
Reborn As OP Spiderman

A more op spiderman

Demontae_Woods · Anime & Comics
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Reborn As OP Spiderman Chapter 1 New world

Hello, I hear a voice as I open my eyes and see a man in a suit, I am the god azumi, and you died the azumi told me Bluntly, I what? I asked you died how I got angry and accidentaly created a earthquake and your house collapsed on you, So I will reincarnate you as na- spiderman I interrupted, Fine you get seven wishes.

I would like to have all of rimaru Tempest powers and Abilites from the begginning and end of the series, and also to a level 300 IQ with 500 percent photographic memory, and Shadow Movment.

For my second I would like to be a 100 percent of all these races Saiyan,Dragons (without the dragon body just the wings, scales and fire breath) uchiha, uzamaki ( with all bloodline from clans, and without the draw backs).

For my third I would like all forms goku and vegeta achived even the non canon ones.

For my fourth I would like to use theses 3 indestructable weapons a ninjato, infinite kunai, a scythe and also all of the tailed beast and all of the dragons from fairy tail and all of naruto's ablities and powers and the chidori and the rinne-sharingan I also want A ninjato with spider shuriken and all the gadgets from the game

and made so only I can use them.

For my firth I would like to be a level 600 seal master, a level 600 kenjustu master, level 600 Genjustu master and also have an indestructable Black Motorcycle.

For my sixth I would like to have control over: Fire, Water, Lightning, Air, Earth, Dark, Light, and Void, and to have shadow clones

For my seventh and last I would like to have all of meliodas's powers and abilities without lossing control or being consumed by wrath and have Hinata, Ino, Sakura, TenTen from naruto and also add want them to have their powers.

I would like to have saiyan hair with white streaks, I would also want a body built like Goku's I would like a red tail and can you make it so i don't turn into an Ozaru and can you add this to my sixth wish Have complete mastery over all elements with out cooldowns or drawbacks and that's it.

Then have fun in your new world, where the last words before I fell unconscious when I open my I was in some type hospital room being held by a woman in white with a mask, my body felt smaller, as I realized that I was a baby then another woman grabbed me and was holding me crying I presumed to be my mother Mary parker, as a man walked in and looked at me with a warm smile, I now that this Richard Parker my father,Three weeks later my mother gets discharged from the hospital in new york and we go home to A two story house that look normal.

it turns out my father and my mother are Scientist and Genetist, five years later, I'am now five years old.I get out of bed and freshen up and put my glasses on, I walk down stairs and see my mother and father making breakfeast as I sit down at the table its my first day in elementary school, Mom, Dad I ask can do martial arts and kendo, I suddenly ask, for what my mother ask,

So I can protect myself, I said I don't see why not my father says, Richard! my mother yells, what the boy is old enough, fine my mother replied after school we'll go look at some dojos, I get excited and run up stairs to get my cloths on, I headed to school and walk in and I head outside for lunch, as I sit down and eat my lunch I see three girls that look familer, one has silver hair, and the other two have blond hair, Hi the girl say hey I replied my name is Felicia Hardy and the other one is Gwen Stacy, the shy one is Tandy Bowen and my name is Peter Parker, you have weird hair she says as I almost choke on my food at the names

Hi nice to meet too and my hair isn't weird, I replied can we eat lunch Felicia asked, sure I said, as they sit next to me, we ate lunch and talked and laughed, also we became friends, later that day my mom picked me up from school school we went to different kendo and martial arts dojos but we didn't fined a good one, until I spotted one that taught Kendo and mixed Martial art called Dragon's Fang,

we walk in to see a very strong looking he could punch through metel with ease I gulp, we walk up to the man and my mom introduces us and she asks him if I could join the kendo and the mixed martial arts program, yes he my name is Izawa you can start today but he have to sit out until tommorws classes since this is advanced classes, Can I sit and watch them train I asked, sure why not I put my bag down and sit and watch three hours later I stand up and asked could if I could practice a few moves I do every thing the advanced class did as I fixed any flaws and preformed a few flawless Katas, Mr. Izawa's eyes are wide as saucers that was perfect he said, can I ask a question I asked, that is a question, Mr. Izawa said with a deadpan expression, I know I said can three of my friends join as well sure anyone is welcome thanks as I leave out and my mom pulls up and we go home, the next day I asked the girls if they wanted to join the dojo with me they said after school we went to the dojo, I intoduced the Girls to Mr. Izawa then we go train, three years later we all became black belts and we all became Eighth-dan in kendo we also learned and masted Kun Khmer, Lethwei, Sanda (Wushu), Judo, Karate, Kung Fu, and Muay Thai I used shadow clones in secret and masterd all my powers, I think that the girls are starting to develop crushes and over the years we became best friend and we have a favorite hiding place my father, I am at level 300 IQ and I took up singing I'm very great at it,

two years ago my parents died and my aunt and uncle, May and Ben parker adopted me and took me in, and they want me to go to a school near queens where they live, I told the girls that I will be transfering school, We cried and hugged we became very close over the years, I gave them each a present, Felicia a stuffed Black cat that she loves, Tandy gave her a a glowing Crystal I used creation of all thing to make I told her she could see hopes with it, I gave Gwen a stuffed dog because she always wanted one, A month later I was in the woods training when I saw a Nine tailed Fox the same size as me I took it to a vet and found out it had a genetic mutation to grow to a size of a human to grow nine tails I asked May and ben if I could keep it, they said yes. I took her home and named her Natsumi she followed me every where and we became like father and daughter, she never left my side and if I had to she would give Adorable Fox whine and pout, a year later I asked aunt May and Ben if Icould go to the stark expo that would be held in queens Thought about the girls and how I sang Goodbye (flashback after I told the girls that I was going to a different school I sang a song I made for this This night is cold in the kingdom

I can feel you fade away

From the kitchen to the bathroom sink and

Your steps keep me awake

Don't cut me down, throw me out, leave me here to waste

I once was a man with dignity and grace

Now I'm slippin' through the cracks of your cold embrace

So please, please

Could you find a way to let me down slowly?

A little sympathy, I hope you can show me

If you wanna go then I'll be so lonely

If you're leavin', baby, let me down slowly

Let me down, down, let me down, down, let me down

Let me down, down, let me down, down, let me down

If you wanna go then I'll be so lonely

If you're leavin', baby, let me down slowly

Cold skin, drag my feet on the tile

As I'm walking down the corridor

And I know we haven't talked in a while

So I'm looking for an open door

Don't cut me down, throw me out, leave me here to waste

I once was a man with dignity and grace

Now I'm slippin' through the cracks of your cold embrace

So please, please

Could you find a way to let me down slowly?

A little sympathy, I hope you can show me

If you wanna go then I'll be so lonely

If you're leavin', baby, let me down slowly

Let me down, down, let me down, down, let me down

Let me down, down, let me down, down, let me down

If you wanna go then I'll be so lonely

If you're leavin', baby, let me down slowly

And I can't stop myself from fallin' (down) down

And I can't stop myself from fallin' (down) down

And I can't stop myself from fallin' (down) down

And I can't stop myself from fallin' (down) down

Could you find a way to let me down slowly?

A little sympathy, I hope you can show me

If you wanna go then I'll be so lonely

If you're leavin', baby, let me down slowly

Let me down, down, let me down, down, let me down

Let me down, down, let me down, down, let me down

If you wanna go then I'll be so lonely

If you're leavin', baby, let me down slowly

If you wanna go then I'll be so lonely

If you're leavin', baby, let me down slowly (After that we started to cry and hug as we all kiss all blush tomato red, I told them we would meet up in high school. in six years and that the girls made some type of deal But never told me what every time I ask they would blush (Flashback end) I remeber as I wipe a few tears, I wish they could go with me, I thought, Later that night at the stark expo as saw alot of gadgets and suits, After that the expo start but before it end We all hear explosions I knew what was happening Ivan Vanko was here to steal the Hammer Drones to kill the the attendent and the civillians, and stark but he put on the Iron man suit and deafeted him, but before he could detain he saw and shot me three times then tony detained him and flew me to a hospital Aunt may and Uncle ben go there I was In the ER, one week later, I was in bedrest at home and the girls came to visit me, I was happy to see them but sad when they had to leave, four weeks I was off of bedrest, five years later, for the past five years I've maxed out all the powers, but I am waiting to get bitten by the spider before I become spider man Its been five months since I entered High School and Felicia Hasn't transfered yet so hasn't Gwen or Tandy We're Going to Oscorp as a field trip and where spiderman is born, I see an intern there the same age as me I instantly recognize her its gwen, Gwen? I ask, yes? she replies, peter! she yells and lunges at me and hug me and kisses me on the cheek

As my classmates are confused to see puny parker get kissed by a girl, since I hid my abilities and skill and let myself get bullied, two spiders crawl on me and gwen and bite us both we both start to feel sick and dizzy then we both pass out I woke up in the hospital with gwen being in a bed across from me still sleep.

I see her waking up she rubs her eyes, hey I said she looks at me and blushes what I asked in confusion the Hospital gown is clinging to my body showing my abs and muscles, after that caught up on the past five years, a week later I was sent home on bed rest, I walk down stairs and Hey peter my friend nana watson's niece is coming to live with her and I was wondering if you could make friend she's a bit shy, Yes I yell and grab her she'll be going to midtown high monday, I mean yes I said with a small blush, alright we can go now, sure we get to nana watson's house and knock on the door as Ms. Watson opens the door as they greet each other and May introduces me as we walk in and sit down As a beautiful redhead walks down with nothing but a towel covering her body with her red wet hair and her large chest and butt pressing out Auntie the damn dryer isn't working, I whistle I hit the triple jackpot I say out loud, Ms. watson an May look at me in shock with what I said, Peter May scolds, what I'm not lying, mary jane why don't you put some cloth in.

The now known Mary jane comes back down in a Shirt that says Phantom Of The Oprea I can fix it for you if you want, sure Ms. Watson says I'll have to go to a hardware store to get parts, ok Mary jane why don't you go with him, Ms. Watson say fine she puts on her shoes, and we head we head to hardware store we talk, so what do you like to do, MJ asked, I like singing and building gadget, What do you like to do I asked, Drama and shakespear, Hum, we get to the hardware shop and get the parts we go back to the house and I fix the blow dryer, the next day I go to and abandonded Steel mill and train my new spider powers after six hours of training gwen calls me and tells me to Go to the hideout that we use to play in as kids with out explanation when, I get there I see Gwen, Felicia, And Tandy there but in weird costume but ones I recognize in tight cloths that hug their curves as I blush seeing their bodies very well developed, Tandy! Felicia! I run up and hug them with a blush, as they hug me back Gwen coughs hard to get our attention, we have some thing to show you as Tandy's hands glow, Felicia jumps up and small but sharp claws come out of her gloves and boot and clings to the ceiling and Gwen jumps up sticks to the wall, I grin and jump onto the ceiling standing up their eyes widen as I shoot out a web you have powers Tandy, Felicia, alright as me and gwen explain how me got our powers, alright enough abou that the reason the three of us called you here, we called for three thing one we are tranfering to midtown high on monday, second is to tell you that we were going to become hereos and wanted to know if you wanted to become a hero too, I grin and say I already have costumes for all four of use and weapon we can start tommorow night and train, and last we love you, they all yell huh as they jump at as we fall to the floor they all kiss me with a blush as they got up off me I have a mad blush on my face, after that they explain that the deal they made was to share me, I agreed to it and after that I showed gwen how to use her webs and Felicia and Tandy how to use Web shooters and magic that I told them I kney how to use and also showed Gwen how to use magic as well they all had all the same elements as I do Mastered them twelve hours, the next day we were going to make our debutante.

I don't own any songs MC sings or Claims he made, also I don't own Marvel, Spiderman, or the MCU

Instead of making web fluid I'll have him use Stick thread and steel thread and Gwen was bitten by the same spider that Bit Tobey Maguire's spider man but she can go invisible and Gwen is the one from the cartoon movie, Felicia looks the same as in the game

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