
Reborn As The Daemon's Wife

"I saved your life, so you are mine." He claimed her with a serious face that she found infuriating and worthy of her slap. [NO RAPE. Warning: Mature content] |Volume 1: The Daemon's Wife| She was a carefree woman until she met him, and he did nothing but fill her life with mystery—and make her fall harder than she'd ever thought possible. ... "Your clothes are wet." He pointed out, making it obvious that he had been waiting for her. She took a step back nervously when he stood up and closed in on her with a cold smile on his thin lips. "I went for a swim." She hastily answered, earning a chuckle from him. "Fully dressed?" He pinned her against the wall as his fingers traced her wet clothes. "Your heart is racing. Did you try to run away again, flower?" He felt her tremble under his touch and his lips curled into a smile that seemed sarcastic and made her tremble. "I already told you, you are mine." ... His heart was empty until he met her, and she completed him.

Avalorian_ · Fantasy
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192 Chs

It's a demon (2)

Jasmine felt a chill down her spine when she saw Bardumond's expression. No matter what demon had bitten her, he was definitely going to kill him.

Her heart felt like it would break out of her chest when she remembered the events the previous night. The sharp pain when Dairon kissed her neck…it must have been because he bit her! How could she not have thought about it all this time?

She laughed awkwardly. "What are you talking about? A demon?"

Crap. If her voice sounded as shaky as she thought it did, it wouldn't take long for Bardumond to figure out what was actually happening.

Bardumond tried to touch her neck but she evaded his fingers. What if touching it helped him figure out the identity of the demon?

"Did you encounter any demons recently?" He asked, guessing that Jasmine had evaded his touch because the wound hurt too much.