
Reborn as the Replacement(hiatus)

Theo suddenly woke up in the hospital. This wasn't his hospital? What was he doing here!? ----------------------------------- Theodore Matthews realized that he got back his past memories after an accident. He used to be a very sick patient that could barely lead a normal life! Suddenly feeling very grateful, Theo decided to lead a good and productive life. Suddenly, one day, his cousin refused to go on a blind date and ran away from home! But the other person's mother wanted him to fill in the place instead! What will Theo do?

Dragonbreath246 · Urban
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4 Chs

Chapter 4

Cedric froze.

Theo frowned.

*' Didn't my heat end just 1 week ago? Maybe...'

Theo paused, shifting in his seat. A burst of pheromone wafted through the air.

*'Nope, no, I'm in heat.'

Theo looked up at Cedric and excused himself. Cedric watched him leave and sighed when the door closed.

When Theo thought that, Cedric couldn't help but take a whiff and get a strong scent of Theo's pheromone, it smelled heavenly.

He usually had astronomical self-control, but... that scent... and Theo was just so... cute.

Cedric realized... he was attracted to Theo.

It was good that Theo had some tact and went out when he did because Cedric for once in his life doubted whether he could really hold back. He had a really good impression of Theo, he should finalize it and make sure no other alphas take him.

...This was not good.

Cedric literally just met Theo...

Taking it slow was the best course of action.

Cedric calmed himself down.

Theo suddenly came back and Cedric couldn't help but notice that the pheromone was pretty much non-existent now.

Cedric sighed in relief," Are you better now?"

"Oh!" Theo looked embarrassed," You noticed.."

*'Oooohhhhhh, so embarrassing!' Theo thought.

*' I thought I was smooth about it..'

Cedric froze, Theo was pretty smooth about it. He was a little absorbed by the fact that Theo wasn't like a lot of his previous blind dates and spilled pheromone here and there on purpose so he blurted it out.

"I'm pretty sensitive to scents, most people's pheromones are very overbearing to me" Cedric explained reassuringly," It happens, don't worry."

"Oh! Uhm yeah... my heat had passed a week before, I don't really know what happened," Theo said, " But luckily I always bring a lot of inhibitors, I'm really sorry for making you uncomfortable."

"Oh no! Your pheromone was actually really nice, I wasn't bothered..." Cedric paused once he realized what he said.

Theo blushed. He was shocked that Cedric would say something so direct. Maybe he wasn't used to being around omegas so he said it without knowing. It wasn't always a sentence that insinuated things.

Theo glanced at Cedric's face to see that it was still as gentlemanly yet distant as ever, but his eyes looked a little surprised and... embarrassed?

Then Theo saw it.

Cedric's ears were red! Was he blushing!?

The revelation only made Theo blush more. God, he probably looked like a foolish tomato. He couldn't help but feel the heat crawl up his face.

Cedric couldn't meet Theo's eyes, he was found out... it took all his willpower not to cover his red ears.

Suddenly a sweet scent burst inside the room.

Cedric sucked his breath in. Theo's eyes widened. He scrambled with his bag and took out another inhibitor. Cedric stood up, he took out one in his coat pocket and took one himself, he could feel his pheromone getting chaotic like he was going into rut.

Both of them sighed once the scent dispersed. Theo took out some pheromone diffuser and sprayed it in the room.

Why was this happening? Theo thought embarrassed.

He literally went into heat 3 times these past 2 weeks! Twice on the same day!!!!????

The room was silent for a moment.

Cedric had an inkling of what was happening," How about we go to the hospital, I think maybe we should get you checked quickly or given different inhibitors."

Theo nodded in agreement," I'm so sorry for bothering you so much..."

"Just call me Cedric," Cedric replied as he called the waiter for the bill.


They split the bill.

Theo was adamant about it.

Cedric had his assistant, who was waiting outside, drive them both to a well-known hospital.

They were currently in a private ward. The doctor, who was a friend of Cedric, had done various tests on Theo and they were currently waiting for the doctor to come back with the results.

Theo was nervous, he was probably fine. But he couldn't help but worry. He hadn't been to a hospital in 4 years, and they were the best four years of his life. Of course, he got his regular checkups done but... he never liked hospitals; it reminded him of the old days when he couldn't live outside of one. What if he gets a bad illness again? ...He just hoped it wasn't too bad.

Cedric frowned, he couldn't make sense of some of the things going through Theo's head, he got that Theo doesn't like going to the hospital due to him staying in one for a long time but... his background check of Theo said Theo was very healthy all his life. Some of the things he couldn't even discern as if something was stopping him from understanding. This has never happened before.

Suddenly, Kevin, the doctor came in," Cedric, I'd like to talk to you for a second."

Cedric followed after reassuring Theo.

"What is it?" Cedric said," Why is he going into heat all the time?"

Kevin rolled his eyes," You always get yourself into trouble," he glanced at the closed door," Do you like that omega? He seems nice, but a little young."

Cedric paused, before nodding.

Kevin stared at Cedric in shock," Really!? You like him???" he whispered forcefully.

Cedric narrowed his eyes, the answer obvious.

"Alright, alright, I was just surprised..." Kevin said," well, it's good news for you then."

Kevin said flipping through the test before handing it over to Cedric and tapping it with a pen," You guys are a 99.99% pheromone match."

Cedric looked at the paper with all the shock his face could muster, an eyebrow raise, was that even possible?

Kevin continued," It's the highest I've ever seen, the highest before this was 97.26%, and people called them miraculous."

"You should tell him," Kevin continued," If the parents hear about this, your marriage is guaranteed, so think about it and discuss it with him. Don't finalize anything if you're not sure."

Cedric nodded.


Theo sat nervously waiting for the doctor and Cedric to come inside.

Why did he call Cedric out? Was it serious, was he going to die? Did he have cancer? Oh... he knew it was too good to be true!!!

When the doctor and Cedric walked in he approached them nervously, clutching his bag," So, what do the tests say? What's wrong with me?"

"Don't worry Mr. Matthews, you're completely fine."

Theo looked confused," So... was I drugged?"

"No, no," the doctor said laughing," Don't worry," the doctor said laughing," You see, you went into heat multiple times today as you were too close to an extremely high degree pheromone match. Which is Cedric right here."

The doctor tapped Cedric's shoulder and started explaining the ins and outs of how he got to the diagnosis.

Theo looked on shocked, 99.99%???? Was that even possible?

"So," Kevin continued," I suggest that both of you have a good talk and I suggest that you don't go near each other often if you decide not to be together."

Kevin gave both of them a spray bottle," Spray this in the room every few minutes so you don't react to each other, also, if you do decide to be together, you might want to get temporarily or permanently marked as soon as possible so there isn't a strain on your body, I'll leave you two alone now."

Theo's heart leapt into his throat as the door closed, he couldn't help but grasp the cool, smooth surface of the spray.

What now?