
Reborn as sasuke uchiha(dropped)

this is my first ever book so expect grammatical errors and a lot of mistakes! i balance updating between football practice and school I am a highschool student that may take hiatuses some times I may not update for weeks or I may update everyday and please be deathly honest with criticism I wanna improve but note I lack experience

amarril14 · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

crushing naruto

as i command the system to evolve my Sharingan I see naruto charging at me but instead of being a blur I can barely keep up with he's moving so slow its like time has frozen, once he reaches me I can see afterimages of his next moves practically seeing the future as his after image goes to punch the real naruto follows suite but I'm already ducking under the swing 'unlike the real Sasuke whos body was to slow for his Shargian I'm more than fast enough to keep up with my perception' I think as I knee naruto in his ribs then I uppercut him sending him flying about 7 meters away he lands and then skids on the water coming to a halt.

once he stops sliding on the water he slowly gets up and with my Sharingan, I can see more Kyuubi chakra seeping out of his stomach and powering his body, this time he comes at me faster but still to slow as I once again read his after images I duck under a swing then I jump over a sweep kick then I lean away from a heavy swing powered with chakra then I weave threw a barrage of punches 'now!' I think as I finally see an opening threw naruto's restless assault as he is going for another heavy swing he overleans the punch putting him somewhat off balance as he is tumbling in slow motion I charge my hand with lightning chakra and normal chakra and I punch him with a mini Chidori that's not enough to pierce his skin but enough to sting like hell as I hit him he is sent flying as a large shockwave separates us do to the force of the punch naruto is sent directly into hashiramas leg crushing the rock under his back.

"come on naruto I thought you were gonna take me back is that all you have? sakura would have put up a better fight" I say taunting him because I feel like being a dick head today as I'm taunting him his body is covered in an aura of reddish-orangeish chakra and he gets off the rock he lands on the water standing like a wild animal all fours "grrrrr" naruto lets out a primal growl as three tails sprout from the base of his spine 'three tails? id I push him that much? he was only supposed to go one tail not three!' I mentally scream as naruto sweeps his hand 10 clowns appear in front of him with the same three tails aura and the same angry look in their eyes.

"tch" I say as all ten clones charge towards me as the original naruto begins to do hand signs 'even in this feral state he is capable of Jutsu he must have more control over the Kyuubi's chakra than in cannon' I think as I jump over a charging clone 'he's gotten faster but not fast enough to escape my future sight but he sure is close' I think as I land on the water the clone I jumped over turns around and then charges as the clone in front of me is also charging as they both reach me at the same time I lean back on some limbo type stuff as they punch each other dispelling themselves 'even if this naruto is stronger than the original naruto hes still dumb as bricks instead of sending them at the same time he should have sent them stimuli now I can take advantage of their lower skill' I think as the other clones reach me I focus my sharigan to the max as I weave threw their punches some grazing me in my shoulder and cheek but not enough to damage me to badly but it does leave some burns on my skin due to the kyuubis acid like chakra once I see a opening in their barrage of messy punches I coat my leg in lightning chakra I kick the one that was leading the charge in the ribs hard enough to make it tumble but not enough to expell it as it tumbles into the other narutos they fall on top of the water in a mess of limbs while they are trying to get up I briefly use half my cure mark.

(third-person pov) as the clones finally stand up they see Sasuke with the left side of his body covered in marks and his left eye sclera completely black instead of the usual white as his Sharingan glow ominously"fire style: fire erasure Jutsu" Sasuke yells as he shoots out a massive ball of purple fire that engulfs the clones turning them to ash as a large explosion rings out .

(Sasuke pov)

'that jutsu is so strong and it doesn't even take a quarter of my chakra to use' I think as I turn towards the original naruto who has a fucking Rasen shuriken charged ' what the hell when did he learn Rasen shuriken he wasn't supposed to learn that until Shippuden I think as he throws it with his chakra arm attached to it towards me I activate the second stage of my curse mark making me grow taller from a solid 5'1 to a good 5'5 as I grow taller my muscles get broader and wings rip threw my shirt i charge a purple-blackish Chidori as I fly towards the Rasen shuriken i hit it my Chidori making a clash as me and naruto begin to puc with all our might i begin pushing his chakra armback with three mighty flaps of my wings soon i overpower naruto as i charge towards his with the rasen shuriken and my cidori combining i hit him in his shoulder with his own attack merged with mine creating a massive explosion as I'm launched awa so is a knocked out naruto 'he must have fainted due to the pain' i think as i walk towards narutos floating body i carry him to the rocky shore and then i fly away heading to otogakure "I'm sorry guys but this is for the fate of the world and formy own personal gain" i say

(mission complete follow cannon)