
Reborn as Mira in Dragon Ball

Hiroto, the kid with perfect grades from his class, was surrounded with girls. His life was perfect, until graduation. Even with his grades and talent, he was shunned by all the rich kids of his University, who were jealous of him. He earned money for food and shelter through small works, until a street thug was hired by someone to kill him. He wasn't unlucky though, as after dying, he was reborn as Mira. I don't own the cover page or the images used. The owner can ask me to take it off. If someone doesn't know who the lady from the cover photo is, she is Towa, the woman who made Mira, who created Mira. (Before I get thrashed by readers as to why the story is different from the original, it is because I made changes to the plot a little and changed the nature of characters a little.) I might use some characters from other animes, that I know I won't watch, or don't remember anything from them. Also, I plan on having my MC travel to other worlds. This is more of a wish fulfilment, so there might be some BS.

komega · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Chapter 8

I liked the confidence of this alien named Klech. He had some Trump Card, which is getting me excited. I can't wait to see his look of despair and powerlessness after he sees his Trump Card useless against me.

I wasn't like this before, but I think the thought process of "I have suffered, let them suffer as well." was what made me a little sadistic.

The ugly alien flew towards me, confident that I wouldn't attack. Although humiliating, he also seem to have understood that I was playing with him. He intended to take advantage of this.

When he was close enough, he said "You have given me an advantage that will spell your doom. So, I will let you take the first shot."

I decided to humor him, to see what exactly he had in mind. I clenched my fist and completely concentrated on the punch, to limit my strength so that I don't break my toy immediately.

With my controlled strength, I threw a punch aimed at his chest. I felt my hand connect, but I didn't feel like the punch was delivered.

When I brought back my hand and looked at my fist, it all made sense. The confidence he had when it came to close combat.

"So, you have a slimy skin that lets you negate any physical hits you receive. My punch from earlier just slipped over the surface of your skin and the force was redirected." I deducted and the fish with antennas said "How smart. You managed to figure that out. So, do you regret getting into close combat. Too bad, I will end this battle before you try to escape." in an arrogant tone.

He then swung his arm at me, with his fin directed at my neck. It was a sharp fin, sharp as a sword. Before it got closer to me, I used a little more force and delivered a punch to his gut. This time, the force was enough to create an air pressure with my fists.

As the punch and the air force landed, I was waiting for the fish to slow down, but he didn't. The fin cut through my throat and it was painful, thought it immediately healed.

The reason I didn't die is because, I never needed air to breathe. So the damage to the windpipe wasn't useful.

His attack failed, but the fish was more happy that my attack failed. He said "Nice move, but unfortunately my scales have long fused and turned into a thick protective layer on my skin. I can block moves like those without any effort. Wasn't this the same move you used to send me flying?

You used enough strength to make the pressure of air around your fists, strong enough to send me flying. You holding back will only lead to your end." still arrogant.

I knew he had something in his head as, he can't win with just a good defense. To force him to implement the plan in his head, I decided to push him to a corner.

I moved to him with high speed and started attacking him endlessly. I constantly threw punches harder than the other. The compressed air around my fists started increasing and even the fish started to feel something.

The impact from it was felt through his hard skin and he was slowly starting to feel pain. He tried swinging his arms and legs to try and slow me down, but I could easily dodge them.

Just when I was starting to get bored of the punching bag, I felt an electric pulse travel through me and my whole body was paralysed.

The fish used this moment to spin in the air, with his fins even shredding my armour and my organs. With the final spin, he sent me flying and laughed out loud "Try healing from that mf."

All my organs were on full display and they were healing at an alarming rate. This time, it was really painful. I looked at the fish, who was overjoyed with the fact that he landed a critical hit on me.

"Ok, this time I really was a little too overconfident, but I am liking the excitement. It is boring to loose or win in seconds. How you win or loose is what matters. I wonder if he has any other tricks." I thought to myself when I heard someone say "Klech, you are taking a lot of time to deal with a lifeform that doesn't even have little energy."

This was because only someone who uses dark force can sense it. I looked at the figure above Klech and saw a man with blue hair only in the middle of his head, extending from front to back in a line. He had orange skin and it looked like his skin was his clothes, as they didn't feel like clothes.

The fish said to this alien "Don't underestimate him TH-00 he is not as weak as you think. He is strong enough to get me to feel pain. The last time I felt pain was in the battle against Lord Ahitel."

I was amazed to know that he thinks I am just strong, when I didn't even use 5% of my strength on him. More than the fish, I was interested in the new toy called TH-00, who had a weird disk hand, with circles around it. It looked similar to the end of a metal detector.

it was something that was attached to his body, more like his hands changed into those. He was interesting.

The new toy stopped beside Klech and said "You say that because you didn't fight anyone strong since you fight with Lord Ahitel. Go to the sidelines and see how to handle weaklings like him."

Klech was angry at the alien's statement, but he didn't attack for some reason. He just stood there with clenched fists, glaring at his companion.

Their conversation was long enough to let me heal completely. I said "Sorry to keep you waiting. Before we start, I have to tell you that it hurt a lot and you both will definitely be dying. So, if you manage to entertain me enough, I will listen to your last wishes."

TH-00 completely ignored my words and stretched out his hand, pointing his palm towards me. His left hand, which was normal a few seconds ago, turned into a huge blaster with around 8 outlets.

I could hear them charge as the outlets started glowing. This time, I had enough pain for today and wasn't going to take it head on.

I also stretched out my palm and started gathering energy at my palm. Klech, who hadn't seen me use any energy move, was also anticipating the outcome of the clash.

I waited till he finished and released it at the same time he did. My energy wave, which I tried to make smaller, was huge and TH-00's attack looked pathetic in front of mine.

My energy wave easily swallowed the other blast and was moving towards TH-00. He called out Klech and said "Don't just stand there. I can't dodge it in time. Help me block it."

Klech, who was nearby, actually helped, instead of leaving him to die. I was starting to slightly like this fish.

There was a huge explosion in contact and the smoke from it was covering both of them. I waited for the smoke to clear out and was also waiting for any sneak attack, but there were none.

When the smoke cleared out, I saw both the fish and the unknown alien breathing heavily, their body bruised and burnt almost everywhere.

They ended up weak and it killed my interest in the fight. Just when I was slowly loosing interest, I heard an explosion from behind.

I turned back and noticed the smoke coming out of a building I recognised. It looks like Maria needed help, so I had to wrap this up.

I was about to turn back, when I felt something pass through my body. I looked down as there was a sharp pain from my heart.

"*Huff*.... that's what you get for underestimating me." TH-00 said, with a hole in his finger pointed at me and this time I was way past playing. The pain from the heart is unbearable.

This time, I didn't waste any time in playing around and instantly moved to TH-00 and this time, I laced my palm with dark force and thrust my fingers into his heart.

"No....no.....it cannot end like this ....I am TH-00, the greatest mechanical lifeform created.....And the strongest general of Ahitel...I cannot die here....." he started screaming in fear.

When I felt his heart, I squeezed it inside, making him shout in pain. Klech was just standing there, waiting for his death. He had long given up when he felt the murderous intent I was releasing.

Without taking my hand out of TH-00, I caught Klech by his neck and gripped it tightly. He tried to say something, but I couldn't understand. So, I loosened the grip and he said "You promised to listen to our last wishes. I don't want anything. I just have a Saiyan wife, who will now be in danger after my death. I can tell by your strength that you are capable of protecting her. Do this and I will forever be grateful to you."

"Fine, I am a man of my words, although you didn't entertain me enough." I agreed and snapped his neck. While TH-00 was shouting in pain as he died, Klech had a look of salvation and relief as he died. I guess even the generals of a ruler is also going through a lot.

Before I left to save Maria, I saw the lifeless bodies of the weird looking aliens. I was tempted to use Buu's ability of absorption.

I looked at the artificial lifeform, which resembled a human more than the fish. I was confident that would be no drastic changes in me.

I then used Buu's absorption, which was just my hand melting like some slime till it covers the entire body. After that, the entire body is enclosed in that slimy substance and it enters my body through my chest.

All in all, a pretty weird and disgusting experience. As soon as I absorbed the body, I felt everything inside me change. It felt like my insides were crawling around.

It was a very disturbing experience. I felt everything in my body change. Upon this weird feeling, I suddenly had a lot of memories in my head that caused a severe headache.

The artificial lifeform's memories started flooding my head and I saw its entire life in an instant. After seeing all his memories and his abilities given to him by his creator, I was amazed.

His abilities were amazing. His dna was designed to fuse with any metal to fuse with any machine. His body radiates a special EM wave that helps him control the machines he fuses with.

This is one of the coolest thing to have. He was literally the Upgrade of Dragon Ball. Before I could enjoy the moment, I heard another explosion from Maria's side and decided I have to leave quickly. I immediately absorbed the fish, after I made sure that no changes were made to my looks.

I took the risk, as I can spit them out if I wanted to. I ignored his memories and flew to Maria's side, which was getting noisy.

When I got there, the whole room was filled with smoke. I swung my arm, creating a gust of wind. It cleared the smoke and I was able to see the state of the battle.

It obviously wasn't in Maria's favour and she was bruised at many places. Anna, who only had a few bruises here and there asked "What's the matter Maria? Run like you always do. Run away from all your problems. Is he really worth dying for?"

She didn't turn back and asked "Klech, did you finish him off?" but immediately turned back when she heard me say "Sorry to disappoint you, but your husband won't be joining you from now on."

She was shocked, but she immediately put on her poker face and said with a smile "Oh my....this is unexpected. Both Klech and TH-00 weren't able to take you down together.

And seeing as you are completely unharmed, with energy greater than both of them, I assume that you dealt with them easily. Maria, you really got yourself a strong backer.

Finally, let me correct you young man. I am not that disgusting Klech's wife. His wife is a Saiyan on another planet. I assume he mentioned her while dying."

Before everyone feels that this isn't like a dragon Ball ff, I have to tell you that he is in the future and all I can use are OC characters from my imagination or other animes.

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