
Reborn as The Strongest Mage

Rise was the game everyone played, even the elderly. Launched in 2084, it became an instant success worldwide, and it was more than a simple game. It was also a job. People could earn real-life money from it, and for the youth Vincent, it was no different. Vincent started to play on day one. He had chosen the Mage class and did quite well with it, achieving the top 100 mages of the entire server. Things were getting better year after year. He had all the money he needed, gifting a house for his family, a car, and improving their lives overall. Well, unfortunately, it went downhill. Vincent was not that good with finances, so he hired a manager. He couldn't possibly know that the guy would steal from him, and not only that, he was also stabbed while throwing a party at his apartment. You can call it a miracle, or even destiny, but the fact was that Vincent got another chance at life, reborn on the day Rise launched, and he was going to use that chance to become number one, and of course, found out the bastard who killed him. Help me out in Ko Fi if you can, I'll really appreciate, if you do, just message me I'll reward you somehow. https://ko-fi.com/zzanzz

zzANzz · Games
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19 Chs

Chapter 16- Two Beauties

Strange noises came from Vincent's belly as soon as he logged off the game. He had played for a couple of hours, so his hunger was almost unbearable. There wasn't many things to eat in Vincent's apartment. He relied mostly on microwave food because they didn't consume much of his time, and time for crucial at the beginning stage of the game.

Opening the fridge and microwaving a lasanha only took him five minutes. It took him even less time to eat...

Vincent knew that his next adventure would take him some time, so he decided to take a quick shower and a nap. It wasn't like they would steal his rank 1 spot that fast. And even if they did, he would reclaim it quickly.

Nate, Vincent's friend was also doing well himself. He had achieved level 4, and was within the top 10 players. They still didn't talk about creating a guild. Vincent decided to do so because he knew that just the two of them wouldn't get that far. They failed before in Vincent's previous life. So, he texted him and then went to sleep...

A ringing sound echoed. It was Nate.

"What's up Nate," said Vincent in a calming voice as he was still asleep.

"What is it about creating a guild? Are you going to play with someone else and forget about your childhood friend? It has to be it," Nate looked like that hurt friend, like when you are dating and they say that you forgot them.

"What? There's only me and you in this project of guild yet. What is this bullshit you're talking?"

"Oh. Yeah I knew that you wouldn't abandon your friends for a girl..."

"Anyway, are you up for it or not?"

"Of course I'm in. But we'll need money to create a guild, and I don't know about you but I'm broke."

"I'll handle the money problem, just level up."

"Huh? Are you taking a loan?"

"Loan? When did I say something about a loan? Damn Nate you are so negative."

After a good old talk they parted ways. Vincent's was now prepared to log in once again.

He arrived at a corner inside White Oak Village. Vincent logged off in a place players would find him right after logging in. The fame The Seer had was too overbearing.

Turning into a crow once again, flying towards his next objective, reaching level 10. Vincent was already level 6, not that far, but it would still take him some time.

There weren't many areas that Vincent could go to. The true game started after one reached the city. Based on the equipments he had, his best type of magic was that of a fire, so killing monsters with a weakness towards that element was the best choice he had.

Jungle of Deodora was a level 8 area lair of many plant based monsters. That place was literally a XP pot waiting for Vincent.

It wouldn't take that long for him to arrive there, as his crow transformation was truly awesome. Other players would die in jealousy if they knew he had that skill. Speaking of the shape-shifting skill, Vincent wanted to level it up so that he could use it in combat.

The animals he could turn into were normal animals, like the ant and the crow. Turning into magical beasts was out of the question.

"My goal is to someday turn into a Dragon and breath fire against other players. That would be awesome."

Soon a dense vegetation entered his sight. The Jungle of Deodora held many danger inside, and even Vincen didn't know everything about the place. It had many hidden locations that players only found later on. It was the same for almost every area though. The amount of details and secrets the game company created was truly awesome.

"It should take me one more day to reach level 10 in here. Sadly after level 10 the difficulty of leveling up will increase by a lot. Well, at least I'll then be able to practice alchemy and open up my first shop," excitement built within Vincent as he thought about all of the possibilities that awaited him. Putting that though aside, his leveling then began.

He ran inside the jungle like a madman, luring three monsters at the same time.

[Mouth Plant(Level 8)]

Vincent awaited for the three monsters get near him, and then casted his new acquired skill, Firestorm.

Flames shot around him, attacking everything in a radius of 7 meters.

[328 DMG]

[64 XP]

[64 XP]

[64 XP]


"Damn, that's a lot of damage. Well it makes sense as the skill costs me a lot of mana and has a long cooldown."

Vincent had to wait a bit before luring the monsters again, but it was still way faster than killing one by one. It would be even better if he had another AOE skill to alternate between, sadly he didn't have.

He did the same thing, over and over again. Some players would think that he was crazy leveling non-stop like that, but he felt that it was normal. Vincent killed the same monsters during an entire day. It was a good thing he bought a lot of MP potions.

"Oh boy, I finally did it."

[The Seer] [Class: Mage]

Level: 10

[HP: 160] [Mana: 580]


[Strength: 2]

[Dexterity: 1]

[Endurance: 3]

[Intelligence: 38]

[Wisdom: 26]

[Free points: 0]

[System announcement: The Seer is the first player to reach level 10 and arrive at the city of Lost Leaf.

Rewarded with 5 gold coins and the Title Pioneer]

"That's some good rewards right there, hehehe"

[Title: Pioneer

Description: being someone who loves to adventure and explore unexplored areas, this Title will grant you bonus XP and loot when fighting unknown monsters.]

"This thing is perfect for me. I'm always arriving first at the areas so this will help me a lot!"

He quickly equipped his new title, and was about to log off again to rest when he heard some whisperings.

"Are you sure The Seer is around here?" a girl asked to another.

"I'm certain of it. He's my idol so I studied a lot. He usually uses fire spells and kills monsters higher levels than him, that's why he levels up so fast. I'm sure he's in here," another beauty said.

These were two girls that had Vincent as their idol, and they were doing everything to find him.

"What's that? I have two beautiful girls as my fans? I can't lose that chance," Vincent turned into a crow once again, and followed them around.

The idea of creating a guild needed money and also members for it. These two girls were his fans so they should be good guild members when The Seer finally creates one. But Vincent decided to watch them to make sure they were good people. One of the girls had the nickname of Fairy Hands, and she was a Cleric. The other girl was NaughtyAssault, a nickname that sent shivers down Vincent's spine. She was a Rogue, wielding two daggers. They were both level 6, which surprised Vincent a lot. Most of the top ranked players had the backup off a large guild. The fact that these two young ladies could reach that far was a tremendous feat.

They tried to follow any clue regarding The Seer, and they did found some. His Firestorm skill burned the trees every time it was casted.

"You see these burning marks?" NaughtyAssault pointed towards the trees, "I'm sure it's from him. We are close I'm certain of it."

Usually Rogues were good at chasing and things like that. They were assasins after all. She was doing a good job. But of course she was nowhere near him as no one suspect a crow...

"Fairy, there's this crow following us for some time now. Don't look, it will notice. I don't know if it's a non aggressive monster or a boss or whatever. We should continue pretending we don't know about it, and then attack it when we have the chance."

NaughtyAssault whispered to her friend, but Vincent heard it. They never thought that a crow would understand it anyway.

He decided to turn back to his human form and wait for the girls to find him. They seemed like nice people, and they were two beauties. Vincent wouldn't lose that chance.

A black hooded figure awaited for them near a tree. After some minutes the girls finally spotted him.

"I told you Fairy. That's him," she pointed towards Vincent's.

"Oh my. I can't believe it. I thought he was just a legend," the other girl said. They were truly happy for finding The Seer. For them he was a godly skilled player who could do anything. They had always defended him in the forums discussions since day one.

Vincent turned towards them, and smiled, showing his white teeth. For a moment he forgot that his The Seer identity was that of a bearded man.

"Oh shit. Maybe these girls don't like older man?" he thought.

"Look how beautiful his beard is. It shines more than my hair," NaughtyAssault said. She was a shameless girl it seemed.


"What brings you two lovely girls here?"

"Well, you of course. We are huge fans, can you give us a autograph?" Vincent wasn't used to that. Every other player he encountered wished to kill him.

"I don't have a pen with me, so no autograph. But maybe we can add each other as friends?"

"What? You would do that for us?" Fairy Hands said.

"Can I give you a hug?" NaughtyAssault couldn't believe what was happening. She already pictured the scene of her telling her friends that she met the legendary The Seer.

"Sure, why not?" and just like that Vincent hugged a beauty...


They decided to go back to the village together, talking a lot along the way. Vincent brought up the matter about his guild, and the two girls accept instantly.

"Of course. Having you as my guild master? Hell yes!"

The guild already had four members. The Seer, the guild master, and three members. Nate, NaughtyAssault and Fairy Hands. Vincent was happy about that. Two beautiful girls along side him would surely make his adventures more interesting.

"Nate will be pissed when he finds this out..." Nate wouldn't like it, well, Vincent was sure that after seeing how cute the girls were he wouldn't mind at all.

"So, The Seer. Are you level 10 already? Shouldn't you be in your way to the city?" NaughtyAssault asked.

"Yes, I should. But to get this level so fast I barely slept at all... so I kinda need to log off a bit first."

"That makes sense. Me and Fairy Hands are still level 6. You'll soon leave us..." the girls were doing some drama.

"You guys should soon reach level 10 as well. He'll we are in the same guild so stop making a fuss."

They exchanged a few more words after arriving at the village, but Vincent had to log off or else he would pass out.

He took his game capsule off and immediately went to sleep, without even eating. Vincent knew that this would harm his health but it would harm less than being stabbed like his previous life.

The game forum erupted while Vincent was asleep. He achieved level 10 so fast that people started to think that he was cheating. Even the game company had to post something there, stating that The Seer wasn't cheating and he was just good.

The Seer haters had gone mad after hearing that, but his fans were in an ecstasy.

"We told you he was good since day one. Even the game company said it. Accept it, losers." another player replied, defending The Seer.

Vincent didn't know anything about that as he was sleeping deeply.

Now the game had finally begun for him. Vincent could now create his guild, open his alchemy shop, and explore the many things Rise had to offer. This was just the start of the legend he wanted to become inside Rise Online.

It was not if he would become a legend, but when.