
Reborn As The Monster's Lord

YOU CAN BUY ME A CUP OF COFFEE! https://ko-fi.com/Zeertified Alex Murazaki, an 18 year old sophomore engineering student, along with his bestfriend, Nao Hideaki, a female transferry student, decided to walk home together after eating at a nearby cafe. On their way home; with unavoided circumstances, they were both involved in a car accident. When they woke up, they were surrounded by pitch black background telling them that they were already dead. Thankfully, a God from another world, decided to keep their souls and wanted them to live in his world. But the condition is . . . . "You wont get reincarnated as a human but as a monster." What will happen to these two whom being thrown in another world? Can they survive in this harsh environment where magic and swords are involved?

Zeertified · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
3 Chs

We Got Reincarnated?

[ ... ] : Inner Dialogue ( Alex )

( ... ) : Author's Description/ Reaction


His name was Alex Murazaki.

18 year old male, with gray - colored eyes and hair.

He was studying in the engineering department of Prestor National University and currently on his sophomore year.

He is 176 cm in height and he strongly admits that he is quite handsome. ( Lol! )

He considered himself a freak, a total freak. He loves technology, disassembling and creating things is his forte. He created a bunch of stuffs that sure was convenient in his everyday life. He is fond of reading mangas especially the kingdom-building genre. He is fascinated on how otherworldly people greatly affects the balance of society in the world.

And his only wish was ... to live in such world.

"Alex!! Alex!!!" A shout of a female girl was heard from afar. She was slowly approaching his direction, waving her hand with an odd expression in her face. Alex instantly felt an odd chill. As the distance between them shortened, just like what he expected, he wasn't wrong.

"Ouch! What's wrong with you? Are you crazy?!" Alex screamed after feeling the immense pain of the girl's kick in his leg .

"Did you ditch the history class again?" The girl had this serious look on her face as she scolded him. A serious look comparing to a mom yelling to his primary grade school child after not doing its assignment.

"Eh? How did you know?"

"Professor Dinosaur approached me and said that he will fail you unless you come to his next class."

"Eh? How annoying Why is he desperately chasing after me?" Alex commented with a cussing expression. In fact, for an engineering student, history is his mortal enemy. It's better for him to be engulfed by numbers rather than being tortured by people whom already died and he doesn't even know.

Right after he said that, that girl glared at him. That glare was enough for Alex to behave as he already felt like being choked to death.

Alex swallowed in tension and said, "Okay! Okay ... I'll go next time ..."

That girl was his only girl best friend, Nao Hideaki. She is a transfer student he met a year ago in one of his classes.

-- 1 YEAR AGO --

Before the class ended, Alex who sat on the second row at the back, glanced around him and saw a weird looking man seated at the back of the class.

"Okay class! That's the end of today's lecture. Kindly review Chapters 2 - 4 as we will be having a quiz tomorrow." Said by Professor Frank aka. Professor Dinosaur, as he engulfed students in one gulp during his every tests and surprise quizzes. Some students even compared him to a tyrannosaurus rex and some even made an exclusive meme sticker just for him.


"No Way!"

"We are doomed!"

The entire class reacted like it's the end of the world. Their rants and complaints filled the entire class hall.

"Quiet! Again, review Chapters 2 - 4. See you next week, class dismissed!" Professor Dinosaur was too thick-skinned. He doesn't even listen to them.

Alex waited for the professor the pack his stuffs and leave the hall. After he left, he also swiftly packed his things and brought out his favorite manga called "12 Senses". As he was reading while walking ( talk about multi - tasking ), he was totally unaware of his surroundings and accidentally bumped into someone. The one he bumped into fell onto the floor and dropped all of her stuffs.

Alex immediately stood up and helped her though, "Ahh! I'm sorry, I was not loo-" he instantly halted along with his words. As he was helping her, he took a glimpse of that person's appearance. "--king in the way ..."

[ It's a fucking angel. ]

He was stunned or rather petrified for the reason of, the girl he bumped into was his ideal type. A typical high school lollicon. He got attracted by her and unconsciously entered his dreamland for a while.

"Uh-, uh-, uhmm!" The girl fidgety stuttered.

Alex snapped out.

"Oh?" He was blushing yet he was pretending to be calm and composed.

[ Goodness. Is the Gods finally giving me a gift of gratitude? ]

She kindly handed him the manga he was reading. It probably fell on the ground during their collision.

"Uhmm! Do you also like 12 Senses?" The girl shyly asked.

"Eh?!" Alex blushed even more. For him, it was kind of unexpected for a girl to talk about stuffs like manga. Alex nodded and, "Oh! Well ... yeah?" he looked kinda stupid after he said that as he wasn't even sure of himself.

[ Pull yourself together bastard! It's your future wife! ]

Alex smiled a bit and to be true, it was creepy. He was hoping it doesn't scare her and he miraculously succeeded.

[ Am I doing this right? Fuck. ]

"Thank Goodness! ( Japanese )" The girl talked in Japanese.

[ Wahhhhhhhh! ]

Hearing it directly, Alex had this disgusting look in his face as he stared at her. His eyes were sparkling and shining so bright. What's more, drool began to form on the side of his mouth. ( Alex is Japanese though he grew up outside that country. )

"Wow! You're a Japanese! Cool!" He screamed like he was on drugs.

"Yea ..." She responded with a smile on her face. It was even more cute than earlier.

[ Japanese! Ohh! Finally! A Japanese wife! Not bad. Thank you Gods! ]

As he was talking to her, he gradually noticed the hoodie she was wearing.

[ Huh? That hood? ]

"Oh! Are you the one seating at the back of the class? I thought its a guy."

"Uhh, yeah. I was kind of shy as I was new so, sorry." She suddenly bowed her head as if she was depressed about it.

"Don't you have friends?" Alex thoughtlessly asked.

[ Damn! This stupid mouth of mine! I'll cut it off later. Ughh! ]


[ Redeem yourself bastard! It's your future wife! Don't waste the chance given to you by the Gods! ]

"If you don't have, can I be your friend?"

"Is it okay with you?" She raised her head and looked at him with those pitiful eyes of hers.

[ Aughk! Why is she so cute! ]

And that's how they first met.


"Hey stupid! What are you thinking spacing out like that?!" She yelled at him as if she was intending to burst his eardrums.

"Shut up or I'll rip that mouth of yours!!" Alex enraged.

[ What did I say back then? Angel? Future wife? My ass. It's not a gift but a fucking nightmare! What in the world happened to that pure innocent girl I met 1 year ago. It's not only minor change but rather as if she went through an evolution. ]

"Are you thinking about perverted things??" Nao blurted.

[ This girl! There's no limit to here imagination at all. She even dug all the porn magazine under my bed and threatened me to burn them unless I helped her. ]

"Kyahh!! Alex is a perv-!" She yelled as if she just ate an entire megaphone.

Alex swiftly blocked her trashy mouth with his hands.

[ This wild beast! I cannot let her taint my reputation anymore! ]

Alex dragged him to the side and shouted, "I'm not so shut up or I'll burn all your cosplay dresses." He threatened her.

She immediately yielded to him after that merciless threat. They talked nonsense as they walked home together after school. Feeling burned out, they decided to pass by a nearby cafe and bought some refreshments. ( By the way! Nao also likes Kingdom Building Mangas although she is more fond of political stuffs. Talk about complicated things. )

As they were walking home, they talked about the latest update of their favorite manga "12 Senses". As they arrived in the pedestrian, Nao didn't realize that the stoplight was still green, meaning you still can't cross the pedestrian yet.

She passionately kept on talking while her eyes attached onto her phone and even when he yelled at her to stop walking, she didn't even hear a thing from him.

"Nao!!" Alex nervously yelled.

"Eh? Why?" Nao finally snapped out.

Alex signaled her to go back. "The lights are still green! You stupid brat! Come back here!" He yelled.

As she was walking back, a strange truck was heading to her direction.

[ Fuck. Why is truck-kun heading her way? ]


"Nao! Hurry!!"

[ We only liked the manga, not the real thing! ]

Soon, Alex realized that the truck lost its control and was trying to bump in a nearby pole. The driver probably didn't realize that there's a girl in that direction. Alex kept calling Nao but as he took a look at her, she wasn't moving at all. Fear was also plainly written in her face. He kept on calling her but she wasn't responding.


[ Fuck. ]

Alex tried to save her but it was too late to escape. After running towards her, he just hugged her and kept his eyes closed until ... he lost his consciousness.

[ Darkness? ]

[ Where am I? ]

[ Why is it so dark? I already paid my utility bills. ]

Alex gradually regained his consciousness however, all he saw was pitch-black darkness. He also kept on screaming Nao's name but there's no respond from her.

"Nao? Are you there?" He yelled once more.

"Alex! Where are you?!" He finally heard her voice.

"Hey Nao! Why is it so dark?! Didn't we pay the utility bill for this month?!"

"I also don't know! Maybe there's an electricity outage we weren't aware of!"

All they can see was vast darkness.

"Ah ..." Alex faltered. "I remembered now!"

"Me too ..." Nao's voice was kind of depressed.

[ We died back there. I think we are in the afterlife. No one can survive that accident right? Fucking, truck-kun. ]

"Alex! I'm sorry!" Nao's sobbing was loud for Alex to hear. "It's my fault. I still have time to run but I didn't move. I'm really sorry."

"It's not that I didn't move but, I just can't move. I think fear ate my entire body. I'm really sorry. Even you got caught in my stupid act. If ever there's a grim reaper who will be going to judge us, tell him it's my fault, okay?" She sincerely said.

After that, Alex kept on hearing Nao's apology. He even heard her soft cries.

[ I guess, she's really upset and guilty about it. ]

"It's okay, so don't cry, okay?" Alex said. "And don't worry. If there's a grim reaper, I'm still heading in hell. Remember the porn magazines you mercilessly burned?"

"Pervert ..." Nao giggled. "I guess we really are dead right?"

"I know. Until when are we going to stay here? I wish they could put a ray of light here or any lights available."

They laughed together at their weird conversation as if nothing happened. The mood was cut immediately off after hearing a dog's barking.


"Eh? A dog? What is a dog doing here in the afterlife? Is he also going to be judged? Did you hear that Nao?!"

"I heard it."

[ What does a dog doing in here? This is the afterlife right? ]

After a while, they were surprised upon hearing a male voice in that pitch-black background.

"That's rude! I'm not a dog!"

"Eh? Who are you? Are you perhaps the grim reaper?"

Alex followed up what Nao said. "Are you also one of us who'll be going to be judged today?"

"People on Earth sure are crazy. Wait until I remove this darkness."

After a while, the pure black background instantly turned into a beautiful scenery. River stream gently flowing, cold wind breeze touching their skins and the petals raining from the sky. It was truly a genuine paradise.

"Alex!!" From afar, Nao was waving at her as she approached his direction.

[ Wait ... This scene looks familiar ... ]

Nao hugged Alex the moment she reached him. She was truly relieved seeing him after that tragic accident.

"Nice to meet you! Alex Murazaki, Nao Hideaki!" The voice was heard once again. The petals that fell from the sky were being collected in a single place. A mysterious figure was then formed from the collected petals.

"Wh-, who are you?" Nao hid behind Alex's back.

"Oh! Dont be scared! I am Eran and I welcome you to my world!" The mysterious figure turned into a little boy with a name 'Eran'.

"Who are you?" Alex asked once more.

Eran looked at him with a bored expression. "Are you stupid? Didn't you heard what I just said?"

Alex didn't listen. "What do you mean your world?"

"This kid sure is a tough nut to crack." Eran prepared his voice as he introduced himself once again. "Again, I am Eran and this is the Heaven's Garden."

"Yea-, yeah? I guess that's true ..." Nao still was hiding behind him.

"Well? I saw potential in you guys so I ask Anxia to keep your soul and be given to me!"

"Anxia? Our soul? Wait! I ... quite don't get what's happening." Alex said.

"What in the world Anxia is doing with his creation." Eran sighed. "Like I said! You died remember?! Therefore I asked Anxia for your souls!"

Alex started to grasp the situation by asking the God in front of them.

"Who in the world is Anxia?" Alex firstly asked.

"Eh? Really? You don't know Anxia?" Eran's jaw dropped in shock.

[ Fuck? Is this a pop quiz on history? Who the hell is he? A political figure? A national hero perhaps? Is this the basis for heaven or hell? ]

"Ye-, yeah? I guess?" Alex sweatingly faltered.

"Anxia is the God assigned to rule the world called Earth."

Alex startlingly flinched in surprise. "Eh?! Isn't Ghanz, the God in Earth?" His tone was serious.

Nao quietly poked him in his side. She asked him to lend her his ear and Alex decidingly did so. "Stupid. Who the hell is Ghantz? Stop mixing anime and reality, weeb."

"Well? It's the humans who created that God or whatever. Well, knowing Anxia, he doesn't really give a shit about what's happening around so I guess it's kind of normal for you not to know." Eran clicked his tongue. "Well back to our topic, I asked Anxia about your souls because I want you guys to live in my world! I did great right? You get to live another life right?"

"We-, well? I think so too." His face was writing doubt as he looked at Eran.

[ Is this also part of the pop quiz? Is he trying to test us whether we want to live again or not? ]

"Hey kid. Don't worry this is not a pop quiz or something."

[ If it's not that then, am I the protagonist of my own transmigration novel now?! ]

"Then, we just simply live in your world right?" He leaned back and asked, "What do you think Nao? Is this legit?"

Nao instantaneously answered. "Stop talking to me. Instead, talk to him."

[ I should've never expected. Her attitude is finally back. Now, she's making me her shield from unexpected happenings. ]

Nao was just listening the entire time. She was trying to understand what is happening while simply hiding behind his back. Alex also began conversing with this so called God in front of him.

"Yeah! That's it! You just simply live in my world! You okay with that right?"

[ Of course it's a great deal! Who should refuse such blessing. ]

"Well of course! Who the heck would turn down this offer?"

Alex accepted his offer though Eran was somewhat odd as he raised a corner of his lip.

"You live in my world! However ..." Eran smirked in the creepiest way. "Not as humans but monsters."


[ Fuck. We're doomed. ]



2 chapters will be posted per week! Thank you for reading!

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