
Chapter 2

It has been 7 months since I first landed on earth and I have to say, not a bad planet. Lush green hills,  clear blue skies and crystal clear waters. Honestly, this planet is a piece of art. All the more reason for me to conquer it. Everything is perfect, at least almost perfect. The fact that a dog is the king if the entire planet just doesn't sit right with me, something I'll correct soon. Speaking of corrections, I will have to correct Goku's original midtake of letting Dr Gero live. That man will prove to be a thorn in my side that I have to correct. Also, in canon, goku was 12 years as at the time he fought king piccolo. His complete annihilation is something I will see to, the birth of the normal piccolo cannot be allowed. He will stand in my way of world domination.

This gives me 11 years to train before the events of canon begin. In two years, I will start training with grandpa gohan. He may be old but his martial arts is top notch.

Currently though, I am in his backpack and he is walking along the mountain edge. In canon, goku falls down because he is not stable so to avoid this, I simply have to be calm. But alas,  it is not to be. It seems like the fates are against me because, gohans trips on a rock, making me turn to the side and start falling to the deep ravine below. My initial training in the space pod finay paid off. Using my energy, I released a small ki blast on the ground to correct myself in the air. Even though I landed on my butt, it still hurts something fierce so,  like a typical child, I start to cry, a lot.

"I'm so sorry Goku,  it seems like age is finally catching up to me. Do not worry, as I promised,  in two years i will start your training. I do need to pass on ny knowledge ". Hearing him reaffirm his promise was very exciting. It made me know that I have to keep up the baby act for just two years.  TWO YEARS. My patience is running thing but I need his training if I am to get stronger. No point in having all tjis strength if I can't channel it.

11 years later

If I am correct, it is about time the events in canon begin. And Bulma should be coming here right... Now.

"Huh,  this is a wierd looking house. I wonder who lives in such a place. Its so far from any form of civilization "

"Its about time you got here, I was wondering if you changed you mind"  I said. No point in deceiving her. I plan on ruling this universe not play baby sitter for some spoilt brat.

"Do you know who I am? And how did you know I was coming here? She asked. Not like I planned on answering her. So,  with a flick of my finger,  I release a small but sharp blast into her head, effectively killing her in the most painless way possible. I plan on dominating this planet not to be a benevolent ruler. Rummaging through her belongings,  I find my targets, her capsule pouch, her dragonball and the rader. With a quick ki blast,  I completely disintegrate her body. No point in keeping any evidence.

Going into the house, I pick up the four star ball,  adding it to my collection. Looking back on my time here,  I can say I spent it well. Why? you may ask. Well,  at the age of 6, after learning all I needed from Gohan, I gave him a quick and painless death. A simple ki blast to the head did the trick, not the complete smashing that he suffered in the original anime. He was a good teacher. Under him I learnt the turtle style of martial arts, eliminating my need to see Roshi in the future. After his death, I continued on my ki manipulation. I can now fly at the speed of sound, and perform the Kamehameha. The spirit bomb will forever be out of my reach seeing as I do NOT have a pure heart but what is the need when my own energy surpasses even that? Also,  My physical training is something that was only possible due to gamer's body. Starting with 50kg on each limb at age 6 and doubling it every fortnight, I can assure you that my base power level is much more than king piccolo's. With my constantly increasing energy reserves,  at this rate by the time I am 15, I will have roughly the same amount as freiza in his second form. Gotta love the god ki perk.

Taking off with all I need,  I hit the road (or sky?) on my journey to gather the dragonballs.

2 months later

The seven dragonballs all lie in front of me. A lot of changes have been made to canon timeline. For one,  the red ribbon army is nothing more than spacedust, their main base is now a huge crater. After infiltrating the base an stealing the dragonball, I flew to the sky and prepared my strongest Kamehameha wave. I may have put a little too much energy the because at the end,  not even their bones could be seen. I also ensured that there was no survivors,  especially gero. Him I killed  myself.  Moving on,  the same thing happened to pilaf's army,  complete and utter annihilation.

I have to admit, Roshi put up a good fight,  almost made me use half my full power but he fell all the same. That goes to show the difference between skill and power. But now with the seven dragonballs here and a mountain of bodies in my wake,  I call on shenron

"Eternal dragon,  rise up and grant my wish! "

With a bright light,  shenron appears from the dragonballs in all his glory. His long serpentine body constantly moving,  changing the very weather.

" I am the eternal dragon, speak your wish and I shall grant it"

"Shenron, grant me absolute immortality! "

" your wish has been granted. Farewell "

With that his body shone an even brighter light and dispersed, sending the 7 wish granting balls to the ends of the earth.

I can feel it. My already massive amounts of energy and potential have literally become infinite. Yes,  this is what I wanted. Now, nobody will be able to stand in my way!!.