
Reborn as Mira in Dragon Ball

Hiroto, the kid with perfect grades from his class, was surrounded with girls. His life was perfect, until graduation. Even with his grades and talent, he was shunned by all the rich kids of his University, who were jealous of him. He earned money for food and shelter through small works, until a street thug was hired by someone to kill him. He wasn't unlucky though, as after dying, he was reborn as Mira. I don't own the cover page or the images used. The owner can ask me to take it off. If someone doesn't know who the lady from the cover photo is, she is Towa, the woman who made Mira, who created Mira. (Before I get thrashed by readers as to why the story is different from the original, it is because I made changes to the plot a little and changed the nature of characters a little.) I might use some characters from other animes, that I know I won't watch, or don't remember anything from them. Also, I plan on having my MC travel to other worlds. This is more of a wish fulfilment, so there might be some BS.

komega · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Chapter 14

(There is a lot of information in this chapter. If you didn't understand everything, don't worry. I will explain them in detail when needed.)

While Anna and Brandish were preparing for the travel while I was face timing Towa and Konori. They spoke to me everyday and I didn't mention about Ahitel or anything. I told them that I was just travelling and exploring the world.

I didn't want to complicate things by saying that I went and fought the ruler of three galaxies and almost died a dozen times.

They would come running here and be all worried. I didn't want to deal with that mess. "Oh Mira...did you leave us after having sex all you wanted.....I feel betrayed...." Konori said in a playful tone and I replied "I already promised to meet you everyday. I will see you later."

Konori then turned the screen to Towa and she said in a low voice "Take care....Mira...I will be waiting.....for you..." and it was super cute. I wanted to jump through the screen and scream as I hug her.

"Take care Towa. If you want anything, just let me know." I said and she thought for a while and said "There is one thing though. I have been searching for the Dark Core. I heard that it can power up my activator to awaken your demon cells, but to create it with my magic materialisation, I don't know anything about it. See if you can get it."

I agreed and cut the call. I looked down at Filia and the bunny Saiyan Tina, sucking on my dragon as I was talking to Towa and Konori. Looks like the bunny Saiyan really got addicted to sex.

After a quick round, I left them in the castle and went to the spaceship. I obviously had my eye on everyone in the mansion. Even though I had sex with many Saiyans and let them stay in my mansion, they didn't have my trust. They could do anything when someone isn't there to keep them in check.

So, Chila decided to stay back in the mansion, with Brandish to help her while Anna would be my travel guide. I looked at them and asked "Are the preparations complete?" and Anna replied "Yes master. With the amount of fuel this ship can hold, we have enough for the whole trip to planet Bas."

I then turned to Chila, who smiled at me, but her eyes showed a little sadness. That's what is amazing about love. You don't need to spend years or months with a woman. Just a moment is enough and Chila looked like she really had feelings for me.

I hugged her and said "Don't worry. If you miss me, just call me and I will come back." and she hugged me too saying "Who knew I would feel something like this. Is this what humans call love?"

I then rubbed her crystal like organ, which apparently is her sensitive part and it sent shivers down her spine. "You are really making it difficult for me to stay back." Chila said.

I kissed her goodbye and we left the planet and started our journey to this planet Bas, where the Heeters are present. This time however, I didn't spend the whole journey just mating with Anna. I constantly looked around at the marvellous sight of space and the different planets that floated around.

There were planets of various sizes, colors and orbits. Even the stars were of different sizes and colors. Some were white, some were blue, some were orange, etc.,

I also saw a black hole and it was cool and scary at the same time. I saw a huge planet get pulled into it and before long, it was vapourised.

The trip to the Heeters was supposed to take 10 days and my schedule for these 10 days were, I would wake up in Anna's arms, going for a quick one. Then I leave the spaceship and explore outside while making sure I don't get lost, after which I would take Anna back to my mansion and have a huge orgy, except that I was the only male. It lasts till night, where I teleport to Towa, Konori and Maria, spending time with them, before returning to the ship and getting a good sleep with Anna.

As we were travelling in the spaceship, Anna told me many things about this universe. There were 10 main superpowers in the past, which was around 100 years ago. As usual, with great power comes arrogance. They started waging war amongst themselves and before long, five superpowers completely wiped out themselves while the rest retreated before it was too long.

And surprisingly, humans are also among them. They managed to develop technology and learn genetic engineering to a degree where they modified their body to keep up with the power level of the aliens in the universe.

Among the five destroyed superpowers, there was a group of Androids that were completely made in laboratories, who ruled 10 galaxies and commanded over 100,000,000 Androids.

They were the strongest and the most arrogant ones. That's why, when everyone noticed their military becoming weak, everyone ganged up on them and wiped them out.

As for the other alien races that survived, humans, Heeters, Chila's army, the Galactic patrol and a race of parasites, that can control any lifeform they attach to, they all established themselves in all four corners and the centre of the universe.

The centre of the universe was inhabited by those parasites, surrounded by the rest.

I was tempted to visit all these places, but I didn't know the way and the ship didn't have fuel. So, I decided to first rob the Heeters and then freely explore the universe.

Another interesting thing I learnt about the Heeters is that, the name 'Heeters' is just the name of a group of merchants and Intel group that was famous long ago and these people are just the descendants of those Heeters. Everyone calls their race 'Thermls'.

The 10 days passed by without even me realising and I stood in the spaceship, looking at the planet from the window. The whole planet was brightly lit with three suns around it and it is a planet that doesn't have a night cycle.

It was a brown planet with green mist, which covered the planet like the clouds of Earth, except that now the clouds of earth are completely black and filled with pollutants.

As we got closer, there was a radio signal sent to our ship, which was a holographic video of a weird alien with pink skin and blue hair wearing some weird glasses.

He said "You have already invaded the territory of the Heeters and are about to enter the planet Bas. State your purpose and co-operate for the search."

Anna walked to the holographic screen and announced "This is the new Ruler of Coolers and we are here to meet your leader, Ficion." the holographic screen disappeared immediately after.

I couldn't even believe my ears and wanted to confirm what they just heard. I asked Anna "Anna, are you telling me that Chila's army calls itself 'Coolers'?"

She sighed and nodded. She said "I know it is a horrible name and even the younger generation of the army don't like it, but it is a name passed down through generations and many still feel that they shouldn't change it."

"That's the first thing we are doing when we return. I don't care if someone doesn't like it. I am changing that name." I declared and the holographic screen appeared again.

There was a new face in the screen and this time, it was an alien with light blue skin and brown hair. He had pointy ears and weird dark circles below his eyes.

He looked at me and said "So, the rumours really were true that Ahitel died. Well, it is great to meet the man who single-handedly defeated the mighty Ahitel. Let them in."

Our spaceship landed on the planet, which had the look of medivial times and there was a huge castle that sat in the centre of the huge city. Although the building looking like they were from the medivial times, there were still levitating vehicles and flying cars everywhere.

We landed on some platform near the palace and when we got down the ship, a woman, who was a human, was waiting outside the ship and as we got down the ship, she said "Welcome to planet Bas. Lord Ficion awaits you. I am Presa and will escort you to him."

She had a stunning face with brown eyes, pink short hair till her shoulders and a perfect hourglass figure.

She had a professional smile on her face and her way of talking was something I remember hearing from my previous world. As I was being escorted to this Ficion, I asked "Aren't you a human?" and Presa replied "Yes" and didn't say anything else.

Anna noticed me narrow my eyebrows and whispered "Master, is something wrong?" and I shook my head to indicate that everything was fine, but it wasn't what I was thinking.

I silently followed her to a huge throne hall, which was also decorated with the medivial theme. There was a red carpet in the middle, which connected the entrance of the throne hall and the throne.

Sitting on the throne was the same mannwho spoke to me on the holographic screen, beside whom stood a woman with pink skin and pink hair holding a spear like weapon and a brown cloak covering her body.

The man sitting on the throne got up and said "Welcome great warrior, to the planet of Bas. I am honoured to meet the man who managed to defeat Ahitel alone. I believe your name is Mira."

"Nice to meet you too. The great mastermind Ficion, who managed to build a whole empire entirely on his wits and intelligence." I said and I wasn't completely lying though. I was genuinely amazed as to how he maintained an empire for so long with just money and his great way of controlling people through various schemes.

In this way, he managed to get himself a few of the most powerful warriors of the universe to be his lackeys and is now strong enough to fend off an attack from any other superpower.

We walked closer and Ficion sat back on his throne and asked in a friendly way "So, what brings this strong warrior to my planet?" but his facial expressions clearly showed that he was amused and was enjoying this situation.

I replied "We are here for business. I need money and we will provide you with all the raw materials you need."

Ficion smiled at this and slowly started laughing. "Hahahaha....Mira...Mira.... let's drop the act now. Although I am good at acting, I can't wait any longer." Ficion said and signalled someone near the entrance of the throne hall.

In a few moments, the man walked back with three men. They were captured, with their hands locked with some form of handcuffs that were glowing in blue light in some places. They wore the armour that represented the army of Chila, or my army.

I understood what was happening. I turned to him and he had a wide smile as he said "Well you see warrior Mira, we had a few visitors yesterday and they were trying to steal my merchandise, but failed to do so. After interrogating them, we found out about how you announced a reward for every Saiyan.

Now, I have been doing business with Ahitel and know his financial capability more than anyone. If you had to reward soldiers for every Saiyan in the universe, you would need a lot of money. I deducted that you were coming here to steal money from me, as even I wouldn't be able to take out that much money for some stranger.

What I find even more surprising is that, even though you knew that I figured out your plan, you still decided to walk into the trap. You really are a warrior, and a crazy one at that. But, when did you realise that I found out about you?" he asked in the end.

I smiled and said "Immediately when we entered your territory. There was no one stopping us or tracking us. At first I thought that you recognised the ship, but then later I remembered that you Heeters are a famous intel gathering gang and you would be the first person to know about Ahitel's death.

So, with no one stopping us, I understood that you knew that I was the one visiting you. You were curious about me and wanted to meet me at first, but before I arrived, you found my men and learnt about my purpose. As to why walked into the trap, I really have to become strong and the only way to do that is to find strong people."