
Reborn as Saitama in MHA

After having been struck by Truck-kun from his window, he is granted a second chance in life by God to be reincarnated into the MHA world. With luck on his side, he managed to obtain Saitama's Power from One Punch man, making his mere existence the mean of 'Broken'. Follow our MC, Hiroto, as he goes through his second life wielding unparalleled strength, with his shining bald head soon to become the new symbol of peace. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • *WARNING* Do not take this fanfic seriously. The MC is basically Saitama in MHA, so don't complain when you see MC one-shotting enemies left and right. What do you expect? MC is the meaning of BROKEN. But, isn't that why we love Saitama? https://discord.gg/BT6wfHu Come join my discord for some discussion, reference pictures I might use, and announcements for when I upload a chapter Disclaimer: I do not own the franchise nor the characters associated with it except for my own original characters. This is all done purely as a hobby and my own form of entertainment. I do not own the cover page, it was an artwork I took from Pinterest. If you are the owner and want me to take it down, contact me.

Suploly · Anime & Comics
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64 Chs

Not one, but two?

Currently, within Hosu city, Hiroto had just left after dealing with the first Nomu and was on the lookout for the next one. From the corner of a street, a large group of people was screaming and running away from what he would assume to be a Nomu.

With a sprint, Hiroto rushed past the distressed crowd and came to what he saw was the remains of a mall entrance with glass littering all over the ground. Large holes were adorned all over the entrance and nearby walls as more screams were being heard from within.

Just as he was about to move in, a figure crashed through a nearby wall and into the hard concrete, kicking up large plumes of dust in the process.

"*cough* Argh, dammit! What the hell are those things?!" A man with brown hair groaned as he clutched the side of his chest that had blood flowing through the ripped fabric of his now shabby Hero costume.

Seeing Hiroto and his costume, the man was about to call out to him for help but then realized how young Hiroto looked. Shaking his head, he called out to Hiroto and said, "You need to leave this place! Those things inside aren't your typical off the street thugs that you can deal with!"

Hiroto looked at the man who had good intentions for a moment, then replied, "Well, only one way to find out." With a jump, Hiroto's body flew forward as he entered the hole that the man was blasted through, and behind him, the man was still trying to warn him but to no effect.

Inside, Hiroto saw the remains of what seemed to be a clothing shop with various items scattered across the ground along with the broken furniture and walls.


From outside the ruined store, a large smashing sound entered his ears as Hiroto moved towards the source, exiting the store. Coming out he was now in a larger area where people had already either ran away or were in the process of doing so.

To his left, a large haunched over figure with a green body color entered his vision as it rounded the corner, eyeing Hiroto as its next target as it puffed out a small cloud of green air from its large gas mask on its face. In its grip, was a man wearing a security uniform, whose body seemed to be withered and green with dark blood flowing out of his eyes, nose, and mouth.

Looking at the sight, Hiroto frowned and turned to face the new opponent. The Nomu nocked it's head to the side as though it was appraising Hiroto, then threw the man in its arm towards the side, as though it was discarding trash.

From the store behind him, the Hero that was sent flying through the store was leaning on a broken wall clutching his side, shouting out, "Get back, dammit! It's not the time to be playing Hero right now!!"

Hearing another person appear, the green Nomu reeled it's head back and let out a loud screeching sound, and began to run forward.

Seeing this, Hiroto was about to run forward, but the wall next to him was blasted open in the next second as another Nomu made itself shown, sending broken debris scattering across the ground.

The new Nomu was down on all fours, and on its mouth was a gag that was preventing it from properly opening its own mouth. Drool was falling all over the side of its mouth and onto the floor as it eyed Hiroto with a hungry and frenzied gaze.

"S-Shit! That's the crazy fucker that sent me flying…" The Hero behind him muttered, getting ready to fight as he figured Hiroto was now a lost cause.

With a muffled screech, the rabid Nomu scurried across the ground in an abnormal running pattern on its hands and feet. Approaching Hiroto, the Nomu swung its hands towards Hiroto's throat with its nails growing razor-sharp at the same instance.

Moving his head backward, Hiroto dodged the claws as it passed by his throat. Following up, he sent a kick towards the Nomu's head, causing it to exploded and splatter across the ceiling above them.

"T-That's…" The man behind him stuttered, as his quirk that was currently enveloping his fists with a yellow glow started to slowly die down at the sight of Hiroto beheading the Nomu.

However, instead of stopping, the Nomu continued fighting blindly on instinct as it kept swinging its arms and legs towards Hiroto.

The green Nomu on the side also moved it, ripping the gas mask off of its face, showing a wound with which it's lower jaw is missing, letting its tongue hang idly and green gas pouring out of it's exploded throat.

With a bellow, the Nomu released a pungent green fog towards Hiroto as it swept across the ground and pass the various decorative plants in the mall, causing them to wither and crumble into pieces.

Hiroto narrowed his eyes and muttered, "Well, I wouldn't want to go near that or I'll stink." With a dodge from the headless Nomu, Hiroto jumped onto its back and with a casual flick of his wrist, he broke the Nomu's arms then proceeded onto its legs, immobilizing it.

Hopping off the now crippled Nomu that was trashing its body around wildly, Hiroto then kicked it's body forward, deforming its torso at the same time as he sent it barreling into the rushing green Nomu.

Seeing the body with it's flailing crippled limbs flying towards it, the Nomu had barely any time to dodge as it collided with its brethren, sending the two flying back and crashing through a store with glass displays.

Recovering from the crash, the green Nomu underneath the rabid Nomu trashed around and was about to get back out when Hiroto appeared in front of it.

Now away from where the green fog was before the Nomu got a chance to release any more of it, Hiroto grabbed the rabid Nomu's body and smashed it downwards onto the green Nomu's head, blocking its mouth.

"Man, even if you're Villains, you should at least brush your teeth," Hiroto muttered as he held his nose with one hand and brought his right leg up. With a single movement, he stomped downwards onto the stacked Nomu's, crushing the both of them in one go.

A distance away, the man from earlier was still in his fighting pose, not knowing how to respond to the rapid change of situation. Letting out a breath of air, he slumped onto the ground, groaning as he clutched his side.

He then turned his head over to where Hiroto was and shook his head, saying, "Well, seems like the next generation is at least quite promising. Ha!"

Back to where Hiroto was, Hiroto was currently looking over the remains of the two Nomu's below him which for some reason wasn't regenerating as the others had done so.

"Did those League of Virgins get a budget cut or something?" Hiroto something, butchering their name completely. Shrugging, he decided it wasn't something he should care about right now.

Turning around, he saw the man laying on the ground with a hand on his sides and approached him, saying, "Hey, I know you're hurt and all, but do you mind taking care of things here? Those two should be incapacitated now, so I need to move off to the next ones. Ok bye."

Without letting the stunned man respond, Hiroto jumped through the roof of the mall and landed on its roof, taking off to his next destination, leaving the man lost in his thoughts.

"Dammit, I should've asked for an autograph. It would've sold for millions in the future." The man muttered.

"Ask for who's autograph?" A deep and scowling voice came from behind him, causing the man to jump from his position but then groan out in pain as he clutched his side once more.

Turning around, the man said, "Endeavor…"

Endeavor was looking over the man laying on the ground below him, and next to him was Gran Torino. With his arms crossed, he saw the two bodies of the Nomu's at the end of the hall inside of a ruined store.

"Did you do that?" Endeavor asked with a skeptical tone.

The man gave a short chuckle and shook his head, saying, "You wouldn't believe who I saw."

"I think we would." A female voice came from above, as the 3 looked up and saw Rumi peering down at them through the hole that Hiroto jumped through.

"Let me guess, you saw someone wearing a yellow jumpsuit, white cape, red gloves, and a bald, yet, handsome head?" Rumi said with a smirk.

Blinking rapidly, the man replied, "Uh, yes. How did you know?"

"Tsk." Endeavor clicked his tongue in annoyance and walked off to where the two Nomu's lied while Gran Torino had a glint of admiration in his eyes.

Rumi merely smirked and responded. "Guess you don't watch TV that often. Just look up the One Punch Man, then, you'll have all the answers you need."

With that, Rumi hopped out of view as Gran Torino followed behind her through the hole in the roof. On her face was a wide grin as she remembered the state that the Nomu's she saw was in, courtesy of Hiroto.

sorry for the lack of updates, Uni has been hitting hard at the beginning of this semester, rip.

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