
Reborn as Naruto Twin Brother

I was never too normal, nor too abnormal, I was just me, until an accident happened, something that should never have happened, and I was given the chance to reincarnate in one of many universes. PS: Sinopse subject to change. [ Attention: I don't speak English. I'm translating through Google Translate. If there are any grammatical errors please let me know. I'll do my best to fix it. ]

LeonidasCSNeto · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs


We went to the Academy on foot, when we arrived, there were many parents of students taking them to the door. I knew Naruto felt sad when he saw that other kids had parents and he didn't, so I hurried ahead and walked in, everyone looked but none particularly looked bad, most of them weren't ordinary villagers but ninjas.

At the end of the entrance hall there was a ninja that I didn't recognize, he recognized us and wrote something down on a pad, opened the cave and took out two scrolls.

- Tsurui and Naruto Uzumaki, take this and give it to your teachers. - Said the ninja holding up two scrolls.

I took both parchments and went to the room he signed.

Upon entering, the scene was relatively nostalgic, but at the same time not. For starters, when we think: 'If I were in the world of anime I would go this or that', but everyone forgets that an anime is just a representation of an idea, of a plot. Seeing people directly, face-to-face is different. For starters, Sakura. The hair was strange, although no one found it strange, for me, who was reincarnated, did it seem strange, the only one different? Does she have a Kekkei Genkai and no one knows?

I recognized most of the members of the golden generation, but they had many...'extras' so to speak, characters that only filled the class and simply disappeared later, most of these were children of villagers who had some talent as ninjas. The latter were the first to point and whisper about the two of us. I took short, firm steps towards the front of the class.

- My name is Tsurui Uzumaki, I will be becoming a ninja in the future, I hope you treat me well. - I made my presentation.

I was as firm as I could, without saying much, I'm not interested in drawing more attention than my simple existence already attracts.

- And I'm NARUTO UZUMAKI! AND I WILL BE HOKAGE ONE DAY! - Naruto said shouting the last part.

I knew he was going to do this, it seems the more they put him down, the more he wants to prove his conviction stands firm, sometimes I think he screams the last part to convince himself. I know Naruto's talent and that he went, talked and did, but come on, there's no reason to force yourself to pay a mico like that.


The class burst out laughing, some even let out some insults, claiming that when this happened they would do this and that. I ignored them and went to a table in the back of the room, Naruto came with me with his hands behind his head as if to show he didn't care.

I could see Hinata in a corner looking at Naruto with bright eyes, it seems that in some of Naruto's outings they met, just like in the anime. And on the table to the right I could see the God-King of Sloth, Shikamaru Nara, next to him was Sakura, and I can attest, she really has a big picture, the anime said more and didn't make it clear, poor thing.

Next to Sakura was he, our grumpy badboy, Sasuke Uchiha, only he didn't have the anime's evil gaze, he had life in that face, the tragedy hadn't happened yet. Each table has space for three people, Naruto and I sat at the back table, I looked at the whole class and there were still a few people left. Soon, Choji arrived, looked at everyone, pulled out a bag of potato crackers and started walking as he walked, looked at me and Naruto and sat down next to Naruto.

- I'm Naruto! Is that you? - Naruto said excitedly.

- Choji, do you want some? - Choji said, offering the cookie reluctantly.

- I want! - Said Naruto.

Naruto and Choji quickly made friends and soon the teacher arrived. It was Iruka.

Classes at the Academy at the beginning were the same as at any school, math, reading and writing. I already knew how to read and write, and I even tried to teach Naruto, he learned the basics, but he didn't have the patience to continue.

Soon the morning passed and we went to the field behind the Academy, there, where our taijutsu training would take place. I could see several targets in the distance, some training dummies here and there, but none of the training equipment you see in gyms.

- Okay guys, each one takes 5 shurikens. - Said Iruka with a box in his hand containing several shurikens.

I took 5 shurikens and studied their constitution, I quickly got used to holding them and I was throwing one in the air and catching them with a finger in the middle, then I did it with two and when I saw it I was already doing a little juggling with the shurikens. It was silent and when I turned around, I noticed that the children and even the teacher were looking at me.


- Tsurui, shurikens are not toys, please take them seriously. - Iruka said after coughing in embarrassment.

I could see that the kids were impressed, maybe even the teacher, but I was more interested in testing my shuriken throwing skills.

- Those closest targets will be yours for today, you can train freely. - Iruka said.

Where's the security? Seriously, did you just hand ninja weapons into kids' hands and let them out in a courtyard saying they can do whatever they want? WTF? But as soon as I thought that I looked around, I could see a figure on top of one of the trees, and on top of the academy building there was a ninja looking. There were probably more ninjas hiding, this was not a normal gang, the heirs of the main ninja families are present, not to mention the only two Jinchuurikis in Konoha, surveillance must be constant.

I went to a more distant target and took the first shuriken, already used to its weight and shape, aimed and fired. The center of the target has been spiked. I threw the other four and hit basically the same spot, even pushing the previous shurikens to the side, widening the hole in the target.

- ANN? Since when are you so good with shurikens? Teach me! - Said Naruto who was next to me.

- You just need to get used to their shape and weight, after that just play. - he said as if he doesn't know anything.

He waved a shuriken here and there and without wasting too much time on it, threw the shuriken, which of course missed the mark.

- ARRGH! It was almost! Did you see? Almost! - Said Naruto.

- Keep practicing, you will improve. - he said to encourage him.

And so was the first day of the Academy. When we returned home it was as if we had just returned from a hard day's work. We didn't make any physical effort, but mentally? defeated. Even I felt a little tense, I didn't know how much I was going to change the plot by saying something to someone or pissing someone off. But everything seems to have gone well.

So were the other days, the Academy passed like this. Naruto befriended Choji and Shikamaru and Kiba despite not being a very deep friendship, they still respected each other. I greeted them, but I didn't try to deepen our friendship, to be honest, I don't intend to remain anonymous in this world, but I won't force friendship if I don't feel like it.

After a month at the Academy I was already known as the best at throwing shuriken, even Sasuke missed once in a while, but I never missed. I think that hurt his pride a little, I heard him muttering that he was going to ask for special training with his brother when he got back from a mission. I was fed up with throwing shurikens at targets twenty meters away, I knew this was useless, in the ninja world any idiot who stopped to pick up shurikens with the enemy twenty meters away would be dead before they knew it, twenty meters was nothing .

After a month I felt more confident and went towards the more distant targets, the ones that were difficult for others to see. But for me the target was clear, its red dot in the center was visible, I took my shuriken and with the force I thought was adequate, I threw it. I saw that I got it right and launched the other four. It wasn't exactly easy, shurikens were the lightest ninja tool in the Academy, and it still had the characteristic of turning and being flat, so it broke the air and slid through it, it didn't take much force to throw a shuriken 100 meters.


Kurenai POV

I wasn't exactly off duty today, but the mission I was going to was canceled by the client, so what can I do? Let's go for a walk!

Or that's what I thought until I received a scroll of a request from the Hokage for me to watch over the Academy's children in the afternoon.

Aff, they're just kids, what can happen? Alright, let's go.

I sat on a tree in the shadows, not bothering too much about camouflage, the orders didn't specifically ask for camouflage, just stealth, but I could see a lot of AMBU ninja chakras nearby, I mean, it's just a school, so all this ?

But as soon as I saw it I realized, the chubby one is probably an Akimichi, the one sitting against a tree was a Nara, there was a Hyuuga, an Uchiha, it seems to me that they gathered the cream of Konoha and hope to protect them properly, so I got better my posture and took the task more seriously.

A red-haired kid was particularly better at throwing shuriken, but he didn't brag like the rest, I thought it was cool. Soon he walked away and went towards the 100 meters targets, my grade of the boy dropped right away, you had to know your limits to be a good ninja. The boy straightened his posture and threw the first shuriken.


The shuriken hit the target.

-... - Kurenai was silent.

Soon the boy threw four more shurikens, one after the other, without stopping.


Gosh! Gosh! damn!!

-... - Kurenai stared at the target with a stoic look.

100 meters. It's not a particularly difficult target, in fact, as a newly formed Jounin, it was a mandatory target. But at 5 years old? Was she able to do that when she was 5? Probably not.

That night Kurenai drank a little and went to bed early without saying anything.

End of POV.


The days passed, and then the weeks, and then the months. Six months later and I made my decision to walk towards one of Konoha's training camps. I took money from my share of the allowance and gave it to Naruto.

- Naruto, I'm going out, take this, eat some ramen and then come home. - Said to Naruto.

- Wow!! LAMEN! shouted Naruto, taking the money, as if afraid I might change my mind.

He didn't even bother to know where I was going, but for me, all the better.

>Alert! A very high energy life source was detected in the seal within the host during analysis. Would you like to neutralize the target?<

>Yes< >No<

"No," he said to the Great Sage.

>Put the source of life analysis on the queue for after the seal analysis?<

>Yes< >No<

- Yes - I thought.

>Analysis scheduled<

I headed towards one of the training camps. I had already identified which one a certain browed man used to train in, and that was where I was going. It was late afternoon, around 4 pm, classes ended at 2:30 pm. There was still plenty of sun to enjoy. As soon as I arrived I started to hear a voice.

- 175! 176! - Young Rock Lee's voice resounded.

As I got closer I could see a young man doing push-ups. He didn't seem to have noticed me, I watched for a few more minutes and then I made up my mind. I had come to train. You see, throwing shurikens is useful, but it was about time I started training my body, I knew that body was made for taijutsu, it was inevitable.

I took off my outer clothes and was left with just a shirt and shorts. I squatted down and started doing push-ups. Soon Rock Lee noticed me, stopped for a second and saw that I also started doing push-ups so he started doing it faster, he was competitive. I decided to do it on my time, did 50 push-ups and then got up. Rock Lee saw it and stood up too.

- I'm Rock Lee, may I know who you are? asked Lee curiously.

- I'm Tsurui Uzumaki, I came to train. - told him.

Rock Lee was probably the most dedicated Ninja in Konoha, aside from Maito Guy. His willpower was his Kekkei Genkai, something that only he had, impossible to copy. I liked him and decided that he would be my friend.

- Can I train with you? - I asked.

- Clear! Let's start running around Konoha 5 times to warm up! said Lee with renewed vigor.

We run and exercise, but we don't practice kicks or punches, or any kind of punch, all in 4 hours. When I saw it, it was already 8 pm and I should go back.

- Lee, I need to go, I would like to ask, why don't we train punches or fight among ourselves? - I asked.

- Oh! Alright Tsurui, I'm just going to do a thousand more arrows here and I'm going too, as far as practical training is concerned, my sensei told me not to do them. Training the body was more important, trying to punch or kick without knowing the correct postures would only get in my way, same for sparring, having two strong kids fighting doesn't improve anyone. - Lee said with excessive respect when he mentioned his sensei.

- Oh, do you have a sensei? - I asked.

- Yea! The strongest in Konoha! He saw me training and decided to help me, I'll introduce you to him when I can, you come tomorrow right? - He asked, afraid of having been too heavy with a newbie on the first day.

- Of course, I'll come back every day. - I replied and left.


Behind a tree a few meters away was a man with a bowl head and exaggeratedly thick eyebrows, he was happy that his disciple had finally found a training partner. He couldn't claim Lee as his disciple before having him on his team, so he didn't participate much in Lee's training, just taught him here and there.

- I think it's time to teach Lee more seriously, and that boy is not so bad, his body moves the right way when running and exercising, without anyone teaching him, I'll observe a little more and then, A YOUTH WILL EXPLODE!! shouted Maito Guy in the useful phrase.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

LeonidasCSNetocreators' thoughts