
Training part 2

Training under garp for the past few days wasn't easy, obito would come home exhausted , bruised and some times with his clothes torn apart due to the wild beast garp would let him, luffy and ace fight . But never once did he relent or give up for he remembered that only with power can he truly rule this world and one of the best ways to do it was through the marines . Even though he told garp he wanted to bring peace to the world that was only half of it he wanted to rule this world he wanted to sit on the world government's so called 'empty throne', he will bring an end to piracy and slavery and correct the wrongs of the foolish five elders.

So he trained every day except for Sunday and Saturday.

Even though his physical strength was improving due to garp's training, his chakra moved to high chunin level to low jounin and he was now doing different jutsus to try to increase his chakra reserve.

On a empty beach far away from civilization you could see a Figure wearing a dark blue cloak with black shinobi sandals.

He blew out a huge fireball towards the sea evaporating all the water in its path . Large amounts of steam rose up in the air, spanning at least 20 meters wide.

"Fire style : Fire ball jutsu !" Shouted obito, As he spewed out another 4 meter wide ball of flame towards the water.

"This is exhausting " he thought

12 fireballs and that was his limit , if he could just increase his chakra reserves more he could be high Jonin level by the time garp was ready to leave for marine headquarters .

Obito laid down flat on his back breathing heavily as he stared at the clouds passing over head.

He was thinking about his strength so far , ace was 11 years old and luffy 8 both were now physically capable of fighting adults , especially ace .But he was stronger than ace, but not by a landslide , if he was to rank ace at ninja level he would get high be genin level due to his physical strength and speed , and even though ace might not possess chakra he was more than capable of taking on low level ninjas if he was placed in the naruto world , but alas what should he expect if a monster like garp was teaching them he couldn't expect anything less.

Thoughts aside obito got up and started his taijutsu training, the uchiha fighting style was one of the most powerful taijutsu styles in the naruto universe and if he could master it to the level that Madara did , it would improve his skills 10 folds.

Obito performed hand seals and four identical clones appeared in a puff of smoke , all of them pulled out Kunais and surrounded the real obito , each one at a cardinal direction.

Obito took the steel gunbai and black steel scythe off his back , his three tomoe sharingan now activated as he readied himself.

"Begin" obito said,then his clones charged .

The clone 1 to the north threw his kunai at obito, which obito dodged effortlessly by tilting his head to the side , he then brought up his gunbai to block a kick from clone 2 who approached him from the south , obito swung his gunbai flinging clone two away about ten meters but clone 2 flipped in mid air then landed on his feet safely , just as he did that clone 3 attacked from the right by throwing multiple shurikens at obito which he started to deflect with his scythe, his sharingan spinning wilding pinpointing the trajectory of the shurikens as he deflected them with his scythe .

Meanwhile he was doing this clone 4 attacked him from the left delivering a punched to his now turnt back , just before the punch could land obito blocked it with his gunbai immediately but it stilled pushed him back a few meters .

As obito came to skidding stop he looked up at the clones that were now in front of him, obito smiled a little, it was a small smile, a smile Madara would wear when he was having fun when he was fighting .

"Shall we continue" said obito darkly ,as he then rushed towards the four clones.

Two days later

At the top of a mountain on Dawn Island, You could hear screams and gunshots ring out through a mountain bandit camp. Fire engulfed tents all over the camp and clouds of smoke rose into the night sky.

"Mercy I beg you , mercy" pleaded a bandit before he was cut down my a steel scythe blood now splashing all over the ground, another bandit saw his fellow get killed and fired a few gunshots nervously at the attacker only for it to be stopped by a steel war fan .

The bandit shot all the bullets at the war fan until his gun was empty , he started to shake when he saw a red eye gazed at him as the war fan was now brought down from his face.

He fell down, and was now shaking in fear as the man/demon stared at him through its mask , it was midnight and his only visible right eye was glowing terrifyingly red this man/demon was obito.

"Wha!wha!want do you want from us?"the bandit on the ground stuttered out.

" Want from you ?" Obito mocked darkly

"Does the strong need a reason to bully the weak? The strong will always prey on the weak and that has alway been a law of nature since the beginning of time , just as you bandits attack merchants and passing travelers", said obito in his dark tone

And before the bandit could retort obito sliced open his chest with his scythe killing the him instantly.

And a few minutes later the slaughter continued . Even though he was on a mountain he was far away from civilization and no one could hear the carnage taking place at the bandit camp, they could probably see the smoke yes but no one from the villages or the town could hear the screams of the dying men.

Two weeks later

News of the extermination of the mountain bandits was spreading all over dawn island , one of the bandits obito let go spread the news , and as they say dead men tell no tales ,so atleast one had to be left alive.

The bandit told tales of how the red eyed demon killed his fellow mates and burned down their camp some skeptical pirate captain laughed and bragged about the red eye demon being just a weak fool, who could only defeat weak mountain bandits and not strong pirates like him and his crew.

And a day after the same pirate captain said those words all his crew mates including himself were killed except one pirate who was left to tell the tale.

Fear started to spread between pirates all over dawn island , and most pirate crews opted to leave the island and some braver ones stayed but within a few days were never see or heard from again.

One month later

The news of the read eyed demon or masked oni made its way all over the east blue.

The royals of Goa kingdom tried to get in touch with the so called red eyed demon or in Japanese ( akai me no akuma,pls note: I shortened the name and it's now akaikuma).

The royals wanted to have the red eyed demon as a bodyguard or within their employ but unfortunately no one knew who he was, except for a few who kept his identity secret, and that was garp and mayor woop slap of foosha village, garp was not pleased at how obito killed pirates and bandits mercilessly but he was veteran and saw the horrible things pirates and bandits could commit but nonetheless he didn't stop obito from cleaning the pirates from his home island.

Woop slap was grateful for obito , he defended the village from passing pirates and bandits and no criminal would even wonder in the vicinity of Foosha village.

But even though obito was purging pirates and bandits from the island it was all part of his training and within the next three months he we would leave for marine headquarters at Quasi kage level of strength and chakra level.

Next chapter