
Reborn as Hades In PJO

An OC-insert into the Greek God of the Underworld in the Percy Jackson universe.

TheGreekMythosGuru · Book&Literature
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33 Chs

Justice Is Served?

Hades POV

As the day drew to a close, I felt utterly exhausted. What had initially seemed like a straightforward mission to defeat my father and uncles and banish them to Tartarus for eternity had turned into a far more complex and emotionally challenging experience than I had ever anticipated. The necklace I wore, containing the essence of Iapetus, seemed to weigh heavily on my neck, and the jug that held my father's scattered conscience felt like a burden in my hands. I was overwhelmed by conflicting emotions and uncertain about the right action.

Despite all the remorseful words and apologies that Kronos could have offered, it would never have absolved him of the heinous acts he committed. After all, he had devoured his children, including me, from the moment of our birth. And yet, even though he was one of the most terrifying beings in all of mythology, seeing him so wholly defeated just felt wrong.

Despite the potential for remorse, we had already taken action. Our focus now was on the monumental task of reconstructing the world, which had been ravaged by the Titanomachy. But before moving forward, we must ensure that our Titan adversaries face the total weight of justice for their role in the conflict.

It had already been decided that the male Elder Titans would be punished by being imprisoned in Tartarus. The Hekatonkheires, whom the Titans once overpowered, would now be their jailors. This was an ironic turn of events. Meanwhile, Zeus, still resentful about being wounded by Atlas, decided that Atlas, the Titan of Endurance, would bear the weight of Ouranos for eternity.

There were still many Titans left. As a result, most male Titans were also sent there, but the female Titans were allowed to remain free under strict restrictions. However, Calypso, the daughter of Atlas, was an exception to this rule. While the Hesperides were protected by their connection to their mother, the sea goddess Pleione, who remained neutral, Calypso worked as a healer for the Titans and was thus subjected to cruel imprisonment on the island of Ogygia.

After the final verdict was delivered, the air was filled with heavy silence as everyone awaited the commencement of the punishments. It was a moment of reckoning, and the weight of the task ahead fell squarely on my shoulders. As the sole deity with the ability to navigate Tartarus expeditiously, the responsibility of scattering my father's remains across the vast Abyss and securely restraining the newly incarcerated Titans in Tartarus rested solely with me.

Without delay, I embarked on my journey to Tartarus, determined to reach my destination as soon as possible. I was eager to cover the distance swiftly and smoothly and, therefore, wasted no time setting off.

After utilizing the power of shadow travel, I stood at the gateway to Tartarus in the depths of the Underworld. With the weight of the Titans' essences on my shoulders, I embarked on the daunting descent down the treacherous path toward the heart of the Abyss. The journey ahead of me was fraught with danger, but I was determined to press on and complete the task at hand.

As I descended into the depths of Tartarus, a pungent and unsettling odor assaulted my senses, leaving me uneasy. I could feel a thousand eyes upon me, reminding me that I had entered the realm of one of the most formidable and influential Protogenoi. The darkness was unyielding, and the stillness was deafening, causing me to wonder what horrors awaited me in this abyssal realm.

As I ventured deeper into Tartarus' realm, it seemed that luck was on my side as I encountered no obstacles. It was a relief to feel that the Abyss's embodiment was merciful towards me, allowing me to proceed unimpeded.

The Titans lay still, their once mighty bodies reduced to near-comatose. The task of forging the metaphysical chain that bound them to their infernal prison was not difficult. However, scattering each part of my father's being so thinly that not even I could reassemble him to his entire state was a daunting challenge. It required venturing deeper into Tartarus than most would dare to, grappling with the toxic fumes and acrid stench of brimstone that clung to my skin. 

Throughout my journey, I encountered very few obstacles except for the occasional appearance of a fierce and formidable monster that attempted to block my path towards my destination. Nonetheless, I persisted and remained focused on my goal, undaunted by any challenges that came my way.

As my father's final shred of conscience was dragged down to the depths of Tartarus, I felt a wave of indescribable relief wash over me. The journey back to the doors of death was swift, but every moment of it was filled with a sense of joy that far surpassed what I thought possible.

As I made my way towards the doors, my heart pounding with anticipation, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. The darkness around me seemed to be closing in, suffocating me in its ominous embrace. And just as I was about to step through the threshold, a wave of relief washed over me. But it was short-lived, for I soon realized that the Night had swallowed everything in its path, leaving me stranded in an abyss of shadows and uncertainty.

The surroundings felt eerily similar to the empty void, and I found solace in the familiar sensation of divine power coursing through my veins. It was the only thing that kept me from doubting whether my time as Hades had been a mere figment of my imagination.

As I gazed into the darkness, feeling lost and alone, a sudden rift appeared, illuminating the Night with a comforting view of Tartarus. And from within the rift emerged a woman of unparalleled beauty and terror. She stood before me with a soft and delicate figure, her skin as pale as the moonlight. Her garb, adorned with crystals that glittered like the stars in the cosmos, was a majestic blend of purple and black, revealing her regal nature. Her facial features were perfect, eyes mirroring the vast expanse of the night sky and hair flowing in the darkness like an otherworldly stream of pitch blackness with an almost ethereal purple glow.

Standing there facing her, I couldn't help but feel amazed by her sheer power. It felt as if her strength surpassed not only mine but also that of my siblings combined. In all my years since reincarnation, I had never felt so powerless. Even when I had faced Kronos alone, I had never felt so out of my depth as I did in that moment.

As I stood there, I felt a surge of power that seemed to envelop me entirely while the darkness of the Night closed in around me. It was then that I realized who had me in their grip - it was none other than Nyx, the embodiment of Night and the very firstborn from Khaos.

As I opened my mouth to speak, Nyx vanished into the darkness, leaving me alone in the eerie silence. Suddenly, she appeared out of nowhere, her icy touch sending chills down my spine as she gently caressed my face. Her voice was an otherworldly blend of soft whispers and booming echoes reverberating through the depths of my mind. "Hades, the firstborn son of Rhea, and Kronos, the future lord of the Underworld - at last, we meet face-to-face..."

It wasn't shocking that she was aware that I would become the ruler of the Underworld even before my brothers and I drew lots, given that she was the oldest deity in existence and likely possessed some degree of clairvoyance. 

Before I could respond, though what I would have said, I do not know, once more voices filled my mind. "It is my wish that the House of Night and the House of Hades have a flourishing relationship; our darker natures do not fare well in the overworld; however, we can grow only stronger together."

After being repeatedly interrupted and frustrated by the sudden abduction, I couldn't help but respond with a touch of irritation, "I hope this alliance is equitable and not heavily tilted in one direction." Despite my biting words, Nyx's expression remained neutral, displaying no signs of being hurt or offended.

I decided to step back from my ego as I realized I was conversing with none other than the Night itself. With this realization, I became more polite and asked Nyx, "May I know your thoughts? A strong alliance benefits both parties, so we must consider the terms carefully." As soon as the words left my mouth, I noticed a subtle change in Nyx's expression. Although the indifference still lingered on her face, for the first time, it was accompanied by a hint of a smile.

"In exchange for agreeing to accept my children in the Underworld sworn under your banner, of course, I Nyx will swear not ever to raise a hand against the Underworld as long as it is ruled by yourself." The words uttered by her seemed to be inclined towards one side, as all she had promised was to refrain from attacking me. However, I had already decided to welcome her children into the Underworld. The mere fact that they were the only Gods other than me who had a connection to the Underworld was reason enough to embrace them. Moreover, having a few Gods by my side during a war would be advantageous.

"Then, in return, I, Hades, swear that as long as I hold dominion over the Underworld, the children of Nyx will always have a place in my hearth as long as their service remains true." upon speaking the words, the smile on Nyx's face became far more real as the shadows that had surrounded me faded into nothing.

Nyx and the walls surrounding me retreated back into Tartarus as her voice rang through my mind once more. "I hold you to your oath, Hospitable One..."

As I made my way back through the Underworld, it suddenly hit me that I had made a pact with Nyx long before I ascended to the throne. The realization sent a chill down my spine. But there was no time to dwell on it. I had to reach Gaea, for I was already running late. We had a momentous task ahead of us - dividing the world.