
Reborn as Naruto birth of a shadow

Follow our mc as he is reborn in the world of Naruto. Read as he faces the worst of humanity and fights the darkness threatening to consume him. The mc will be a ruthless demon to his enemies but an angel to his allies. So read and follow as our mc faces tragedy after tragedy and climbs his way to power with no plot armor(I hate characters with to much plot armor that’s why I decided to have the mc reborn as Naruto a character who’s plot armor was as tho k as the Mariana Trench is deep) This is the same story as my first story I just accidentally posted in the novels category instead of the fan-fic category like I wanted it in so I’m re-posting it here. Any new chapters will be on this story not the old one. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Anthony_Chavez_5087 · Anime & Comics
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89 Chs

A chat with a cat

(AN: this will probably be a longer chapter so I shaved some of it off and addd it to the next chapter.)


Listening to the two women go on and on about trade agreements, policies, and politics I held in my yawn. 'God this is so boring I'm never taking that hat.' I thought while looking to my right and seeing a bored lion going over hand seals without chakra behind his back to practice his speed with them. Looking across the room I saw Ao standing next to mei not looking at all bored just standing there stoically. While ringo was at the mini bar downing some sake. Making my decision I put on a genjutsu while leaving a clone in my place. Suppressing my chakra and presence I walked over to the mini bar. Taking a bottle of sake I sat down and started taking sips. Letting the genjutsu fall I appeared next to the woman making her jump a little than glare at me.

"Don't do that." She stated with a growl

Looking up I asked "hmm you say something?" Making her grit her teeth and throw a punch at me. Dodging it easily I apoke "mah mah calm down you'll alert the others. Also this same is cheep shit."

"Oh than why shouldn't I tell your hokage you left a clone to guard her." She replied

"Because she's in hokage mode. She already knows I'm talking about your kage don't want to embarrass her again do you." I asked with a smirk underneath my mask.

"Do you get some kind of sick pleasure from bullying women?" She asked threw grit teeth

"Not just women I find entertainment from messing with everyone. Don't blame me my fiancé really rubbed off on me." I stated unashamedly.

"Really ain't you a little young to have a fiancé." She asked curiously

"Eh it just felt right with her. Plus aren't you a little old not to have one." I asked and motioned to her ringless ring finger.

Gaining an eye twitch she replied "I'm 23 kid people don't get married till like 27-28"

"23 seriously I thought you were 18 and I have to ask what happened to the kiba blades. In your bingo book it said you used them." I questioned curiously

"A mist shinobi named raiga kurosuki stole them before going rouge." She replied with venom

"Hmm I see well how about to strengthen our ties I have the spy network look out for this raiga while you send me free sushi as compensation." I replied

Blinking she asked "you'd have your entire spy network be on the look out for another villages sword just for free sushi." She stated slowly

"Yes." I said without any hesitation or shame.

"Deal. You konoha fuckers are off your rocks though." She replied as we went for a handshake

"Says someone from the bloody mist." I replied cheekily

"Shut you little shit." She replied with a smirk

"Find a fiancé old hag." I rebuked also smirking. Than bringing out a scroll i unsealed some wolf whiskey. "Now let's drink on it." I responded before taking a swig of it.

"Yes lets." She replied as she snatched the whiskey and also took a swig. "Hmm I haven't ate yet and I'm hungry know any good places out here?" She asked

"Yup there's a sushi bar down the street if your willin to start your payment now." I replied

"Depends you ganna ask your spy's to look for my babies." She asked back

Grinning i summoned a wolf and spoke "I need you to look for a raiga kurosuki and the kiba blades." Nodding the wolf gave a small woof before disappearing.

Getting up she went to hand the bottle of wolf whiskey back to me. Smirking I pulled out another and clinked em together. "Cheers for free sushi." I spoke as I walked towards the door with her.

"Mizukage-sama I'm going to get sushi want anything." Ringo asked as she headed for the door.

"Yes some rainbow rolls." Came her reply as she waved a hand in our direction. "How about you lady tsunade?"

"Hmm I'm fine I ate before coming here." She replied as she looked our way and dismissed us.

"Got it see you later mizukage-sama, hokage." Ringo replied as she left

Walking down the stairs we made small talk about how the civil war went. Till I asked "so what happened to yagura?"

"We don't exactly know some men with black cloaks and red clouds came and the next thing we know the three tails is dead and is reforming." Ringo replied.

"Hmm ao it was the akatsuki than." I spoke

"Akatsuki?" She questioned

"Ya we don't know much just that their a mercenary organization made out of S-ranked missing nin." I replied before adding "Hidan of yugakure and Kakuzu of takigakure were apart of it. We ran into them on our way here though."

"Oh what happened to them?" She asked

"Simple we killed them or at least we killed kakuzu. Hidan is basically immortal we cut off his head and sealed it along with the rest of his body in separate scrolls." I replied

"Hmm how is he immortal. Isn't that impossible?" She asked

"A demon by the name of jashin granted him immortality. Hidan is part of the cult of jashin we don't know much but the uzumaki supposedly destroyed the cult and sealed the demon like they did to many others. But jashin either got out of his seal or Hidan found his prison and was mind fucked till he became a dedicated member." I replied.

"Hmm I see we will be on the look out for these cultists. Any special abilities other than immortality?" She questioned

"Ya if they get your blood they can perform a blood curse to transfer any damage they take onto you." I replied while bringing a hand up to my sharingan eye.

"That how you lost it?" She questioned

"Yup I made a mistake and paid my price now I know better. Although I don't look forward to my fiancés reaction." I replied

"Haha you scared of her." She teased

"Yup terrified she makes me look like an ant compared to her strength." I replied

"Wait really shit scary woman." She replied as we got to the sushi bar.

"Yup also be on guard the two tails jinchuuriki is in here. Wanna mess with her." I spoke with a amused tone

"Pissing off a pussy cat lets do it sounds fun." She replied with a cackle

Opening the door we walked in a bit till i caught sight of a blond haired woman with three plates of sushi. Seeing us she froze before swollowing her food. "Oh so the cat likes fish huh." I spoke

"If I put a laser pointer on the wall think she'll chase it?" Ringo asked making yugito's cat like eyes narrow.

"Calm down pussy cat we're here to eat." I spoke innocently getting a growl from her.

Sharing a glance with ringo we took seats on either side of her. "So cat what kind of fish you like." Ringo asked

Before she could speak I answered for her "it's catfish obviously look at her." Getting yugito to crack the wooden bar table with her grip.

Than seeing the bar chef coming over me and ringo places our orders but she also asked for two spare rainbow rolls for the mizukage. After placing her order she couldn't help but add "I bet she hates dogfish though." And that was what broke the camels back as yugito slammed down her chop sticks and pounced at ringo. Dodging her with a yelp ringo ran up the wall and onto the roof while dodging yugito's attacks. Cackling like a mad woman she yelled out "I thought cats were suppost to be agile your like a bull in a China shop!"

Snorting I placed money on the counter than added a hood but more and spoke "for the damages and the food just place them in to go boxes." Than placing down some more cash I spoke "also to pay for the cats food box it up as well please." Getting a nod from the man I got up while leaving a clone to get the food. Seeing ringo dash out a window while yugito did the same only to get splashed by water. I watched as she screamed in rage. "Well she hates water too I guess she is a cat." After speaking yugito's head snapped to me. Her feline eyes showing unhinged rage. "Shit" I spoke before taking off after the cackling ringo.

"Did you have to splash her with water she's going to kill us now!" I yelled out while laughing.

"Yup get a spray bottle and maybe we can discipline her!" Ringo got out while dodging a kunai.

Seeing yugito speed up after ringo spoke I said "I think she heard you but let's test out your theory. Summon some water."

Doing so she made a hand sign as a ball of water shot out towards yugito. Seeing it was ganna miss she ignored it. Smirking I did a few hand signs before shooting a ball of wind at the water ball. Her eyes widened as she tried to get out of the way but it was to late at the wind and water balls hit causing an explosion of mist to drench her from head to toe.

Seeing her stop dead in her tracks me and ringo stoped our laughter as I asked "did we take it to far and break her?"

"I don't know we're shinobi little pranks shouldn't break us." She replied with a confused tone

Before I heard hushed whispers come from the cat. Not hearing her at first I spoke "shhh hold up I can't hear her." As I strained my ears. Finally hearing her

"Matatabi can I have some chakra." She spoke in a calm tone way to calm.

"Shit she's bringing out the real cat run." I yelled befire taking off.

"Shit she's gone crazy." Ringo yelled before bolting after me. "Your the seals fucker seal her." Ringo shouted as yugito's eyes glowed and her fingernails grew sharp and long.

"Not here to many people. Also think of this as a test. Yes as a test if you out run the cat I'll give you a reward." I replied

"What's the reward?" She asked as she dodged a kunai from the now speeding cat as she got closer.

"Fine bottles of wolf whiskey." I answered

"Deal where do we take her." She asked

"North there's an open training ground." I replied as I let a drop of kurami's chakra enter my system as I sped up to catch up with ringo.


"Miata nine and miss two are fighting?" Bee rapped out a in a questionable tone.

"Hmm seems like they're getting along than." Came his brothers flippant reply "the nine tails won't do anything. At most he'll try to put another shadow clone in her shadow ti mess wit her."


"The nine tails, a mist shinobi, and the two tails are chasing each-other through the village." Came the bee guys voice as he held a bee that just came into the room.

"Eh the nine tails is messing with the cat now how many bees have you wasted on messing with the kid." Came onoki's reply

"Like 60." Came the bee mans sheepish reply.

*mizukages hotel room*

"Hmm what is the original doing." Asked the hokage

"Annoying the two tails on the kyuubi's behalf." Came the clones reply.

"Originals? Your a clone." Came Ao's reply as he activated his byakugan.

"Yup got bored so the original went with ringo." The clone replied

"Be careful don't want your fiancé to get jealous." Came lions remark making the clone shiver

"Hey don't joke like that she's scary." Came the clones rebuttal making lion smirk

*on the roof of a tea house*

"Oh so at least I know you still know how to have fun." Came mufune's musings as he watched a laughing fox masked anbu fly by with a cackling woman and a raging two tails jinchuuriki. "Ahh to be young again." He added before taking a sip of his tea.

"Don't worry sensei I'll stop them before they cause any more damage. Dishonorable shinobi like them don't stand a chance against us samurai." Spoke the young man next to him. As he took off after them.

"Lord mifune should we give chase." Asked one of samurai's next to him.

"Nah it's about time the kid was humbled and got his ego put into check. The fox boy knows not to cause to much damage or kill anyone." Mifune replied. As the group of shinobi and young man disappeared over a roof top.