
Reborn as Stiles Stilinski in the Orange County

What happens when you reincarnate as Stiles Stilinski in Orange County with a cheat, making you even more of a chad? A super Alpha among ordinary humans. Bikinis, buttocks, sports, parties, no sleep... —Newport Beach Stiles Stilinski! One of those tired mornings. Looking at the super hot transfer student, Stiles went completely OOC, chadly thoughts blooming in his head: 'Please don't look my way. Please don't fall for me...' //Tagged: Orange County, Riverdale, Teen Wolf, Cheat, Supernatural, ETC. ****************** My thoughts on this book: I don't remember the main show in minute detail; I have a terrible memory, so don't expect master intrigue. The emphasis is on character growth. If we must say so. You get the picture. Hopefully, it'll be a slow Romance fic, restful and wholesome. I'll write it for the sake of heartwarming and sticky romance. Shouts: Except for Stiles' supernatural abilities, the Supernatural does not exist. In this fic, only a few TW characters will be relevant! You don't need to ask why...

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25 Chs

Innocence Breaker



"Not a bad effort for someone who's been off for months... I thought you were going to get a hip cramp."

"~~HUU... Not bad? Do you think?"

"Yes! Excellent even. Let's not rush things, though. It's not really like cycling, running, if I may say so."

"The thing about the reflexes? Haha, right. I've got the moves, sure, but the fitness..." Kirsten answered immediately.

Stiles smirked, "It's ok, the stamina is slowly coming back. I'm here to help some more…"

Kirsten said, "~~HUUU... ~~HUUU... It's only right I guess, but I would have imagined you as athletic now that we talk about it. You impress me more and more, Stiles... "

"Thanks, haha. Say, Kirsten, you wanted to buy a sandwich, didn't you? How about a little break in the closed café in the shade over there? It must be air-conditioned, you think? ?"

Panting, gasping a little, and her throat dry, Kirsten was breathing loudly when Stiles made the suggestion.

He was in great shape and didn't sweat a drop of water, unlike her.


Stiles was running with Kirsten.

He trotted with her for a good half hour in long strides (human strides) before she started to struggle. She had a very good heart rate for a woman—a human her age.

Glancing at the state of his gorgeous hostess's body with her new senses sharpening a little more every second—frighteningly—he discovered that she could go on for another quarter of an hour at the ongoing breakneck pace. But she would be pumped on the way back.

Too exhausted to make it to the cocktail party—Fashion show, sorry... If the distinction really mattered... Stiles himself wasn't sure if he wanted to go to the event, which had very little importance—For the new him, at least...

If he were less of a werewolf, he would have relished admiring Julie Cooper putting more community and financial pressure on her debt-ridden husband. The one she loved but not enough.

The woman's ignorance was matched only by her cruel, murderous beauty.

Murderous for many men, perhaps. Stiles just thought she was hilarious, after all.

She was absolutely funny. She was the show.

"What café?" Kirsten asked with what little breath she had left. She and Stiles had stopped running.

"That one…" Stiles pointed in a specific direction, but at that moment his mind was elsewhere. A crazy idea crossed his mind, and he had completely changed his target. He had also abandoned all his sexy plans for his new mother figure, Kirsten.

By this time, breathing in the salty seaside breeze, surely it was more scrupulous even to say that Stiles had switched guns entirely...

... Just until further notice, anyway. Until Kirsten failed herself, he wouldn't take the first step to win her over.

All because he didn't like complexity, much less love intrigues full of betrayal. He liked women full of joie de vivre and funny women. Like his future grandmother. His future grandmothers...

Yes, with an S.

After all, unlike Sandy, Stiles didn't owe Caleb anything... He even wanted to save him from death by cuckolding him.

Stiles was a gentleman with refined hobbies. He was simple and accomplished in his erotic thoughts and disliked agonizing wastes of time.

Why mix love and anguish?

Guilt was a female dog—the guilty actions her husband.

Stiles didn't want to be a dog. Much less one biting his supposed owner. If anyone could own him at this point...

Stiles couldn't remember Caleb's other girlfriend, not her name, hehe... But the second one was a bit too poisonous for him. She was definitely more to Stiles' taste and faculties.

Julie Cooper.

Stiles intended to act on it before she turns into a wealthy widow and autocrat for the remaining members of the Cohen family. He intended to evolve Julie into her best version early on—her most mature and downright version. As honest and kind, or even more so, than Kirsten and Sandy.

She had the potential. That was the worst in the OC's convoluted history.

... Really... Sleazy grandpas like Caleb, who bequeathed all their wealth and power to female gold diggers without thinking of the consequences or their children, were out-and-out execrable.

Or were they not?

Stiles didn't really care to find out.

Caleb being a bad person was enough of an excuse...

He had time, a whole year and more, even if he was in a rush to get to work on Julie—definitely a fun job.

Damn nice... He was already imagining.


The Coopers weren't that bad after all. Let's be crazy as wolves, he thought.

Stiles found himself enjoying a challenge. New challenges.

Speaking of wolves, Stiles was no ordinary werewolf. He had a 360 degree view of the surroundings and could see himself, which was very handy.

There was no Nogitsune in this world. Stiles wasn't the dark, obscure Stiles known from one of TW's seasons. But the smirk on his lips made him look like a smart, mischievous fox when Kirsten asked curiously, "What's up Stiles? Something you're laughing at?"

Instead of finding him looking like a creepy delinquent, Kirsten still found Stiles a bit more fascinating right now. Her interest and curiosity for her new adopted son only increased.

Stiles reduced the number of sex hormones he was naturally sending to Kirsten and only to her when he replied, "I was thinking about something funny that dates. Nothing to do with you."

"Really? What?" Kirsten was catching her breath a bit more when she asked. The shock of hot and cold caused sweat to flood her forehead. It wasn't exactly cold outside, but the strenuous exercise had raised her body temperature.

Stiles was watching Kirsten drip with sweat when he said, "Who, well...more precisely. A girlfriend."

"..." Kirsten suddenly became a little quiet.

Stiles knew why.

"Come on, let's take a break." He walked over to the café, not paying attention to what Kirsten was thinking at the time. He and his adoptive mother could not be separated from today. If she was too unhappy in the future—respecting her marriage—for Stiles, it would never be too late to rectify the shot. If there was a shot to rectify in the first place.

He hadn't shot anything and wore no ring on his finger. Kirsten was also a foster mom for him. She was already seeing herself as such, despite the bad, the evil thoughts she couldn't fight.

... Speaking of useless thoughts, though, it wouldn't be too late to turn her into a vampire once he is one himself. Stiles reckoned.

He hadn't made any resolutions about things like that that would change his loved ones and the world just yet.

He didn't think too much about life expectancy in a world where he could act on death itself.

If it weren't for the fact that his real parents in this world had been identified as dead for quite a while and were part of an investigation, he would have already managed to reanimate their bodies.

He had a new life and new parents, though. He was a transmigrator with multitudes of memories as well. Furthermore, he was not looking for superfluous problems, so all these respectable, but pompous concerns could stay behind him.


Stiles and Kirsten ran a few good miles on the way off. There was still the way back to the more snobbish beach vicinity.

The café where he and Kirsten took a break was packed with people. The place looked popular with young girls strolling the non-residential pier.

Stiles and his new mom had finished eating waffles with whipped cream and chocolate. And Kirsten was at the checkout.

She was paying for her sandwich and the takeout coffees when Stiles stood up from his seat lazily and saw a familiar face.

After meeting Kate, Kate Argent, he expected the meeting, but not anytime soon, and not here.

'Allison Argent?' Stiles suddenly and insistently took in the gaze of a young girl staring out the window.

'I can't be wrong, it's her. It's Allison!'

'Wow... Goddayum... What a beauty!'

'But... What is she doing all alone with that heartbreaking look, though?' Stiles was staring at the curly haired beauty.

Her surprisingly downcast and depressing face made him curious, however, so he began to read hearts.

In the next second, when Allison turned and met his gaze as if out of hermetic—or innate gravitational attraction between two people supposed to be from the same Californian place, (a dangerous place)—what he read shocked him.

Allison was shaken up ever since last night... She was scared... Of him...

The "him" she wasn't supposed to see, actually...if only he had been more prudent, more thoughtful, performing his werewolf transformation on the beach...

Sadly, he was already someone's nightmare—An innocent beauty's nightmare.