
Reborn as Mo Fan from Versatile Mage

Asce · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 11

The next day the sunshine crept through the holes in the building. It blared onto Mo Fans eyes forcing him to wake up. He then looks around before feeling something on his chest. He looks down and sees Ningxue.

Mo Fan: So it wasn't a dream

Mo Fan pov

As I woke up I see Ningxue on my chest lasts nights memories played in my head.

Mo Fan: So it wasn't a dream.

I then looked around to see most of the students still sleeping so let her sleep for a few minutes. I realise we are leaving today meaning that psycho will come to us to try and make me take the demon element. My plan to beat him however is simple really. I'll have Raven in my shadow once I catch glimpse of him I'll have her to go into the shadows of the trees. She will then go around to get behind them while I distract the psycho. I'll get the others to leave before I have Raven capture them using shadow possession. Once that's over I'll kill them.Simple plan however I get one shot. If I fail I'll just improvise to get the job done.

After a few minutes I woke up Ningxue. She felt groggy for a few minutes before she looks up to see my face. She stares for a couple of seconds before kissing me.

Ningxue: Good morning.

Mo Fan: Morning

After that she gets up and so do I.We then wake up the others. Ningxue then tells them to start packing as we will leave soon. Everyone starts packing as they become fresh since to them we're leaving hell. Anyway after packing we start walking back where we came from. After we are half way up the hill I send a signal to Raven to start the plan. She then discreetly moves from my shadow to the trees without anyone noticing. We at almost at the top time to start the plan hope it works.

No one's pov

Psycho starts off with his monologue about the demon elemen, how It keeps failing and finally how he needs to test it on Mo Fan since he has 3 elements.

Psycho: Now then little brother I believe it's best you step away from them if you want live.

The dudes little brother tries to go to his brother but Mo Fan grabs him.

Mo Fan: So you care for your brother huh. That's good. since we are in this position how about a trade.

Psycho: A trade? I'm listening

Mo Fan: It's simple you let them go and I want kill your brother and stay here.

Psycho: Hmm I see I except.' fool after I capture I'll kill everyone else '

The rest of the students leave after Mo Fan tells to go. As they are half down the hill Mo Fan signals Raven to start the plan.

Mo Fan: A deals a deal. But before we go can I ask you something what's the point in making the demon element.

Psycho: The point. The point of all of this is to...' I can't move '.

Mo Fan: So you noticed

Mo Fan then places the psychos brother on the ground after knocking him put with a quick zap. He then uses his spirit gun to kill the other magicians before walking up to psycho and says,

Mo Fan: After spending time here I learned that you should never let your guard down. That could be the fatal mistake that does you in.

Mo Fan then uses the demon element on the psycho before piercing his chest with a chidori ending him.

Mo Fan pov

I wanted to get rid of the demon element so decided that I use the psycho to drink it before killing him. This greats rid of 2 problems with one strike.I was about to go back to the group but before I could something hugged me from behind. I look behind to see Ningxue.

Mo Fan: Ningxue

Ningxue: I know your reckless but please don't die. I don't want to lose you again okay.

Mo Fan: Alright. Don't worry I won't die so easily.

I remove her arms around me then turn around and hugged her from the front. After the hug I let go as Zhangkong just came. He told me he cans to stop the psycho but I tell him he's dead. After that he takes us back to school.

After the incident our school decided to give us a break for month. During this time i was not idle. I focused on all my elements especially my lightning element. Fire, space and summoning are 3/4 The way there to get close to breaking through to advanced level but my lightning element was at this threshold so to break I went to the market and bought a galaxy vein. By using it I managed to break through to the advanced level. My lightning nebula then became a galaxy. I took most of my time to control the new stars while also practicing my control over my other events to not get rusty. My casting speed for each element spell till mid tier level 3 is instantaneous. This also applies to my variations such as godspeed and kamui.I also managed to recreate pains shinra tensei by using space element mid tier level 3 spell which creates a force field around the user. I just push the force outwards in all directions which replicates the effect of shinra tensei. However my biggest problem was when That old fart found out me and Ningxue are in a relationship. It started when Ningxue declined her marriage contract and the kid got envious so Ningxue made a bet. If that kid could beat me then she will marry him if not then the contract is broken. Her father tried to talk to her but before he could say anything the kid agreed. So I ended up going to meet him and well he wasn't happy but when he saw Ningxue being happy with me


No one's pov

Old Fart: Listen brat.Let me make this clear. I hate you bit since she is happy I will agree to this relationship however if you make her cry I will find and crush you so hard that they won't even find a body. Understand.

Mo Fan: That's something do didn't tell me. I already know.

This was said with a dark aura surrounding them.

Flashback end

Mo Fan pov

So that's what happened. As for the fight well he got the chinese syndrome to which I responded to by using shinra tensei to smash into wall. Then use dominators touch to pull him towards me then land a punch to his face. There were 2 sounds during that punch. It was my fist making contact to his face imprinting the outline of my fist into his cheek and him hitting the floor.

After the battle the battle the opposing family broke the contract then left. As for me I had to explain to Ningxue and the old fart that I actually have 4 elements. Well they were shocked but got over it pretty quickly. I spent the rest of day with Ningxue before heading back to the dorms.

As for my third awakening I'll ask the headmaster to make an appointment after I master the advanced tier level 1 spell.