
Reborn As Saiyan God! Prince Vegeta!

Hello! This is my first time writing so I appreciate any corrections and support from you guys. The story is about a highschool guy who died and got 3 wishes from a bored god and transmigrated as the Prince of All Saiyan!Prince Vegeta! English is not my first language so there will be some corrections.

Silent_Cuber · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Chapter 5: Yardrat and Fighting

-At capsule corps-

After some time, the saiyans reached the capsule corps. Vegeta pushed the doorbell to inform someone inside about their arrival. After a while, the door opens revealing little Bulma.

Vegeta greeted her and said:

Vegeta: "Hello, Bulma! Long time no see. Can I see your dad?"

Bulma greeted him back and said with enthusiasm:

Bulma: "Hello! Wow! you grew much taller. Wait here for a moment, I will call dad."

Vegeta: 'She changed a lot in these six months.'

Then she ran inside and called her dad. After some waiting, Bulma came back with Dr. Brief and Panchy in tow. When Panchy saw Vegeta and Raditz, she ran towards them and hug them and said:

Panchy: "Ohohoho, I missed you so much my cute little alien boys! You grew much taller!"

After Panchy let them go, Vegeta said:

Vegeta: "So how's the spaceship, Dr. Brief?"

Dr. Brief: "It's already done, you came at the right time. Come inside and see it for yourself."

They came inside the capsule corps and went to the backyard. There, they could see a round spaceship like Goku used on Namek but much bigger.

Then Dr. Brief started to explain the functions and other parts of the ship that he added like a disco, coffee maker etc. The gravity chamber can go up to x500 earth's gravity, it can not go any higher because of lack of resources and materials needed to support the high gravity. It also has robots that can shoot lasers.

(You can see the image here in paragraph comment)

After Vegeta inspected the ship and said that it's just what he wanted, they go back inside the house and eat some food since they only eat senzu beans and stocked food on the lookout for six months. Then, they rest for a whole day to recover their mental exhaustion and relax their muscles from the tough training they went through.

The next day, Vegeta informs everyone that he's gonna travel to space alone using the spaceship made by Dr. Brief to gain more knowledge and experience.

He also said to Dr. Brief to make another gravity chamber without the spaceship for the others to continue their training.

Vegeta reminded the two saiyans to continue their training and said that they can do what they want on earth, but he also warned them to not do anything stupid, especially killing or they will be severely punished.

Vegeta also said to protect this planet from outside threats that may come while he was away and don't interfere with Kakarot's life for the time being because it will only hinder his growth.

After their goodbyes, Vegeta went inside the ship and took off leaving the earth's atmosphere. When he reached the vast vacuum of space, he looked at the window behind the spaceship and saw the beauty of the blue planet, earth.

Then, he went back to the control room and set the coordinates of Planet Yardrat and set autopilot. According to the ship's system, it will take 2 weeks to reach Yardrat.

After that, he went to the gravity chamber and set the gravity to x2 making him fall to his knees. Because of his x50 gravity that he cast to his body with his magic and weighted clothes he was wearing, by multiplying the gravity by x2 it has a huge effect on him, it's almost over a hundred times earth's gravity. He then does a thousand push-ups, sit-ups, curl-ups, and 1,000km jugging by running around the chamber everyday while increasing the gravity until he reaches his destination.

-After 2 weeks-

While Vegeta was training he stopped when he heard the ship's system:

System: "We're arriving at our destination within 5 minutes, be ready for landing."

Vegeta then gets back and finishes his training routine. After the training was done he turned off the gravity chamber and released his gravity magic to his body, and went to the control room. There, he sees on the screen the Planet Yardrat coming nearer and nearer.

In these 2 weeks, Vegeta was able to increase his gravity multiplier on his body by x55 and was also able to increase the gravity chamber up to x8, making it a total of over four hundred times earth's gravity.

Now, his power level is:

Vegeta - 2,200,000(PL) & 220,000(MP)

Then, he heard the system:

System: "We're landing in 10..9..8....3..2..1"


Vegeta then opened the ship's hatch causing a 'pwisssss' sound.

When he stepped outside his spaceship, he was immediately greeted by many of the planet's inhabitants. They were in two groups with the same faces and colors in each group. The first group all wear Yardratian clothes, their colors are all the same which is green and their heads somewhat look like dalandan fruit. The last group at the back also wear Yardratian clothes, they're all colored pink with grey dots on their head and somewhat look like a dinosaur egg.

(You can see the pictures here)

One of the Yardratian then said:

Yardratian 1: "Hey, you! What are you doing on our planet?"

Vegeta: "My name is Vegeta, I'm a saiyan. I came here to meet your elder or leader or whatever you call him."

Another Yardratian then said

Yardratian 2: "Do you have an appointment with Elder Pybara?"

But before Vegeta could reply, they heard an explosion nearby. He spread his ki sense and found a high power level reaching over 300,000 and some small power level over a 100.

When Vegeta sensed this, he had a smile on his face and think:

Vegeta: 'Right on time, now it will be easier for me to be accepted and recognized by Elder Pybara and the people if I save their planet.'

Then one of the Yardratian shouted:

Yardratian 3: "Everyone! Get ready, there are intruders on our planet! Make more of your clones!"

When everyone heard this, they started to make clones of themselves to intimidate the enemy.

Another one of the pink Yardratian look at Vegeta and said with vigilance:

Yardratian 4: "Are you also one of them?"

Vegeta: "No, I'm not. Wait here, I will check things out."

Then he flew off. When he reached the location where he sensed the high power level, he saw a frost demon with green and blue skin color.

(You can check the image here)

Vegeta: 'What is a frost demon doing here? He doesn't look like one of Frieza's army. Maybe a space bandit?'

Then Vegeta heard the frost demon ordering his pawns:

Frost demon: "Everyone, kill anyone who resists and take all the useful and valuable stuff!"

Pawns: "Yes, sir!"

Before they can kill anyone, Vegeta uses his ki blade and moves super fast that no one can see him except for blur.

When Vegeta stopped, all the intruders' heads except for the frost demon were cut off their body before falling dead. With his intense gravity training, his body was able to move super fast without using ki.

When the frost demon saw this, he was shocked that he could only see a blur before his pawns fell dead.

But when he saw the tail in Vegeta's waist he realized who he was.

Frost demon: "Oh, it's just a monkey! You must be the prince of all monkeys who deserted from the PTO. Where's the other saiyans who accompanied you? Well, they must be dead. Anyway, it doesn't matter. You've become wanted by Frieza and PTO, and now I will be taking the reward, Hahaha."

Although he doesn't have a scouter, based on the last report received by the scouters of Nappa and Raditz, Vegeta only has a power level of over 10,000 before their communication was cut off. And with his high power level, he was pretty sure he could win against Vegeta.

Vegeta who heard this, smirked and said:

Vegeta: "Ohh, is that so. Sorry, but you will be my ticket and training dummy for now."

Before the frost demon can reply, Vegeta disappears from his position and appears in front of him punching him in the gut, making the frost demon spat out some air and saliva before sending him flying through the air.

Vegeta was suppressing his power level to match his opponent to gain more experience in battle.

Vegeta then appeared in the air above the frost demon, clasped both of his hands and swung it downward to the frost demon's head, sending him slamming to the ground making a crater.

Vegeta landed on the ground and looked at the frost demon in front of him trying to get up.

Vegeta mocked him and said:

Vegeta: "Is that all you can do? I thought you could give me a proper warm-up."

The frost demon couldn't believe Vegeta's strength, he thought that he could just one-shot him with his beam, but alas the reports are useless.

Frost demon: "Impossible! How can a monkey be this powerful?!"

Vegeta laughed at him and said while charging a ki blast on his right hand:

Vegeta: "Hahaha, maybe you can ask some saiyan in the other world."

Before Vegeta can release his ki blast, the frost demon got up and said:

Frost demon: "You think this is my true power?! Hahaha, you foolish monkey! I will show you my true power! Ahhhhhhhhhhh!"

Then the frost demon started to power up and his body was changing and growing.

Vegeta was intrigued and stopped his ki blast. He thought that this frost demon doesn't have other forms but he's wrong, then he showed a grin on his face and said:

Vegeta: "Hahaha, this is it! Show me your power and give me a proper fight!"

The frost demon's power level started to grow higher and higher until he reached a power level of 980,000. His body also grows big, he looks like the fusion of Frieza's 2nd form and the hulk from marvel because of his color.

(You can see the image here)

Then before Vegeta can do anything and power up, the frost demon disappears from his place and appears in front of him throwing a punch towards his chest.

Vegeta tried to shield his chest using his arms but the punch was much faster, sending him flying. Then the frost demon disappeared again and appeared above him making a front-flip kick towards his head sending him towards the ground. But before he touched the ground, the frost demon appeared below him and kneed him in the gut, making him spat out some air and blood. Then the frost demon grabbed his head using his large hand, slammed and dragged him to the ground.

After that, the frost demon wrapped his tail to Vegeta's neck and started to throw kicks, punches, elbows, and knees all over his body, pummeling him to death. Then he throws him to the ground.

Vegeta gritted his teeth because of the pain all over his body, then he cast healing magic to himself and stood up.

Frost demon: "What?!"

The frost demon was shocked to see Vegeta's injuries disappeared. He gritted his teeth and jumped towards Vegeta to start his attack again.

Vegeta, seeing this, starts to power up until he matches the same level as his opponent. Then they started to exchange blows with each other in the air.

Because of the frost demon's huge body, he was able to land more blows. But Vegeta, who is a battle genius was able to quickly adapt to his opponent and landed blows.

After a while of intense battle, both fighters fly back to give some space. Vegeta then said:

Vegeta: "I'm really thankful to you, for giving me a proper fight. But unfortunately, I need to do some business here."

He powered up and placed his hand to his left side in a galic gun position and started to charge ki to his palm making a glowing violet ki, then he pushed his hands forward while shouting:

Vegeta: "Galic Gun!"

Frost demon: "Ahhhhhhhhhh!"

The frost demon was surprised and tried to push the ki blast back using his own, but eventually he was overpowered and turned to dust.

Vegeta: "That was a fun fight."

Because of this battle, he gained a lot of zenkai boost and experience. Now his battle power jumped to:

Vegeta - 3,800,000(PL) & 380,000(MP)