
Reborn as Stiles Stilinski in the Orange County

What happens when you reincarnate as Stiles Stilinski in Orange County with a cheat, making you even more of a chad? A super Alpha among ordinary humans. Bikinis, buttocks, sports, parties, no sleep... —Newport Beach Stiles Stilinski! One of those tired mornings. Looking at the super hot transfer student, Stiles went completely OOC, chadly thoughts blooming in his head: 'Please don't look my way. Please don't fall for me...' //Tagged: Orange County, Riverdale, Teen Wolf, Cheat, Supernatural, ETC. ****************** My thoughts on this book: I don't remember the main show in minute detail; I have a terrible memory, so don't expect master intrigue. The emphasis is on character growth. If we must say so. You get the picture. Hopefully, it'll be a slow Romance fic, restful and wholesome. I'll write it for the sake of heartwarming and sticky romance. Shouts: Except for Stiles' supernatural abilities, the Supernatural does not exist. In this fic, only a few TW characters will be relevant! You don't need to ask why...

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Neighbors Next Door [Edited]

It was late.

But unbeknownst to him that night, Stiles wasn't the only one who moved into the neighborhood the same day and didn't sleep.

There was always something thought-awaking about new residences, beaches, and beautiful starry nights.

It was romantic, decadent, and eerie all at the same time.

Eerie because beach houses sounded unsafe.

Taking a seat on the sand unsupervised and alone, both of which he wasn't as much as he imagined and which he would know tomorrow, Stiles thought:

'This place should do, right?'


'... Dang, it!'

'So this is what it's like to transform?'

'Although it's still within the realm of what I can endure, I didn't think it would sting this much.'

'Arrr... Now I wonder how I'd fare if I took the bite instead... That'd hurt like hell, I bet. Shit...'

Stiles had walked far from the Cohen's house.

He found an appropriate hiding spot around the beach.

Somewhere he normally wouldn't be seen at this hour, especially when there was still the big cliff behind his back.

Absorbing the Werewolf's blood and starting his painful mutation; however, he didn't realize that he still had left room for error somewhere.

In this case, though, it may've just been gravity...

Teen Wolf gravity.

In his past life, the reader of the Chinese inside of him would likely call it fate.


At the same time, close by,

In the other big house next door, a teenage girl the same age as Stiles and who had just moved in wasn't sleeping.

Her dad was a wealthy arms dealer. He sold guns to the police and the army.

Standing next to a gaping window, she was studying the outside scenery with a telescopic device that wasn't necessarily a telescope... Or harmless.

Sniping the sky, the sea, and then the beach as she played with one of her father's merchandise, the girl soon noticed something different.

A silhouette sitting in a dark place.

It looked like a boy and not a boy at the same time. Not in a good way...

'Am I seeing things? What's that?' The girl's head moved away from the telescopic lens on the sniping gun for a short second.

She rubbed her eyes, wondering if she saw wrong.

Standing in her father's brand-new study, with the unpacked boxes around her, she was about to put her eye in the telescopic sight again.

But someone suddenly came from behind and grabbed her wrist, saying with amusement in her voice, "When did you take this? You can't play with this toy yet, Allison."

"Aunt Kate." Allison, the girl said. She was caught playing with her dad's unpacked wares.

Her aunt smiled. After taking and touching the weapon, she said, "What were you doing with this? Shooting the fish? It's not even loaded, hahaha."

"I... I..."

Thinking of something, the scene from earlier, the girl was about to reply... Honestly, about what she thought she saw...

"Yes? You?" Growing curious, Kate started frowning.

... But the girl stopped for some reason. Instead of telling her aunt the truth, she told a dumb lie.

Later that night, before going to sleep, she began drawing what she saw in her diary.

She wasn't positive at first. But remembering the mysterious silhouette, it looked curiously similar to one of the aged and cryptic paintings she once saw in their old attic.

If werewolves were real, it would certainly look like one...

However, her grandmother just had strange hobbies and strange certifications. She hoarded odd things.

She was a supernatural quester and fairy tale historian.

There was no way any of the things she loved doing, talking about, and collecting in her spare time weren't purely fictional.

... Right?

Allison sighed and put on her pajamas.

The occult wasn't real.

Thinking back to what she saw, though, she had trouble falling asleep a few moments later.

She grew a bit scared after turning the lights off.


Stiles fought the urge for a long time.

But he howled when his muscles swelled and the tissue inside squeezed with more pain than ever. It was the peak and end of the transformation.


The wolf cry wasn't long, but it was loud and falsetto.

Stiles himself didn't think he could hit such notes. This was the new him.

'I need to get out of here now, though...'

Stiles's clothes were torn apart, and he was left naked.

When the full, furred werewolf transformation ended, and his height and size returned to normal, he had no time to marvel at his new physiological state.

Or the shapeshifting ability and other werewolf transformations.

Being the original Werewolf was cool, but with the noise he made, he had to leave.

Wolves weren't rare in America, but where was he?

He was in Southern California.

Even if he was sent years in the past, wolves were rare. This was also the actual "beached" part of Newport Beach.

Wolves had no business straying here. It wasn't their natural habitat. Not with the landscape, even if humans didn't occupy it.

Stiles left in a hurry. Returning to the house.

He wasn't invincible in the world and just wanted to live a rich and happy life. He wouldn't create problems if he could help it.


That night, Stiles didn't know if the Cohens had cameras in their house, so he felt his new abilities without testing them.

It wasn't hard to figure out with the help of a system, and he got the hang of it before sleeping next to Ryan on the mammoth-size guest bed.

He was the first to wake up the next morning, before dawn, and he trained a bit. With the hormonal manipulation and his werewolf body now, it was easy.

Returning from his run on the beach, he found Ryan awake.

"Yo, how was your night?" Oozing sweat on his naked chest, he asked, smilingly. He was only wearing shorts and no shoes.

"It was so nice. I don't think I've ever slept this well." Ryan replied, his eye on Stiles. Furrowing a brow, he asked, "Did you go for a run? Why do you look a lot more muscular this morning?"

Heart reading was a handy skill. Ryan wondered if people could become buff by running one morning.

When he asked himself if running made people muscled, Stiles smiled and said mysteriously, "I'm an athletic guy now."

He was walking to the shower.

"Now?" Ryan asked, confused. He knew Stiles was a joker, but the claim sounded grounded with those abs...

He had more abs than him now...

"Don't think about useless stuff. Get dressed and wait for me before we head for breakfast." Stiles told him. Ryan was smart, but racking his brains could never help him understand what happened overnight.

Stiles wouldn't explain either.

Minutes later.


It was the school vacation, but people like Sandy and Kirsten worked.

Though Stiles woke up early, he used the time Ryan slept to exercise his body and slowly strengthen it.

He was going to do that often now, even if at night sometimes instead.

Waking up early on days he would be free to do whatever, especially, wasn't the lifestyle he had in mind.

Getting to the main house, when they walked inside, Stiles and Ryan found Seth playing video games.

He was playing those on the living room's huge TV screen. It was the Nintendo 64.

Stiles knew he had other consoles, but he wasn't interested in games in this life or the other.

He focused.

"Hey. W-who are you?" Seth asked, confused and happy to see people his age. He was also greatly nervous.

He was evidently not told about them. The dialogue was not just different from what happened in the show, but the situation was entirely different this time.

"I'm Stiles, and this is my cousin Ryan," Stiles told him. "Your dad took us in for a few days."

Ryan nodded.

"Cool! Want to play?" Seth was still the same Seth... He didn't think too long and asked, holding the N64 controller.

Stiles was speechless at the sudden development. Seth didn't care who they were; he understood what was happening after Sandy's name was mentioned.

He just wanted to make friends.

He wasn't just weird; he was too smart.

"Why not." Ryan sat next to him and said, being given the other controller.

"You got next, then?" As he turned on the game console, a PS2 this time, for a Dynasty Warriors game, Seth shifted his head toward Stiles.

He was wondering if he was the two's leader.

Stiles chuckled inwardly at the thought. He said, "I don't like video games. Can I get breakfast instead? I'm not big on cereal breakfasts, either."

There was milk and a bowl of cereal next to Seth on the floor, where he sat with Ryan.

Knowing Seth, Stiles wasn't polite and fake. He even sat on a couch behind him.

Seconds later, Seth had called the housemaid to take Stiles and Ryan's orders for a rich breakfast. Rich in vitamins and nutrients.

Stiles was eating his food calmly and watching Ryan and Seth cooperate. On their Kingdom-like campaign of Chinese generals, swinging swords and spears on the big screen when the doorbell rang.

"Who's that at this hour?" Seth asked nobody and everyone simultaneously. Being a NEET, he was nervous at the idea of useless social interaction.

Reading him at that moment, Stiles instantly reckoned how he wasn't shy or awkward because that was all he could be.

There was logic in the uncurbed behavior that petrified him when speaking and gripped at his guts intermittently.

Stiles was the only one who wasn't busy right now, so he went to open the door. On her way down the stairs, the housemaid, seeing him do so, returned upstairs.

Stiles yawned from relaxation as he opened the large door of the house. He hadn't been this relaxed in a long time. No part-time job and a lazy life in sight.

No more bodies to bury for his BFF.

How could he be like Seth and care about rich guests in this neighborhood?

Whoever it was, even if it technically wasn't his home yet—because mission Kirsten wasn't complete—he was planning to invite them inside mirthfully.



After he opened, when Stiles saw the guest standing at the door, his plans to invite them inside became short-lived.

Not because the guest wasn't pretty or smelled nice, but because...

"I'm Kate Argent, your new neighbor from next door. Are your parents inside? Since we finished moving in late last night, I hoped to come by and greet them."

... Suddenly, face to face with a werewolf hunter, he wasn't sure if it was an urban crossover anymore...


This is a 5 months old Note, but the content is relevant, so read it, please.

Author's thoughts--I changed my plans for the harem. Not about the members, but the order in the mc will go after each girl. (I took down the Repertoire, so no more wondering who's gonna be in or not)

There's no order anymore. It's not fun when there's one. It feels like planned breeding, which is lame.

+1800 words

FOUNTAINOFYOUTHcreators' thoughts