn poised, scythe in hand, felt the shadow technique swell within his veins, a dark symphony juxtaposed against the radiance around him. The system window, lingering like a digital apparition, seemed to nod in approval, acknowledging his readiness to embark upon this odyssey of shadow and light.

'This power is unusual. I was a swordmage, the most powerful one in the Greenfen kingdom, maybe even the entire world of Kirvana…what's gonna happen now..?'

Jenn caught his breath from the awe, scythe in hand, still enveloped in the enigmatic atmosphere of the great coliseum. His shadowy silhouette cast a stark contrast against the radiance of his surroundings—a living symbol of the balance between light and darkness.

It was then that a new figure emerged from the host of light beings—a woman composed of the same ethereal luminance as her counterparts, but with an aura that commanded attention. She was the embodiment of grace and power, her presence every bit as compelling as the weapon she brandished, a spear that emitted pulses of brilliance with every beat of Jenn's heart.

With a confident gait and a smirking grin that seemed to know secrets untold, the being, whom Jenn would come to know as Nayla, spoke with a voice that resonated like a melody of chimes. "Jenn," she addressed him with an air of amusement, "survive the three waves of our kin, and rebirth upon the battlefield shall be yours. You may be able to even save your wife.."

Before Jenn could respond or even process the import of her words, the system window flashed into existence once more, effectively halting time itself, transforming the chaotic movement of the golden arena into a still life of suspended anticipation.

[Option 1: Do not fight, you will still be reborn, but will be weaker. Will also lose a skill point. Option 2: Fight, survive the 3 waves. You may die, 45% survival rating. Rewards: 4 more skill points]

The offer dangled before Jenn, tangible and precarious, a differential game of chance and choice. For a moment, he contemplated the odds, the allure of guaranteed survival clouded by the caveat of weakness—a lesser form of existence granted on the terms of surrender.

'I have to take option 2. I don't want to go back being weak as hell. I have to be strong enough to kill Zenon. If I'm going to wake up on the battlefield again, I have to be fully prepared.'

Silent deliberation raged within him, a war counsel of his own making weighing the value of strength against the cold embrace of mortality. And then, clarity; as if drawn by an unseen force, Jenn found resolve, a harbinger of his defiance against the easy path.

He reached toward the second option, affirming his will to endure the trial by combat, to strive for rebirth on the anvil of warfare, to earn his strength rather than accept enforced frailty.

As his choice radiated acceptance, the luminous figure of Nayla vanished, her smirk the last to dissipate into the charged atmosphere of the arena. The stillness shattered, time cascading back into motion as the first of the three waves began to materialize, ushering in the arrival of Nayla's kindred—an array of beings crafted from diverse wavelengths of light, each brandishing arms keen as dawn.

Jenn steeled himself, the scythe humming with readiness, as the space before him teemed with adversaries imbued with the iridescence of the cosmos. The system's promise of survival was but a wisp of possibility, overshadowed by the overwhelming prospect of conquest through combat.

'You're not new at fighting, Jenn. Fight like hell. Slaughter the bastards whoever they are. Be reborn, kill Zenon, save your wife. How would I save her? Forbidden Resurrection magic?'

The beings moved as one, a mass of splendor and graceful lethality intent on overwhelming Jenn, the lone figure of shadows amidst a sea of incandescence. The ground beneath his feet hummed, attuned to the imminent clash.

In that fleeting moment before the onslaught, Jenn found a tranquility born of acceptance, a tranquil island in the storm of inevitability. His heart was a steady drum, eyes locked onto the approaching wave, every sense sharpened to a point, every intangible thread of his being readied for the tribulation ahead.

And then they were upon him, the first of the light beings closing the distance with swift and deadly intent. The chronicle of shadow and light was set to unfold once more on this grand stage, the narrative of Jenn's struggle reaching its next crescendo.

A celestial horn sounded the call to action, a resounding note that seemed to resonate from the very fabric of the arena itself. And as the sound echoed into vastness, Jenn, the harbinger of shadows, surged forward to meet the radiant tide head-on. The fight for rebirth had begun.

The first being of light approached, swift and unfaltering. It wielded a sword forged of pure luminescence, its blade slicing the air with an aria of shimmering motes. Jenn parried with a flourish, his scythe's arc leaving a trail of smoldering darkness that swallowed the light whole. Around him, the battle erupted, a cascade of brilliance versus the void.

Each engagement honed his skills, the system meticulously distributing the earned points as Jenn adapted to this relentless dance of death. Agility, strength, endurance, and the arcane knowledge of shadows – he allotted points with strategic acumen, a warrior alchemist transmuting experience into power.

The audience of light beings grew silent, a collective intake of breath as they beheld the spectacle. Here was a human, once confined to earthly demise, now standing as a paragon of their ethereal game. Each swing of Jenn's scythe cleaved through the division of life and afterlife, challenging the very constructs of their existence.

Battles ebbed and flowed, crescendoing in a symphony of sparks and shadow. With every combatant felled, Jenn felt a frisson of energy coalesce within his being, a confluence of shadow and scythe. The warmth of rebirth flickered within him, an affirmation of life in a realm defined by its abstraction from the mortal coil.

As the successive waves of light warriors descended, Jenn's tactics evolved. He executed feints bathed in darkness, lunges that blurred the line between solidity and mist. His scythe was a beacon of annihilation amidst a sea of illumination, its presence a fulcrum upon which the fate of the battle teetered.

Above, the sky pulsed with the energy of the conflict, golden light intermingling with streaks of shadow cast by Jenn's form. It was a canvas painted with the hues of war, each stroke a testament to his unwavering resolve.

The system continued its vigil. Choices came like rapid fire, moment to moment. Power-ups, tactical retreats, or devastating all-out attacks – each option a thread in the web of destiny that Jenn was weaving. Negative outcomes were ever-present hazards, yet he navigated these with the deftness of one who has faced death and spurned its embrace.

And then, as suddenly as it began, a momentary lull settled over the arena. The beings of light withdrew, forming an arc around Jenn. They appraised him, their bright forms undulating with a respect that transcended the chasm between shadow and gleam. Here was a competitor, a force of duality that had impressed upon them an undeniable truth: that in every shadow, there is a hint of light; in every light, a touch of shadow.

The system's words were a clarion call, the harbinger of the ultimate trial. Jenn squared his shoulders, scythe in hand, the embodiment of the shadow technique. The golden white sky seemed to bend in reverence to the combatant who had defied the odds.

Another opponent emerged, a paragon among the luminous denizens. Its weapon was a staff that held the condensed brilliance of a thousand suns, its form resolute and awe-inspiring. This was the zenith of Jenn's challenge, the ultimate expression of the game-like realm's enigmatic will.

The battle recommenced, an alchemy of light and shadow culminating in a spectacle of cosmic proportions. Each movement was poetry, each clash an ode to the eternal struggle between opposites. Here, in this brilliant arena under the watchful eyes of celestial spectators, a tale of legend unfurled – the shadow reborn against the forge of light.

The air crackled with tension as Jenn faced the encroaching wave of light beings. Their forms were lithe and swift, patterns of movement complex and unpredictable—a living tableau of celestial dance and warfare. He tightened his grip on the scythe hilt, its edge gleaming with an otherworldly darkness eager to swallow the light.

'Keep fighting, keep fighting!'

As the first opponent lunged, Jenn angled his body in a deft pivot, his feet tracing an intricate step pattern akin to the silent paws of a hunting panther. With precision honed by countless battles, he slipped past the initial strike, letting the blade of light graze harmlessly against the afterimage he left in his wake.

Turning on the ball of his right foot, he executed a flawless backflip over the sweep of another light being's lance, simultaneously twisting to bring his scythe down in a fast, curving arc. The weapon sang through the air, severing the beam of light emerging from his adversary's hand with a resounding crack, like a thunderbolt clashing against the mountainside.

Jenn landed lightly, his movements fluid as water yet sharp as the break of a wave upon the shore. Just as one light being re-coalesced, Jenn shifted into an aggressive forward charge, channeling his inner energy into the scythe. A radiant beam, the color of the deepest void, erupted from the blade, carving a destructive path toward his foe.

A second adversary moved in with the grace of the wind, its strike a blur of pure energy. But Jenn anticipated the assault, reading the subtle flow of light around the being's limbs. He deftly used the flat of his scythe to redirect the attack, channeling the kinetic force into a counter-thrust that sent his opponent careening into the others.

Just as quickly as they scattered, the light beings regrouped, their attacks more coordinated now, their forms syncing in a complex choreography designed to overwhelm through unity. But Jenn danced between their blows, leaving phantasmal echoes in his.

With each movement mirrored and countered, Jenn weaved a pattern of combat through the divisions of his adversaries. He was a tempest, harnessing the very momentum of his foes against them. He navigated the lethal ballet with a synthesis of raw power and sublime technique, akin to the combination of martial and spiritual forces.

Then, in a moment of calculated risk, Jenn channeled his energy inward, manifesting an aura of darkness that shrouded him from sight—a maneuver of cunning brilliance. His opponents hesitated, their luminescence dimming in confusion, providing Jenn with the sliver of opportunity he required.

He emerged from the shroud with explosive ferocity, his scythe carving through the air in a whirlwind of shadowy arcs that left trails of dimming light in their wake. Each stroke brought a crescendo of prowess and artistry, as if his weapon were the brush and the arena his canvas, the splatters of golden ichor testimony to his determination.

As the final being dissipated into fading luminescence, the atmosphere of the coliseum shifted, and time slowed like the final dying note of a grand symphony. In the aftermath, a silence fell upon the battleground, a respite from the tumultuous chorus of conflict.

And then she was there, Nayla, emerging once again with the effortless grace that held dominion over the light. She approached the weary but triumphant Jenn with a tantalizing fluidity that belied the power beneath her serenity.

Nayla met Jenn's eyes, and in them, he saw a reflection of the journey he had just endured. With an enigmatic smile blossoming upon her lips, she leaned forward, and her kiss to his forbear was a confluence of victory and rebirth—a catalyst of transformation.

As her lips parted from his head, her whisper wrapped around him like a zephyr, a single word laden with the weight of his trials and the promise of his future: "Reborn."

Under the golden dome of the arena, amid the echoes of the light beings defeated, Jenn felt his essence shift, his form shimmering with unrealized potential. The battle scarred warrior stood ready to embrace the nascent power that the kiss of Nayla had bestowed upon him.

'I'll take you down now, Zenon!'

In the heart of an ancient, sprawling estate hidden amongst emerald-clad hills, within the walls of a medieval mansion exuding both foreboding and grandeur, a new chronicle stirred. There, amidst the opulent shadows and candle-lit glamour, Zenon, the embodiment of merciless ambition and power, cradled an infant—innocent, unknowing, and reborn. To his side stood his wife Nayla, no longer the luminous being of celestial warfare, but a woman of earthly grace, her humanity regained in an appearance far removed from her prior form.

Nayla's once radiant visage now cherished the softness of mortal life, her eyes reflecting the earthly browns of soil rich with life's promise. Chestnut locks cascaded over her shoulders like rivulets over river stones, framing a face no longer composed of pure light but one that held the warmth of the hearth's glow. Her countenance, gentle and nurturing, was that of a woman born to realms untouched by the ethereal planes, yet behind her tender smile lay a reservoir of strength drawn from her astral memories.

In the master chamber of their haven, Zenon, with a commanding presence marked by sharp angles and a stern brow, gazed down at the child with a mixture of pride and contemplation. His broad shoulders, wrapped within a cloak of sable trimmed with threads of silver, encompassed a dominion that extended far and wide, even within the sanctity of this private quarter.

"In his eyes, Nayla," Zenon's voice echoed with a timbre that resounded through the wood and stone of the chamber, "I see destiny itself gazing back at us."

Nayla leaned closer, her delicate hand stroking the babe's cheek, her touch both an assurance and a benediction. "Jennh, our son, born anew into our fold. A child of darkness and light," she cooed, the soft lull of her voice an enchanting contrast to the resonant depth of her husband's.

Zenon's gaze met Nayla's, a silent promise weaving between them. "We're naming him Jennh? Seriously?"

"Whaaat? I like the name."

"Fine, fine. I feel like you've earned it by birthing him."

"You almost fainted watching."

"It was so much blood—."


The room in which this scene unfolded was a symphony of medieval elegance and stoic fortitude, its stone walls draped with tapestries that told of lineage and conquest. A massive hearth occupied the western end, its flames dancing with life, projecting flickering silhouettes across heraldic crests and ancient weaponry adorned on the walls.

Vaulted ceilings towered above, buttressed by ribs of stone from which hung iron chandeliers, their candles casting an ambient glow across the chamber. The floor, laid with polished flagstones, bore the patina of ages past, reflecting the passage of many feet before Jenn's inception.

Nayla moved with graceful strides to a wood-crafted window that framed the moonlit valley beyond. "He will not walk his path alone," she murmured, her breath fogging the cool glass. "His brothers and sisters shall be his comrades, each a facet of the legacy we bestow."

Zenon joined her, his presence a stark contrast to the moon's serene luminescence. "Together, they will wield influence as yet unseen, their synergy rewriting the threads of power that animate this realm. Our plans for them are meticulous, a tapestry woven with the utmost precision and care."

Jenn, now named Jennh, looking up at them, thinking, 'I'm Zenon's son…WHAT THE FUCK—!'