
Reborn as Red-Skull.

Reborn as the supreme leader, Red Skull aka Johann Smidth, in order to survive, a common soul of our land, he will turn the world upside down. . . . . Patreon. https://www.patreon.com/posts/75763196?utm_campaign=postshare_creator

Zeltrax_Rakasha · Movies
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9 Chs

Chapter 4: Controlling the base.

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟒: Controling the base ll.


While walking through the corridors of the base, they found two people arguing, they seem to have high ranks.

Johann walked up to them and saw that one of the people was Captain William, whom Schatten had mentioned to him earlier.

"And good?" Johann asked with his authoritative tone. "What's going on here?".

The two men turned to look at him.

"Sir, this is General James." Schatten informed Johann, realizing that he recognized Captain William.

"Supreme leader!" They both said and greeted with the typical hydra salute, it was easy for them to recognize him, after all, he wears a red skull mask on his head.

Johann looked at them with a serious expression before turning to Captain William.

"Captain, I am told that he is an expert in military weapons and combat." Johann said as he looked him square in the eye.

The captain nodded, not sure if it was good or bad for him that Johann knew something about his military history. "Yes sir, I am quite an expert in conventional weapons and advanced military tactics."

Johann nodded satisfied with his response before turning to look at General James. "And you, General, do you have any special skills?" Johann asked in a more relaxed tone.

General James was surprised at such a question, but he soon regained control and introduced himself properly.

"I am an expert in military strategy, carrying out complex and successful military operations." The general replied proudly.

Johann nodded, satisfied with his answer before looking at the two men with a serious expression. "Good, then you'll both work for me." Johann said decisively before walking on.

The two men exchanged an uncertain glance, but soon nodded and followed Johann and Schatten without saying anything.

Johann just smirked with himself, now with Dr. Wunder and these two high-ranking men under his control, soon the entire base will be his.

Soon, everyone arrived at the training area, several recruits can be seen doing high intensity training while chanting the hymn of Hydra.

"Sir, what did you mean we'll work for you from now on? Aren't we already?" William asked confused.

Johann only smiled at his question before looking at the recruits with a serious expression. "Now they will work for me, not for Dr. Geist or Hydra, but directly for me." Johann said decisively before heading towards the training ground.

"What do you want us to do?" James asked curiously as he followed him.

Johann stopped short and turned to look him squarely in the eye. "I would like these recruits to be trained into soldiers loyal to my cause." Johann said with a serious expression before walking on.

The two men exchanged an uncertain look, but General James had a little internal discomfort when he thought of the exact words spoken by Johann.

"Soldiers loyal to your cause? Doesn't that mean that we too will be soldiers loyal to your cause?" General James asked cautiously.

Johann smirked with himself before answering. "Yes, exactly." Johann said quietly staring at them, at this point the other recruits stopped to listen to the conversation, the commanding captains didn't reprimand them for it.

The general was not satisfied with this, he is loyal to Hydra, not him, this cannot be allowed.

"And what happens if we don't agree?" General James asked with a challenging tone.

Johann stared into his eyes like a beast facing his prey.

"If that's the case, we don't have anything else to discuss, tell me, is that the case?" Johann asked looking at him coldly.

At this point everyone was a bit anxious, Schatten even holding his hand over the German .22 parabellum pistol.

General James looked at Johann with a serious expression before slowly nodding. "No, of course not." The general answered Johann in a firm voice.

Johann turned to Captain William.

"What about you, Captain William, do you have a problem with this arranged." Johann asked staring at him.

"None, sir." William answered, he really doesn't care, he's just a captain, if he can advance thanks to this, so be it.

Johann smirked at his response and turned to face the recruits.

"Alright then, we'll start immediately." Johann said decisively before heading towards the training grounds with Schatten and the two officers.

'I must be patient and wait for my opportunity, surely the other heads will not like this result.' General William thought ominously.

While Johann trained the recruits with the support of the two officers, Schatten stood by and watched.

General James was subtly upset with the situation and he could see that William was also reluctant, but they both did as they were asked without putting up any resistance.

Johann could see his restlessness but decided not to pay attention to it for now, after all he is the supreme leader here and no one will stand up to him.

Meanwhile, Schatten was impressed with Johann's skills and how he was able to motivate the recruits to train.

Schatten believed that if anyone could defeat the other Hydra heads, it was Johann.

Soon, they arrived at Dr.Wunder's laboratory, there are all kinds of chemicals and test tubes in the laboratory, especially a white liquid and transparent or gray cells.

Johann walked over to one of the tables and began to look at all the experiments with great interest.

"What is this?" Johann asked as he looked at the white liquid.

"This is one of our most recent experiments, sir." Dr.Wunder responded enthusiastically. "We are working on a new biological weapon that could be used to destroy the enemies of Hydra."

Johann nodded satisfied with his answer before looking at the transparent or gray cells curiously.

"And these cells?" Johann asked as he approached them.

"These cells are special, sir." Dr.Wunder replied. "They are genetically modified cells to be resistant to the most common chemicals and biological weapons."

Johann nodded before taking a sample of the white liquid in his hand, of course with proper protection.

"Do you want me to try it?" Dr Wunder asked curiously upon seeing this.

"No, I don't need to test it right now, but continue to investigate this in the future." Johann said with interest.

"Of course Mr." Dr.Wunder responded enthusiastically.

"Well, tell me about your project, do you already have an initial plan to develop clones?" Johann asked, indicating one of the reasons why he came here.

Dr. Wunder was surprised by the question, but soon regained control and began to explain his project with enthusiasm.

"Yes sir, I have a plan to create high quality clones that can be used as soldiers loyal to Hydra." Dr. Wunder answered proudly before continuing to talk about the details of the project.

Johann listened attentively while taking notes in his notebook, he was impressed with Dr. Wunder's mind, he was a genius without a doubt.

"So when can you start?" Johann asked as he closed his notebook.

"I hope I can start in two weeks." Dr.Wunder responded enthusiastically before continuing to talk about the technical details of the project.

Johann nodded, satisfied with Dr. Wunder's initial plans, and left the laboratory.

Right at that moment, he remembered something and turned to Dr.Wunder.

"Tell me, Mr. Wunder, do you think that you can create something to make the new recruits and narrow-minded scientists obey my orders?" Asked Johann.

"Yes sir, you could work on something like that, there are already some projects and actually they are currently used for recruits and Hydra members to be loyal, I can modify it for you." Dr.Wunder responded enthusiastically, this could also help you with his current project.

"Okay, I need a prototype in two days." Johann said and left together with Schatten.

Dr.Wunder stared at the door with enthusiasm, he was happy to be able to work on what excites him.

Meanwhile, Johann and Schatten walked through the corridors of the base in order to reach his office.

"What do you think?" Schatten asked curiously as they walked.

"I am pleased with the progress we are making." Johann replied as he looked ahead. "Now we just need to wait for Wunder to finish his experiments to see if they work or not."

Schatten nodded before asking. "What do I have to do now?"

"Keep a close eye on General James, I have a feeling that nothing good can come of him, also order someone to keep an eye on Captain William and Dr.Wunder, we can't be cautious enough."

"I understand." Schatten said and left after arriving at the General Office, where Heimlich was already waiting for him.

He entered the office and Heimlich greeted them.

"Hail hydra."

"Mm.." Johann just growled in response, he was in no mood for hydra nonsense.

He sat down behind the desk and looked at Heimlich steadfast in front of him.

"Tell me, what happened to Dr.Geist's body?" I asked Johann.

"Not to worry, I removed it using hydrofluoric acid, then had the rest cast in reinforced concrete, not to worry." Heimlich reported.

"Good." Johann said coldly, but deep down he's scared and gave his condolences to the boy, he just took a while to answer, I mean, I'd kill him anyway, I just used that as an excuse, but still...

"Heimlich, order a room to be arranged for me, also, arrange an appointment with Baron Strucker." Ordered Johann, he's been up all day and had to train with the recruits this afternoon, even if he has the super soldier serum, he's still not fully used to it.

Heimlich nodded before leaving.

Johann stared into space, he didn't know what to think right now, everything is happening so fast...

"One step at a time." Johann muttered to himself before getting up and leaving.

As he walked through the halls, his mind was filled with thoughts about the future, but one sentence kept repeating itself in his head.


Johann just smirked to himself before walking on.