
Reborn as strongest In Naruto world

God took pity on a boy seeing his selfless attitude and gave him 5 wishes. He got reincarnated in his favourite Naruto world with Over powered wishes. This is a very OP MC fanfic. I will also change timelines and characters. So don’t complain about someone being born early and the age of certain characters as I’ve made changes from the original. IDONOT OWN NARUTO ANY CHARACTERS OR JUTSUS. This is my second attempt on a Fanfic. I will start it after I finish my first NARUTO fanfic, or atleast reach a good point in that. Thanks for your support.

Crook_Shank · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs

Ryu Vs Pakura

A/N: Extra chapter for the 5 reviews


I just walked towards them without a care in the world. Seeing me walk alone so confidently towards the enemy made the sand shinobi's morale dip down. One of them yelled "He's coming. We are all dead". Seeing her fellow shinobis scared, Pakura couldn't stand it and she shouted "Don't fool around. He's only one man. I'll deal with him". Hearing her, I smiled and walked near the group with hands in my pockets and spoke "So you are the famous Pakura of the scorch release. I've heard of you".

Pakura responded back saying "I'm honoured for the great Ryu Senju to remember me". I laughed and spoke "Hahah Pakura, I think you are working for the wrong village, but anyway you will find out soon the true Colors of your sand village." Pakura frowned and asked "What do you mean?" I casually replied "Your sand village is a fools place which sacrifices their own people. Konoha had nothing to do with the death of your Kazekage, but Rasa wants acknowledgement and Chiyo wanted revenge. So you started this war."

Pakura listening to me yelled "Enough of your nonsense. Now fight". I shook my head and took out some special Kunais from my pouch and threw them in the battlefield and used Kunai shadowclone jutsu. Then I created 50 shadow clones and swish!!!!!!!.... there lies 50corpses of sand ninja behind Pakura. Pakura didn't even have time to react and when she turned back, she could only see her dead comrades bodies. She just said one word "Monster".

I looked at her and said "Ok Pakura I've taken care of the nuisance, now show me what you've got. Pakura had mixed feelings now. Sadness anger hate. She waved her hands and summoned heat orbs and shouted "You bastard, I'll kill you today". Then she started attacking me by manipulating the heat orbs. I just dodged all her attacks and said "You aren't half bad you know. But You are really in the wrong village". Hearing me pakura again yelled "What do you know? I'll kill you today and started attacking again".

After a few minutes, I spoke "Fine Pakura. Enough fun. Let's end it now". Then I teleported to a Kunai near her and Karate chopped her neck and she fell unconscious. I then destroyed the 1000 puppets and disappeared in a yellow flash. After some time Pakura woke up to see the 1000 puppets broken, everyone dead and she mumbled "That bastard, he was just toying with me. He never took this seriously." Then she also thought 'But why did he spare my life? He killed everyone and only knocked me out.'

At the Konoha camp, there was a bright yellow flash and I appeared in front of Sakumo and Jiraya and said "Yo, it's done. 1000 puppets destroyed 50 shinobis dead". Jiraya then asked "What about Pakura?" I replied "I let her go". Sakumo now asked "Why?" I just said casually "I just felt like it. Besides the mission was to destroy the puppets and its done". Sakumo shook his head and said "Well, whatever. The puppets are destroyed and that's all that matters.

Right after I left, Rasa and Chiyo arriver with a large number of Ninjas. Rasa looked angrily at the remaining of the destroyed puppets and the corpses of their transporters. He deliberately chose to ship the puppets a few days before the battle. He felt that the delay would make Konoha put all their attention on the camp. He didn't expect the carriage to be discovered. "Oy Oy, did you find Pakura?!" Chiyo was anxious as she wasn't able to see Pakura's body.

On one hand, she was worried about her life. But on the other, she worried that she could've been captured alive. Pakura was someone who had carried out many secret missions over the years. The consequences of her capture should be unthinkable. "Don't worry. This team was formed of 51 people. We only found 50 corpses. Pakura must've escaped and survived." Rasa kept his cool and calmly analyzed the situation.

"Kazekage Sama, we found the traces of the battle." A Sand Ninja found the spot were Me and Pakura faced off. Rasa immediately rushed over. He looked at the ashes on the ground, and he realized that this was where Pakura had her fight. With no traces of blood anywhere, he deducted that neither side had suffered any injuries. With these traces, it was confirmed that Pakura should be alright. Chiyo was finally relieved. After a throughout search, the sand did not find any of Konoha's ninjas, deducing they must've made a full retreat.

the 4th Kazekage and Chiyo returned to their camp. Their faces were heavy. The first one that Rasa asked about was Pakura. When he learned that she had just returned to the camp, he and Chiyo were relieved. Later on, in Rasa's tent, Pakura came to talk about what happened. "Pakura, if you hadn't retreated and if the fight carried on, who would've won it?" Chiyo asked. Pakura shook her head and said "It's not like I retreated. That Ryu Senju took pity on me and didn't kill me."

"What do you mean?" asked Rasa. Pakura took a deep breath and started explaining everything that happened. Both Rasas and Chiyo's faces turned pale after hearing. She then added "That Ryu Senju alone might be able to destroy our village completely. He was just toying with us and finished everything in five minutes. It's better if we surrendered. He's really a monster". Hearing her Rasa started contemplating and said "There's no other choice now". After this everyone exited the tent leaving Rasa alone. He just sat there and looked at the ceiling.