
Reborn as Hades In PJO

An OC-insert into the Greek God of the Underworld in the Percy Jackson universe.

TheGreekMythosGuru · Book&Literature
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33 Chs

I accidently spent Eternity In the Void...

Unknown POV:

With a start, I awoke within the inky black void where I had spent what felt like an eternity meandering. To a sound that I could only describe to someone who had not heard it as the sound of a thousand dying stars exploding as one like one grand celebration for the end of the universe. Startled, I began to quickly analyze my surroundings in search of the noise that indeed would have ruptured my eardrums if I was still amongst the living, only to see no change in the void devoid of no light; there was no great light or fire only the same view that had been plaguing me since my soul found itself lost in this damn place. Colorless walls seemed to drain the light out of the room, combined with an inky grey smog that made viewing anything beyond a few feet impossible.

It was just my luck getting trapped in an empty void all of the time, perfectly fitting when you consider the bad luck that followed me through life, to begin with, so why not top it all off by ensuring my afterlife is spent doing the cosmic equivalent of watching paint dry I could think of nothing more suitable Afterall why throw me in hell when one can become desensitized to pain instead why not just through me into a bottomless hole of nothingness, yes that sounds far more bleak and painful then torture, having to withstand the gaping hole of loneliness for an eternity, whatever cosmic entity came up with that idea indeed must be praising their brilliance if they can even be bothered coming up with such an idea themself, especially for such an insignificant mortal such as I.

Although I must admit, I wonder if this is just how it is for everyone. If there truly is no great beyond, no golden city in the sky or fiery pit of death beneath the Earth, it would be quite the thing if no religion was correct, no reincarnation or afterlife, no gods or demons, just lost souls passing through the empty black voids of creation destined for nothingness for all time.

It was being lost in these dreary thoughts (which happened quite often when one has nothing to do but get lost in one bitterness) that I failed to notice a crack like shattered glass forming in the void behind me, at least until a cough for attention was heard, I mean I say cough because that is all that my mortal mind can comprehend it as because it sounded far more like a whisper spoken in an ancient tongue long forgotten by time, in decipherable and unrepeatable and could only be understood due to the weight and intent behind it.

As I spun around remarkably quickly for a being with no actual physical form, my eyes fell upon what must have been the most average-looking person I have ever seen; no galaxies were spinning in his eyes, clouds didn't hang from his beard, and he certainly didn't have shiny silver hair. No, instead, he had short brown hair, which I would describe as getting the best value for your money at the barber's, dull blue eyes that held no visible twinkle or ancient wisdom, a nose that was slightly upturned but not enough to be unique, ears that were neither too big nor too short as well as a light stubble to dust of his remarkably plain face. He looked unremarkable; if you asked someone to draw a human, you would get your basic John Doe, one of the many organic robots that populate Earth in the millions. 

Yet, when I gazed upon him, every instinct went off like a warning sign. Something deep within me understood that this was no ordinary John Doe, no common man, no, this was something far more something beyond mortal comprehension even now after spending what felt like forever inside the void, after spending so long removed from the mortal coil I still could not even begin to fathom the meaning of this...Being.

Shook from my thoughts, I forced my way through the paralyzing force fixed on my significant being, preventing me from making any moves, a primal reaction that has existed in mortals since their creation. I watch as the being quizzically gazed upon me for the first time since noticing the man. An emotion entered his eyes, an emotion that wasn't quite confusing but more along the line of bemusement, like coming home from work to find your pillows had been torn by your pet.

However quickly, the emotion entered his eyes; it left twice as fast, and what was left behind was apathy, like lifting your boot to realize you had crushed some ants. A whisper spoken by the entity that, while impossible to hear, shook my very existence as if it had been shouted from the top of its lungs passed through me before a false smile that neither revealed teeth nor created any dimples lit up the being face, a false smile that one would wear like a mask to hide more genuine emotions.

Suddenly, the cracks that the entity entry had created began to seal like skin knitting itself back together after being torn, the entity itself around to turn to smoke as its essence was absorbed back into the quickly closing wound on the wall before all that was left was pasty white vaper, which smelt like garlic this, of course, should have been impossible as I was a celestial being and thus had no nose or senses so for me to be able to smell anything spoke of the smells supernatural nature.

The vaper itself began to form into a worn scroll that opened itself just close enough to view but still protected from my touch by the black smog that plagued the void. As the scroll finally formed and unraveled, it began to draw the darkness on the walls, tuning into ink that danced upon the scroll, fitting through languages, none of which were recognizable before finally settling on English.






Recently got back into greek mythology with the new percy jackson TV show coming out so tried to create atleast an intriguing start to a God SI in the PJo universe.

Feel free to leave any suggestions for wishes.

TheGreekMythosGurucreators' thoughts