
Reborn as Kazuichi Soda

Being reincarnated was... well, unexpected, given how novel the idea in itself was, but what this young man didn't realize, was that he would not only live a second time, but be forced on a killing game right after!

The_Jumper · Video Games
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Life, Death, welcome to Despair

"What in the actual fuck?" A man asked as he looked everywhere, there was nothing but this strange door in the middle of nowhere.

The last thing he remembered was being ushered to the hospital due to his medical conditions, or lack thereof.

Opening the door and oh, for the love of God.

'Who dresses like that?' He thought to himself as he raised an eyebrow at the strange scenery, everyone looked to be either a teenager, or in their twenties at maximum, and the place was shaped like a classroom.

'This can't be... this reflection... is not mine!' The man thought as he saw the window, and as such, the image that was supposed to be him.

Black hair, sharp teeth, and pink eyes under a pair of glasses.

"What the fuck?" He whispered to himself in confusion as he gripped his chest in surprise and pain.

He remembered to take deep breaths, and he had hoped that no one would have noticed his little heart attack.

'Okay, so, something obviously happened, and these people certainly look like something of my past.' He thought as he began to be aware of his surroundings, with the others around apparently arguing between themselves.

"Shut the fuck up you dumbfuck!" He heard the short one that looked like a boy shout as he tried to look threatening, instantly reminded who the short person was.

This man, no, kid, was an Ultimate! Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu was a massive shithead, but still the Ultimate Yakuza, no, wait, now that he thought about it, if the kid was supposed to be an Ultimate, then everyone else would have to be, which means this person he took the body was also an Ultimate.

'Pink eyes, shark teeth... oh.' It was pretty easy to summarize who he may be, the Ultimate Mechanic, whose name is Kazuichi Souda, although he was a bit confused by the change.

Kazuichi was supposed to ditch the glasses and the hairdo for something more punk in the hopes to look more intimidating at some time after being betrayed by his only friend.

It was hard to understand the teeth, but then again, he was in the world where teenagers were somehow capable of bringing the biggest fucking catastrophe in the world.

'Wait, door in the nowhere, a classroom full of Ultimates... oh God, I'm stuck in the plot of Super Danganronpa 2? Now that's fucked.' Kazuichi thought to himself as he grimaced, well, at least there was the part where everyone would live in the end besides Chiaki... which was a shame, because she was a cute chick with some huge...

"Hello?" Kazuichi heard come from his side, a girl with red hair, he would take a wild guess and call her Mahiru.

"Yes? I believe you are... Mahiru, right? Photographer?" Kazuichi asked as he tried to smile, although hiding his teeth, nothing related to his new shark teeth, it's just something he picked from his previous life ever since he was young.

"Ah, yes, and you are?" She looked flustered at being recognized just like that, Kazuichi wasn't sure if that was the right move, photographers would be recognized after all, no?

"Souda Kazuichi, a pleasure to meet you." Kazuichi put his hand out to shake hers and she did look at it curiously as he raised an eyebrow, was his hand weird? Did he have some kind of weird nail that was this interesting to look at? A further inspection determined that it wasn't the occasion, maybe it was the act itself.

"Sorry, maybe I just wasn't expecting it from a boy." What? He knew that Mahiru was a bit of a sexist, the 'Men should be better' kind with high expectations, but was he really the first to introduce himself like that?

'Actually, it's not that unbelievable now that I think about it, Nidai always goes overboard, Komaeda is weird, same for Gundham, Hajime is not here, Teruteru is Teruteru, Togami is a bit dickish because of the person he's impersonating, Fuyuhiko is still an asshole because of the amnesia and Ryota is not here.' Kazuichi shrugged and removed his hand when Mahiru didn't shake his hand.

"By the way, what's your ta-" She was interrupted by the last person to enter the class, the main character, Hajime Hinata.

"What?" He asked surprised, Kazuichi decided that it was time to use it as an advantage.

"Hey, did you also come from the dark? As if the door was the only thing that wasn't the void?" Kazuichi quickly changed the question as he pointed to Hajime, who nodded.

"So it seems that the void had consumed all of us, bringing us to this isolated place, nice thinking, I was afraid that I was the only one who remembered the ordeal." Gundham said as he nodded at Kazuichi's direction, who shrugged.

"You're welcome." He said, not really expecting to have a normal conversation with the Ultimate Breeder...

Granted, he didn't expect to have normal conversations with any of them due to them being, as far as he knew, characters in a videogame.

Wait, wasn't Monomi or Usami supposed to appear right now?

"Why we don't try and just open the door?" Akane, with her big gazongas, said right after Kazuichi shrugged.

"Worst case scenario is locked." And then Usami would appear, right?

Well, at least that was the plan until Akane actually opened the door and with it, came more voices from the other side of the door.

"Hey, what the hell is going on?!" Fuyuhiko was the next to shout as he went to the door and Kazuichi followed as the others did as well.

'What? What's Naegi and the rest of class 78 doing here?' Kazuichi thought in confusion, trying to understand what was going on right now.

As the others were discussing with each other, Kazuichi decided to go through the door on the other side of the room he just entered, the layout of this new classroom was just the same as the previous one, but with two doors instead of just one, weird.

"Oh no, there's more." Kazuichi said to no one in particular as he opened the door, now seeing the teens from 'V3' which makes even less sense.

"What the fuck?" Kazuichi asked as he walked through the room in confusion as he ignored the questions aimed at him, he had to open the door.

He had to check, was this really going to be the case?

Opening the fourth door, he saw a bunch of people he almost didn't recognize but quickly realized that they were well... the fodder kids from the anime.

*Ahem* The student council... that was totally fodder and were totally manipulated by Junko, not that the 77th was that different now that he thought about it.



He just realized that if this was going to follow the plot of Super Danganronpa, then that meant they all helped destroy the world, or this was a completely different timeline and this was the real game.

'How in the actual fuck this game will work with so many people at once?'